Ictober 23, IPI8. ,M, THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 PRINCE RUPERT MAN MAY -GET Mucic Lovers Amazed by VICTORIA CROSS FOR Edison's Daring Test VALIANT WORK ON FIELD STOPS THE PAIN AND ACTS QUICKLY All told, 2,000,000 music lovers in Canada and Rhea milium.I out been,neuralf trttlnj.time back,InotbeeJie.earache ore throat (woolen lrJ end ill afmiUu trochlea are auicHH the United States, on more than 1500 different reMmd br Htrt I'aln Etlcnrinator. It hi been told forao yeara. occasions, have gone to one of their local theatres 8ERQT.-MAJOR WOODS RECEIVE8 NOTIFICATION THAT HE siuara-eriorwruttt IIR ' 'T r 1. IIiikIUoti.tranada. filled with curiosity regarding a startlincly novel HA8 BEEN RECOMMENDED FOR HIGHE8T OF musical recital to which they had been invited. ALL DECORATIONS IN OIFT OF THE KINO t.ityil?;i.tt In each case they :wuk. "vc come away arr.az Word has been received by SenrL-Maior A. E. Wood whu n NOTICE TO FISHERMEN 1 L I cd at the almost unbo ! (few weeks ago went south from this city, to the effect that he gsA which licvabledemo had ken uee recommended for the Victoria Cross. Nalnrally he is Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present before their place keen to know if this will bo granted, as the Victoria Cross is the -:- Watch this for :i very eyes, most space our -:-announcement coveted decoration soldier a can receive. and '9 cars the mn of a new supply 9ergl.-MaJor Wood as already explained in these columns, f daring test of a phono- graph or talkinc has already received nine medals. The Croix de Guerre, the WESTERN PACKERLIMITED machine ever made. highest award of the French Government, has been bestowed BUTEDALE - - - B.C. They saw a noted Edison upon him. lie has the Iloyal Hu- the 8ergcant-MaJor had an added artist stand beside mane Society Gold Medal, in addi-lexpeijience to make the memory tion to his army decorations, for even sadder- He was helnin in saving life at sea. the Kin and.the recovering nf thA 2 NEW EDISON Queen's South African medals from No Man's Land and had with seven clasps, the Persian brought in two men. A third man "The Phonograph with a Soul" Gulf Medal with clasps, a long;whom be went to rescue Droved service medal for eighteen years' !to be bis own and youngest b'roth-Jcontinuous Tity hmi tbe Initrument ting In tht tnm't rdce In tier service without a stain!er, shot through the lungs and rirutt her roke. Prriemljr tie irtiu Lewlf Ujia to on nts character, the Military wounded in tbe head. So serious REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF Rri note for note whb t)e iMtrumcnt. Mutkallr trained etrt Medal and Mons Star. were the wounded man's injuries Krore la rain to dmiojuhh tbe jatntnt thadc of diffrrtnee between Only One Left. that' be expired in bis brother's 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' it actual voice trtJ d Re-Oettioo. Then, mddrrJr tnd with His personal record is one .of 'arms, after be bad been brought tot wrc;B, the trtirt cewed aingirj, lewlng tbe inurnment to the mod amazing stories of the back to bis won trench. BUT HELP TO SAVE costioac U ' ,5- 0J V Mrig tbe anit'i Br did tie war., Ami (hat if. hi fa uire Sergeant-Major Wood had re iMfKDce inow that ibe htd retted (toting and Uut ibejr beard tbe 'of the saddest. One of a family turned to Prince Itupert with the WHEAT Jasrameat tJone. Tltia l tbe fimou Kdhon Tone Tet. 'of teu blathers, he is the only one idea of gettrag again into civilian Today by using these dependable Cereal Substitutes: On!r Edaon mile tbk trtt. Only EdUon un male tbU teit, left and his mother and father life when he heard the call for CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR beanie coif tbe New EJiwo inutile rt-rrrdtn tbe haman Toict too have died during the great men for service in Siberia as YELLOW CORNMEAL tad tbe diudc of bunnn-rJcd InitrurocMt wfcb ererr tone jualitj struggle, his mother passing brought by Corporal Nelson. He ROLLED OATS tad ttttf ta4 cipiettion. Ordinary rbonojrjpbi,tod lifting 'away while the body of her husband responded at once and is now at OATMEAL nacUsti, Beielf rtfnJut. was in tbe bouse awaiting the Willows Camp, Victoria, where burial. Seven of bis brothers have be is helping to lick into shape f lr irr trstuft ftt-h, ti miMn sm EJutu Vancouver paid tbe supreme sacrifice on the the men who are prepaiing for Milling & Grain t If tit tr EJiitn's . Tnt Ttit, trtwrrt t rttj in 18 I fields of France a nd two laid down tbe Siberian campaign. uptfh tl$tr itiri, Msie tht tint U wt jitr ttutiuUuu. CO., LIMITED 4 their lives in the South African Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" campaign. The SergUMajor hiui-telf Salvation Army. CWcs Wesley Tccbcl, Prince Rupert, B.C landed in France with the Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 flrst draft of lirilfsh soldiers who Public meetings, Tuesdays, Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 have stuce won undying fame and Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. served continuously until February n. bundays at 7:30 p. rn. 4, 1918, when be was discharged 13 THE SUPREME COURT OP RRITKII as the result of four COLUMBIA toward Ltpsett, President Harry Lipteit, Manager wounds and the effects of gas. In l.t THE MATTER Or TAXAKA NAOkJCHI Edward Cunningham, Vice.President July, 1918, he returned to Canada l.t THE DLCEASEO.MATTER OF THE tod ADVI.MS1 r.ATI". Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 but on September 17 he again of AIT. jfered bis services and was ac TAkE SOTICE Uut In onltr or Hit lipsef-Cunningham & Co. cepted as a member of the Cana of Honour Sptrmtxr.r. Ncfi.A.Youor.D. 1911,nude I ni Ute appointed tui ly dian Siberian Expeditionary Force idmlniimior lo tbe estate of tbe tali Ttnaka Kactlcbl. deceased, and tU paruet During the short lime he was in btnnr claim! aralnit tbe tald etute are Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors LIMITED - -i- -" bertbjr required to runut civilian life on this side be was tune, properly verified, to roe on or before tbe totb dtr NSHIKQ A CANNERY EQUIPKENT MARINE HARDWARE engaged in war worjc, cutting of Morember. 1911. a ad all partlet lndebl-ed Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete to tbe utile are required to par tbe in tbe at Plant Installations aeroplane spruce camps amount 01 tnrir inoeoieaneta to me rorw-1Ul SUamihlp Supplies, Oss Engines and Accessories Islands. Uueen Charlotte JOH.t II. Northern B.C. MCMCUXX, Representatives Flih Netting, Twlnss, Lines, Ropss and Cordage The Courageous Act. Ofncttt Administrttor. The valiant act which caused Dated UUt tOlb day of October. 1st I. Canadian WestinghoUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric PRINCE Oct It RUPERT, B. C. Gecerators' Sergt-Major Wood to be recom Co., Hamilton LB;&lloton' IX THE SUPREME COfflT OF BRITISH kfUlered Ofllce: Prince Rupert OfHce: mended for the Victoria Cro&s COLUMBIA. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose took place at La Bassee while he IX THE NATTER OF LCIOI COMAXDIM, M Water itrtel, Telephone No. 95 DECEASED. and CO., Toronto. "E Power" Belting;. Tswojvfr was Sergt-Major of C Company IX THE MATTER OF THE AOMI.MSTRATIOX U. C. P. O. Box 1698 of the 2nd Battalion Lancashujo ACT. Canada Wire & Cable Dare and Insulated Copper. Fusiliers on September 25, 1916, TAKE XOTICE Uut in order of Hit Co., Montreal 'ste Iron wire. Honour F. McB. Younr. made tbe 101b day land with a full complement of of October. A. D. 11S. I trts appointed Domestic Engineering "Dew Light Products the of taking Admlnlitrator to tbe etute or tbe ttid odlcers, with object Lnlti ComtndinL deceased, and tU parties Co., Dayton Isolated Electric Plants a line of trenches. With the biTinr claims arttntt tbe tald estate are berenr required to rarnisn tame, property Pelton Water Wheel Co. S. forces against them completely Tfriried. to me on or before fbe totb day Water Wheel and S. PRINCE RUPERT overwhelming and their ranks of Xorember. A. D. IttS. and all ptrUet San FranciSCO Hydraulic Apparatus IndebieJ to tbe etute are required to pay on thinned by heavy casualties, the tbe amount or tbelr Indebtedness to roe Pacific Coast Pipe Co. lltllo party were unable to retain forlbwllb. Wood Stove Pipe, Tanks, etc Vancouver JOHX II. NfMLLU.il. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE Ihelr objectives, but every officer Official Administrator. Dated this totb day of October. 19 1. Dodge Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, 'had been ttouuued or killed and BAIUNO only seventeen were left of the Co., Toronto aSJS etc. I0NIQHT 'paijly when they arrived back to A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, trench. Of tbe seven ;their Owtn Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. teen, somo own were wounded. Enemy Cleaning, Pressing Equipment and Goodyear Beltingcarried in stock 'MIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Oranby Bay. I machine gun Are was directed 'with deadly aim on the little band and Repairing J S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. 'and the Sergt-Major who bad as , llUmatlna Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. I turned command earlier in the LADIES AND GENTS action upon the officers becoming TRAIN SERVICE 'casualties, again braved the perils of No Man's Land and Uie German High Class Printing oor, WEONisoAV todSATUROAV tl iliioi.m. rr Sroltbtri Dunbar rrf. Edmooton tnd Wlnnljr. mtklnt tiret eooMetiont for til i lines and. maddened by the do Jack pctntt fill iixi touts. tlruction of bis company, made a rhentSIO 725 StctmJ A. 'fierce attack on the machine gun Tor information and reservations apply to I positions. He put three guus out O.F.JOHNSTON, City Passonger and Ticket AgsnL of action and btpught back flvo The News Print is to do the Daily Shop equipped "If Tl r V.1 ft m mm vk.j a PHONE 260 !prisoners, but not beforo be had FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. two shrapnel wounds and a Dayo finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable net wound in the thigh. CIRCUIT NO. 1. Was Once Torpedoed. Bo 11 lib SL and Ird Are. prices. No job is too small to receive careful the Dar Bo i is Clb SL and Ird Ait. home from Ileturning Boa 14 Itb SL and Ird Are, attention and too for the to handle. danelles, suffering from tho effects Bet 18 Junction of lit. tnd and none big shop CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY of gas and troubled with a 3rd Aret. previous wound which necessitated Bor IS 1st Are, between Itb and lib SU. (Knot Hotel). his leg being put in a splint, Oea i; HI We. and 71b SI .Central I Lowest Ratea to all Eastern Points tho Sergeant-Major was on a ship Hotel). Ht'SlXESS AXD SOCIAL CAHDS via Steamer to Vnncoaver and the which was torpedoed. The ship CIRCUIT NO. E. XOTH HBADS AXD EXVELOrES sunk in seven minutes anil many Canadian Pacific Railway unable to Bet X2 Srd Are tnd 3rd SL (roil of those on board wero omce). DISPLAY POSTLIIS AXD DODGKIW Weals and Berth included on Steamer get to tho boats. Sergeant-Major ot 23 3rd Are. in I McBrlde St. Wood, who was in one of tho Bo i 24 ttl Ave. tnd McBrlde SL HOOKLKTS AXD FOLDEHS and some Sea n tnd Ave. and tnd SL boats, saw two nurses Bet 26 Jad Ave. tnd lib SI R ClltCUiaitS AND POSTAL .NOTICES VANCOUVER, SEATTLE in the water and VICTORIA AND wounded men Boa 27 O. T. P. MmctM tho splint from his leg Sophia inn from Itinr hurrt SptnrJ-r Uth. Ilnl tr.d tearing FHATKIIXAL SOCIin'V WORK water CIRCUIT NO. 9, leapt from tho boat into the and succeeded in rescuing tho two Bet Si Ith Ave. tnd Fulton SL ItKCKUT HOOKS AXD CHECKS act that Bet 32 Borden tnd Taylor Stt. ( . m"! llrrCM"'',' JUNtAU, WRANQKLL, SHAOWAV, ALASSA nurses. It was for this at 34 7 m Ave. tnd Fulton SL Society WMI from Itlnr Bur-rl S-pifmbr th. Iim na ho won the Iloyal Humane Boa SB--SUi Ave. and Cornell Ave, Itm.' Ottob'M0th. flit medal. Boa 37 lib Ave. tnd Dodre Fltee .ndJIM. Boa SS -III: Ave. tnd SL In Hla Arms. Thompson Died Brother The saddest expoiioncp Wood of experienced tho CIRCUIT NO. 4. The Daily News Print Shop W. C. many Sergeant-Major Ota 41 lib Ave. tnd Emnierton C. ORCHARD, Oensral AgsnU was at Plugsleert In the Dace. FU,lh S,r, nd Third Ar.nu., Prlnc Ruprt. " C. enrly days of the war' Of is all tho Boa Boa 42 43 lib m Are,Ave, tnd and McBrlde Oretn 8L SL Third Ave.,Prince Rupert of warPIugsteert pr-ably horrors 0a 44 0 lb.Ave. and Basil 3L tho the most outstanding in Sot 4S 7 lb Av. tnd Ebertt, minds of tho men who; responded oi 141 7ih Ave, and Younj SL Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention 11 it. nll In time to tako' nart in 'vertise in "The Daily News"jtho fighting in that peotlon and