THE DAILY NEWS. Monday 0( ( ,i,P!. 1 IA11 I Page 6 j m unit irw vv-t wwi n BAl ILL MUKlfcb ! Local New Note. G. H. Arnold Sickness and NOTARY PUBLIO FROM THE FRONT 13. iM. llaynes, of Victoria, Inspector Accident Insurance of post olllces, is in thoj FOR SALE city. We represent the Dominion Human Interest Sidelights on the Lot 5, Block 15, Section 6. of Canada Guarantee The tug Lome is going on the exceptional War as Seen by an Officer This is a very drydock this afternoon for minor opportunity to get a fine and Accident Co., At the Firing Line. I.. i.. level lot for residential pur-ooses. which writes a special repairs. close to McBride St., policy ooverinp; Indemnity INTERESTING INCIDENTS F. L. 13uckIey,of Port Clements, " with sewer connection, for against all Sickness IN EYEWITNESS' LETTER arrived In the city Saturday from" only ana Accidents. Vancouver. Easy terms. The annual cost is very The breaking of the Hindeu O. A. Taylor, of Port Kssington, $650.00 low. uurg switch line has brought us ivcJ ,n the cIty agl evening Victory Bonds will be ac- into country which we have nevex. at occuuied before, writes Lieut A. cepted par. McCaffery, Gibbons (A. Milne. As a consequence of J. T. C. Williams, inspector of H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. 'this we have been able to rescue fisheries, left for the south yes & Doyle,!Ltd. a few French civilians Irani Qer lerday on important departmental man hands. At Ecourt SL Quen- business, Imurance Real Estate tin there had been two hundred! THE DAILY NEWS ,oI them living among the Ger The funeral of the late Ous mans for the last four years, Wick took place this afternoon Arc I C. Classified Advertising Prince Rupert,B. rf, ctl : Three days before the British arj-'from llaynor'a Chapel at 2:30, the j rived a German officer went from Iter. Canon Illx officiating, Phone 98 house to house, ordering the ,,.., Tkii tli Advertising Colsmn tlit habitants to pack up and prepare1 - Trimh Je. ho ! people read when? they wint anything. VISITOR De HERE to leave. A few infirm old women fd In mining this district. re It bring a result were left behind, while some of turned to the city by last night. , WANTED. Son of Late A. SU Q. Flint of the men. managed to hide in eel-' "om V . JC k a a a Victoria, Is Victim of lars. ncy uaa goi noia ox g Thc e,wlric grj wucu w WAITED furnished or unfurnished room masks somehow and they Pt CaUiolic baiaar on raffled. at lue with Crst-dis family immediately. Ap Malady. while Ui sBsHrPIq VH ctKerl iv a s xewt offlce. tT these on and lay "ere d October 10. has been I ent battle went above them. They on Won by Mr. B. Bummers with waxtetj Thrr men lor orderly work. near we vrauip Ul irn -e .;..-;- icouid Ut,Xtki llmhr Q? It Afplj- the matron. Prince Rupert Cen tral Hospital Saturday at the Savoy Hotel. The maruin "1 ana ruu,,Oi0 "V r W !.. - - to,!the transport moving Geo. MoiTalL who is In charge, bread salesman WASTED to wrir. .a ", " land then there was a long silence. r ih ,l!.mnnd drilling outfit bc- Wares 1 1 00. appix u ie uoj. a. bi. u. rum oi Victoria, lor . . ., . , : " . .. ; . . ing workea uy u uranoy uom- more than twenty years one of the WAITED coor wanted at once. Ar-piJ Inlasder Soardlnr House. . best known real estate agents in IUCI" "lu. uo'- pany on me ix-sum rnrr. rrm-. m IihL. To nis dismay ne came in town last even ntr on a snort' WAJfTED Responaltle partr wiin sufflcl- - - '- - 7 --; ! fiprman Soldier the last ent capital to furnisn and operate board-'from Anyoi on Tuesday and diediacross a visit, mi and roomlnr bouse, new bulldliir.l . , ... ,-inf lhpm . BRYANT COMPANY Lral Flint re the German. Don't you formerly lived here and wfc? hae IKE CLOlliES SliOf FOK MEN j! UifS 'SrSyS fuTraf ,ae not yellow the English are coming?" been ranching at Termce. arrived ' H PRINCE RUPERT, - B. C. rrma. iwi tot oaujrfsew i -When?" asked the Frenchman last night with the intention of OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. SOUJiD OR in preienaea aiarm. hjcuuiu t,t lui. bixken Tnlcanlte or metal; also brie!re-wort. 'Js'ow at once I'm the last to now bouse nunung. Post Uiem to J. Dunstont, post- Pte. Kenney, son of Mrs. Kenney omw Box me. Vancourer. Ulrbesf-nd a brptber of Mrs. Doyle, both PO. of the Hank of W. A. Paterson. casb prices sent by return mau. 1 Then I must go and pack my lof this city, has arrived home. Commerce, was meeting the tram BOY W AJVTED SAVOT KOTEL. tr. bag," said the Frenchman with The two brothers Harry and great presence of mind, and e"V"".,riiT- Notice .lie Fill WASTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Rupert.! kin Miin to COUNTRIE " " YE OLDE (Isaac Lear came in yesterday on dived below again. He told the '"r" EXCHANGE the fishing boat N. and S. and otheip. and a little while later 01(1 V0"1; . ,le" FISH ANO CHIPS . 'were taken at to the bos- walked out into the arms of " - ' "t Serond Avenue. oa tad a' m , . . . . , once they 4ll be opera: it : 7s PHal. II.. Tlrllli Ihn flri IIipv hnrl ri - 9 Will be open every day at At:iO-btft m i ; a at In Section S for vacant lot, part casn on : r j f Rupert. Do Lh be and Mrs. Paler. 2. fit. Town and 8ai mm iSCSSf. blSC sue. tnij res will be ai fi. c hail from Ayr, "wham SIS Otn Are.. West. 148 iue iiTicJonan-iver tuning uo 'Boobv-TraD son TAKE SOME HOME. TO SCAL COVL i . i 1. 1 1 I I 1 s i.ia., nas moea us piace 01 Dusi- Bul he retreats the WhHiii. WORK WANTED wnenever 7.J0 .! iu X and bonnie lasses." from First Ave. to the Occi-'u., I ness. .... . 'MUU ..(.IVO iMV. i,t V, vwwv.m.nftnii tJO J JO Hi : ' 41 I to wax rco Employment in warehouse byidental iiuuding, corner of fcecond i.i.t..,! on'. ... .1 !. Ill man who speaks French and EnrlUh;jAvp nnd Thf 1 3 IO una inemgeives liu in me Balairdat Eua SariM. an write shorthand and use typewriter. A.lgnin bl. companj tuaf cnterin& lnto an evacuated lrn.hp. Fnr n town niaior to Phone 93 P.O. Box 35 T.JO S.M tO J immr to start at xmttom ana worn I' up. inanKs or me con- h' ,T t.0 J.0 it p. Le aaire. Knox houl ,L ; ,,, i ,i, village is a thing which must g0 l0 gjeep ln UU comforUblc Office: T.ll t " a"7tb done careru,"r' Tho n,09t ,nno- bed and wake up and find himself 3rd Ave. nd 2nd BU LOST and inms they may l ,,,inVin ...,.. ,nn h)n.i , , . , nlpasnrfl nf r.nntinninir In srvn w . in a jiriButicr tsc murrw sod IBJ. lAjoi upai oroocn Between city nail ana ;,,,, , ,,, , r a man to bits and it is necessary n 8hock. Ltd moat tLAL cevt hogpitaL Finder please phone Biact 368 1"""."ness. " ior specialized parties of men to Pacific Cartage, Uk t i a.J IS IK JO ) -uad : 1 LOST Brown Otter Tur, neckpiece, short disconnect any of, these little LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 110. hair, near Hotel Prince Rupert. Finder 'contrivances before the troops General Utie4a I lt Strtlu. Teaming please return to the Hotel Prince Rupert. loin, 10m, me spearman a son, . fi ... nm,nntaMv The X0T1CX OF HTESTIOX TO APrtT TO 1 lit t t 10 Stole a Wrigley box and away he LEASE LAXD Storage 18.11 FOUND latest devilment reported tells of s4r LV QL'EEX CHARLOTTE 1SLAXDS LASD Furniture, Safe and Piano 11 . ft 1 1 1: a kitten nailed by its to the paws DISTRICT; RECOIlblNG DISTRICT OF 111 .ach stick he chewed his health . . . ItmA will a FOUND Bunch of keys at.Seal Cove. Owner SKEEXA AXD SITUATE OX SOUTH Moving;. Baggage lM as f4iu- i 6 can have same at The Kews omce by renewed r-T 1 SHORE OF LAOOOX IK LET. MORESBY who lushed and took out the paylnr tor this advertisement. And helped hU nppetite for foodl up ISLAND. ABOUT 05E MILE FROM ITS Che fat IH t : nails- and was blown up; all of ld rrMa lls FOUND At Salt Lakes, lady's bathlns suit Hut his father said 'The boy it MOUTH. twat Ow. It " and which would seem to a German TAKE X01ICE that 1, JOII.1 M MAC-' n e. two towels. Owner mi) have tame wise, at natty Dews offlce by paylnr tor this let him do it to advertise I to be according to the best traditions MILLAX, of Vancouver, B. C. occupation OIL be A maiie mloto wr a .( advertisement. U of twentieth Cannerytnan, Intends to apply for permission Jince I quit my piping and bought century warfare. to leas the followinr described lands: PREPAID TICalT arms UI this store Commencinr at a post planted on the the ptyMpects of a Ufcl TwMjr-ne 1VC urkri-f' .1141 "m selling Wripley's gum galore!" There have been some strange wuth shore of Laroon Intel. Moresby Is commercial oil field Children li" situations as the result of our land, about one mile from Its mouth; near Vancouver years and twnv thence west 0 tor at Urn full 7 chains; tbenee north 10 LUMBER Get your envelopes at The News rapid advance. On one occasion chains; thence east to chains more or less lb tests. for M u a Print Shop. our trpops were actually holding to low water mark at the beach; thence The rars " art! ' the old Uindenburg line, while the southerly followinr low water mark to the Ttb Ave. 00 the i: JW German troops were in our old point of commenrrniebi; romainlar 40 tMttad of th t" c 1.: Agents for acres more or less. retvrnwr ty trenches to the west of it and JOHN YOUR PftTRONAOI bOLiorm MCLARTT MACMILLAN. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. facing eastwards. As one officer Dried Aurust 1th, 1911. 5 1 and M. I STEPHENS prisoner said, he expected frontal &Lu II Mo-Bus Sertii ' Royal attacks or even flank attacks, but Hastlng's Saw Mills NOTARY PUBU0 he objected to being attacked from behind. It didn't seem to him to COAL OFFERS FOR QUICK be good form; at least, not when Your Eyes SALE it was done by the British. BANK OF Agents for Send for Ctipy of The Followinr Choice Properties: The German Dude. Nahalmo Wellington Coal Lots TT 28, Block 7. Stcllon 1, Perhaps it was some sudden above bookFrec to British North 600.00 sach. any nddress on request and LoU 23 24, Block 10, Ssctlon B, reversal of positions which ac Are the most delicate of all to Yellowhead Coal Comw eth A Tatlow, S1.7BO.00 counted for the capture of an 0 for th pair. j our organs and the most Statement to the Dorololia Lot 20, Block 23, Ssctlon 6, Eighth other prisoner, who is generally sensitive. If your Glasses S. W. MILLER & CO. nl (Condensed; II" ' Complete line of Avs., C nsar school with thrss-rooenvd, regarded us the most imporlant- not Stock and Bond Brokers itia. are exactly right rUILW plastered houss and you LIABILITIES TO THE BUILDING MATERIALS summar kltchsn, (900.00, lirmi looking visitor whom we have entertained are likely to ruin your Vancouver Block, Vancouver. Notes to Circulation I 8100.00 monthly. cash This Is and convsolant balance to as yet. lie was a young sight. Members Vancouver Stock Deposits 11 tl. d'ydock and all parte of City. 'cavalry ofilcer in a sky blue coat Exchange. Due to other Banal HUM Albert 8r McCaffery, Lid. GET MV RATES BEFORE RENEWING with a red collar and the most To make sure that you Bills Piyalil (Accept' YOUR FIRE INSURANCE beautiful leather; boots, just back have the correct thing get anees by London of' Wharf Offloa, Phons S4 IT WILL PAY YOU. 'from a InnvA wiilfli mini Imvn' your Glasses from nee) Lei-ten Acceptances under Offlc Sscond Aftnus, Phons 11 caused something of a flutter of credit (as per M. M. Stephens among the German women. Accompanied Get your parcel of 1 contra) l.lll.f Bulger t" l e .i I REAL ESTATE INSURANCE by a mounted servant i ooacco ror ine MMOl.i" FINANCIAL AQENT who carried his kit, he made a ASSETS. .. 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 superb entry into what he thought Optometrist and Cash In hand and In Iankll,l,'' PONY EXPRESS Soldier Boys Deposit with Oorerfl' were the German lines and from uienl o fol Cir PHONE 301. there a less superb exit into what .. Optician .. culailon IIM he discovered was the prisoners' Drposlt la Central Oold MOTOR TRANSFER f&vlitttt cage. Fori hours afterwards he The man you know and can MADE UI' AT TUB Oorernmrnl,Ilr serve Municipal ,l,' wt DiOistymiKim might have been seen, pacing upl rely on. and other Becurliles ll,lH'J and down, loo proud to speak even' Prince Rupert Call and Short Loin CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD Knelt bodt CeTet J to his fellow German officers, and Current Loani and 1)1-counts (Rear of Hart Block), FISHERMAirS EHMmi evidently waiting for Foch or Cigar Store & aad other Alien Ojrl 1-s In. by 7 la, 12-1 Haig to .apologize to him for the LlabllltKi of Cuiloiii' Wi Sell Tents, Sales, Coal and Wood Horaa Pawar. rude treatment he had suffered. Tommu Boms' Cabaret en under Letter of Billiard Parlor Credit (ai contra; Ofl. 8 8-4 In. by B 1-2 la. Town Major Arrives. Bank Premises per ,4QM Nora Pewar. Another welcome bul unusual THIHL) AVENUE crl 1-2 in. by la. guest was a town major, who was Open 8 to 2 1 Saturday 8 to 12 Mora Power. peacefully pursuing his avocations Best Billiard Hall In St. James Hotel many miles behind what was Fishermen, Logger and Businessmen Town. For Further Information supposed to be his front line. In ospoclally Invited (LATE "OUrtHS") Apply to the 'Hnitish army a town major is Accommodation for Ladle of Pioneer Boarding Howj Great variety Tobaccos, FIR.ST CLABS ROOMS generally regarded as the lucky TH1HDAVE - CLOSE TO PB, Hot and Cold Water, W. E. WILLI8CROFT possessor of a crushy Job." EMPRESS BUILDING Cigars and Cigarettes, NIcImd uumi.rl board. I0e par Night, And S3 pf WMk. Prince Rupert, B. C. flood infantrymen are town ina- O. Cm I'ishar, Manager Pipes and Pouches, water Wl We KED jors in their drrams, and wake up1 I'HONE