Page I THE DAILY NEWS. I LAND MXjISTIIY ACT MINKIIAI, ART. I (Section SS snd 114.) Id Just Camouflage CERTIFICATE OF IMrilOVKMEJITS. fie Appllcaaon no. IOtlt-1. file Itto. TAkE NOTICE that application has beet NOTICIi made to register Urenton 0, Moore and Cariboo fraction Mineral Claim, situate puis From the man who wants to Roy L Moor of Trine nupert, D,C. 11 In lb Skeen Mining Division nf r...i.. TIMBER SALE X1462. raise a victory loan for himself, owner In tee under a Tat Bale Deed from District. Where located! At the ix-st t ,w" the Lord deliver us. the Collector or the City of I'rlnce itupert. Alice Arm in tn skeena Mtnlnr Division. .."!, may TAkE NOTICE that I. J. V mrir pearler date th tlih da) of Xuvriubcr. r... Keep the stomach well, Scaled tenders -will be receded by th KI7, of ALL AMD SI.IOULAIl that certain or Hie atwve claim. Tree Miner Certincate mister of Lands not liter than noon o The epigram "In the midst of tract of land nd premises situate, No. III7I. intend, sixty day from the the liver active, the bowels the sun day or October, ISIS, for th parcel or urchase or License XtS. to cut 7to.oo life wo are in debt" will bo more bint snd betnr In the Municipality of date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re A La Carl. regular, and the breath eet Spruce, Cedir and Hemlock on a true than ever after the Spanish the City or Prince nuperi, more particu corner ror a certiorate or Improvements, rea near Lot t0, klmsqutt nirer. Rant-, larly known and described as Lot elthteeu for the purpose or obtaining f-rn.n will bs sweet and healthy. Coast District s. epidemic ha? passed. (IS). Dlock eighteen (IS), section su Oram of Ibfl above claim. One (t) year wtu be allowed ror re of rrince nupert. Map oil. You And runner take notice that anion m. But let poisons accumulate oral or timber. (S). City Further particulars or the- Chief Forester After the Mayor's circular was tai purchaser within SI days rrom the dl- der section II, must be commenced before in the digestive organs, .etorta.B.B.C.a. or District Forester.OtL Prtnc delivered, a worthy citizen got oT the service of Uit nolle (which may the Issuance or such Certificate of Prince Rupert. be effected by publication), and your at Improvements. Rupert down a bottle of eighlecn-dollar Feed the becomes clogged, Dated this lib of system tention Is called to section St or tlx "Land day July. A D. ISIS Dobell's solution and tried to form in the stomach Registry Act" with amendments, and 14 PHONE U gases WATER NOTICK gargle but ho swallowed the whole the rollowlnr eitract therefrom: and aflcct the breath. botlloful in the Tho next rooDBOAhoij(is:iIO ; attempt. And fidefault of a caveat or certificate TAkE NOTICE that ft. K. Nelll. whose circular must instructions or Its pendens being; flled before the regis give address Is Stewart. 0. C. will apply ror a entitled trstton aa owner or the person un Ouxeet how to garglo without swallowing der such tax sale, all persons so served licence la take and use seren cubic feel lib notice and those claiming- or water per second out or the North Fork HAY, GRAIN, FE!)1 through or tinder them, and all persons nf Cascade Creek, which flow southerly these conditions vith TIMBER SALE X1463. The reason almost all the cunning any Interest in the land by virtue and drain Into salmon niver. The water SEEDS and all ot any unregistered Instrument, AND down with chaffeurs Id, town are nersoas claiming any Interest In tin land will be diverted from the stream tt a point FERTHCq' Bcecham's Pills. They the flu is ascribed to the extra by descent whose title Is not registered about 11,000 fret rrom Cascade Creek. Sealed tenders will be received by th unaer ine provisions 01 inn aci, iuu ue This notice was posted on th grcund promptly rcgiJatc tlic bodi Minister or Lands not later than noon on strain on their nerves through ror ever estopped snd debarred from setting pn Chicken F.. . . lb sitth day of August, 1 1 IS. A the 8 th dar or November. 1918. tor ti- copy of - having to drive on repaired up any claim to or In respect or the land SSB ly functions and arc a quick purcnise or License X1S. to cat 1.109,000 so sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall this uotlre and an application pursuant ret or spruce. Cedar and Hemlock o nan streets. They have not been used register the person enutled under such thereto will be (lied In the omce ot the remedy for courctomach and area adjoining Lot S04, kimsqult River to It. isa sale a owner or the lend so so!4 rar Water Recorder at I'ritee Rupert, 0. c Mall. . Range 3, coast District " Two t) sears will be allowed ror re taie Objection to the application may be Died moral or timber. AND WHEREAS application bas been with the said Water Recorder or with the Further particulars or tl Chief Forester The Germans seem to have made ror a Certificate tr lodefeailbl Till Comptroller of Water nights, Victoria, ictoria, b. or uisinci roresier, i-rwc been training for the next Olympic o the above-mentioned lands, In the name : . within thirty day after the first sp- . a ski 1 mi CI ucu 1 Rupert B. c Th races. r Brtnton a. Moore and Roy L. Moor. litin of this notice. The date or first . - t LAND ACT A.1D WHEREAS on IntesUgatlng the publication or this notice Is August Ilia, Form .No. II. IU it appears that prior to the tiih day ISIS. The Huns are in a somewhat or October, ISIS (the date on which the It. If. NEILL, AppltrSDL anada Food Board License 14-166 Notice of Intention to APDly to Lease Land. similar position to the man who said lands were Sold for oterdue tairi), I.N QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND caught the wild cat up a tree you were the assessed owners thetrof. DISTRICT; HECOItDI.NO DISTRICT OF FURTHER TAKE HO TICK that at the srEEN&LOKGni You Never SkEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE They find it hard to let' go. same time I shall effect registration In pur OP LAGOON INLET, NUHESHY I5I.A.M, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. - suance of such sppUcaUon and Issue a Know What IW TAkE NOTICE that I. John M. MaCMUlan, someone asks why is a man Certifies t or Indefeasible Title to the said saniTAH. nnO HUTnj or Vancouver, B. c occupation cannery- who is trying to negotiate a short lands la the name or the aforesaid parties EffniNKKRI man, intends to apply ror permission to unless yoti take and prosecute the proper A Man frkl lease the rollowlnr described lands: loan like a twined orator. Doubtless proceeding to estabUs- your claim, ir any, Commencing- at a Dost planted on the south shore or Lagoon inlet Moresby u because he makes a touching to the said lands, or to prevent such pro- NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RtStnVE DnU for Will Do KSBgl land, abonl one mile rrom It mouth speech. ed action on my part. thence west 20 chains: thence north 10 Dated at the Land Registry omre. Prince NOTICE Is hrlir H,.n tfctf McCLAnr russsca chains; thence east SO chains more or less Rupert. B. C, tot Stn day of September. existing on rerum portions or Lot Two 10 low water marc at me neaa; inrnce No worries about the hundred and nv (SOS Mrs. Williams has been using one high A.D. HIS. and Two hundred southerly following low water mark to the and elshl 1IOI1 h.n -r. PLUMBING Pacific Milk for cooking a long, point or commencement containing to cost of living now. The difficulty II, S MACLEOD. t)l trie t, surreyed and known as Lou long time. Her husband got to acres more JOHN or MCLAHTt less. MAOIILLAN. is to keep alive at any price. District Registrar or Titles. Elesen j.ieven hundred hundred and nriy-nine (tut), snd and TO Waller 0. Laurie. slity-one (Mil) and SHEET DATE October 10 1918. D.tS METAL WORM ID. . using it in his morning coffee Robert ITleVrn DUIUMd mnA Williams, so they never buy fresh milk IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH i'nnces and princesses are William Jones, rea"""'sua or a nolle 01 appearing xiia sereauer,In the Pium l7. Phone 5, 83 1 Second Ama any more. COLUMBIA. having a hard time of it these rrince Rupert. B. C I ranrelied ror sal purposes. . Mgbt phones S7 THE MATTER OF CHRISTIE GIBSON DATFD si Ylftnrl flai.t. ...! IN The other evening Mrs, W DECEASED; days. Princess Adelaide is on iiiu XAVtatBLE WATERS riiOTEC7IC3 ACT this Itth day or September. A. O. 11. snd Diet n bought some fresh cream to and rocks, Princess Charlotte is laid n. s. c cap. tu. Tfss rlsht work, tl 'Jx LN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA Denufr Miatsur of Lands. give him a trat (as she TION ACT." up. Prince John is having some umn, ana si lh right i-j&j thought) with his porridge and TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills Hono patches on his ribs, Princo Rupert Limited,The Oeorgetown hereby gives Saw notice Mill that Comoanr.It bas Advertise in the Dally New. to with his coffee. '. McB. Young, made the 9th day or May has been sent north and Princess under section 7 or the satd Act deposited use 917. I was appointed Adralslstrator to th who un Minister 01 ruonc works at ot- said Chris Ue-Olbson, deceased May is in retirement with all However, Mr. Williams didn't estate or the engagements aw a and in the omce or the District Regis and all parties having claims against th trar or the Prince Land The rise Ropert Registry see it that way and when he said estate are hereby"required to rurnU -cancelled. District a description or the site and a discovered it was a different same, properly verified, to me on or be of democracy is already being felt. plan or wharf proposed to be built on L01 rore the J 1st day or October. A. D. 1918 or Block "r rrince nupert cream in the pitcher, he asked and all parties Indebted to the estate ar as shown on Plan SIS filed In Towmiite,the Land required to pay the amount or their in Rerlitrr Oetr FRED STORK'S HARDWARE for the same as he'd been getting debledneta to me rorthwltb. IVILIANS DRIVEN And take nollre that after the esptratlon J. II. McMULLIN, every morning couldn't or one montn rrom tne oata or the orst drink his coffee with the other Official Administrator. FROM THEIR HOMES publication aw miii txmpiny,or thla notice uiciteo,The Oeorgetown win tinder "stuff." SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or section T or the said Art to the Established 1008. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Minister or rubiie Worts, at his omre in Pacific Milk Co. Washington, let. 10, Before. ine cjit oi uiuwi. ror approval or ins sain site and plan and ror leave to eon- LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that I, John McUrty Mae- evacuating Routers, the German iruci ine saia wnarr. Hated at Prince Iluwrt this Itth dar or tnlllen. of Vancouver, 8. C, occupation military authorities assembled as a f 111 1 a m n 1 rr mm mi iMt m mm maa vrai i stst ; 332 DRAKE STREET canneryman, intends to apply ror permission many as possible townspeople and srpirmiirri THE ottiltiJETO'A.t hip. HAW MILL COMPANY. ti Factory at Ladner, B. O. to lease the rollowlnr described lands: marched them under guard to the LIMITED. Oil GEAR AND SUPPLIES. Commencing at a post planted on the south shore or Lagoon Bay, Moresby island, Houlers-Menfn rpad. For two about one mile rrom Its mouth, days, according to official dispatches thence south SO chains, thence west SO received last the SHIP night Dy CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE till thence north SO thence chains, chains, easterly along the shore line to point or Belgian legation, tho civilians, PAINT FOR BOATS To the Public: commencement, containing 40 acres more many of them women and children, or less. were provded with neither JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. food nor shelter. Some were able Dated June SOth. 1918. to escape and made their way NOTICE Is herebr given that the Salei HARRY HANSON Inventor A Patentee back or Lands to be held on the twenty.rourtb to 8YN0PSI8 OF Iloulers, where they accorded day of October next upon which deltnmiMi FRED STORK'S or the Harry Hanson Patented Fast HARD WARE an enthusiastic welcome. Uses are due bas been postponed so far Healtnr Hot Water Coll ror Rangea LAND ACT AMENDMENT inu in ine rnnre nupert Aaaessmeot to the has returned to town to stay. French and Belgian troons District are concerned and that on th tin Several days before day or November rollowlng a sale will be An " Improvement In said coll is evacuating Und only. held or sll such lands in the said Assess-ment SHCOND AVENUE now being; offered. It Is now made necoras wia u granted covering only me town, the dispatch says, the DIstrlcL or brass pipe,, and prices are as follows: Una w.iih.11 suitable mi iiuo-umoer for agricultural una, purposes Germans stole the supplies of the C. W HOMER. Assessor and Collector ! Tl'artnership pre-emptions abolished, civilian DATED this Snd day or October. A. O. ISIS With a three-years' guarantee 2S. but parties or not more than four may reviclualing committee. arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with vaiuea at more than $100,000 With a nve-years' guarantee, 830. joint rea denes, but uh nakinr n .-. sary Improvements on respective claims. blocks of flour and foodstuffs This coll Is guaranteed to beat Ire-emptors must occupy claims ror water four times raster thin any live years and make Improvements to were destroyed. The civilians 1,1 coll now on the market See and value of 114 per acre. Including clearing were driven from their homes and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before recelr' -g Crown Grant. the furniture removed for ship . 1 1 f n nzr Harry Hanson Where 1 -emptor In occupation not ' Kiddie's Clothes leas than Improvements,, ears, and Jias he may,made because proportionate ment to Germany A AXT The Reliable Plumber of W-healih or other cause, be rraiited Phone 489 139 2nd Ave. and Intermediate transfer his certificate claim. of Improvement QOES TO LONDON How to Make Them Wear Longer Prince Rupert. Records without permanent residence 1 may be Issued provided applicant makes There is stringent necd.of it, as every Improvements tr extent of floo per annum The appointment has been an. of STEIN A LON1WILL and records same each year. Failure mother can testify, in these days nounced by Acting Premier to make Improvements or record Hon Agents, Phone S, Snd Ave. same will operate as forfeiture. Title J. W. DeB. Farris of Wesley A. mounting prices. Well did it ever cannot be obtained on these claims In Prince Rupert less than t years, with Improvements ot Blair, for seven years secretary occur td you that harsh, common soaps, and$10 per cultivated,acre. Including;and residence S acres cleared or at of the Vancouver Board of Tryide, and thclordinary rub and scrub of the least ITe-eniDtor 2 years. holding- Crown fJi-nnf m v to the position of secretary to the wash board, break down more clothes record another pre-emption. If he re- agent general for British Colum than out in luiria una in conjunction with his arc ever actually worn Pbont Green I5S P. 0. Box 120 rarm, statutory without actual ImDrovements occupation,mads provided and bla in London. Mr. Blair has use? Its so. We've studied the residence maintained on crown granted submitted his resignation to the question. That's SHOES land.Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding: 20 council of tho Board of Trade and why BROS. acres. may be leased as homeattes: will leave for London next week. title to be obtained after fulfilling: resi dential ana improvement conditions. Joining F. C. Wade, K.C., the new Soap -Dealers In- For erasing: and Industrial nurooaea Sunlight areas exceeding; (40 acres may be leas agent general, In eastern Canada. i by one pereon or company. -5 I PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Wall Pap ers The scons of this Act Is anlarnul in Good assortment of pipes purest and best of soaps, was first evolved, Include all persons Joining- and serving Gil's, with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time years ago to wash clothes fjcnlly b within which the heirs or devisees of a without M08T VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE aeceaaeo pre-empior may apply for Queen Charlotte Islanders can thoroughly, rubbing the spccisl MKim uimer inw Act exienaea rrom Sunlight" way. Doubly trebly useful 8TOCK In THE NORTH vn Tear irora ine aeam or such person, noi ao Detlor than mall their as formerly, until one year aTter the now, in war time, when the clolhcs Prompt and Careful Attention conclusion 01 ine present war, ThU printing needs to The News Print i... t . Given to Out of Town iiiuii is aiao maae retroactive. Miop and get tho work done iiuai iusi lunger. m Orders. Samples sent on TOWNSITE PROPERTY ACT. ALLOTMENT romplly and well. It's raty to do the washins yourself I J II lS i 1 I rW XJV A.-sss. Jlerjuest. Provision Is made ror the grant to ZrlZil "f ""completed Agree Advertise In the Daily News. LBVBU I1KOT1IBK9 LIMITKI) FULL LINE OF PAINT8, to Purchase rrom the Crown or uch proportion ot the land, ir divisible, TORONTO KAL80MINE, ETC " v"jjnnia aireaay made will SKEEKA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF cover In proportion to the sale price or the whole CHAItLOTTE ISLANDS. parcel. Two or mors narmm holding; such Agreements may grouo ppl' tor Proportionate I ARC J1UI1UK tint thfl MlII.I lnl. allotment Jointly. If It Is not considered advisable to divide the land Lumber Co., Ltd.. or Port Clementi. nn. sovered by an application ror a proportionate patlon sawmill operators. Intend to pply allotment, an allotment of land ?Lt?uli' vlu? elBC(ea rrom available vc,,u,..,uu 10 teas me rollowlng de The Greatest Enemy r.n -ifi!"1 '!. .u,a locality may be Vlturu ISUUSI-". allotments are conditional t-ommeneing at post Diaut th. upon payment or all taxes due the TO YOUR PIANO 18 RUST ..riWn C 10 ny municipality. The nuriiirssi corner or Block la nr ih. ..,. rights or persons to whom the purchaser division or Lot 746. thence tt tn a.. .1. ... .... - " " rrpra the Crown has agreed to .l. c- .V JIave NeverTriust applied fS 1 fr, .I0 Pjojocted. The decision of to Strings, y mhui in respect to the ' M'.tttt' ,hnw 8' at- ln. Tuning Pins, and "J"'mn f proportionate allotment W. reel to tbo poribweit or U nnaL The time for corner all Metal Paints in your piano JhLn,I?r,h,"?,Vlo,n,,nU "imtid to tu, uioca so or Stld subdlvlilnn Never-Rutt la a Positive Rust Hon ay Mar, lilt. Any appllca. outheisterly nd rollowlng lb blgb water made after this date will not be are required to contest the n.i.n ,h. Preventive. eonsldered. allotments apply to mark or action"'" 01 th Stewart Bay itoo reel more or e0?ub?lo less to the point .of commencemeni and G. C. WALKER containing it.s acres mor or less. Phone Blue. SSS rune Tuner .9;.- f ADEN, ' WAnocr INLET LUMBER CO., LTD. Deputy Minister of Lnds, Pr Fred. Nash. b. ir 1. i..n Victoria, B. a ated August lotto, ijh, ' "'q ii