TlIE DAILY NRWS. Wednesday, Page 6 iclob N- ""Zy will co , Local News Notes stu. c oky cermet "Luuaa G. H. Arnold Sickness and J &torcr- t " -tu, rcsulato NOTICE ma Letter money liver - t2ie the :prove NOTARY PUBLIC) Good assortment of pipes at It is illegal to spit on tho Accident Insurance iicdtu a dose o!i on a. tf gnurtl sidewalk or In any public FOR SALE place. This law will bo Lot 6, Block IE, Section 6. We represent the Dominion Mrs. L. Scaife returned to town BeecDam's strictly enforced and any This is a very exceptional of Canada Guarantee this morning from Vancouver. breaches thereof prosecuted. accounts at a distance opportunity to gel a fine and Accident Co.. place U,c actual in level lot for residential purposes, which writes a special town Constable last evening Gammon from returned up Pills T110MA8 McGLYMONT. arc envelope.lost every Thousand 0fd Ilari close to McBride St., policy covering indemnity fire, IS.dt?& with sewer connection, for against airsickness A. 11. Lord, inspector of schools, Lerewt Sele el nr Medicine la Ue VurU. Use thel.aJkMK'B0'1 only returned to the city last evening keM mrbu la lease,25c. issued ana Accidents. - J. 13. Umbacu, survcyor.gcneral by this bank ThlitTl-payable Easy terms. after visit to interior points. in The annual cost is very n for the Provincial Government, jTf $650.00 low. E. Tabrum of the Family Shoe reached the city again last evening to United fifty dollars.States in any il"1'P Victory Bonds will be accepted Store, returned lu the city today In the Letter Box after a trip lo the Lako country Their protects j, at par. Gibbons after a business visit to Vancouver. j at the head of the Dulkley valley. small cost. W(U""orttfl McCaffery, Mr, Umbach has been Inspecting H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. Wants Whisky. lands for the Provincial THE BANK nr & Doyle,iLtd. J. F. Maguire, of Hazelton, returned To the Editor: Government. British North Americ, to the city last evening to At the present moment the laity, THE DAILY NEWS Insurance Real Estate complete arrangements for moving and we think some at least of the Get your envelopes at The New here permanently. Print Shop. sww.A.a v" - medical profession, is recom Classified : Advertising Prince Rupert, B. C. rttliltt KurtKT VMxm Mrs. R. K. Allen and child returned mending The free use of alcoholic ar-M mmrm .- """Hsl Phone 98 to the city this morning stimulants for the ainelliorjalion, by the Prince George after a visit if not the curje, of the influenia. YE OLDE COUNTRIE WANTED. MINERAL ACT to Seattle ani Vancouver. We may think that the victim of FISH AND CHIPS the flu is mistaken ln thinking 7 it Second Avenue. WASTED Furnished or unTurnisbed room Certificate or Improvements. I Mrs. 11. R.Grant and Miss Grant that a bottle of good liquor would Will ba open every day at oi. james 11014 with first-class family Immediately. Ap- Were among the passengers on him. Dut the Creator has cure w a. s News Office. U 11 a.m. CLATt "QUUmi 'the Prince George this morning NOTICE given to each of us the care of his TAKE SOME HOME. FIH8T CLASS ROonj. WAXTED Three men for orderly wort on her arrival from Vancouver. Drum Lummon, I X t Caledonia, Mavis, own body, and if a man's mind Hot and Cold Wa!r Apply the matron. Prince Rupert Gen directs that ho use whisky for the - eral Hospital tU vi8il' l Ke per Nlshl, ass u Ore,' y, w Momaive. index. Malachite. CupprUe. A,no"? cure of its ills, are we, the balance BREAD SALESMAN WASTED to drive Ha Copper. Wharf and Bunker mineral claims. from Alice Arm are Jas. McAIeo- of the community, so cock sure Wares 1 100. Apply La Caste Bakery. situate ln the skeena Mininr Divtsion or(nan, W. J. Crawford, G. V. Brug- himself that he Is going to poison Ranire t. Coast District. Where located: . E. Lad. and Robert Moore. WASTED COOr wanted at once. Apply gy. Inlander Boardlnr Hoose. On Copper Creek, Dourlas Channel. i lhal we JugUficd ln forclnK TitT tflTirr th.t f tthn fl livtlirtiill him 16 resort to illegal methods Your Phone 93 T 0 Ea WASTED Responsible party wltn suIQel- b.c l.s.. or TraiL b.c. actinr as aaent me iunerai or me late -Mrs;!to get the whisky that he thinks Eyes enl capital to rnrmsn ana operaie soara-inr ror the Drum Lummon copper Mines. Dyer took place this afternoon 3rd A ' vp ar .id j and roomier house. new tiuiidiiir. he needs? And poor stuff is Limited. Free Miners certinrate no. s.-S38-C Good Contract to ri r&t party. Apply from Haynor's funeral chapel, Box 1CJ, Dally Sews onice. Intend, sixty days from the date readily obtainable at 910 per Rev. W. S. A. Crux ofllciating. hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnt Recorder ' bottle if one knows wherje to look. Pacific CESTLEMAS WASTS TWO ROOMS ASD for certificate of improvements, for the Interment was at Fairview ceme- Are tbe delicate of all Cartage, LlJ board In private home with phone, apply purpose of obtalninr Crown Grants of the lefy. The provision in the present most status; terms, doi isz uany newt. iwrf claims. prohibition law that alcoholic your organs and the most .OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. SOUSD OR And further take notice that action, un liauore may be obtained on a sensitive. If ycur Glasses General Teamint broken vulcanite or metal; also brld rework. der section 37. must be commenced before Mrs. Spurr, who graduated as doctor's prescription Is inade. arc not exactly right you S tor a re Post tbem to J. Dunstone. post-office the Issue of such Certificate of Improve a nurse in England, has gone to ruin likely to Box IIS 6, Vancouver. Hlfliest ments. auate. because the doctors have are your Furniture, Safe and Piano J Thurston Harbor to assist in tak cash prices sent by return mall. tie sight Dated this list da; of September. A. D. neither the time nor tbe Incllna. Moving. Otrjatt ing care of the influenza patientsj BOT WANTED SAVOY HOTEL. ISIS. tion to write Descriptions for To make sure that you gathered there from the logging i, D. ANDERSON. everyone who thinks be nevds have the correct thine get WANTED Waitress, Hotel Prince Rupert. camps. them, in this emergency. your Glasses from EXCHANGE To my mind it seems plain that The tug Commodore arrived in EXCHANGE Dear deed to house -and lot port yesterjlay afternoon from the the Government should take immediate Notice In Section S for vacant lot. part cash on LUMBER Queen Charlotte Islands, bringing steps to make it possible Bulger to he Pobli house, balance terms. Apply a( rtar of for. a man lo get a bottle of good the bodies of five loggers who fell Sit tb Ave, Went. 148 at reasonable price with Do and an liquor a ,r ia w victims to the influenza epidemic. Optometrist and Shall be ojicrs net lm WORK WANTED Agents for None of them are local men. out any red tape whatever. AUTO tits M.I.-. . ktim fit N Tours very truly, Optician . Town IIKl Seal CM are tan WANTED Employment In warehouse by Prince Rupert Lumber Co. ONE WHO VOTED FOR U1 be as !! s man who speaks French and English; j There was snow on the hills TO S(L C0VL Willing-can write to shorthand start at bottom and use and up. and yesterday for the first time. That PROHIBITION. The man you know and can Mil lu WHtltli I! MM M P. Le Claire, Knox Hotel. Hasting's Saw Mills is about the usual time. The rely on. 1.30 .J0-0 4 ) t llllll Jfews' record, shows that it has 8YNOP8I8 OF lJ0 HIS LOST COAL varied from the 21st to 2Cth of LAND ACT AMENDMENT 1.16 a.alurasf JO 0 Estrt s. :ttnk.1JI Ut LOST Opal brooch between city hall and the month over a number of years. rr-emjtlon now confined to vnrv7A IJ0 l.JB 4 43 4(1 hospital. Finder please phone Black 365 land only. 7.4 t JO 0 -I IIS Agents for Jtaoorda wilt be santtd covering; onrr OIL Ss4f, LOST Brown Otter, fur, neckpiece, short Nan ilmo Wellington Coal ; Harry McLeod was among the land aultabl for acrtcultural purpvaes tin 4.: mu hair, near Hotel Prince Rupert. Finder and which U non-Umber land. , . tad tO.JO. please return to the Hotel.Prince Rupert. and passengers returning' to the city inrtnersiup pre-emptions abotwbM. -the prpspeets of rmu sol covl but parties of not more loan four ma, a Yellowhead Coal last evening from up river, where arranae tor adjacent crt-emnl commercial 1.4t .4l 10 34 I oil field FOUND he has been spending a few days' Joint residence, but each making nce tj . it t ns sarr improvements on rntMctlva claims. near Vancouver ma iuo holiday. lie was at the Priid-homme IY-emptors must occupy claims for til'S Sens FOUND Bunch of keys at Seal Cove. Owner Complete line of Ove rears and make lmcrovements to Salwri'sf can have tame at The News office by ranch near Telkwa and value of lis per acre, tnoludlns; clesrlr. t s.ii t I' it II BUILDING MATERIALS ana cuitiv: uon or at least before tt.le paylnf for this advertisement. has come back with the tan of the receiv Crown Grant. acres, Sh4si. outdoor life, and feeling fit. Where i emptor In occupation not II i a v iui FOUND At Sail Lakes, ladys balhlnr suit ess inan .. ears, ana itas made proportionate are 1W There UI a!J ae a and two towels. Owner ma have same Albert nflM Imurvrements. be mar. because E 5 MM of 111-heallb or other cause, be craitted table as tuli'- wf at Dally News omce by parlor for this ine aoctors in town are very intermediate certificate of improvement i ronter simI Hart Ml t advertisement. tf much overworked and it must not and transfer his claim. lb far am br :lmtt MJ. Wrisrf OfBes, Phona 664 Records without tiermanent residence and from tut. -Kal a n ms ia ORSee Second Avanuv Phone 116 be expected that they can answer mar be issued provided afptlcant makes OMt, i : ?. tzr.:fl I" improvements to extant of ilM per annum t fnU. every call promptly. An effort Is and record same each year Failure A redurii u tf tan being made to attend the worst to make improvements or record be mail br a same will operate as forfeiture. Title M. M. STEPHENS cases and others have to await cannot be obtained on these claims In inuAio Ticarr itct less than S rears, with improvements of Tarnir-nvr ti- s s their turn. The medical men are tlO per acre, Including t arrea cleared Ufiit ih uu WSTION AND end cultivated, and residence of at CrHldmi brt " sr NOTARY PUBLIC trying to look after all regardless least Z rears. Send for copy of rears and inrr u 1 T ITe-emptor holdui Crowe Crant mar for at in riij. : tu-IS of their; ability to or other, pay record another pre-emption. If he requires ubove book. Fre6 lo reou for one a: ' ran" wise, and the fact that a man has Und ln conjunction with his OFFER? FOR address QUICK farm, without actual occupation, pro any on request COinON money does not entitle him to vided statutory improvements made and The rars wl'l r U to SALE residence maintained on Crown named 7lh Ae. on Itr i Jwj preference. Und. Intlead uf Sib a i ai or The r olio win r Choice Properties.- Unaunreyed. areas, not exceeding; 20 S. VV. MILLER & CO. rrlurninr hy ihs x Lot 16, Block 3, Section 7 Eighth acres, mar be leased as homesltes; voun iatbosiaoi ioucrro Cold ami Relieved i U hen the "Northern Cross" line ip oe ootainea alter immune resi Stock and Bond Brokers Are, near Storage and Saw By dential ana improvement conditions. I" S200. visited Kitkatla last wee Ilev. For erasing- and Industrial purposes, Vancouver Block, Vancouver. This is a level lot on grade. Taxes "M-a-flves" Rural Dean Rushbrook found that areas or one exoeedlnf person or 40 company,acres may be leased Members Vancouver Stock Royal Jlulo-Bes paid for It 18. several of the Indians were down rRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Exchange. Lot 10, Block 46, Section 7, $200. Kocitox, P.Q. The of this Is with influenza and one or two had scope Act enlarced to Also on Eighth Ave. near Seal 'l suffered for many years with include au persons, joinmr and servtni Cove. terrtble Indigeitionaud already died. Ho has therefore with Ills Vfsjenty's Forces. Tbe time Constipation. within which the heirs or devisees of a House and Lot close In. House A neighbor atdrUed me to try decided to cancel his trip north deceased pre-emptor mar apil for Rented, for sale 6000.00. Easy Truit-a-lives" I did ko and to the ,to Alice Arm and returji to Kitkatla one line rear unaer frou inia tbe m is of exienaea such person,irom Term. surprise of my doctor, I Lean to with medicine, and help' as formerly, until one year after the conclusion of tbe present war. This ? COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH improve and he advised me to go on minister to the natives there who prlvueie Is also made retroactive. WHS GH ROAD TAX 8ALE PRICE8 with "Fruit-a-tives". . are without either doctor or nurse-. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT mi. I convider that I owe my life to Kitkatla is an Indian village on ITovuion is mads for the grant to I M. M. Steph ens "Fruit-a-tlves" and I want to say to Dauphin Island about forty miles persons to holding Purchase uncompleted from the Crown Agreements of YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE tiiose who suffer from Indigestion, south from here, sucn proportion oi jne lana, II divisible, l REAL E8TATE INSURANCE as the payments already made will Constipation or Headaches try j over In proportion to the sale price of FINANCIAL AGENT "Fruit-a-tive"ud you will get well". i The funeral took place this the whole parcel. Two or more poreons f holding- such Agreements may group 23 Third Ave. Phone 222 COI1IXE GAUDKEAU. morning from the chapel of the ...du iiii.i hiiu mil, lor s I in it i,ir. I""'. Kiiwiiiiaiifc juilltjjr, 11 II is not Oc.a box, 0 for$2.50,trial siae 25c. B. C. Undertakers iof sevcrpl Indians, considered ad visa 1,ils to divide the land At all dealer or eut poatpaij by victims of the epidemic of ooverea tlonate allotment,or an application an allotment fur a of iirotmr-land Fruit-a-tlves Limited. Ottawa. Spanish influenza. Tho Ilev. W. oi equal vsiue seiectea from .available Crown lands In the locality be Get your parcel of - 8. A. Crux oonducted the service. made. These allotments are conditional may Tobacco for the Many friends of the deceased con Crown upon payment or to any of all municipality lax on due The the iaj kiutiiii pi UIIIUICO gregaled at the chapel this morn- rights from of persons the Crown to whom has agreed the purchaser to ing to attend the service, and aell are also protected. The decision oi Soldier Coughs the Minister of finds In respect to the Boys ;burial look place at Fairview. The adjustment of a proportionate allotment THIS THIS la final. The time for making- application Those wlio have trouble in deceased were Chief Bwanson and for these allotments Is limited to likim cjO a cough should his wife of Port Simpson, Samson tne ist uay or uu, is. Any appllca. note tliat Mathieu'a tlon made after this date will i.ot be MADE UP AT THE Tar and Cod Liver Syrup Oil not of McDonald of Kltimaat, Hester mis sua These isnus allotment oi ins urown apply sold to LEADS TO LEADS TO onljr uootliM Hie irritation of Nelson. Babv Mnrriann Ttnhv riinr. si puuno suciion. Ihc bronchial and n.1 1 1 niK. I .n. n ... For Information apply lo any J'loln- Prince tubes, Rupert uiiu si uonjo itiuiiony, promptly stoj tlie cottgh, a. It, NADHV. bat bciiig aspIendiU lonicand Deputy Itlnlster of Lands, YOUR LOSS II GAIN Store healer it soon enables tbe Tom, Tom, tho Spearman's son. Victoria. IV C YOUR Cigar & yslein to permanently throw Stole a Wrigley box and away he off the cold aud restores the runi Billiard Parlor normal mucuous healthy membranes their I'ach slick he chewed his hoallh PONY EXPRESS Matbteu's Syrup of Tar and renewed THIRD AVENUE Cod Liver Oil has won, by And helped his appetite for food I PHONE 301. its merit, the large;,sale in BBS I Best Billiard Hall in Canada of any medicine for Hut his father said "Tha hnv u coughs ssc large bottle, wise, MOTOR TRANSFER Town. sold everywhere. let him do it to advertisoj TAKE NO CHANCES J. I, MATIUEU CO frou. Since I quit my piping and bought Great variety of Tobaccos, Baterbroukc. 1 r.Q. this store CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD '') ""J U fc KtUhimtt WITH Cigars and Cigarettes, 'rn selling Wriglcy's gum galorel' (Hear of Hart Illock). i FIRES Pipes and Pouches. Print Finf)Shop,Letterheads at The News We Sell Tents, Safes, Coal and Wood PUT THEM OU1L