I Page 4 THE DAILY NEW8. FEW REGISTERING CORPORAL SLAYIN mdigmi AND AS HOUSEHOLDERS KILLED IN ACTION CONSTIPATION City Clerk Draws Attention to the Son of Ex-Prlxe Fighter Was Fact that Those Who Wish Formerly In the Yukon .NOTICE Or CANCELLATION OF RESERVE to Vote Must Put Names Where he was Well On List at Once. Known. NOTICE Is hereby tlvcn that the reset-re Quickly Relieved By eilstinr on certain portions or Lots' Two hundred and nve (VOS end Two hundred "Fniit-a-ii.es" At Iho meeting of the City Corporal Frank Charges Slavin, and eight (tost luut Tbrta (3) Coast Council last night Mr. Peters drew son of tho ex.prizo lighter who District,Eleven hundred surveyed and and nuy-nine known as diss).Lots Rocnos, P.Q. attention to the fact that although now lives in Victoria and who also Meven hundred and s!Mr one it lot) and "I suffered for many years with he had been staying at the has been overseas tc do his bit, reason Eleven or hundred a notice and sppesrlng eiity-iwo In Ibe diet)Di.tun by Economical Purity terrible Indiiestio a nd ConUifntion. City Hall on the evenings of Tuesday, has been killed in action, accord. Columbia oaiette oi I7tn December, isot, advised to try Is cancelled lor sale purposes. me A neighbor and to the Thursday and Friday for the Ing to word just received. dated si victoria, urltlsh Columbia. In your soap, purity is not "Fruit-a-tives" I did so this totb day or September, A D. 19 is. of those who wished Slavin born in surprise of my doctor, I began to convenience Corporal was O, l. NADE.t, only desirable but its an improve and he advised me to go on to register as householders or England twenty-si years ago and Deputy Minister of Lands. absolute necessity if you with "Fruita-fives". licenseholders, so far; only nino came lo Victoria when ho was 8 want your clothes to last. that I life to had availed themselves of the op years of age. When the war brjoke I consider owe my Sunlight Soap is absolutely and all of these were!out he in the Northern Country, pure "Fruit-a-tives" and I want to say to portunity was no fillers or adulterants of any those who suffer from Indigestion, men. So far not a woman had coining down with the Yukon kind I tSOOO guarantee of Ihla. Constipation or Headaches try applied for registration. Company, and transferring to the "Fruit-a-tivcs"and you will get well". Mr. Peters said that there were 23 1st Ilaltalion, which after OORINE GAUDREATJ. only nine days left in which those reaching the Old Country supplied Sunlight 60c a box,6 for$2.50, trial site 25c. who wished to register would reinforcements to the 72nd. lie NOTICE Is hereby liven that the Ssle At all dealers or sent postpaid by have the opportunity as the list was a year in France and was day of Lands or October lo be neat held upon on ibe which twenty-fourth delinquent Soap Fruit-a-titos Limited. Ottawa. closed absolutely, on October 31 through all the heavy fighting of taies are due has been postponed so rar as lands In the Prince Rupert Assessment at 5 p.m. Ithe last 12 months. District are concerned and that on tbe till waahea clothes beautifully t'eaa anada Food Board License 14-156 A student of mining engineering, day or November rollowlnr a sale will be freah as new- without Ike held or all such lands In the said Assessment Good assortment of pipes at he had been in the Klondike District elernal wear anJ tear of tie You Never Gil's. If for, a time, and was engaged in C. w. HOMER. Assessor and Collector j wash boerd. DATED this tnd day or October. A. P. Hit dredging work in the Yukon. Ho LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Know What tW Queen Charlotte Islander? cannot had also been in the Coal Creek NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT do better than mail their district, and all over the province R. S. C Cap. lit. msBmw printing needs to The News Print A Man had hosts of friends among prospectors The Oeorretown Saw Mill Company, Shop and get the work done ; and mining who will men, Limited, hereby lives notice that It basf Will Do romplly and well. regret lo learn of his death while under section 7 or ibe said Act deposited' with tbe Minister or public Works at Ol-j carrying arms against the enemy. awa and In the oOlce or tbe District Mens- I Advertise in the Dally News. trsr or the Prince Rupert Land nertstryi Mrs. Williams has been using District a descrlnon or tbe site and a I Pacific Milk for cooking a long. SKE.A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF plan or wharr proposed lo be bull I on Loli long time. Her husband got (o QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ss or shown oioca on i rian prince til nled Hupcri tn Townsite,tbe Land using it in his morning coffee Just Camouflage Registry Ofllee FRED STORK'S HARDWARE TAKE NOTICE that the Masse! Inlet And lake no(ice that arter ibe expiration so they never buy fresh milk Lumber or or one month rrwn Ibe dale or the llrsi Co., Ltd., Port Clements, oecu publication or this notice Tbe Oeorretown any more. ration sawmill operators Intends lo spply sw Mill Company, Limited, will under Established 1008. The other evening Mrs. V for permission to lease tbe following de What a place Prince Itupert is section 7 or the said Act apply lo tbe bought some fre3h cream to scribed lands: for kickeryj. The latest kick is Minister or robite Works, ai his omce in the city or Ottawa, for approval of the Commencing at a post, planted at tbe give him a treat (as she northeast that while all other places of ssld site and plan and far leave 10 con corner or Block 3S of the subdivision thought) with his porridge and or Lot 716, thence it. to deg, 11 amusement are closed the City struct ibe said wharr. Dated at Prince Rupert this itih day or A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON' to use with his coffee. mln. E. CSO feet, t5er.ee Ji. 30 der. I min. Council is still allowed to con September. I91. TROLLINQ W. S56.1 feet, thence S. 50 der. It mln. THE OEOHOETOWN SAW MILL COMPANY. However, Mr. Williams didn't tinue its sessions. LIMITED. Oil GEAR AND SUPPLIES. XV. 6S0 reel lo tbe northwest corner of ' see it that way and when he Lot 10, Block 36 or said subdivision, thence discovered it was a different southeasterly and rotlowinr the high water According to the old story wo are required to contest the claim or the men always wanted the things in the he asked cream pitcher,been" nark or Stewart Bay ttOO reel more or that were forbidden. Eve stole Tommy Burns' Cabaret 6HIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF for the he'd same as get less to the point or commencement and the just because she PAINT apple was s r FOR BOATS ting every morning couldn't rontalnlnr It.S acres more or less. drink his coffee with the other MASSET INLET LUMBER CO, LTD. told to leave it alone. Later on "stuff." Per Fred. Nasn. BXUS, A rent. she was told she should not vote, Open 8 13 2, SaUrdag 1 to 12 lated Aurust lOtb, 1818. OI9 and she went after it and got it. Pacific Milk Co. It is not noticeable that women Fishermen, Loggers and Uusl-neeemen LIMITED are particularly fond of apples especially invited FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 332 DRAKE STREET now that they can get them when Accommodation for Ladles ever they want them, but it is Factory at Ladner, B. C. noticeable that they do not care EMPRESS BUILDING SECOND AVENUE particularly for the vote. Therjj O. C Fierier, Manager are but nine people registered so TIMBER SALE X1462. far as licenseholders or house holders in tho city and not one To the Public: Sealed tenders win be received by tb of these is a woman. mister oi unai not later inan nnnn n tne Jim day or October, is is. ror th urcoase or License in 6. to cut 7S0.00 Alderman Kirkpatrick has not eel . Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock-on. a rea near Lot to i. k'lmsqull River, Rsnr faith' in the efficacy of whisky HMir HANSON In renter A Patentee as a medicine. Apparently she or tbe Hsrrj- Hanson Patented rait one it) year win i allowed ror re oral or limber. thinks the men who are applying Heating Hoi Wster Coll for Ranges Further particulars or the Chier Forester bat returned to town to stay. i.ciona, n. cj or District Forester. Pine for liquor to keep away the flu, (Hlifornia Phiit An Improvement In said coll Is Rupert. B. C. Oct. IS arjQ just looking for an oppor- now being offered. II Is now made tunity to get a jag on contrary lo or brass pipe, and prices are as rol-low: the provisions of the Prohibition Wltbta three-years' guarantee $28. Act. With a Ore-years' guarantee, 130. 8YNOP8!S OF Gum m This coll Is guaranteed to beat LAND ACT I OKU water four limes raster tban any AMENDMENT coll now on the .turkeL See Pre-mptlon now confined to surreye TIMBER 8 ALE X1463. land only. .Records will be (ranted corerlr.c only Hanson Harry land suitable lor arrlculturml purpose and which is non-limber land. Sealed lenders will b received h th The Reliable Plumber Partnership pre-emptions abolished, Minister or Lands not later than uoon on but parties of not more than lour may Phone 489 139 2nd Art. ue em oay or novemoer, 1 SIS, -for i. airaiise for adjacent pre-emptions, with Prlne Rupert. purchase of License) Hid. in rut i nn nnn Joint residence, but each making neeee-"fZ ret or Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock o nan '""Prorement on respective claims. rea aajoinins- Lot 104. Kimiauit nivr I'ro-einptors must occupy claims tor TIIK innre s. uasi unmet. nre years and make Improvements to LONOWILL Two (J) years Will be allowed for re raiue or 110 per acre. Including clearing A tent j, Phone 8, 2nd Are. moral or timber. and cultivation or at least I acres, be" Fringe Unpen Further psrllculars or the Chler Forester ore Where receiving Crown In Grant.ru.iinallAM -mnfnr ..A. Ictorla, B. C. or District Former. Peine less than a . ears, and has mad propor-"fHi! Rupert, B. & Oct. 3 'TProveinents, he may, became or lilhealth or other cause, be granted LAND ACT Intermediate certificate or Improvement Form and transfer hi claim. No. II. Records without permanent residence Pbor Green 156 P. 0. Box 120 may be issued provided applicant make Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Improvements to axunt of $SSG pr Annum f IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND and records same each year. Failure Whll. you work-vhen iAWtiPM DISTKICT; HECOHDINO DISTRICT OF to make improvement or record you SUBSIDES BROS. SkEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH BltniiK same will operate as forfeiture. Title hunger-when JWI. OK LAOOON cannot be obtained on these claim in you're dry-lny INLET. MORESBY ISLA.NL; lea than I years, with improvement of -Dealers in- ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. 110 per -acre. Including I acre cleared time you want a treat the A jjjsP BtkWtf TAKE NOTICE that I. Jnhn M MirMlll.n and cultivated, and residence of at or Vancouver, B. a. occupation cannery- least 3 year. flavor U there, there, there. feSSl 1 man, intends lo apply ror permission lo Pre-empior holding Crown Grant may Wall Pap ers south ieae Commencing-shore trie roiiowinr or at Lagoon a post described Inlet,planted Moresby lands:on the Is- ' inrm.record statutory without another land In actual improvement pre-emption.conjunction occupation,mad If with he pro-Tided and require hi Carry a packet In your pocket. F"' 3 land, about one mile from its mouth ' resilience maintained on crown Slanted The .ucculent Juice, of finest ..'iMtmW fj tnence west so chains: thence north land. MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE chains; thence east to chains more or less Unsurreyed areas, not exceeding tt fruits combined STOCK In THE NORTH lo low wster mark at the beaoh: thence acres, may be leased a homesltes; with the purest K 5 rrf$Wj& southerly rollowlnr low water mark to the title to be obtained after fulfilling real, Prompt and Careful Attention point or commencement, contalnlnr dentlal and improvement condition. refined chlcJe to provide you with K 9SI acres more or less. ror grail ng and Industrial purpose, Given to Out of Town JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. area by one exceeding 140 acres may be leased a confection that "fairly makes K, lM'lP;Sj3P' person or company, DATE October 10th, 1918. D. Orders. Samples sent on PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. your mouth water". Request. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH i .5 ct nl Act I enlarged to COLUMBIA. ,F.r,,on J?lnr and serving FULL LINE OF PAINT8, lTIIEMATTER" OF CHRISTIE GIBSON -uti Majesty Forces. Th time within which th heirs or derlsee of a KAL80MINE-. ETC. deceased pre-emptor may appljr for title under thi Act Is extended from IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADJINISTRA on rear from th death of such person, nun au I. a formerly, until one w ,v.- TAKE NOTICE that In nrrier nr ill. oonclualon of th present war, Thl P. McB. Young, made the ttb day of May privilege 1 also mad retroactive. 1917. I was sppolnted Admlslstrslor lo th TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT Illl ADAMS (ttl irHllil) TUTTI FRUTTI CUM HTV 5r " l-nn"le oinson, deceased ACT The Greatest Enemy uu fames uavinr eiairni aratn.f tn Prorlalon I mad for th grant to .iu t.i.io ro uertujr-requirea lo rurnis ' same. nroDerlr vermeil in m ... menu to Purchase from th Crown TO YOUR PIANO 18 RUST fore the 3 1st dsy of October, A. D. 1918 such proportion of the land. If dlrislble of uu an iiaruei inaeoten in iiia ,tafA mr a the payment already mid wul ADAMS - JP Have Never-nust required to bar the amount of thi in EI" FSSSJS.L,h. "I. prlcof applied debtedness lo me rorthwith. VF roor persons to Strings, Tuning Pins, and t. H. MCMULLIN, thlr holding interest ucli Agreement and for may a group Pure Chewinj Gum all Metal Paris in your piano Onelsl Administrator. tlonat. allotment Joliifiy. If PU5S5i oonldered advisable to divide Never-Huat Is a Positive Rust SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP f?vSd r..an PPcatlon for a p'oSJ; f Kiiuiineni, an allotment of land Preventive. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ft'i'. JH"?-'.e5ied. tro." av.ll.bl. m-adi. Th.T. XntZfiSMS Q. C, WALKER TAKE NOTICE that I. John McLarly Mae upon payment of all taxes due th. Phone Blue SM s,nc Tu(1r tmiian, or Vancouver B. C, occupation canneryman, intends to sppJy ror Dermis- chaser from Ih. Crown hu agre.rfi Ion to lease the followlnr described lends i commenelnr at a post planted cn the , south shore of Laroon Bay. Moreahv la. pjs? T.Sn .15: ?f mg land, about one mile from Its mouth, "Pioneer Boarding House j thence south 10 chains, tbenee west JO Uon madV af.VVh'.."y.-..',"'..PPea to T1I1RDAVE... . . nmiTnniiviwnr. , . chains, tbenee north 0 chains, thence - w tswfjv easterly slonr the shore line lo point of Nice cImb rooraa,rood loud. Hot and cold 2 commencement, contalnlnr 10 aerea mora water, idi 60c up, J or less. PHONE RED tn I JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. 111"-Tr"1 if I Illl lll il't' i.uesjBjsjsjsjsjsja--- flf T, U wm0jijff: Dated June fOtb 1911. D.pu.y'i,,I,l.,Kn1. ' CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. Victoria, i. Q UMiru I