I r.o.Bx ISUPO 1C80 i Toe l JriH Daily s w s Good GEO.J.FRIZZELL Particular People Meats for hones.82and200 Phones, 10 and 25 PRINCE RUPERT, H.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS i nor Tr r k i T-T-ofrTikTir" I a nr. in v ai .rum j r.m r - ia Ti irx f Trm IH A 7"ri xyrtyr riAiv 'mni vATTrrt v r m t i a rx rrr . rvn in RMANS UU Mil lAKr. W1LMIN SLY IN KMiAKIJ rKALt RIflANY STILL TRIES TO STAVE STEPS TAKEN THAT TO WERE COPE WITH HELGOLAND IS MANY BOATS OFF NECESSITY OF COMPLETE ' INFLUENZA SCOURGE AT THE BOTTOM WERE INJURED Mayor Explains to Council What OF THE HARBOR IN THE GALE ALLIED ..Wai Done and Defends the SURRENDERS FORCES $' Closing of Amusements .-Struck by Steamer Admiral Wat Fishermen Deprived of Means of I lit explaining to the City Coun son at Ketchikan and Sunk Livelihood Owing to Lack of it n fn. 1 Vf III I Il A t In Thirty Feet of i.... s.ho Mas i.ommuieu no iiicpai or lnuumaue m.cis ana cil what had been done to cope Protection for Small Water. laimf with the influenza Mayor McCly-monl Boats In Harbor. Denies Purposely Destroying rasseiigers on ships last night said that they bad The ski oner of the Panama filled up 23 beds at the Borden brought word this morning that1 Jn connection wiw u&imun; Si m K The ci U 0. T V lelefrepue EPIDEMIC IS WELL 8ti School and now they were,the schooner Helgoland hatl been of the-gas boat Iris, mention of about to use the upstairs. Alder- run down lne steamer; Admiral -wfifch was made yesterday, Bert IN HAND IN RUPERT Watson-of the Alaska Steamship Hinson, who operates the boat hit been received by wlrele.s. K y Germany hopes me man Barrie had helped out by ..... nn.aa w .. . - ....... ...mi .nnmvii of no demand which will be Irrecon . .... that the oui'yijiti. umu " in I inc. flnrlV 1 PPL I I T VL H I I'T German people, and with the Patients are recovering and ;ad lcndid work. Sevcral nwermen are up . arms ovei- wie with the honor of the way;" done u tual Uelgoland was .. ..... ... ... . ... . Ra.aa MaM Runnrtllll .1 - U.t f n.nmmnj'i nn Kara f. . ....... ck. nwi mil rirencM in iiinnni ana uramea nurses wuo naa reurea going out ox the harbor wiien she " vwu.mUU.uUu . This Morning. from tbe profession bad come met the Watson coming in. Just their craft. Ue says that they all j.-u. thai ma navv Durooiciv DHirotia iiicuoais 7" forward aud olTened their serv ices. what went wrong with the signals pay harbor; dues and then when and proposes that the facts be cleared by neutral That the epidemic of Spanish Tue lbat be had lhe vessel ptiienger mayor 8aid ig not known bul big 'bad weather comes they are . i r- . um (letDaicnea in suDmarine com- influenza is now well in hand ;bee criiicied for closinc ud but nil ih nchnnner amidKhios and. i. . - .. . orecludlna the torpedolna of passenger thlpa. The note to be the opinion gathered!lbe more he found out about the k-enimr traiirhl ahead,. tarried )lur..ea ;Way 1 " ""!!.:... n ... . 1 . I .I .i-1f- this morning, Tho iinfnrtunatp inflnpnia thu heller he was nleas- dor nn I.pp mv into shallow I iir.. nanson... says iubi one uiui be orougm aooui mu uinB ucutu ui io one on wnicn ue that opportunity 'rMull ' previous ine at lhe diaeaan a arp Sllli, j lUnt ,R t.nH noted nrnmntlv. rgl.r HnH Iha Wnl eon Rlrmrvfil ..... ..... however, ooiaiue in. but in lown .A"-.. " .7 7 ' ' k" " wa8 "B 9" n,Sni v i iini n an uu uuuul liiqi. s.uc ui nm riiiniiiri wiiuiu iiai c: xuiiu j -i.i tt I amI NnrlhrlifTM rnrnrnftiilltin nn lhe n.. ,i...n... i..... f looking after her and on that ... . . ... i ia.l .1. i i. veniive . methods adopted had down where she was struck. night he went away to-'get a few an note sayit "A hatly perusal reveais iruiy rrussian cinn- iuc uuauiei; oi iresu tubes is aieu helped a good .deal. In ancou- The Panama stood by to give hours' sleep. When hi rciumsd No mention It made of Turkey, or Austria. ii m lu ver amusemem places naa ueen assistance. she had sunk, lie says he makes rfnnimnni mv mn either u. aaln time or is a confession .. The condition of the patients. at kept open with very bd effect. The Helgoland was here and his living from the fishing, busi '"'v"""'' ' i lhe Borden Street School con Doctor Comes. dischaiged 60.000 lbs. of halibut nr fTair iconom caiiv worse inan we Know." ness and be thinks that some . tinues satisfactory, and most of The mayor further staled that last Friday and was hound north to f a laltl as. I. a.u thing should be done at once them seem to be past the worst. he had wired Dr,Large asking him to the Yakulat fishing grounds. ninvMa. pnmmnrlnHnti trr hpm. ...III .1.1. a L. . UmU . iinUie It rna ftbf One patient, a Hindu, died over to come because he found that the Capt. Pete Peterson was in charge Jf nothlng i8 don6 it means that Mi li.. aift f.K-.S .a-u I a.I VM at night and be was very "seriously being much local doctors were 0f her. 'they bave 80ulh for the . ... . 111 before being received. At the - f a a I I I t f ft t i .1 I AM overworked. Owing to the bad Vinter where there is -oroDer nro-. ealber the doctor naa Deen aeACif:nUiVPhJfWKWT n..H K Mr Jnhnsnh nf llie iWll UUIWUlililim ... . a;vvta At one time tup ooais were ame I ULfh. I.-.. I - I "V . . . . and tbe child Kli Douglas, of Port cold storage had sent a boat over rUK lilorLnaAitl to take shelter at Seal Cove, but t .1 -..II... I succumbed Blncc Essington yesterday and the doctor was now here fnow the mill is there and the re- and in town there was one also ' looking after the Indians and Alderman Casey Suggests Llquor sult 5s they have no place where other death. was ready to attend private cases Is Essential Element In Pre- Jlhey can be safe. , -ventlon THAN There are some twenty cases at where it w-as found necessary. TWO MILES FROM of Disease; Aid. I The same storm which sank the Mellakatla, who arjt progressing The islands had asked that Dr, Klrkpatrlck Dissents. Iris did a lot of damage to other favorably. The advice given to Large be sent there, but he had , boats. The" Nautilus Had hen CITY OF VALENCIENNES ARE tbe Indians there is being follow, nn say in the matter. It was up That the Provincial Govern- guard smashed and her side ed with good results, and they are to the doctor to do the work he ment be asked to open a riispen- bashed in; the D. C F. Number I taking great care of themselves. most useful. considered alooholk was badly damaged and,lour FORCES OF MARSHAL HAIG Several eaes haw also material, The Indians were being looked f" ,(f plants will have 16 pe replaced; jtted at Tuck s Inlet, hut Iheir after in lhe the the guard probil)ition Act was a reso- the Iola had ana condition is favorable. del under the direction of Mr. - . foreoart of the boat damaged and Wtmt tu O. T r Twirtrtwu !i A volunteer staff...of nurses ,UI':i'erry. of the Indian Department. -- .t , . . ,ho Joe Bakpr ,g a,go bad, ln. r-a - iiiiv i.nn nn 1 1 ihsl iiiuul. ftnrlnn ma m 1.i t m t a L. I a.-l.nnn nrtranifMl III inn I.rirflf II PL.'r. 4Iia nAmin nn (JrtVflmmn!.. . w . . . . f -w m mm aviwflp !'' ww- i - w-i v -n t r tt'- a ri pniipin 11 11 iiv iui cu. J. x uuuuu luvi v u 4 v ua.ua h.Mptured Amerval aceordlnfl to an official report from bcnoo ana r, i---; JT ! "Li':, Alderinan Casey, who explained boats that are the worse for; the Marshal Hai8'a headquarters In France tonight. The British - VehooT rooms make splen. ! Tl. well to arrange to t parjt of the prohibition law .lorm. - v. ,iViu vniciibiciuicB. no mi ui ri j waras ana me oik sciium vinse ine stores cany, as unu . - . r. .u.. ANOTHER BOAT SUNK "During niflht and early mornlna sharp fiflhtlng for posses- i,u,iding quilo a sntisfaelory em- been done in other places. f!!"9,"'!8 L rTIlvpr Hie.. of vlllaa of Amerval which we caotured during atUck yes- ergency hospital. The mayor explained tuai many - Virlnrii. ni,j Tbe Royal Fish Co.'s boat Wal- ,.r. tiiu iinrwa noro olinrl handed. tied at the Gov- J ww.ww '- -- - - thoucht if bore which was iivu oiuibis 10 rvyaui iiiq uinyo nwiw avuiw. ancouer only. He " . .. v ii.o inn 1 tor nn . . . j 1 1. 1 ! n.nxinnl tlnlT PW innMI II Till HHI1IL moming enemy made unscucessful attcmpls to drive In our SEYMOUR TOWED one was warraniea anywiiere iu i'""'11" "" o. CM 1 .1 . . . . III. .. with mem. 1 Was here. Ue suggested that .this morning, inere was no. - -vwp. 111 mo region 01 vamurHi-inri7 runu. - HELPLESS TO PORT ti.. n.....tti,H t 11lAi.tYinn one of the essential proper accommouauon ior ivr ai - fH.uiicn, urn sna norxn 01 ueiam our urui Mcllao that there nngut be some .. .... it, ,h nnat. hence the tnouble. . .. .. ...... -- - IIIIW1 M.l I.. .SI inJiie snacKs wnnoui ue inn mm nr pnni nupiin nnnni i nn. vwb am ic people reiiolulIon Few miles souw of; Picked Up that the health officer sliouiu 10 and mlt.. 1 I I I U- .n.l FISH ARRIVALS 1 ruin waiencennes ana nave rwnuucu vu Narrows Flying Seymour said the the 5 of make a search, mayor Sntlnelle, We hold the west of Distress. and Talnteanls. Signals Stronay ! IL. ... . . .1 offleer had so far not had bad b' n the 0'rigina, inlenliou loj FoUr fishing boats arrived in - otnciai ana several miles norm or roniacnm nuim-0'Teurnai. ror uca ork as i e uau since yesterday. They are which nun)ber .of dispensaries port fishing boat Seymour a The busy UU after midnight, but be pounds; last bound for found hl ibi lhe Panama with 50,000 left here Friday thought hat today something - aoavinces Volunteer. 2.000; Ringleader. 1.-might Ole-son OTe or two ten- of Skipper other p in charge A N NHDn wic wheeler called the Alaska thai Seattle trouble and was be done. The mayor spoke uf 80o, and P. Doreen, 4.000 pounds. iint vii sin tiii. piinut mid many had engino most appreciatively of the work drfling helpless when a tanker iinfr rin. iiv lli. iiitw KHnltitrv c rf-T - 4 ft v m 9 A LUCKY SKIPPFR 0 r passengers wore drowned. came along and gave her a tow. w-d - - iU..r.n ViflnfttPik- C trfT W I ' Cnil ortl whu wu8 on llle llverything went well until they HlflirLtUIi a ed that if liquor was only a medi- , EVERYBODY HAS CURE FOR Who . . .. 'Alaska when she went ashore i FLU Seymour narrows ana cine there seemed no wason why THE SPANISH u mo" .never" v"nie an Accl-"nt 01 wne 1 one of the luckiest .kipper. ynJed lo go througl, on the ALDERMAN DYBHAYN nAnnln ahnnld nol DUrcllOSe all fiu iJclobrr tbe Jewfll?ehlld r U Otttn born One ot woe to You. Until Now. oiu nut. Ha.fway.lhro, the TALKS SHIPBUILDING their medicines at one place. Sho Lire's vlriMitudrt muit know; took the Jefferson up and aown .,,i.h nn.l thn tanker. referred to llie fact that there had Butir your rnrthstone every dl i ii.. . e When Ilia .l.nniU ho coast and never; met wtlli on 1 - 'to manlpulate in Iho swift been a good deal of drunkenness nd II wUI keep tUe nu iwty." l... n D 111 111 " DIVUIIIVI accident nllhough he must imo 1 I riirrpui... a.rin hb vtilil nil The Sey- The wooden shipbuilding pro- ja the last few days. Liquor did OPAL For AND October TOURMALINE lw lamer Alaskn n.ni taitcn many chances lu siorm n,,umour drifted around fop. some posal seems to have fallen flat. not prevent disease. In rln. brooches, etc. DDr(h!..pr,v,0"s rtr fog. tJm0 an(j ber distress signals were Alderman Dybhavn returned yes- The mayor told of having sent MAX H El LBRONER near " finally seen by the Princess So- terday after a visit to Seattle liquor to the islands for use. at Corner or Third Avenue tied lo lhe rf 1 lift itn. DR. VVF.8BROOK DIED; Lbin whicli was bound north and where, he interviewed the men who the camps under the doctor or- 1 aud Sixth Street. """eiiBcrs ... . . ... nUho derk as ,f afraiU wore to was iuu uuiiu mum T1MF- arrived here yesieruay.1 cm ts 1 1 were proposing to come here and ders. He had also given out sev-he m " 18 pu8,lll''o jlhe Seymour a lino and lowed her found that they had given up erl other quantities, each under mef ai uiAD.it,.,.. that...He Vancouver. Ollober 22. Dr to ,bo wharf at Campbell Kivcr on the idea for the present. They orders from a physician. t . wu nrrifi...! mt. . . i ... i .. .i. President of.Vaucouven mmna ghu ii her had received a cable frjom Norway Alderman Rochester said ap- ' thai .1.. . ,vvr' io inw i ruiiK j-, esoruoK, 1 n idlllinld nAilAit iitl1 Ihnt rvrkl ...nlli Ota rf-vt5rvlivol inliinti'.n ik. "DEMERS" there. lu nimutu nun ui-vM fcvj ftw 11m I'uti; nv v vif ,rtn Hould have a mm i 'n...bliu nni.....ii. V.t ltriiisli'' Colum( further instructions. ,was to establish a dispensary More Talks About Corsets. 'oniinuS M"f"tt"t"s he bla, dli'd Bunday after iong -ness. REVOLUTION IN SOFIA Word is expected by mall there here and he thought it should be There ar?) still a few-ladies 880 there . . before long, but it is thought that'opened. 1 who haven't seen or was a side. Dr. Wesbrook was one 01 ine have affected uu about the 'Goddess' London. October 22. Revolu. the peace proposals Hie motion was carrieu heard most widely known educationni has broken out In Sofia. the situation. Alderman Kirkpalrick against, and Corset. Now the next time lion ' fiLTV-iH In the Dominion. Horn in Canada There is street fighting between Alderman McRae not.voting. Aid- you are down town and .10 vuu me ium.nris and of ineuiru Man- itolshevlkl i troopr. Pol ioe report. RED CROSS NOTICE -ermen Jlle-Meekla and Smith were have a few minutes to courses at the University n absent. spare let us show you Itoba. It was while serving o im.r : Any sufferer from influenza unable Front and back lace; prices k- lo laff of a university in m' .w,mlth welllnoto n Coal re- to rrovide nourishing food The funeral of Mrs. A. Oleon from $1.75 to 10.00. rnc Htm i,ln alntnft- that P ' ....i. -...liii and gives may obtain broth, etc., by phon is taking place this afternoon COME AND SEE CVlCc7wyTY off.ril. and a eted. the P; duo., your - P. R. mg Mr. A. R. Lqrd, YVuldron from Haynor's Chapel, the Rev. 'Wi:!?" deneyof thoUniv'ersUyof. Coal 0o, Apartments. Oreen 511. Canon Rix officiating. 10.7340. CoVurnbla!