THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 v - INFLUENZA tB IN CANADA TkuttnJ of Cwe. Reported THOSE WHO ARE MOST MMFPTIRIE TO IT Wonorft fRUrr-A-TlVEr-Tl.. fiuit MI',",T" ' To RctUt TWi Dii. Ti.fplJcmlc of Spanbh Influent .h'Jjfaiuch Iuvixj lu hump, jlTfJSiSl Ihw continent. Thou. djofeWoftlifltr.nre rn.lly Kpred.nd BUI.V .nj rJr oT ,i sul ,,ub,io SSih ''a;ior u,ed iut &riflMM will prol-Uy iprW H orer the country In our ihores from brpMl, Uiom) infected with U totWK"""' WU UfM l,l,t -Aiuai take .11 the pre-u. be mb cnn contrctinr tl Jit if atJrrilii ftlltlllif tfsh ToflueDU affect tnoftt !l.v ill n mil work.. of worTY. CMV M V " .i!lr thote liO tra"ruii-dowa ' x 't JHiof op to the nurk." Th rrj err.t dinrer from,the it,M it eat to much in the die.e JXJ01,U III. It VIU.U UCItiV) AM IW libit rrrruuD (jmu i a. reieru iooic nio -rruu-.-uTci . Tl.t rnn.Urfn! fruit tnMlicina tl not i rtrm-kuler. It is bodr-builder; ttrciiftb miter; a blood purifier; pot tt in protecting ifiiut tho nin ofd.. MS. "frail 1 lltr" mrnnifi IhS kidor 'i ' bonrt, ciutior thr crps to t !nun.U H0 rrtulirlr oi tuiumiy u iBieooru. "Fruit.-Urn"keep Ue ikf a.eti e, ind pun.its tod enriches tLa Uomi. "Fruit a tve" tote ud mm ureoguieat me orpmi w tiwtMkMi. iaiurur food Uioj proper! 4ieleJ tad Ui.mmu-J. Why Canada must borrow uoUom, iroid coilrO pUt, .ad nun 'uin ' rrfuufljr IO ietaretovod di;rttioo, to. ifyp .tbo l Li.I. - S wcswu iiunni rrxwiAr l o j i fj q toftiUoo.UWI1& T)eo e .re itfe tttm money to carry on ,Frlt.tlM', it told bf dealt ri ntire it 40c 6 for$20, . . . i"wriu on J'ruit titn liaiOUi.OoL ' Because Canada has put her for these purposes Canada-must mi iblLilUUIkl 1 V hand to the plow and will not borrow hundreds of millions HOLD CONVENTION turn back: of dollars The B, a 1'roinclal exeeuLiv our country is in the war on And, this money must be ii u u. w V A, of Canada ha. the.side of liberty and justice and borrowed from the people oL . II i will in it till Canada: iiiu uuKU rmriiniii. stay complete victory is won and the unspeakable Hun .Therefore, Canada will presently -mi uiak rnn in vmtt 1 1 a j . . is smashed and beaten to the rlliinv a akai-I come to her people for a . tuu inr nvAmhaa n a.. l4 iath elubroomi of tho Vnn- ground; new Victory Loan to carry on. 5 a nation at war must make Pnmuily (his convention is r" ,ur cicciion 01 tremendous expenditures in cash m . Canadians will loan the and the organlilng of money her armies and supply to keep up - oiiua in iliu I IUI- Bonds. by again buying Victory vt eomiiitiittj n. -ii 'Lower' Mainland U US 1 III IIIU H I them with munitions, food and l Vancouver, Island Sub- clothing; z The national safety, the s 4. " uiiuiT Aininianu Canada must finance many national honor and the national Supreme n i Anil millions of dollars of export trade well-being require that each and jwwada inriadtriiA-and brancnea-n at In the i. in food, munitions and supplies every Canadian shall do his duty 7- offlr ri' .niuuicu..... from tho which Britain and our allies must by. lending to the nation every nrh t.L lwo C8atca front have on credit; cent he can spare for this purpose.. L00O TRANSFUSION VED VI0TOBIA MAN Be ready when the call comes to i ill . trt,ult of u,o bravery of. loldjcn wh0 n8rced (o see your country through in J "" e. Sapper Walter J. , its work. ion oi Mr. and Mrs. lllch. great war rB0;,:r. ; 01 Gloria. recently recovery. now on hia way to Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance it 'oWHon that ho. T -, of.the Dominion of Canada. i , be ge'?ly HI In France and CimLrl. l?.rward removed to KnauVr'.'PiW., . . .Aldcrahot. v-nuu. I I T. ' 1 1 " Hon W. " "unu nu rllUU S,,,y doctors. A cative campaign being waged by issued a small booklet which will trough thJ i orrorcU 10 RO ONE OUT OF EVERY TUBERCULOSIS Ttn tho provincial authorities under trench every homo in tho province. ; Don't merely smbtticr your coogli DIE OF the guidance of tho Hon. J. I). ovonly-flve thousand have ,been MncLean, tho horrible Tncl that printed and tho schools wfll bo nvmn KT Mithlca'. Syrup, of Tm MdCod Una OO not ornlr of con.umptlon I I IK I II prwuptlj irraU coajrhiag. but thuiU to itotoaie Mi He airt a "uccoss and that If the subject ono out of every ten persons who.used as u partial means of dls- vUlIU JIA .trenjlhralm piirtV tt hlp tlt,7texn to throw iM limn or tuberculosls-wcro half as die each year fn Ilrltish Columbia tribution. fkw cold nd thM effect, a pemuutcnt cur. It U tblt qtullty wkich Imm wm mm entertaining as It l vital to the dlo of tuberculosis Is gradually unuer tuo dlreotion or tho min. fttBs UrgMt Mk of My cough cold remedy ia CiU; . !l nll Just . ... p 10. Bel pooplo of Ilrltlsh Columbia, there dawning upon the most robust, isler the pamphle,l tins been com. JUrjv hotfUx, iwj4i. cW your l'nnd :for To help to eradicate, or at least(Piled in simple languago and gives. S.lm MATXZKO raw I would be continuous a with It- however, to diminish, tho dsease tno pro- a complete description of tho i literature dealing grmlu' fdu vlncial board of health has just jdisease. i evfn with the