22, i. .......tor. October THE DAILY NEWB. Page 3 jMCP- TT " jVlusic Lovers Amazed hy A Plain Mans Argument for Church Union Edison's Daring Test ("Kqcd the flock, which is'omong you, taking the oversight STOPS' THE PAIN AND ACTS QUICKLY wiereoi, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, Jtbeumatkm.Inmbiuro, neorttr nralna,Uom buck, toothache, ear-actK- told, 2,000,000 music lovers in Canada and (ore throat. w)llea ionu eod all alinilar tronbles are guUUf All but of a ready mind. Neither as being lords over God's heritage, rrllrvrd br llir.t'a Tain Eitcrmlnator. It haa tieea tM tor 40 yean, United States, on more than 1 500 different and ahould tw In every hoavhold'-'haa a bond red om he but being ctisamples to the flock.") A U dmlcrs or urrif uj. HIRST B"nrny CO, Hamilton.Canada. of their occasions, have gone to one local theatres regarding a novel Dear Bir: being the "only filled with curiosity startling ... . recognized. organ... I'lll dtl BH rm 1 1 aI II.. il a, n. musical recital to which they had been invited. -o an ve ur rriucc ivu- u mo coniutuiiy 01 lue unurch peri are from the centres of 'a a-fact which other Christians In each case they "ought, theological and otherr would bear u,th, provided the have come away amazed wif, the argument put forth in episcopalians do not expect other NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! at the almost unbelievable favor of Church Union hy the llev. denominations to. believe it. The demonstration Hlshou l)u Vcrnct in vour Salnr- Pharisaical "I am better than Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present which had taken place )ay Untie proved to be inlereeU thou" altitude, so common among ' before their jlng and hlimulating to many Episcopalians, especially in cer- -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement very eyes, trained front their youth ur as lain parts of England, where dis-1 of a new supply and the - ears most Christians. ' seniors are ostracised even to this daring test of a phonograph So far as this city is concerned, day, is the greatest hindrance to WESTERN PACKlfRCuMITED or talking the average man in the street. Church Union there is. machine ever made. (should he hy any chance visit Hie The quiescence which charac BUTEDALE - - - B.C. They saw a noted Edison PiDliyterian, Uaplist and Meth- terises the churches in Prince artist stand beside dUist churches consecutively; Hupert at the present time would aa.iMaa' would be unahlo to descry any justify the matter of cangrega- difference; nor even in the Episco tional union being put up to the NEW EDISON pal cnurch, except that he. belnir church members, who as distinct e a stranger, would probably bo un-nble from church goers would be the "The Phonograph with a Soul" to find the place in the- prayer only ones having any right to vote book. on the question. If the leaders TUf keard tbe inurnment ting In the anut'i oice In other Half-Filled Churches. of tho various flocks aro wishful ii, rcsutti her oke. Pmem! the irt'ut herelf bejm to He would wonder wherefor the of this consummation, they will REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF tMt for note wjtb the faitrument. Muaicatly trained ears four churches, each less than half do so. And when the spirit of spj gpjrt in nin to dwtinjuUh the fiintett ihade of difference between filled at each service and, did he Christianity has permeated the 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' & actual voice ad the Re-Creation. Then, audJcn! and with-ft know all, none of them financially church membership even partly, irnio(, the nit crited injir!j, leaving the initrnmcot to self suppor.t-ng, nor able to afford they will vole for it. BUT HELP TO SAVE (tsaue the air !ne. Onljf br watching the artiit'a Kp Aii the to pay tlicir pastors reason- (Signed- A GIIUnCH MEM I)EH. WHEAT witixe lnow that ahe had reateJ aingtag and that the heard the jahte stipends. jajwnent Jone. Thb ia the fmou Editor Tone Teat. If ever there was an argument Salvation Army. Today by using thfese dependable Cereal Substitutes: for Church Union the city of Public CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR meetings, Only Kdtton Tuesdays, Only Ediaon maVei th!i(teit. ttt make ihii tot, Prince Hupert alfords it. To have YELLOW CORNMEAL Thursdays and Saturdays al 8 Ediaon p. hmo only the Newr actually rt-trtsttt the human voice four, buildings, lighted and heated ROLLED OATS asJ the moiicof hnman-r4aytd initnimenta with every tone coaGtj-aeJ n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. a uk and shut for the OATMEAL and jonce up ahade of eipreaaion. Ordinary phoncgrapha, talking rrrrjr other six days is an economic is the surnsviE court or British achiii, merely rifrtJtti. COLUMBIA. I waste, w hich ought to be toler-nted IS THE MATTER OF TAKAKA NAOUCIII f jit Lsrt ktn fftt rtih, t$ witntu 4 Eiiitn no longer. The money in IS THE DECEASED.MATTER OP THE and ADMIMS1 IUTMJ Vancouver Milling & Gram Tut Tilt, V J 4t bt tr JiJ'tfvid'frftf Mrtr fht- cJ5 vested in the lots and buildings, ACT. r CO., LIMITED l ttr litre. MH tht llmtl$ mil ytr itrtutt, together with upkeep by ffi JJ year year TAKEy .OTICK that la order or Ilia Millers of the Famous Standard Flour" could be put to much better advantage llooour F. McB. Younr made the Sin "Royal or Sfptfmber, A. D. 1911, I vas appointed Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 Prince B.C otherwise. There is no admlu!itraur t.o the eauts or tbe aaM Charles Wetley TeeUel, Rupert, 'just reason for the multiplicity of Tanaka Safeklebl. dcaaed-and all niru,i Package Cereal Licenses 0t0 to 2043 turtnr claima aratoat toe aald eatate are 'church buildings and pastors. tterrbj required to rurnUJi aaiue, properly termed, to me on or before tii l oth tiv Example Here. or Sort-mber, IBIS, and au parties Indebted to tb ! srs required to pay ne I To come to practical matters, amount or tbelr Indebtedneaa to me forln-wlin. 'whal is to hinder Church Union JOHX It. MCMULLIX. lUlward Lipiett, Preitdent Harry Llpsctt, Manniter jhere and so set an example to the Ofnclal Adictnlatrator ' baled liila lOtb day or October, 1918. Phone Office 14 Smith Block P.O.lBox 772 Inward CunniDgham, Vice-President remainder; of Canada V It is safe; oct it 131 to say that even were the church t members, who form only a small IS THE SUFREME COLUMBIA.COURT OP BRITISH Prince & Co. Rupert Engineering Supply Lipseti-Cunningham & Co. proportion of the church goers, IS THE DECEASED.MATTER O."and LUICI COMASD1SI, J to question themselves it would IS THE MATTER OPTHE ADJI1MSTRATI0S I be found that very few were ACT. Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors LIMITED -- I members of any particular church TAKE SOTICE "that "tn order or His Honour P. MeB. Younr, made Um toih day Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complsto FISHIKQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE 'from conviction. Because they or Ortolier. A. p. 1918. I was appointed because their Administrator to Die eatate or ine aald Plant Installations were bt?ught up so; Lulai Cocnandtnl. deceased, and all parlies SUamshlp Supplies, Oat Engines and Accessor! j friends, went there, or because lurini rutins arainst tbe aald estate are Northern B.C. Representatives Flah Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage they liked that particular preach-'er berenr rertried,reoulred to me on to or furnHb berore same,ftm fOib'day properly would be found to be the'Chicf or November. A. D. ISIS, and all partiea Canadian Ve3tinghouse PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Indeblel to the estate are required to par CO., Hamilton .reasons. tbe amount or tbelr Indebtedneaa to me Lamps, &c RiiUre4 Office: Prince Hupert Ofllce: I In this new city' why could not rorUmrlUi. JOHN II. NeML'LUS. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hoae ithry submerge their superficial ornelat Administrator. Toronto. "Extra Pw" Belting. CO., M WiUsr Street, Telephone No. 05 Paled this I Oth day or October. Itts. .Methodism or liaptislry or rres Oct 19 Tiuerover H, C. P. 0. Doz 1698 'byterlanism Episcopallantsm Canada" Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. ot; Co., Montreal steel Iron wire- ,in one common Christianity? A little calm and serious DENTISTRY Domestic Engineering "DeW Light Products thought by the church members Co., Dayton Isolated Electric Plants might be prolific of much good. OFFICE HOURS: ' Pelton Water Wheel Co. water whi and llt Ihe people think for themselves, a.m. to 12: 1:30 p. m. to B:30 p.m. " S. S. PRINCE RUPERT BROWN San FrancisCO Hydraulic Apparatus ! Think for Themselves. DR. J.DENTIST S. Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Wood Stove Pipe, Tanks, etc ! The writer does not agree with Dfflcet Smith Block, Third ,nu. Vancouver S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Uhe llev. liishop Ju Vernet when Phane 454. Dodge ' Manufacturing """fSg," She says "If we could only gel the SAILINO rank and file to follow their leaders." Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical MIONIOHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, If the rank and file, if such a Cleaning, Pressing Equipmentand Goodyear Baiting carried in stock Ocun Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. simile be permitted, would only !DS!0HT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granny Bay. lake the Irjouble to think a lillle 9 . for themselves instead of accepting and Repairing 8. 3. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. opinions ready made. Froater UUrnitlno Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. progress would ho made. LADIES AND GENTS Luther,, John Knox and John Wesley and many more thought TRAIN SERVIOE for themselves and them we have High Class Printing frit' Otortf,monoav,Edmonton WEDNESDAY and Wnntper.ivlATUOAV maainr dim!al 1 1:J coooeetiooa 0 ajn. ror Smttlwra ror all .to thank for our present day frre-jdom Jack Dunbar polnti at ami aouth. of conscience. Indeed, had Phont 5 1 0 725 StciJ A. (Luther not had sonic Independence ft. and action wo of thought For luformallon and reservations apply to 0. rj Ticket Agent. 'might still be buying indulgences is to do the JOHNSTON, City Passonger and Mcth-;odist The Daily News Print Shop equipped and that good 'for sins City Tlekst Offlca, 626 Third Avsnue. PHONE 260 our FIRK ALARM SYSTEM. Sir Joseph Flavello would finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable j for; one have a cinch on heaven. CIRCUIT NO. 1. ! A divided Christianity is the oc tt U SL and 3rd Are. prices. No job is too small to receive careful Boa 13 tb SL and Jrd'Ave. for an un-' 'price wo church nro paying membership, the Boa 14 Sib SL and 3rd Ave. attention and none too big for the shop to handle. thinking Boa 18 Junction of 1st, tnd and is'1 nssnonslblllty for which lies 3rd Ares. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY largely with the preachers. Bor 1 1st Ae between I tb and 9th Sts. (knot Hotel). Who Will Start? Boa 17 1st Me. and 7th 81. .Central HUSIMCSS AND SOCIAL GAUDS' Lowest Rates to alt Eastern Points For the sake of church union Hotel). and the in Prince hupert, which two XOTK HUADS AXU l'VELOPE8 via Steamer to Vansoaver to sacrifice CIRCUIT NO. 2. are prepared Canadian Pacific Railway preacher? eoi'22 3rd Ave tnd 3rd SL (Post their positions, and which omce). IXSl'L.W POSTKUS AND DODGERS Meals and Berth included on Steamer two congregations their premises 3i 23 3rd Ave. arrl McBrlde St. to accommodate and McBrlde St. DOOKLETS AND FOU1ERS for two churches aro amplo oa 24 tat Ave, churchgoers In this ea 2S tnd Ave. and Ind 8t. Boi 28 tnd Are. and 6th SL CIllCL'IiAIlS AND POSTAL XOTICES FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE city at present. - Is tho Episcopalian M 2T O. T. P. ready to worship in a KIIATEKXAL SOC1ETV WOUK "Mmctss 0t't Sophia aila from rriucc- rvurrl Sepumber 1 1 Hi. church which lies north and CIRCUIT NO. a. m, , ,, south, rather, than east nnd west? ea 31 lib Ave. and ration SL HECKIIT UOOK3 AND CHECKS to Boi 32 Borden tnd Taylor Sis. " ready endure Presbyterian TCHUAN, 4UNIAU, WRANOCLL, SKAQWAV, AUAIKA Is tho Bi 34 7tb Ave. and Fulton SL Im nd prelacy; or the Baptist to e SB fin Ave. and Comox Ave. "ZTCn"0obr,0PHI " from l-rlnee nurrl September lib. sit with the un-immersed; or the Baa 37 Jth Ave. and Dodire riare lOih. n.t .ndii.t. himself a lovo ai 3S -6lh Ave. and Thompson SL Methodist to deny feastt When the plain people will Boa 41 lib CIRCUIT Ave. NO.and 4.Emmerson The Daily News. Print Shop W, 0. ORCHARD, Qtnsral Agsnt. overlook such grilles for "the Place, Fou,lh S' Rupart. B.C. things that aro more excellent," oa 42 tin Ave. and McBrld St. Third Ave.,Prince Rupert id Third Av.nu.. Prloe. time will bo ripe for Church Baa 43 tb Ave, and Oreen SL the Sa 44 lh Ave, and Basil SL Union. oi 45 7th Ave. and EberU. The fad of the Episcopalians Boa 141 7th Ave. and Younr 81. Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention nnrogatlng to their own particular Advertise in "The Daily News" style of worship the Idea of Its