THE DAILY NEWS, We.ln"'lay. Ictober 83, Page 4 i61s COMMENDING FRED STORK'S HARDWARE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF IVESEHVE KstabUslied 1008. BISHOPS VIEWS eilitinr on certain portions of Lots Two hundred and nn (tot and Two hundred Dr. Ernest Hall Bends letter of and rifbt (0I) iiante mrte m uwn ft FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLINq Approval to Victoria Paper Elerrn hundred and ntly-nlne (H6. Fleren hundred and stity-one (tttl) and GEAR AND SUPPLIE8. Regarding Prince Rupert Eleven hundred ana smy-iwo reason of notice app-annf la the III .ush Economical. Purity Man's Article COinmOM uaiene 01 miiu unniuirii ivi ... . . f 1. .n k.4 I ntirrwifta is ...DATr.U..... .at .1.IClona. xirilisu. v,uiuu:ji SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE In purity not sJT"S3 n .At. LEAP your soap, Tho article of liishop Du Vcr-net WIS IBln Oaj HI rtv?iruim-r,jv u, ..I.. only desirable but its an V O. n. WADE.X PAINT FOR BOATS 3 on Clergymen and Doctors, Deputy Mlnliter of Lands. absolute necessity U you TiTT which was published recently in want your clothes to last. iWl(lW The News was also published I Sontitht Soap li absolutely pure glVlV no 6Uer or adulterants of ir FljjIjpgfcP;''V ffljH simultaneously in the Victoria kind t $5000 fuarantee or this. Sf&lllljlt UKv III Colonist. In a recent issue of FRED STORK'S HARDWARE J that pa'per appears n reply by Dr. Ernest Hall, one of the leading of the SKCOND AVUNUE physicians and surgeons notke la hereby riren that the Sale province, who welcomes tho sug or Lands to be held on the tweiily-fourth gestion of the Bishop nnd asks day or October next upon which delinquent laies are due has been postponed so far for an occasional sermon on the as lands In the rnnce nuperi Assessment M washee elotbei beautifully clem Pi-JJ' JBBIW 'message to tho body. Following day nittrirt or rtovemtur arc concerned follow and In that a sate on the will fill be g Treth new without the b?S5JHb is the letter: held or an sucn lanas in ine aia r,i- eternal weir and tear of the mrnt District. HJW3flB I Sir, Re correspondence g your C W. HOMtU. Assessor and Collertor 3 'from the pen of liishop Du Vernet DATED this tnd day or Orlutwr. A. 11. tilt 1 k , ,. -'aaam.T'-' LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED SlBi6wf atgBBlBB in yesterday's issue, allow me in MAVtOABLE WATEHS PBOTECT10.1 ACT 111 7 'support of his claim to etatp that R. 8. C Cap. lit. 1 out" profession recogniies but to a limited extent the loss to the Tbe Oeorrctown Saw Ulll Company. Limited, hereby sires notice that ll baa community resulting from the under section 7 of tbe said Act deposited anada Food Board License 14-158 skeetu lajcd district district of iaok af co-operation which he do- with tbe Minister or rutiiie worn ai in CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. awa and In the omc or lb District Reds "A Lap Ahead" QUEEX plores. True a few leaders have trar or the Prince nuperi Land rteiistry District a description or the kit and a You Never take notice that tbe Masset inlet 'measured up to the Bishop's ideal plan or wbarf proposed to be built on Lot Lumber Co.. Ltd.. or Port Clements, occu- out only a lew. llcaa IMS OX or Block "F" Prince Rupert TownslU, as ehown an Plan ttl riled In the Land Know What iWlci patlon sawmill operators. Intends to apply trad from the writings of Dfc. RejUtry Omce, ior permission io tease urn iojiowio- ue-ilU-alr. l)...f...n. f n-vo ,!,I And take notice that after the eiplraUon .... II scribed, lands: - vv...0- or one month from Urn dale or the first Dunlop Tires "Traction," A Mali conuner.ctnr at a post planted at the cai .ueuictne at bi. .aiary s Hos- utiles lion or this notice Th Oeorretown Mill Limited, wfll under nortbeast corner or Block ss or the tub- pital, London: "As an alienist and serUon aw 7 Company,or the said Act apply to the Will Do dlrlslon or Lot lit. tbence N. to der.. 1 ui,n .hnlo lifn In, l.non Mlnliter or rubile Works, at his offlee in mln. E. cso feet, thence X. JO der. mm.. " tbe city of Ottawa, for approval or tne "Special' represent doing w. 056.1 reet. tbence s. to der. it mln. concerned with the sufferings of said site ana pun ana ror scare so coo Mrs. Williams has been using w. eso reet to tho northwest corner or the human mind. I would slate struct tbe said wharr. Dated at Trine Rupert I his lth day or Pacific Milk for cooking a long Lot 10, Block 3 or said subdirision, tbence'that of all the hygienic measures September. 10 It. best what other tires southeasterly and roUowtng the biii water . .,, , ,i,,...kj , A THE OEOrtOETOW 3 AW MILL CO may long time. Her husband got to ere required to contest the claim or the 1 tu n.rv, u- PAST. LIMITED. Oil using it in his morning coffee mark or Stewart Bay IS00 reet more or pression or spirits ana ail IUO so they never buy fresh milk less to tbe point or commencement and.miserable sequels of a distressed have been trying to do well. any more. w"!?L"i,:?.""1,..r!?L5rJfst. mind I would undoubtedly give Burns' Cabaret The other evening Mrs. V per Fred. Hash. RCUS, Arent.,the flrst P,aC6 lo u,e simple habit Tommy . bought some fresh cream to ned August iotn. ma. oio'of prayer. Let the child be taught BMaMiMMHaHaMBMaMMMa give him a lineal (as she .to believe in an anthromorpbic "Masters of the Road" thought) with his porridge and God the Father, or in an all-pervading Cpeo ! ts 2, Satcrtan S to 12 to use with his coffee. medium of guidance However, Mr. Williams didn't and control, or in the integrity of Fishermen, Lotftrs and BuI-neasmen see it that way and when he a cosmic whole, with its transmutations, eapc!ally invited evolutions and inde- Accommodation for Ladies discovered it was a different cream in the pitcher, he asked structability. It matters little for for the same as he'd been getting TIMBER SALE X1462. they all lead in the same direction. EMPRESS BUILDING IDUNLQP TIRES every morning couldn't Let there but be a habit of O. C Fiaher, Manager drink his coffee with the other Sealed lenders will be recelred by th nightly communion, not as a men Mnlster or Lands not later than noon o "stuff." tbe jth day .or October, 1918. tor th dicant, nor a repealer; of words urehase or License XliU, to cut 7X0.00 more adapted to the tongue of a et -. spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on a Pacific Milk Co. rea near Lot 104, Klmsqult Hirer, Ranr sage, but as a humble individual LIMITED ,one loaai(1)uuirici.year will be allowed for re who: submerges or assorts his in 332 DRAKE STREET oval or timber. dividuality as an integral part of Further particulars or tbe Chief Forester Factory at Ladner, B. C. i.ctona. b. u. or unmet Forester. Pine the greater whole. Such a habit Rupert, B. C Oct. IS does more to clean the spirit and strengthen the soul to overcome ifonvta Thiii mere incidental emotionalism m m mm than other any therapeutic .agent (Continued on Page Five). To the Public: DRY DOCK TARIFF iTiiiiTi m HARRY HANSON Inventor A Patents. TIMBER SALE X1463. FOR PRINCE RUPERT or the Harry Hanson Patented rait Sealed tenders will be received bv th Hcatlnr Hot Water Con for Ranges Minister or Lands not later than noon on bas returned to town to star. uie sin aay or norember. tots, for t Amended Scale of Rates Will An Improrement In said coll Is purchase or Ltrens-XH63, to-cut 1,200,000 Effective for Duration of ret or Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock o nan now belnr offered. It Is now made area adjolninr Lot 304, Klmsqult Itlrer the War. or brass pipe, and prices are as follows: iiange z, coast District. Two (I) rears wUl be allowed for re mm. HMSSBLalaW moral or timber. Wlta a tbree-rears ruaractee S2S. Further particulars or the Chief Foreiter The Governor General in Coun Wllb a nre-rears ruarantee, SJO. Ictorli. B. C. or District Forester. Prlnc cil has approved no amended Rupert. B. C Oct. 3 This coll Is guaranteed to beat tariff in connection with the float. water four times raster than any Form LA.ND?fo.ACT 11. ing dry dock at Prince Rupert, B. coll tbe now on market See effective from April 1, 1918, Harry Hanson I.Notice OL'EEN or Intention CHAtiLOTTi.-to Atiolr niANn-i to Lease inn Land to the end of the war. The rales Di9THicT; luxortDi.No district of are as followa: The Rallable Plumber 5ti.i a.iu situ.Mt 8UUTII SliUllt OP LAOOON IS LET, MORESBY ISUA.NL; Merchant vessels (steam) Phone 4S8 189 2nd At. Aouur MlLt f HUM ITS MOUTH. gipss registered tonnage. Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that I. John M Mr!Kllln While work-when M JMftFJl V Merchant vessels (sailing) you you on pn ut- Vancouver, a. u.. occupation cannery man, intends to apply ror permission to net registered tonnage. hunger-when you'ro dry-any glsjjf? STEED A LOItaWILL lease tue lonowinar aescrlbed lands: Areola, Fbone i, tnd Are. Commenclna at a post Dlanted on tbe Warships on displacement. time you want a treat the A yflftjaffl south shore of Inlet. Larooa Moresby Island, Tonnare. First day. Lay days. rncce Rupert thence about nest 10 one chains:mile rrotn tbence It north mouth;to L'p to 1,500 MOD. 1100. flavor is there, there, there. pwf 3 chains; tbence east to chains more or less 1,500 to J.9J9 .to per ton .10 per ton to low water mark at the beach; thence 4,000 to S.C99 .to per ton .OS per ton t Carry a packet In your pocket. jfr'"' VBi'' 1 southerly rollowlnir low water mark to' the Orer o.OOO... .1 per ton .08 per ton point tit commencement, containing o Minimum cbarie ror use or one small The succulent juices of finest J .LliSwS- M Jr fW Greta 156 P.O. Box 120 acres more lOllS or SfrLARTY less. MACVtf.LAX. section separately 1100. I .15. DATE October 1 0th, 1SI8, D.I 8 fruits combined with tho purest V, ffiPjCT jf SHOES BROS. 1.1 COLUMBIA.the surnEME COUIIT OF BTUTISII "SOME" BLACK BREAD rfined chicle to provide you with If. lmlVVmim in- THE MATTER OF CHRISTIE OIDSON a confection that "fairly makes fcL f' .miKp -Dealers DECEASED; . A Clydeside soldier lias just re , W THE MATTER OF ana THE -ADMIMSTItA turned home with a souvenir of your mown water". V, Av TlO.t ACT." his sojourn in a German prison Wall Papers TAKE .NOTICE that In order or Ills Hono P. Men. Younr. nude tbe otb day or May camp in the shape of a chunk o f try it toMm&mmmmr 1817, I was appointed Admlilstralor to lb Mack bread Issued lo him estate or tbe said Christie Olbson, deceased MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE uu au panics nannr claims aralnst to August, 1010. One would im I rrominently dlsplayod 9wSi STOCK In THE NORTH tarn esiaie are nerroy"i-eaulred to rnrnls agine that after such an Interval I in most stores HV'bBl tame, properly mined, to dm on nr tu. &w Prompt and Careful Attention rore the Slst day or October, A. D, I St 8 the bread would smell a little. ... warn. ' w uu an parties inaeDtea to ine estate sr I at Nipaai; I UTTI r nUTTI UUH Given to Out of Town required to pay the amount or their In Hut as the Illack Country soldier SWVV Orders. Samples sent on uruiruiiru 10 me. II.rortiiwitn.MeMULU.f, explains, "Sawdust d o o s not mm v. - Request. , Omcui Admlnlslrator, smell." FULL LINE OF PAINTS, Sk'EEAA DISTIIICT DISTI1ICT OF ADAMS J'JS?8! KALSOMINE, ETC QUEE.T CHARLOTTE ISLAHDS. i Pioneer Boarding House j Pure Chetvlni,' Gum vKWfo TAKE NOTICE that I. John McLarlr Mae. THIRD AVE., . CLOSE TO DRY DOCK mnian. or vancourer, B. C, occupation rannerynun, intends to apply for permls Vict raa rooms,rooi U,rd. It and cold sion to tease the followlnr described lands wiw, SMaaue.up, The Greatest Enemy commenclnr a a post planted on the PHONE LED M suth shore or Laroon Day, Moresby Is TO YOUR PIANO 18 RUST una, about one mile from Its mouth. mence soutn to chains, tbence west to chains, tbence north IS chains, thence Have Never-Itust applied easterly along the shore ?lne to point or DENTISTRY to Strings, Tuning Pins, and commencement, containing 40 acres more all Metal Paints In or less. , your piano OFFICE- HOUHSi JOII MrLARTY MACMII.LAN. tNaver-Ruat la a Positive Rust Dated June tOtu. toil, a.m. to 12; 1(SO p. m. to Bi30 p.m. Preventive. Queen Charlotte Islanders can DR. J. S. BROWN a. O. WALKER not do better than mail their DINTliT Oldtst Smith Block, Thlr Phen Blui 8S piano Tuner printing needs to The News Print Artnus. Phona 464. CANADIAN CHEWING CUM CO. Shop and get the work done