THE. DAILY NEWS. jriiuryday, Oclot Page I The Daily News Get your parcel of MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Tobacco for the For the East. WRIGUYS Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, byJThe NtTws Mondays, Wednesdays and 8at- Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Soldier Boys irdays at 0:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the Cast. MADE UP AT THE Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs Keep WRIGLEVS In SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 5:45 p. m. Prince mind as the longest-lasting City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c Rupert For Vancouver: confection you ll Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. By 0 ci. Sundays p. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Cigar Store & Tuesdays & p.m. can buy. Send It to Thursdays 10 p.m. the boys at the front. Telephone 98. Billiard Parlor Saturdays 7 a.m TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. THIRD AVENUE From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Bsst Billiard Hall in Sundays ....10 p.m Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Thursday, Oct. 24, 1918. Town. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. Great variety of Tobaccos, For Anyox: The man who would succeed must have faith In himself, his Cigars and Cigarettes, Suudays 10 p.m. and In mankind. The man who has faith like town, his country Pipes and Pouches. Wednesdays 10 p. m ...i. .1 m,..tri baaH i hot on the trail towards betterment. Saturdays 10 p. m. and If he falls to move a mountain he can kick up considerable dust with his six-cylinder roadster as he purrs along the highway From Anyox: that leads around IU Tuesdays am Thursdays , a.m. Lovers of Dickens will wish that Mark Tapley were In town TO SUBSCRIBERS undays p.m. ..t hM dm ninntv nf Mark Taoleva In the city today who are coming out strong and who are disappointed only Subscribers to The News For Port 8lmpson and Naas River are asked to pay the delivery because what seems aimcuu turns out to ho boys each month points: War Time Economy it is to read of a when they call, except Sundays .....10 p.m. How much more pleasant and soothing where payment has been in Sweetmeats plague In India and to give two bus to neip me poor umi, wi made for the year in advance. From Port Simpson and Naas i it i. hawA a Mi livn ninnuA of our own riant In town. Distance M - - " " V River Points: II I, W IIMI" The boys when lends enchantment. collecting carry official receipts Tuesdays a.m. a 5-cent package of WRIGLEVS will which should always When children are unkind and Inconsiderate it is usually be preserved.; Queen Charlotte Islands: give you several days enjoyment: because the parents are unknd and inconsiaeraie. unnaren, For Mas&ett, Port Clements and It's an investment In benefit as well therefore should be taught to choose their parents carefully. Upper Island points: Vednesdays C. p. m. as pleasure, for It helps teeth, breath, Boys! Forget the epidemic Stop talking and thinking about ATTENTION CITY VOTERS appetite, digestion. it and give everyone a chance to get better. Set in motion some Trom MasseL Port Clements and health vibrations and pass them round. VOTERS, either male or female, Upper Island points: CHEW IT AFTER EUERY MEAL to vote road tax laimlng on cer ridays, p. m. People who want to be happy are; those who wish to be sad iQcates or as licence holders must can always And an excuse. le declarations with me this Vor Skidesale. Queen Charlotte The Flavour Lasts nnntb. City and Lower Island points:1 Prince Rupert Beats I will attend at the City Clerk's alurdays 8 p. in. All Competitors. fflce on Tuesday, Thursday and The annual report of the Canadian Red Cross has just been 'riday of week between 8 From Skidegatcv Queen Charlotte ealed tightKept every interesting information. From City and Lower Island points received and it eives some verv tak- nd 10 p.m. to facilitate the it the facts are gleaned that Prince Rupert stands higher in the ng of such declarations. Tuesdays. amount contrbuted than any other town its size in the province. FREDERICK PETEItS, I The amount sent from here was $045 more than from the city City Clerk. For Skagway and the Yukon. of Nelson, and approximately $2,500 more than New Westminster. Every ten days. This is a record of which to be proud. What we should Advertise In the Dally News. From Skagway and Yukon. MIGIlllfi, congratulate ourselves on is that we are able to do it We are Every ten days. now in the last year and we want to make it a record one. MINERAL ACT 8tlll is Need To Conserve Food. Certificate of Improvements. The Canada Food Board is asking that there be no let up in the conservation of food. It is just as necessary that care be WOTICZ exercised now as ever it was since war began. There is not the rro Fraction Mlntral Clatm. iitoate In Keep the acute shortage in Britain that there was last year, but still there District.toe Skrcna Mlnlnr Dlrlilon of Casilsr up is need of saving. Reserves of food must be built up and the Wbrre located: .Nrar the brad of Aliw I AM assured that food must come from this side. Some French towns have only Arm. my people will respond three days' supply of bread and a short break in communication TAKE JCOTICE liat I. Lcirll W. Patmort, Food Frr Miner's fJertlBcate 5o. J0I0T-C at Supply to every call much at time. cause suffering may any arrot for John Walrord Sirorafcrck, Free Just now, while the influenza is threatening, it is necessary Miner' Certificate .o. 14181-C Intend, netessary to the success for everyone to be well fed, as well fed as possible, in order to lily dr from ine date hereof, to apply of our cause with ward off the danger of infection. Practically everyone comes to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for Certificate of and Improvements, for ine purpose ot obtain Help the same indomitable within reach of the germs but those who are in good physical Inr Crown Grant of tbe above cia'm. condition are able to throw off the infection. The germs are de And further take notice tbai action, un ardour and devotion stroyed before they enter the der section St rouat be commenced before system. that have filled me tcith tbe time of fuctt Cer till cate of Improve Wonderful Increased menu. Make Victory pride and gratitude RATED tbli Ulb day of Autmit, A. Production In Britain. IBf 8. on since the war began." What Great Britain has done in the matter of increased production is an object lesson to the world. The increased acreage LAND REGISTRY-ACT. Sure Hu UAjsrrr Kixo Gr tea in England and Wales planted to cereals and potatoes comnared (SecUoni s and IU.) with,.two years ago is 2,125,000, in Scotland 300,000 and in Ire land 1,500,000, making a total of 3.025.000. There are 8.000 fie Application No. e:t-l 1 9771-1, prisoners of war engaged in the work of production and, according TAKE NOTICE that application baa been made to reiliter Nathan Louli Lando and to the reports, they work diligently and willingly. Each of Dora Schelnman as owners In fee coder soldiers must be fed; the people at these prisoners receive two parcels of food a month from Ger-j two Tat Sale Deeds from tbe collector or many. tbe Clly of Prince rtupert, bearlnr date OUR must be fed. And of Another tbe zttn day of November, 1917, of ALL in spite important factor in the increased production campaign AND SINGULAIt that certain parcel there is the army of 270,000 women who are doing farm tract of land and premise situate, lyln Germany's murderous campaign to work. Some of them run tractors and do horse plowing, but the and belnr In tbe Municipality of tbe City f Frlnce Rupert, more particularly known cut off the Allies' Food majority are engagea in dairying. and described as Lot eleven (in. Block supply, by sinking twenty-Ore (tS). Section seven (7), and every ship on the High Seas and Lot thirteen (11) Block thlrly-nre (II) an ample Section elrbt it). Map 991. You ar re quired to contest the claim of tbe tax unfailing flow of food to England and purchaser within It days from the date WHICH ROAD ? France of tr service of this notice (which may must be maintained. be erected by publication la the Dally News, and your attention Is called to see YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE amendment tlon 96 of i,the and"Land to the Derlstry f olio win Act''r extract witb This is National Service therefrom'and In default i of a careat or certificate Not to the Farmer only of lis pendent belnr flled before II rerls tratlon aa owner of the person entitled un der such tax sale, all persons so served But to YOU to everybody wun nouce, .... ana inose ciaimior tnrourn cr under them, and all persons This is dalminr any Interest In the land by virtue appeal directed or any unregistered imtrumeoi. and an persons eiaimmr any interest in the land by descent wbose title Is net reristered under tbe provisions of this Act. shall be must unite aa a Nation to SERVE a garden email or Urge. Uuli ror ever estopped and debarred from settlor WE PLANT vd any claim to or in tnnrei or the to SAVEaiul to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the land so sold for taxes, and tbe Iterlilrir hall re niter tbe person entitled under women and children; the young;, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food such tax sale as owner of the land ao THIS oia ror taxes." aged and the old all can help in the THIS AND WHEfiEAS application lias been Nation's Army of Production. made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title of towns can find no better LEADS TO LEADS TO of to the Nathan above-mentioned Louis Lando lands,and Dora in tbe Scbeln name EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps WOMEN Important outlet for their man. the cost of living and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetable AND WHEREAS on Inveitlratlni tbe title the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. ( appears that prior to tbe Ixth day of YOUR Jetober, ins (the date on which tbe said LOSS II YOUR GAIN hods were sold for overdue taxes), you Be patriotic in act as were ine rermercd owner thereof. For information on any subject relating II tame FUflTUEfl lime I TAKE shall effect NOTICE rertstration thai It tbe In to th arm and Garden, mite: well as in thought pursuance ot such application and Issue INVOHMATION BUKKAU Certificate of Indefeasible Tills to the raid lands In the names of Nathan Louis Department of Agriculture Lando and Dora Schelnman unless you take Use every means available-Ooerlook 9 and prosecute the proper rroeeedinrs to OTTAWA establish your claim, jf any, to tbe laid nothing. TAKE NO CHANCES on anal,my or prevent such proposed action DATED at tbe Und Rerlitry OfflM. WITH FIRES Aurust,Prinen Rupert.t9ll. B, C bls ttnd day of Dominion Department of Agriculture H. r. MACLEOD, (OTTAWA, CANADA. District Rerlstrar of Titles. PUT THEM OUT To Robert Hlldebrand:, Prince Rujert( B. C, MlnUter. . nicuaei uyrne, Butte, Montana HON. MAXTfM BURRJLL, Francis Calve, Prince Rupert, B. C, assssisssissssssssjMajBsM