LOW cilsts 1080 and The Daily MEWS Good GEO.J.FRIZZELL Particular People Meats for nn nnn Phones, 10 and 25 MUNCE ItLTEFlT, B. C, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1018. r ZVC GENTS - UT OF NORTH FRANCE v i m h n am a. khhhh h h mm Mm m h-i - ia m n u m tt mm mii at m u j m m m n h a m i ai h k -r bi imi m v m h h I'llllll in IHI Bk AMI M EJ TUA WJF MH L7 UJWB J -V UB I D M fl K PI IT M I It '4 -V .aV n HK III LS 11.1 1111111 I.I I II.I. I I .It iu I I 1 lit I PA TT 111 .lllliri 1WP i LIEdrfclYUI NO HELP COMING 'BORDEN ST. HOSPITAL FRENCH TROOPS CONTINUE Ill I IVM II I If Ul .1 .111 illlll il I. FROM VANCOUVER! IS WELL ORGANIZED GERMANS ARfcVfcKYMAKLY TO R1AKE GAINS, DRIVING Dr. Young Wires That All Nurses, Mosdames Wellly and Murray In OUT OF NORTHERN FRANCE wale Needed and In Female,South.Are Charge With Helpers.Many Willing NORTH FROM CITY OF LAON In response lo Ihe telegram di- Two deaths are reported this im niRECTION OF DOUAI IS ALL THAT REMAINS patched to Dr. Young, the pro- morning from the Borjden Street CZECHO-SLOVAKQ FIGHTING WITH FRENCH RETAKE THE vincial health olllcer. asking taAuxiliary Hospital among the VILLAGE OF TERRON TWO TOWNS AND RAILWAY CENTRE send up live trained nurses here Ttlalients suffering from influenza TAKEN BY ALLIES ifrpm Vancouver and three male and its after effects. They were (Special to The K ws via 0, T- P. Teljrapl. orderlies lo assist in overcoming j WJllard J. Watts, barber, with the It It probable that by this time Valen- Paris. October 23. The French forces are still driving north London, OctoDtr Hie influenza epidemic, word has JHiiipin Haiti and another man .. - mm mmm i t irww..-nRiiuiiL inn ariLiiii- i.i i limn "iihii ward from,the city of La on and taking a number of small towns. k. failAn Mb Mi r H.u i- 1.... i ri it i u'ti. . VI WWW ID SO SJ IIUIII'. J VJIIUI bill U V 47 V UO i.k. ...hurbs Of the Cliy arm vveru surruunuinH j. it "lunno 1 t l ... , , .... ... . . , l.. . , .... ., T,he Germans are resisting fiercely, but every mile gained Is a . . . I " a a -h w n mslumj v J vit nssvs uwusau j ...Minn off supplies. ouni are ucina irameu on .,.,, ... , ,, , , . danger to the salient between Laon and St. Quentin. Mmmun!cat on and It u impoMioie lor me cuy 10 . . .,....., ,,.. ,,..J.. ..,, ,. The town of Chalandry to the west of the Laon-Vervins rail way has been captured after heavy fighting and Grandlup-et-Fay hoapilul aullioriUea here ask forutng he night .Li. iMHiialiiUI and I Iwa w ritnlNt I tiA IlftPa : the east of the has also fallen. The French oi in.. ,u-m.-. -..- --..- to railway pressure With the Uhing volunteer helo. xvhich they have The organization of this emer- .iwn nuL at nortnern e-ranco ana me areaier .......... . ... is continuous and there are a good many casualties. mmM nriri icjiii w uiiivii " -,..-- - t a f rmti iinnrui'ii una luiaii nrniii'i i . . - - - iMi'iiv " vtt outionn. ?viuiiit-ji o .c: -' -tl. The Czecho-SIovak forces which have been fighting side by of Belgium, waienvv.."-- - nave come lorwarti, ana buiiicieni " " """""'J border and farther north the Alllos nave gone oeyono uuie aagjgiance s available to cope quickly, and reliecls great creuu side with the French have captured the village of Terron which w.u the Belgian Border. There Is a backward with the increased nuinben of "Pon uie parue concemeu. irs. had temporarily fallen into the hands of the enemy. Z dSn of Doual but this salient will not likely r- patients. jLf W- Heilly has been acting ma. the Iron by day, and Airs. Murray, late morning there arc two ln long. Ati . t death renorted nl the hospital 'of Hazellon. by night. Many will- ALDERMAN IS UNUSUAL CEREMONY October ELTho Allied armies are ami ueiore workers have come forward London, from pneuinonja 09Cnr v. Mnp-'ln OF CREMATION HERE i- n.ft.. w.ti lit una wnere me uermans conunuo .... t f..(. cti wai anu wuii exnenencea suncrvision r.lii mot itrenuouiW.The Allied forces are at a disadvantage Vancouver, aged 32. born in Swe- are proving oi great, neip. A VICTIM OF . . ... . .. . . . of . . s Thorn uarn ol it ft I urn more Hlndus to Burn Body Countryman a a t L.III i ar, n 'n a n al til III ol Atmia'asa'lll n nil " A as -s vr a J w ww . ,. . Fairview iiiu w w - mii. a ii ah nd ri ii i i n iiio iiiiiiiuiw v ester- at Cemetery, - aiea yesterday. inos. reucrneu. . .i... l.i ......lrl.A Im Ilia ttnnmw. According to their fisherman. 803 liorden Street, day. one from the Salvation Army The country eait of Tournal I strongly fortmed ana tne jn rnrnark. aged 34. was Citadel and Baby nyan. Religious Rites. , .t,j. . . . ... . . . . r ....at .ii a a. L lL.1 f tli fsWnf. a i- j ' this morning. MISS MOTOR DIES R. J. D. Smith Dies After Short An interesting ceremony, at Illness Was Well Known least intereslingjta a way, because CHIEF JUSTICE IHOW THEf HANDLE RESULT OF INFLUENZA and Highly Citizen.Hespected oWlii unu.sualjiess,in Prince-Ru M Cross Noles pert, wiH shortly take-place in i SLACKERS IN ALASKA at n.M1.l.. tT-M-n nlnu nf Rinirfaf of Prince -Hupert connection with the death of LIEUT. people BECOMES ' Bank In This City; Sympathy I ; Harry Singh, the Hindu who re Li i sale realised f5S.- wr ... I heard with regret last eyening Us u a fine record In a 1 They don t handle slacker with " 1 that one of their-fellow townsmen cently died .at the Borden Street GOV. OF QUEBEC care in Ketchikan. During the Emergency Hospital. This man M . ... last draft. Olaf Jorgenscn and; The deatn is announceu nn . j. u. oiuhu uuu mucu uvuui r c i';.tt'i in Hir mr Arne John Bandvick decided lo,morning of Miss Camillas Mc- 't0 pneumonia following an attack was brought in already suffering w us raacr ai ne :! and put a rouies . ... ....I. rt-.i .n.i.. rn lmr Kmnnn. wnose oarcnis. .nr. uuu ,.r mtiuenza. lie nan oeen 111 uui from pneumonia, up iiUli, box uf by tgi,. Dives Up mm in Mien m.. '' - . . . . , . ni.i i.i isr apples, won Charles Fittpatriok resiae on -run. ts-cai. - than fight for the United Slales-SMrs. A. MCKinnon. a 8norl lime out ins consuiuuon 4. Tbopiuq. A, Haines, sack Judicial Position and is .Miss aicivinnon iue uiscusc viu-cu iuu.wvp- Tl. ..apa I a Van hv A rtinh of Avenue West. which was none too robust was ,-, lamv aoj v i ..ruish; Pro- Sir Louis tuif " " ..." . ... .-i .. ... ... ..... ... i. ...IjiI Ini- hia rw-nvurv. Followed By mon wearing the colors oi tne oniy icu hiku bcuuui iu. ocuouu unauie ic wnnsiana aaK - - - mii.i.u n m v i a ui 110 Davies. draflwl men and forced lo headland was staging out on a busi- Uie dread scourge. I "is fellow countrymen in town a i..rile through the town. They ness career, being engaged with Mr. Smith was sole proprietor (will dispose of his body according 1 M IP ri9 ,.f- - -rivv-..pH-at AW(..na Ottawa, Oct. 28. lUght Hon-Sir were decorated with yellow the Hoyal Bank branch here. of the flrm of Smith & Mallett. of to their own religious rites, which ' ih .iuiK.ui; -rovin- influenza last week, senior do not permit of the ordinary Charles . FlUpalriok has re- .irimer over the shoulders, ami Taken with which be was formerly . . . m.m I I - .la fnml filial UQ B ITfV I I I T I LT Ul I I .1 1 1 1 111 1 UL noMnftP U'll if 11 II II S 1 1 1 1 fIIlTllimiI I UUi Kill A. Avaanawaa. signed the cuier jusiicesiui. oi w across iui v..w. - - . - ; . ... --r.- tift. n. nun. n Blltt here(permit of the corruption 01 me ailIJCrs . , i. .j ha jnr "s ackers were piacea. sumruuuu u. minuna m um piuuiumt, ".ums atyNn Saadlton; Mrs. Jen- C7 Mill 141 IV V.VI MI. V. body after death, and il must be .tm. nnn v mnrrnpn id a rtsiuusu uuu ui ai.iuu ivuu. uo u uiu0iraoi. .-.f h'-...... uiaui....a MUll .UT 1.1. .IT III... been appointed Lieulenant-Oov- an(j lJ e drnfled n,en gavc at,out 7 o'clock. in his methods and had built up burned wfth fire. Thereore. the . ..... -It.'.aiUTJ. IQCK Ol crnon or the 4'rovince of (Juebec m cjl0jCC 0f jumping off Miss McKinnon had lived here a prosperous business when death cremation will take place at: the oa By Mrs. AlcNichnil: Sir E. ducked. They with her parents for a number of called him. cemetery. The Indians pioceeaea Ihe late 'i nJ..i . . in succession to Uie dflck r being built the funeral and - -vwd pair oi ClilGKcniS . . . l.j - yenrs and was well known and as a public spirited ciluen Mr. lo Fairview 9J M Hum hullorknlfn. UllJiaUO. lu.n.ilnp nmnne....... vnilllCT cn.iil. In t-nll tnmnt. .. nnil hlcrhlv pyre, and will proceed thither .UlWVllCMg .-t, " J U.ll 1.1. .9 ..W.. mmu --"O -V I -;u r I'll lion lnhiiiiP Ilt-a I The vacancy In the Chief Jus CROSS NOTICE and old. The greatest sympathy respected. Ue has always taken with tho body and will burn it to RED 1M1 " f m s.1 1 1 1 r f La 1111 iiv .a I ticeship has been tilled by the appointment with the members of the family is a keen interest in the welfare of ashes. There are ten Hindus in of Sir Louis Davies. Am- sufferer from inlluentn un- being expressed by all. 'the place. In the counoih of town employed in the lumber iVKa f S; he has been a member for business, and they will conduct acknowledged was nourishing loon ;which Slr Charles FiUpalrlck nbl(, l0 provide Iheirown hrtU. ete by E. Fisher returned to town nearly three years, his advice was tho funeral according to born in Uuebco in 1M53 and v may obtain tjlion weeks ideas. Permission has been,secured -t' EMU in KinnAi Inn ...III. this morning after several always sought and carried weight , "llllI.Til.IUII "rtUII uducated in the province He was ing a. h. ru. from the city ofllcials for "wq uaxuar. oreen an visit to Victoria. He was also u member of the Uial t 10 much lnniiinin in created a K. C. during the Oov Apartments, , - Board of Trade, the Prince Hupert this unusual cerjjmony. a great tnanv nonnln lin- ernoralilp of tho Kurt of Aberdeen Club und other organizations. In . " ui dursintr. 11 una and later became professoit MURDERER HAS BEEN fraternal circles he had a wide ELEVEN DEATHS FROM DOUBLE member of - ".uu lavilalllit In linvn nn University connection, being a criminal law nt Iit GRANBY INFLUENZA AT of tho St. Andrew's '.uay or tj,1B wc(!k the Masonic order, PtriOD ti(T. 1.. He was the chief counsel for Louis DISTRICT Society and of the Sons of IN LEDUC CAUGHT w unable to prepare Hell who was convicted of high Canada. Anyox. B. C, October 23. The r ttlfuhnninn ri....... r.1 t treason and executed at llcgiua m j Few men could belter nave epidemic of Spanish influenza is ; ncoUl M Lord of 1885. --.Mrtw-rai been spared to the city than the taking its full course here, thei "iaron ADarlnmnl. lmvlnir Hir Charles has held many nn- JOSEPH CAMERON WHO snu. i mtii m. tmw . w.. Lalo ftud geuera, re iinviiicr hpen something like four ""Wed to dn II... M..I....II.I uirinnL nosillons. Ho represeiu- NOW IN TOILS, HAVING BEEN ARRESTED BY grol was expressen everywuere ,umired cases ainoe It startea. "lie! I.. il.me sick. Mm Mnmininn Ooveriiinenl be PROVINCIAL POLICE when the ill news was spread that'Tu datCi tlier0 i,avo been eleven fore tho Privy Council in Hngland he had been one-of those that Ihe ,,.,,,. anA 8everal people are Id the famous Fisheries case in (Sicll lo Tlie vt l 0.t. P. Telrrplw.) dread reaper had takon at this! "0rimiaiv in. IVIKflnn. .... 1H07 and was one of the nriusn I ....likii nini.r 23 Josenh Cameron, alias J. A. uuuip--1 .1 iimu. ron IIIUIIIWLtT nl T"ift" - lJI?3'i loe lladew. who committed double murder here on The funeral will lake place on as well as of the citizens in Tribunal In 1008. He represe hell, ftim- v-nipn Sunday next with Rev. Mrs. Smith and made n .en-al.on-1 . ea,,e from he raimpsean"XZ Ouebco In tho Dominion House orTlmrs(lny lllSt ; in their be- v., ,,!.?'"1" '""' wwi nnmmons and was" Mini""' iinlnl. has been cnuKu - ijoage v.r. uuu a.m. in ennrgo rMVAmont Justlco from 1002 to 1000 s inco . . threshing gang. The provincial police effected tne of a arrangements, l "D tourmalins whinh limn ho hns been wnei ..... .Mayor Mcuyinont wn en seen 1. ., T..aiinrt nf Mm Dominion. nrresi iuv t riflnmto i..riminal. The nolice in this morning expressed nppreoia- ' K.C.M.8- of the work.f tlie late alder-1 Bir "r:Z tlon "DEMERS" Davies, been noimed to bo on Uie look, ...l. ..nnn.la Illlll ling iiuun ion inwiiJi iii"P" mail, uo sum. nu urn think, More Talks About Corsets. nr.rt Avenue WIU DUVUVCUD " . f . .. . .1.1 Tt 1. n. - J Cn.v. 1 T . tin A n Ikn InU A I 1 - Bi-TD1"'vii nircet. member of tho Supremo I t him and a description Oi snot wure i' 1711m iiooves uu aum wiiuu ihvuhuuou iu mu There nry still a fov Canada for a number of ye-il. nftH' t,0en given to nil railway Zappler. Tho latter was known derman Smith only the other nr-tjk 7 ladies who haven't seen or 1 IKnl J hnnn it'AiiM'ha 1 ... 1. ... tn TlnlnrA Ldwnni 1 and others who lo u Dm inKI f Ar.nrv.nff ICrUUUU tuuw wut heard about Ihe 'Goddess' WU IIUIII lit I I'vv , '.iirtn barbera D0 and rece Ivcd most or ins !,,,,. h, llk,,iy m notice a strnn largo sums of money on his per. ... theL Corset. Now the next time .., ,hnl it to b. wa8 down town and ill lion theiyi.. 'SI V. - vnoant.bnrns and outhouses -n, and Cameron, who ts known 7n7U.Z you have are a few- minutes to ru..hu..u.v.x: ...cocssor.wore : .... (n Alberta, is thought to have 'in, services and advioe. especial- spare let us show you. tho od lo Sir upon Charles ns FIUP""1"1 K result a he h. hee'n run come to Edmonton expressly for iy that pertaining to tho Board of I Front nnd back lace; prices . . 1..1 a w i 11'111 nnw iiHvn tu a of robbing him. . 'or&s. will bo missed by the I from t.75 to ?10.00. coal ro down av i double iHeevers is the man who tried to Council Board, where he sat for COME AND SEE 1 n.i,..mitii jtalllnaton trial here on stand nd e murderer; and who was'the last three years. I duces your fuel bill a t A r v n. 1 1 . 1 n i m . .... i . . . . m i FN 6oaMA,ND SATISFACTION atlsfaotlon. Phone 1-Coal p. n rm " iwa mn whom Onmeron1" r w"u 1,1 Winn wjr,i "mo sympamy mo uounGM,j - Oo,