1 4 Ot THE DAILY NKW8. . pa? 2 " Tm- idi. m . . -... c-ji .- IB. ii i i t M The DailY' News. MADE IN MAIL SCHEDULE I I i M f M I , PRINCE RUPERT - TmfTISH COLUMBIA . CANADA For the Cast Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News, Mondays, Wednesdays, andVSat-trdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 0:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editok. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 5:45 p. m. City DeHvery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. For Vancouver: BF Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance per year $6.00. Sundays 10 p. m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 3 p.m. Thursdays 10 p. m. Telephone 98. Saturdays 7 a.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. . From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. P 1 Sundays 10 p.m. Wednesdays 10;30 a. m. 10:30 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Monday, October 21, 4918. Saturdays For Any ox: Helps Suudaya 10 p.m. teeth, Monday Sermon In Wednesdays 10 p. in, Place of Sunday's. Saturdays 10 p. m. breath, YesterJaV the churches were all closed and.the.clergy of the appetite, city lost their usual opportunity to exhort their congregations. From. Anyox: (tattoo, In, order that this might not be wholly lost some of the clergy . Tuesdays a.m have accepted an offer lo say a few words to the people of the Thursdays a.m. city through the columns of this paper. These will be found on TO SUBSCRIBERS undays p.m. Sealed tight-kept rlit another page. j. -' Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson and Naa Rlvot An article in the,American Magazine for .November on 'The are asked to pay the delivery points: . "Give it to me. Four.Sins the. Soldiers Say They Hate" is most suggestive and boys each month Sundays 10 p.m. possibly is one of the best sermons that have been published for when th'ey call, except Please. Grand-daddy of the American where payment has ben Fro.n Port Simpson and Naa many a day. At anyrate it gives the. viewpoint mado for the In advance. River Points: year soldiers which is probably the viewpoint of all soldiers, and as The boys when Tuesdays a.m. soidiers are,today such, a large part of the. community and will collecting carry official receipts "Why Bobby, if spon.be..much. larger, the article is most appropriate. which should always Qu$sn Charlotta Islands: wait bit you a Comes First be preserved. For Massett, Port Clements and Courage for it youMi Upper Island points: In .Soldier's, Religion. . iiimki , Vcdnesdaya 0. m. p. have It to Fred B. Smith, a businessman and Y. AI. (1 A. worker who enjoy has been doing Y. M. C. A. work at the front, was curious to find ATTENTION CITY VOTERS From Massct, Port Clements and loneerr out the viewpoint of the men in the trenches. IJe missed no Upper Island points: occasion of getting replies to questions, both oral, and written, VOTERS, cither male or female, rldays, p. m. "Pootooj; That's laiming to vole on road tax cer-iflcates and the result of his investigations is. that the great majority of or as licence holders must no argument with the soldiers.look upon courage,as the one essential to the making file declarations with me this For Skidegatc, Queen Charlollo WRIGLEVS of 'a man, the highest human,attribute. The next most important nonth. City and Lower Island points: 'cause the flavour quality, is unselllshness, then, comes generosity, and fourth, I will attend at the City Clerk's aturdays 8 p. m. modesty or.humility. The opposites of these are the things the office on Tuesday, Thursday and From Skldegate. Ouet-n Charlotte lasts, anywayr soldiers hate.. They are cowardice, selfishness, stinginess, and Friday of every week between 8 City and Lower Island points bpastfuiness. nd 10 p m. to facilitate the tak-ng Tuesdays. lo Canada J3f Down to Bedrock of such declarations. For Skagway and the Yukon. FREDERICK PETERS, After every meal Or.All Right; Living. " ' Every ten days. To quote Mr. Smith in his comment on this attitude of the City Clerk. From Skagway and Yukon. soldiers: "The more 1 "thought about it the more it seemed that these' soldiers had gone down to bedrock. They had passed, the Advertise jnihe.Dally News. Every ten days. superficial layer of what is merely legal or illegal and had reached MINERAL ACT the things which are fundamental. And these qualities, these traces,'which they Have made.the basis of their code, are fundamental, Certificate of Improvements. not merely in t'heTrlife as soldiers; they are just as truly the basis for all right living anywhere and everywhere. KOT1CK "For as I see if immorality, drunkenness and gambling cannot I'crro Friction Mineral Claim, sltuatt 10 Keep the live side by side with courage, unselfishness, generosity and Uie skrpna' iilnlnr Division or Caiilar up humility. The more you study (his set of standards your boys DlatrlcL'Where located: Nrar the hrad or Alltf I AM assured thai have placed before them, the more you will be amazed by the Aim. my people trill respond unerring way in which they have picked out the great essentials TAKE XOTICE that I, Lewis W. I'atmore, Food Supply to every call of "character. Fre Miner's Ortlllcate So. J0I07-C at irent Tor John WKord Stromlxrk, Irte to the success "War strips the veneer from life. Ancjust because they Mlner'f Certincate No. 14191-C. InUnJ, necessary are soldiers these young men ha-e.instinctively, let.the''surface ii ity rroni the date, hereor. lo apply of our cause- wilh to the Mlnlnr JitcorJer for a Certificate or ui)ug3 go anu Jiaye iouna me.inuuences unaerneam wnicn mom and Help the same indomitable, that surface' Improvements, ror the purpose of obtain Inf a Crown Grant of the a bo re claim. ardour and devotion And further lake nolle that action, un Sharing a Blanket der section ii mutt be commenced before that have filled me wiih Good Enough for Kim., the lss'oe. or tucb Certiorate or Impute Make Here, is an. example which,one of the soldiers gives of uih menu. Victory pride and gratitude selfishness: "When we were going in the other night on our way tots.DATED tbla Uih day or Autnrit. A.mt since the war began," 10 tne irepcnes i lorgoi my Dianjcet. n wa3 darned cold, too. You fellows know that. And it looked to me like I was coins: lo freeze LAND REGISTRY ACT. Sure llu MAjirrrKtuoOktioi out there. But when my pal found the fix I was In, instead of (Sections it and IX.) guying me for being such a fool as to forget my stuff he took out ne Application no. 976I-I & 977M. njs Knue anu cui jijs own manitei in two anu gave me half of it. TAKE NOTICE that application bat txta I'dpri't,knqw whether,ihat's'w'hat the preachers' would call being uade m rcr'icr .Nathan Loula La ado and good- but Us good enough for me." Dora Schclnman ai onor in tee under soldiers must be fed; the people at two Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector or Drunkenness and the City or Prince Rupert, txarlnr date OUR of Immorality.'" the J 4 lb day or Norember. 1817. or ALL must be fed. And in spite A.ND SINGULAR that certain parccl or Once more to quote Mr. Smith: "And now about the other tract or land and prrmlaea iltuate, tylnr Germany's murderous campaign to things, like drunkenness and immorality, Usually these were put and teinr in the UunicJpaiiir or the atjr fifth, sixth or seventh in the list.' And jt is a significant thing that and r Prince deacrlbed Rupert,a more Lot elercn particularly(It),known Block cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking arunKenness was piacea oeiore immorality in their condemna-tidn. twenty-nve OS), Section aeven (7), and I think this can be explained by the fact that they arc Lot thirteen (13) Block thJriy-nre (35) every ship on the High Seas an ample and soldiers arid that drunkenness Is an open menace to. the security Section elrhl (l, Map 9ii. You arc re. flow of and unfailing food of an "army. Quired to conteit the claim or the tu to England purchaser wlthfn 3S daya frotn the date "The splendid truth is that our army in France is a sober or the icrrlce or tbla notice (which toay France must be maintained. army, it is the only one in which, there is no such thing as a he efiected. by publication In the rally Kewi, and your attention la called to arc riiuuii ui aicouojia .we nave me healthiest nquor. cieanestN light tlon 58 or the "Land Dedatry Act" with ing force there is." ' amendmtnt'i, and to th follow luf ei tract This is National Service-Not Discussing the question of immorality Mr. Smith quotes one thererrom: of the officers who in talking to his men uses, these words: "Don't 'and In default or a rareat or certificate to the Farmer only or lis penatw wing mea wrore uio retu you know, you damned fool, that we can't truarantee you Im tratlon as owner or the person entitled un But YOU der audi tat alt to to sale, serred persons so everybody Don't that . the . risk of munity? you know you run being a wuii nonce, .... ana tnose ciaiminr diseased man the rest of your life? Cut it out. There's no iiiruujii or uimer mera, ana an persona This appeal is directed rlalmlna any Interest In the land br virtue sense ih.it. And there's ho "excuse for.JL" This, is the official ui Miij uiirpjmcrea iniimmcni, ana an attitude of the persons clalmlnr any Interest In the land ,army. by descent whose title la ii'l reristered under the provisions or this Act, shall be muit unite us a Nation to SERVE IM Fundamentally ror tier and WE PLANTagarden-mallorUrge. estoppea debarred from set. Ilnr UD any claim to or In runrrt i,r tha to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, yard. Cultivated A bound .Code. land so sold lor taxes, and the lierlstrar Continuing Mr. Smitb..says: "I have come lo, believe that jt shall rertsler the person rmllled under women and children; the young, the middle vacant lota. Make them all yield food is a fundamentally sound code. I for one am perfectly willing to oia urn tor in taies.aaie as owner or tne tana so aged and the .old all can help In the go out and preach it. And I believe that our churches will have AND WHEREAS application has been Nation' Airny of Production. to take it into consideration in the future. We have laid top made for a Certificate or Indereasible Title WOMEN of towns can find no better much stress on the old surface things, the old 'taboo acl,s' or lo the Ttatban above-mentioned Louis Lando lands,and Dora lo the Sclirln oaroe EVERY pound of FOOD ralaed, help, Important outlet for the dancing, card playing, swearing and so on. Wo have got to follow man. the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable those boys down to the deeper, fhings which are fundamental: AXD WHEREAS on Investlfailnr the title the.Food Supply for Overseas, garden. t that appears prior to tha If th day of Courage and selfishness and and generosity humility." jetoper, it (the date on which the said tends were, sold ror overdue.. lairs),. you Be in act as th. .,,.l.f,..J - 1 patriotic For information on any$ubjct rtlatlng Phone 37 P.O. Do 1704 same r LUTHtn time I TAKE shall effect NOTICE retistration thai It the In to th Farm and 0rd$n, write: well as in thought pursuance ot suen application and Issue INFORMATION BUMAU a certincate or indrrtailble Title to tha For said lands In tne names of Watlian Louis Department of Agriculture Comfort, Courtesy, antj Service,, Lando ind Dora Schtlnman unless you lake Use every means available" and prosecute the proper prqcfrdmtl to OTTAWA eilttlUh your claim, ir anv. m ih uM Overlook nothing. JEAVOYJHEL anq, or to prevent such proposed action va ray pari. DATED at the Land Rerlatr Orflce. V. T, BOWNESS, M..r Prlncfl nurieri, B. c this iinri i.v t,t Dominion Department of; Agriculture ' ??i.Cft.f?lFraser St., Prince Rupert, B,C. Aurust, II. y. MACLEOD, OTTAWA, CANADA. """ ocaiiiiar vi line.. Homo Cook In a; Running: Hot nd Cold Water To Robert lllldebrandt, I'rlnce...nuiierl, U, C MlnUter. UffliMAl ,-...... HfUM,H.iw. nuue,a...... Nonuni.. HON. MARTTM BURRBLL, rrandi dire, rrinc nupcrl D, C.