The Good GE0.J.FRI2ELL Meats for TO.W 1680 Daily NEWS Particular People i Phones, 10 and 25 rgSolZZ" PfllNCE UUI'EIIT, B. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1818. PHIfTV FIVE CENTS MLSON WARNS GERMANY 1RTUAL SURRENDER OF TEUTONIC ARMIES INFIELD PRICE OF PEACE UNITED STATES MUST DEAL ASHES TO SCATTERED THE FOUR WINDS BRITISH FRONT MAKES ADVANCES WITH MILITARY MASTERS THEN Sikh Stood With Bowed Heads FROM LECATEAU TO SCHELDT RIVER While Body of Countryman SURRENDER ONLY COURSE OPEN la Cremated Pyre.on Cedar takIngmaty PRISONERS AND GUNS I With heads bowed and hands Wient Objects to Negotiating with Monarchical Autocrats of $?tJ2 (Special to The Sews tu 0.T P. Telerraplu.j London, October 24. Over the entire front held by the Germany but sends Recent Proposal on to Allies after yeaiefjuay a simple anernoon ceremony ana conauci-ied over the British, further gains have been made by Haig's men from the Stating Own Position. ashes of their departed brother, region south of Lecateau to the Scheldt river, according to the Harry Singh, who died at the Bor- British official communications. At some places the enemy positions den Street Hospital. They bad to a depth of more than three miles have been penetrated, .ru to tb t T, r. trnpm ,jSUCCUMBS AFTER been busy all day in the driving numerous villages have' been taken and several thousand prisoners 'rainstorm wood the cutting for Wuhlngton, October 24. President Wilson hat submitted A RRAVF FirHT'PJTe- Tljer sot yellow cedar, and guns captured. for an armistice ana peaco 10 me Mines ana at it. viunu nuiuiuhi. i German plea gives out the fiercest heat. ..m. tma hat Informed the Benin uovernmem mat vnere 'and before the light was applied SOPHIA RUNS INFLUENZA SITUATION be no armistice except upon auch terms as would make Hieoi-oa incany, An employee or the pile was about Ave feet high. i . 0 renew hostilities. Pacmo Cartage Company, Vell soaked In coal oil, tne lire IS MUCH IMPROVED D After. Week's evi started and burnt for hours deal further with the present authorities ASHORE NEAR While, eonieillr- to 'od finally the aBhcs or the de- Cases But Fewer Reported, Help Germans warnlno that "If It President gives the Germany the ,parUjd 8Caltered to lhe four Badly Needed at Borden St. United States) must continue to aeai wnn ine military mas- 'winds. NORTHERN PORT land monarchical autocrats of Germany now, or If It will havej a9 0 lhe funeral service was con- Emergency Hospital. deal lth them later regarding the Internal obligation!, of theItrownJCi wbo h88 becu forcman ducted in their own language, the rll reports seem to indicate rrnan Empire, It must demand, not peace negotiations, but with lhe Pacific Cartage. Limited. I " Tlone Ind half with Resting Easily on Vanderbllt Reef that the influenza epidemic is rrender. Nothing can b. gained by leaving this essential thing for the past eight years died this responses the and Taking no Water; Expected abating. There are fewer new- I tit mane Ml I It a 1 1 ittia rT 111 t n n1 and to Come Off cases reported many ate recovering luld." others. To see these men from Mty. Stanley Parker about 10 1 and will soon be about The President's reply to ths last German note was handed to the Punjab, far from their own Soon. o'clock. At the lime be was taken InnH olandintr fAt nKonl 1 1T (n 4 Ti A their "business again as usual. : Charge D'Affalrei of the Swiss Legation for transmission to sick there was a scarcity of ac-. . .? . iai The Princess Sophia which was The druggists report a consider commodationai the and of sales of medi i German Government. hospital able lessening ,rles oyer lheir counlryinant after here on Tuesday on her.way nortb The accedes to the that he take with the PMJVC Uiai UMIC Ul. OiiU AID. cines tind those who now are . reply request up having spent the whole day in linn run ashore on the "Vanderbult Parker have nursed the sick taken with the malady know ex-acjiy i the proposal of two new spokesmen of the German people, man..severe weather preparing for it,'Iieef, some twenty-five miles this The best help, however, was un what to do and bow to do it. HomH with the notice that the virtual surrender of the Teu- wss a touch inK sight. . Jaida of.Juneau. According to in- " DTP to overcome lhe pneumonia. Attire Borden SI. school there it Thc simple remark, "lie go to formation received the vessel is raw In the field will be the price. George McCarty was one of the are more cases than at the Gen God" passed in English after the Vesting easily, and is making no l tnamltllng the matter to the Allies, the President says familiar figures on the streets. water. It is expected that she eral Hospital and as a result more I tm veiled that If they are ready to effect peace on the He was well liked by everyone, and , will be got off soon. Assistance nursing help is needed. Some of mind principles accepted by lhe present German authorities n Joungsiers pa cu.nny uae, BIRTHS is being sent from Juneau. the girls who are there have been and twelve hours a day friend. He working lost good was !the American and Allied military adviser be asked, If they . a . . . . . .never;h The Sophia was on her way to not being used to it, the strain . . , . .. ' . I A born to Mr. and.Skagway on her regular run, and vftftwh. m itk km ammI.cIaa, .m !U1 Mtlli. nrlnt nf - t daughter was them. It is suggested ... m. ' nn t v .l 4 r V!nrv c r I a full is telling on undtsueh condlUon. as will fully protect the Interests of the . ride, to their great Pleasure.,"; V; passengers. who therefore that any who possibly n LI1C3 I 1 111LD thUUCili vv4t'w - r lend their lw involved. can get away shall ser on October. vices and do it, as far as possiuie. i ui i c .j Vin fnvn nn fhpir wnv ntiL from ... VI,. Anlhnnf Mcffifti- utiU " " 7 regularly. There is great need MUNITIONS BOARD ;'5d; UiVrsuV;. Octave O-letle of Lucy Is the Yukon. She did not have many at ilanuin STATES P"nCe passengers on the run north, owing EMPLOYEE PASSES He also has a brother and sister, Sf "f.!? to the season of the year. Her . Or. wuu. I II J V MHUVif wa 6kipper is Captain Locke, after AMERICANS ARE NOW SENT lie became seriously ill last The fishing boat Minnie V. nr- whom Lockeport is named, and T. S. Henderson Came Here Two Friday and although everything rived today with 3,000 lbs of halibut who is one of the best known and Daye Ago From Port Clements, possible was done for him, he t and the Alton arrived light. most experienced captains now. on GETTING SOME 2,000,000 MEN Died Today. the Pacific coast. He knows these northern waters well. He previously CURIOUS TEANI the steamer Amur BIG FIGHTING was on The death occurred at the (ien- Wftrftne Showlnn Thli w.. CITY TELEPHONE DEPT. which was forjnerly familiar in fii'MOut At Same Time r .. . ... A sad llttlo story comes in a this port, and traded for many uje Regarding o'clock, of T. b. Henderson. 01 me ,... . nr n h,i between Alaska, the Queen Reported This Morning Peace ijciirr arum name. j Notice to the public. years Successes wnt to Allies. (Imperial Munitions JJourjl. mT- dreadful slpbls of war nothing! Owing to the increase in Charlotte Islands and the southern Seem to Have Followed Reverses Henderson was chief examiner of j,nd touched tho Canadian soldier u the trntlic ou the telephone ports. First Officer Shaw is also During Last ljteo t r irekmpiu.) acroplano spruce for the Hoard at'who wrote more than Uie sight of system caused by the in- an experienced navigator. Few Days. 1 .lthr ! V. with one arm and on lep Port Clements, and was brought. a pojlu y fluenia epidemic, the pub- ku ng drawn J a 11. tH twntiestod to assist (Siwclal vl O. T. P. Teleri.M.) WELL KNOWN LADY In.-. " ihouo iiuu- aero- here ou a tugboat two day. icJh9 wife Bnd an OI. ,J deparlment by using With the American Army northwest ago, suBcrmg iroin pnouiuumu, Y(,t we ,imk we invo l0 unaery the telephone only when DIES AT HOSPITAL or Verdun, October 23. The Ms bou,.n c- arcoinpauied by Mrs. Henderson. g0 hardships here and nc murmur ' necessary. 253. Americans tonight ar-o fighting ' ,B(I l'reiiftini vn.nn lie was a young irtan, of 32 years, j because we have to use rudsii- north of Bantheville, Hill 297, f that more than s.nnn.nnn and was born In Oregon and badjtulrs and to cnt less sugar. m Mrs. James Hunter Leaves Family Hill 299 and Hill 281, Bantheville, -WaiOldier of Small Children to Mourn several hands 1 changed ,-i ..j . . having been iu the lumber business all,, - j Loss' Her the last few days. litnesln Ul.;BVU, his life, being previously.employed with tho Unlled Stales Govern- EVACUATION OF GHENT IS Yesterday afternoon at theG&iv enemy.Bruilles 11111 has 201 been nus cleared uccu of tne m kM wuemi r meut Forestry Bureau. IDUP ..! a eral Hospital, Mr?. James Hunter, during ine 1 nni and gives The body will be taken to ana scene of severe fighting I Co.""on. h.""" 1B. P. II. Walla. Washington, for bunai. IN FULL SWING; BRUGES TO of Fifth Avenue. West, brought died, a past four days, the Germans hav night. result of complications ing numerous machine gun nesis and will down tomorrow go about through the epidemic of summit. The capture of I'M the Mrs. Henderson will also proceeu CAPITAL Influenza. Mrs. Hunter had been on the Americans the and will bo ncootnpanied BE TEMPORARY the hill gives south, seriously ill for several days past command of Clery le Grand and by one of the stall of tho Munitions and had been gradually sinking or .. the valley along the Landon river. Hoard. Both she and Mr. Hunter had Mr. Henderson Joined the Min-strv SpecUl lo The KCi VU 0.T- P. Te!rrpU.) " lew taken the influenza and were re Apparently the AmenJoans at of Munitions staff on Feb Amsterdam, October 24. The evacuation of Ghent, Belgium, moved to tho hospital early, while this, noint have met with most C 'Qoddess' ruary 1, and arrived in Port Clo- the' Germans is in full swing according to a despatch to the neighbors looked after; their family stubborn resistance and also must A-"1 by t ho ana wrs. nients In June, wljero small children. The last boats Ghent are be of from Sensvon, Gheut. m have had some reverses as points Henderson have since resided. Telegram oouditlon of Mrs. Hunter The J0Wn town Meuse river were have and lowed toward seuneie, neur uie wuihi huh hit,, o-.u...-west farther up the In her bereavement,' ing hastily such that her relatives were nlnult was week Par, V 1 to reported taken over a ago. t ,,ovv sympathy will bo extended to Mrs. of Ghent. sent for, and her mother, Mrs. front you. Henderson, whoso marrlod life Havre, October 24.TJie whole province of Western Handera Bateman, and sister, Mrs. Lind- P"1B .l0 io.oo. has lasted only throe ycarjt. and 'part of Kostrrn Flanders and Halnault have been re-. etroin, arrived in the city on AND SEE . - 1iA llplcifin Governninnt has decided Tuesday night. They were in EVERYBODY HAS A CURE FOR WOMEN 8IT IN ceiveu iroin mc vic,u"s'i of Hunter, THE SPANISH FLU MAY time to see the last Mrys. administrative department m uruges. So tht Jeweller Offers One to You. - " BRITISH PARLIAMENT lo establish who died yesterday afternoon. . "Octolier child 1 born tl wee will commence at but it will Tlie work of rehabilitation once, The newborn infant is doing well. And Life's vicissitude must knows (SpecUl vu Q.T. r. TelfrpM.I be a long and dilllcult task and little headway will be made until The sympathy of the whole Put wear your lllrtlmlone every day I.ritwlnn. HrI. 24. TllO HoUSe is declared. community goes put to Mr. Hun- Aud It will keep the Ou wty.N after peace OPAL AND TOURMALINE of Commons adopted a resolution Tho Belgians are very enthusiastic over the future aud welcome tec and the family. ijt Fee October today in favor of wwen si""1" arms. There is much rejoicing, but In rln, brooches, etc. with Parliament. Tho (resolution w the Allies open I). T. Sandison. of Vancouver, MAX HEILBRONEW the sad plight rh which the inhabitants of Third Avenue somewhat by Corner passed by a majority of this is modified and F. C. Beeley. of Lockeport. . -1LE ... 1 I find themselves and by the fact that so many of the have arrived in town from the and gixth Street. C4 fi0a..r? SATlsrariT.n . Hood assortment of PP" people have been killed or carried off. Queen Charjotto Islands. . - 'VJi 10.7340. Oil's.