Oc lolMsr 21, 1013. THE DAILT NEWS. Page 3 dear one read John li and John UNPREACHED 11. The times nro out of Joint, but jyjusic Lovers Amazed by SERMONS BY peace, perfect peace, will be ours if we remember God's messages of love intended for Just such experiences Edison s Daring 1 est LOCALCLERGY as wo are oassinir Pain? Hirst's will stoo It! through. Used for AOy ears to relieve rheumatism,loabago,Dearslgia,sprains,brae All told, 2,000,000 music lovers in Canada and REV. W. 8. A. CRUX. back, tooUiache, earache, swollen joints, sors throat and other psla- I ioi nmpiswu.iia-ve DOtue in tne douso. All aesien OT VfTUC OS. States, on more than 1 500 different Brief In my college days I -was much United Messages to the People of lunar uumilut courANT, lUroilton.Canada Unions, have gone to one of their local theatres r-nnoe Hupert Suited to the impressed by an incident in our church history class lo the effect Sled with curiosity regarding a startling! novel Preeent Oooaslon. that religious faith and trast in musical rcwwi i" 1.... ...v.. In God was a great preventative in response lo an invitation In each case times of disease. A disease had they several ot the clergy of the city come to one of the towns in have come away, amazed have written NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! HIVOOIIQCO u Switzerland and as an aid the au the at almost unbelievable the people- They were unable lo demonstration deliver them yestetjlay because thorities printed Psalm 91 in Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present large bill size and had it Dosted which' had'taken place there wero no church advices in the publio squares. The record held, but they have condRimprf -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement before their very eyes, is that it was one of the (Treat and cars the most their messages, which are given preventatives of the spread of the of a new supply follows. daring test of a phonograph ;ai REV. FATHER McQRATH. plague. PACKERCnMITED Let any man or woman feel WESTERN or talking Itev. Father McGralh said ft conscious of the Divine machine ever made. pas not customary for Catholics presence BUTEDALE - - - B.C. ana men vet the means God has They saw a noted Edison 10 ubo me press for talking religion Dlaced al his disoosal and in manv artist stand beside but had he been addressing cases both physical and spiritual his congregation yesterday he health is the outcome. "I will ear fwould have appealed lo them lo of the Lord lie is my refuge, my NEW EDISON Kei out and help the many who God in Hlra will I trust" This e iwere in dire need Just now, He does not mean sitlinsr down anil "The Phonograph with a Soul" told of many cases where in.r. waiting for something lo happen, .help was badly required. Anyone but it means Intensely thai he TV kfird ike Inurnment in in the rtiit' r Act in other anxious U help could doubtless whose trust is in Ihe Eternal God vorfc, rrvttti her voice. Preaemly tit axdu hcmlf Ugo to be put In direct touch with those can so work in the assurance that REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF ill wt ht W lnronn?- MoiiciII trained em nceaing 11 uy applying lo Father thing's can be made to haonen hv .in t dku'nruUh the fiintet ihade cf diffcrruct between McOralh. 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' working together with God. Let x tne rev.rciuon. 1 nco, sad with-M REV. CANON fctKWl twee naatnij fk. A. RIX. us read the Psalm and helo each BUT HELP TO SAVE the anitf cewed singing Icaring tie itntrumcat aesisj, to ("I am among you as He that other. c&xt&t ir alone. Only by watching the an'ut's Bpa did the sen eth.' Luke 22:27.) WHEAT Jiact too lh Bld J PJ xl & tier heard the From the beginning of the human yrcsxW. aiooe, I an u tne laraous i-cikjg 1 ece 1 ert. race the basic principle upon Salvation Army. Today by using these dependable Cereal Substitutes: Oalr L3ion tniVti tblt tt. Only Editon rf male thii ten. (Which it was founded was and is Public meetings. Tuemlsr. CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR tttaate o!r the New Ediaon r!a!!r rttresift the humin oict ,servicc, one individual making Thursdays and Saturdays al 8 p. YELLOW CORNMEAL ud the muiicof human-pUj'tJ Jnitnuncmi Kih erery tone ju!Jtjr himself useful to another, one u. Sundays al 7.-30 p. m. ROLLED OATS oJ rrrry tkade of expreiiion. Ordinary phoooiphi, and tatting jcommunily being helpful to another, OATMEAL a THE 6UTREME COURT OT BRITISH sucfoet, merely rtfrtitn. one nation supplying some COLUMBIA. thing for another. IX Tim MATTER OF TAAAKA AOk'ICIIi Jf jti hrt ft iff frrtfslt rei, uitmi Edit DECEASED. and Vancouver Milling & Grain The greatest of all of examples VI THE MATTEIt OF THE ADYI.MS1 r.ATKWi fnl Tut,J' r'J " 'r LJUin $teiuJtrftl mrw f 8 ACT. service was the life and death of CO., LIMITED 41 ttr lift. M'f l timtli wt jr tnvtniftt, JJ ;" ;Chnit. Wo properly think of TAVE MOTJCE that In order or Ills Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" Honour F. McB. Youor. nutie the Slh dav Christ as the only begotten son of spttmtr, a. D. IBIS. J waa appoioil Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12.195 CWle Wetley Tcctiel, Prince Rupert, B.C jof God who came lo redeem mankind, aminiiiriKir 10 ine eiiaie or ine aaii jj Tanaka .aoklchl, deceiwd. and aU partiea Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 and we properly believe that haTlnr UaUoa aralnit the aald estate are bfrrby requtml to rnnilsh same, property ( through faith in him And we may veririetL to m (.n or before the lath dar salvation; but we must not forget or Tiorrmbfr, 19I8, and all partita lndebt-erf to the eaute ara required to par tlie thai next in importance to this is unouni oi ineir uoeoiemieaa to me roria-wlth. the fact thai He also came as our JOHX II. UeHVLUS. h dward Lipsett, 1'reiulenl Harry Lipsett, Manager example, and the chief characteristic orrtdat Admlnlitrator. Kdwsrd Cunningham, Ice-I'rcsldent of that example Is service, Dated Uila 10th day or October, 1tl.uct ts Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 j There always have been opportunities for service, but there l.t THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COl'RT OF BRITISH Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. .never was a time when those opportunities IJS THE DtCESED.MATT EQ OF and LUICI COVANDI.M. were so plainly and in Ut THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRATIOJC LIMITED " ' "ts big a way before us. Our Held ACT. Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors TAKE 50TICE that tn order ot Ilia today is certainly world wide, both llooour F. McB. Youor. mado the 10th day Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete ifllHINQ A CANNERY EQUIPM NTMARINE HARDWARE from the standpoint of getting the or October. A. D. ttlS. I raa appointed Administrator la the eaute or the said Plant Installations knowledge of the gospel of Christ LsUt CoauDdtul, deceased, and an partiea luimthlp Supplies, Gas Engine and.Accessories to the utmost parts, and by our bariar rlalsu apaioil the Mid eaute are Northern B.C. Representatives ffth hereby rrcuired to rurnisn same, propeny Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage conservation of food and clothing rertned, to toe cm or before toe tout day Canadian of November. A. D. ISIS, and aU parties Vestinghou3e S&ST&SS. those in diro need in PniNCE RUPERT, B. C. (enabling indebteJ to the eatate are required to pay Hamilton jdistant parts of the world to have the ainouat or tbelr Indebtedneas to me CO., Lamps, &c Rfiuttred Office: Prince Rupert Ofiice: their wants supplied. forutlh. joint n. MeMULtnr. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods. Hose (8 Wster Street, Telephone No. 95 I Our field is national, in which Dated thla tOth day of omctal October,Admtnlatrator.1818. CO., Toronto. "Extr ?wer" Belting. Tioewtr, H, C. P. O. Uox 1698 ;sphere of endeavor we should gel Oct H Canada Wire & Catle Bare and Insulated Copper. behind everything that will be or CO., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. service to out; nation's objectives doing all in our power to help DENTISTRY Domestic Engineering "Deico Light Products those efforts which help our fighting Co., Dayton lltl Etectrie Plants men; putting into service for OFFICE HOCRS: Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and S. S. PRINCE RUPERT our nation our time and our brain, S a-m. U 1Z; 1t0 p.m. ta B:0 P-m. San FranClSCO Hydraulic Apparatus enthusiasm and our means. our DR. J. S. BROWN OH Our field is loeal. Some are apt DENTIST Pacific Coast Pipe Cq.: WoodStove to allow the big and the far away Offlcet Smith Block, Third Attnua. Vancouver S.S, PRINCE GEORGE .to overshadow the near; and per-'haps rtion 4S4. Dodge Manufacturing Transm" "ste commonplace service that Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. SAILING (may be rendered. The first commission of God is that we should A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical I0N(QHT SUNDAY THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls. Vancouver.and Vlcorla and Seattle. j be of real use at home; of uso Cleaning, Pressing Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock in helping to build up a civio tORIQHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. spirit of high business integrity; of use in creating a publio opinion and Repairing S. S. PRINCE JOHI3 and PRINCE ALBERT. against everything thai lowers ItUmatlng Weekly to Queen CharlotU Islands. the moral standing of the community; LADIES AND GENTS of uso in making lifo happier and purer for nil; of uso 1 High Class Printing h.."MW BOMBAY, WtONUOar SDdSATUftDAV 11 I l:J M. U Smiwn in making the way a llttlo easier Jack Dunbar boil, Edmonton toil Wlanlir, cotUnr dlrct eooneeUom for tU forj those who may bo finding the (ratal 4it and south. road hard, as at the Immediate Pkt 5I0 725 StctnJ A. time so many are doing. Fur iuformatlon and reservations apply to The person who at this time is F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket AgenL serving outside the four walls of The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the Bl Ticket Office, St Third Avenus. PHONE 20 his or her own homo falls lo rea FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. lise a primary duty placed upon finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable Father of CIRCUIT NO. 1. the great all.every man by o t a lilt SL and Srd Are. prices, No job is too small to receive careful Boa IS th SL and Srd Are. REV. H. R. GRANT. Boa 14 Slh SL and Srd Are. attention and none too big for the shop to handle. In addition to the war. and its Boa IB Junction of Ut. tod and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY worries wo aro in the midst of Srd Area. a dire epidemic. Our greatest Bor 16 lit Are, between Sth and lh Sit. (Enoi Uotel). fortitude and our strongest courage Boa 17 lat Are. and 7lh SI .Central IIUSIMCSS AND SOCIAL CAIIDS Lowest Rates to nil Eastern Points are required. Thcro is nothing Hotel). via Steamer to Vancouver and the that will unman us so much CIRCUIT NO. a. XUTK .UKADsJ AND EN VELOPES tho dark side of it dwell on Canadian Paclfis Railway as to- Baa 21 Ird Ave and Srd SL (Poat all. What we need is to turn from ome. DISPLAY POSTEKS AND DODGEItS Meals and Berth included on Steamer tho dark? side lo the light and lo eoa 2S Jrd Ave. and McBrlde St. understand God's placo in our Boa 4 1st Ave. and McBrlde St. IIOOKLETS AND TOLDEKS the needed Boa as tnd Ave. and Snd SL This will give us FOR lives. Boa ZS-Sud Ave. aad Slh SI CIItCL'LAIlS AND POSTAL NOTICES VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE help and strength. Boa T O. T. P. We will find God's kindly caro WORK o!01 PMI 'U from ilth. r anJ I'ltATEIlXAL SOCIETY rrlnes nuprrt Srptnit.r of CIRCUIT NO. X . Ktb and for us set forth In the pages tun, the Old Book. Let us open it and Boa SI Sth Ave. and Fulton SI. IIECEIPT HOOKS AND CHECKS Boa aa Borden and Taylor 8 la. (j lTCM"tN JUNIAU, WRANOKLL, SKAQWAV, ALASKA read how St. Paul met similar Ba 84 7 in Ave. and Fulton St. aats!IM ,0fHIA M,u fron rrtnr. nuprt stpwubtr tin. " ,nd conditions to our own. W'e will Boa S S th Ave, and Comox Ave, ' 0ttokw 0". l ana read Corinthian II. from the flflh Baa ST S th Ave. and Dodce Place tut. verse on. If you nro sleepless Boa S -6lh Ave. and Tuompaon 8L road the Fourth The News Print and worried tha last CIRCUIT NO. 4. Daily Shop Psnlm and ospeolally W 0. ORCHARD. QnPal A a ant. Boa 41 4th Ave, and Emmersoo verso. And do not forget the Place. I n Fourth Str..t tnd Third A.nu.,' Prlnc. Rup.rt. B.C. Shepherjl's Psalnu If you are out Boa Boa 4 as tth Jih Ave.Ave.and and NcBrlda Oreen SL St. Third Ave.,Prince Rupert with God read tho Fifty-first of touch In 44 4th Ave. and Basil SL Psalm. You will find comfort Boi 48 Tth Ave. and Eherta. in the Fifty-first Psalm, verse Boa 141 7th Ave, and Yount St. Mall Orders receive careful & prompt attention !J 22 God's goodness to us n Grilse in Thp Dailv News h.aiah 55, r you have iot a