faaaajlH , it October gLjH THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 BENTILLETT'S necessarily be assumed by indus try and industrialism. "We Must Back Up Our Men jlusic Lovers Amazed by GREAT MESSAGE "What it would mean to have our own debts with those of the Edison's Daring Test enemy superimposed uion them TO LABOR MEN baffles is what the would fmagination.come upon But us that if STOPS THE PAIN- AND ACTS QUICKLY music lovers in Canada and PJmmfttlmi, fnmWo,nenrs'w rr1fs.Um.butlr,tootbi'b-.rr-the. All told, 3,ooo,ooo we allowed onr army and navy to wire tbrmt rwllen Hot and all nhnilar trouble are qvlcUr o than different be crushed relieved hj lltr.t rtn itroinatnr. It dm hrrn toki tor 44 jtuL State, ijoo If by slackness Tvranla United any i n.. or and hooM be ia ernr bowho;d-h a henrfrcd nuen. have gone to one of their local theatres on Western mo inumpnani apathy on our part. We must ions Front What a with curiosity regarding a startling novel Hell Would Lie Before back up our men with every effort recital to which they had been invited. Us. and give to their,dependents every pucal succor.. There is not a man in eacn cue they "Gorged with among thcrn who is not ready to Phone 37 have lay down his life for P.O. Box 1704 come away amazed treasure, the us, and we at the almost unbelievable and the;,;; e rArTir" InU9t b..l for them." demonstration 111.,u.cir i- maoaest. . " ambitions uulll Who Ben Tlllett Is. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service which had taken place lhan i salisiled by the more of Benjamin Tlllett, who sent this SO to K,.B MMge to Labor, is oue of Eng. before their very eyej, Xn nllZ'l te?l!up"" fnd'. foremost labor leaders. THE SAVOY HOTEL and eari the most daring test of a phonograph and still mora ?.ua ener' 116 11118 aon rnuch for F. T. BOWNE33. M.n.t.r Fifth and Fraser St, Prince Rupert, B.C or talking This 1, the TntSE an in machine ever made. graph of Ben 7 orBanizauon oi trades unions, They saw a noted Edi-ion Labor, lie con"-r.T 8'C"a?e 10 Kn,d, 'e cau8 f Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water artist stand Ti,. .... . .. .. th Pen, from the platform beside Hons more of Z ft f T f"" and m Plament where he sits : r",uru' "e nas ueen 31 various EW EDISON H.i. Slr Zr insensate ambitions. brickmaker, boatmaker, a usnerman and a sailor, in the "The Phonograph with a Soul" tvj are Dieeainy remorselessly merchant and naval services, the working people of the world TW Itvi tie inurnment ne in tie artlst'i voice to other .to gorge themselves with terri aaving been invalided from the Prwnt! ibe artist ierself latter. Leaving Ihe sea he became w4 rHTfit ler rokt. begin to tory, military glory and wealth a dockman, organized the Dockers' lnt"ront Mealcallr trained fc & ' can tote v an mases me position at . t J!.... .I,I. tVm .f........Anient ill lAr tt A'.!T- V.... terribly Union, and is now Secretary .m.ll TlJi U UUWKVWH Kinnn cicar lo us who the indus 'ROYAL STANDARD W . . . r HI ..ii .1 . carry oi we uock, Riverside FLOUR' Wharf, and 6ii3sdo idJ :sc j.v.rcauoii. inrq, aoasrnir im wnh- mal burden. The characteristic General vcsi'. tie ira ctaieo hceide. sravint ti instrument to of Iho bully-German is Workers Union of Great BUT HELP TO SAVE jaibe air ! e. Only by tvatchisr the artist'i Zip did" tie simply urjtaln and Ireland. rapacity. And now he has to face .AmIbow tint le hti ttued tiopH tbai toey beard the the Ben Tlllett, since the war broke WHEAT cost of his own supreme mis has tottVme, Ifti u u im miwb tone i cil. take. out, labored unceasingly to Today by using these dependable Cereal Substitutes: promote war industry, and tV EfGum male thi let. Only Edison in mate this tet. Tho German Mistake ticularly the par CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR production of muni bat Jr lie Ner Edio acroilly rt'trittei tie human voice Uis mistake in thus defying th Hons. He has thrice visited the YELLOW CORNMEAL Af mmkof huroio-plireJ inMnmienti with every tone cu!iir world has brought him today face fighting line and has delivered in ROLLED OATS nJcTtrr "P""0- Ordinary phonograph, and taltbr lo face with the moral antagonism numerable lectures in sunDort of OATMEAL tnettlr rtfftJut. of the world citiiacs, organized into an tne vigorous prosecution of the Ifyt ktrt iitlttt firttstt f'ttrt, tf trittrii n Edu$i iron hind military that resistance resistance,is the and be war. both by the armies In the Vancouver Milling & Grain t "mil Nr Ldut l psy ueid and Ihe Tut flit, T "i ntndtrjil arte - ja by industrial work tirrtfh tt ttr tnt. Mlt In lime U itltjnr turtiUntt, chology of a great spiritual cour ers at home. CO., LIMITED age hacking the organized fight Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" ' that the freer nations are putting Prince B.C Salvation Army. Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 Oaries Wesley Tectzcl, Rupert, up. All nations can now see that . . .1.. . Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 jiu wo ak me uicrcy oi uermany. Public meetings, Tuesdays. .as the peoples of Eastern Europe, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. - .Is to receive not hut ty mercy n. bundaya at 7:30 p. rn. ranny, and to experience the a THE SUPREME COURT OP RniTmr grinding heel cf unrelenting op coi.nvHit L'ward Lipsett, Prtudtnl Harry Lipsett, Manatrrr pression. W TPFAn?11 0r TAJ1AKA JUOUCltl Edward Cunntngbtm, Mce-Presldent New Brutal Itlet, a THEJUTTER DECEASED. OF THE and AOXUISiraTlOX Phone 131 Office-14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 'The German is now adding to the unspeakable barbarism of the TAKE KOTICE that In anW r.t ui. ilipseff-Cuiuiingham & Co. war such wicked implements as or Honour September,F. McB.A.Younr.O. 111.made I vu tne appointed em Prince RupertEngineering & Supply Co. me new gas that strips men s administrator to the eaute of the laid Tanaka naoklcnl. deeeued. and all mrtia LIMITED bodies of clothes and skin alike nannr claim arauut'tne a.ud eaute are Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors and murders them where they bert-bjr required to rnrnua aame. properly Termed, to me oo or twrore the torn day Estimates furnished for Electric and Wiring oc & cxNMnr equipmeht marine hardware stand in trench or dug-out. But or .Nocmltr, It 11. and aU partiea Indebted Complete to tbe eaute are required to pay tbe Plant Installations fcaimihlp Supplies, Gas Engine and Accessories the Germans are beginning to re amount of their Indebtedneaa to me forth- gret their own malignancy by wiio. JOIIX II. Northern B.C. Representativ Timlno, Ttwlnes, Lines, Rope and Cordage McHVLUX. reason of our effective reprisals, Official Administrator. Dated thla 10 lb day or October. 19 U. Canadian Westinghouso Electrical Equipment, Electric PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. and ( hope that everything will be net IV Ranges, Motors, Generators, dons to quicken transport, to ex Co., Hamilton Lamps, &c Heni Ofice Prince Rupert OOlee: pedite sending out to our men at tX TDE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods,Hose Strwl, Telephone No. 95 the front the power that will relieve Uf THE DECEASED.MATTER OF and LUICI COMAICD!!, CO., Toronto. -ixtra rower" Belong. P. 0. Box 1658 them and throw the enemy PI THE MATTER OF THE ADMIXISTRATTOS Canada Wire & Cable into confusion and press them ACT. Bare and Insulated Copper. Montreal SUel Iron Wire- back. Every ton of shells, every TAKE .NOTICE that"in order of Hi Co., Honour F. McB. Younr. made tbe 10th day 'consignment of guns, every crate of October. A. D. iv IS, 1 va appointed Domestic Enrnneering "Deico" Lieht Products 'of ever carjgo of rails Administrator to tbe eaute of the aald Isolated Electric Plants gas-masks, Lulrt Comandlnl. deceased, and all partle uo., uayton and sleepers that reaches the bannr claims aralnit tbe aald eaute are I bereny required to furnish same, properly Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and S. S. PRINCE RUPERT !front without hitch, every ship Termed, to me on or before tbe 10th day San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus that leaves the slips and sets out of Korrmber. A. D. 1911, and all partiea indebtej to the etute are required to pay on !on its voyage, is a direct blow to tbe amount ox ueir indcoteanei to me Pacific Coast Pipe Co. fortbvtUi. Wood Stove Pipe, Tanks, etc. the German menace. Vancouver S.S. JOM. II. NCMUl.lJ.'X. PRINCE GEORGE ! How the Workers Help. Official Administrator. Transmission Dated this I Oth day or October. I9is. Dodge Manufacturing Machinery, ! 'The docker and the riveter, the UCI IV Pulleys, Shafting, SAILING ishell-maker and the chemical Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. I1CHT SUNDAY end TMURSDAV far Iwininn Bay, 'worker, the worker in the factor, A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical fetu rule,. .Vancouver. VIeorU end Saettla. lies and In the fields, who put Cleaning, Pressing Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock MftlAi.. through with all speed the supplies hi WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Oranby Bay. of food and munitionment L S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. all nro helping our men at the and Repairing front to break the power of the lllWuUB8 Weekly u Queen Charlotte Islands. the peoples. bullies over LADIES AND GENTS The Dragooning or Slaves. TRAIN SERVICE "So Inflated with prido have the nZ31' WI0SDAr tsdSATUNDAV at i liS -. for smlihert Kaiser and his Junkers become, Jack Dunbar High Class Printing aasoatoa iM wiult(. idUIdi direel cottlon fr U such ascendency have the military pouu tail and aoutn. authorities secured, that PAane 510 725 Stconi A. they have been able to press all krFfI.!n,orin4Uon an(i resenatlons apply to the elements of social power in l-JOHNSTON riiw d... ti.i.i a "Hn iheir own country. Their work- The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 lers are taken by tho ten thousand, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. exposed ruthlessly lo the most finest kinds of printing at the nost reasonable (palling flro of our musketry and CIRCUIT NO. 1, arjtillery alike. The military autocracy o 11 Mb St. and Ird Ave. prices. No job is too small to receive careful Soi is eth St. and Srd Ave, of Prussia is dragooning to os 14 th St. and Srd Ave. attention and none too big for the shop to handle. 'its slaves and driving them on eoi 18 JunrUon of lit, tnd and .CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY !death In order to gratify their Srd Area. ambitions and enfeeble the Sor 1S III Ave., between 8th and own 9tb St. (Knox Hotel). internal powers of their own social ei 17 tat Are. and Tib SI .Central ! Lowest Rates And through HUalXUSS AND SOCIAIi CAUDS to all Eastern Points democracy. Hole!). va Steamer to Vancouver and the these slaves of theirs they are CIRCUIT NO. X. .JVOTK HKAD3 AND ENVELOPES Canadian Pacific Rnilwnv perpetrating upon our; men every m 22 Srd Ave and Ird St (Post Mcahand atrocity conceivable. Office). DtSPIiAV rOSTEKS AXD DODGEKS Berth included on Steamer If the Tyrants Won. o S3 Srd Ave. and McBrlde SL If such tyrants became triumphant o 24 lit Are. and McBrlde SL 1IOOKLETS AXD FOLDERS front whatj esse xs tnd Ave. and tnd SL the Western VANCOUvrn u.... . - on Saa 26 tud Are. and 6th St ClKCUUVltS AND POSTAIi NOTICES u.. "i iwiuniH Hnu aaai u hell would He before usl Even a oc 27 O. T. P. nw la. "" from mM nurrt 8rtembr llth. tlrd ! with victory attending us, the industrial FltATEIlNAli SOC1ETV WORK ill workers will bo faced by CIRCUIT NO. a. strain. But if Boa 31 Sta Are. end Hilton SL .'01 ir.. vnr of economlo RECEI1T ROOKS AND CHECKS tvoi 32 Borden and Taylor 81. we had to add to the expenses of as 34 Tib Are. and Fusion SL ""i Otteu, r,!!l ,rcm rrln urrt 9pumbr th, ltb and the war the addition or an indemnity Boi 35 J th Are. and Comox Are, r,.ttu and int. to be paid to an enemy, mot 37 Sib Are, and Dodia place 3 -Mb Ave. and SL Pea Thompson amount the burden to an upon overwhelming labor would slavery. CIRCUIT NO. 4. The Daily News Print Shop W.o. orchard, Q,n,r. AB.nL Taxes for Indemnity payments Bet 41 lib Are. and Emmeraon and for enormous armaments riace. " n'ra Avanue, Prince Rupert. B.C. would be chalnod to our eat 43 Ith Are. and McBrlde SL Third Ave.,Prince Rupert Ooi 43 lib Are. end Ore a St. the backs of our hnrVs and to bm 44 tb Are. an.1 BaiU St. children. With food still at high eoi 7 th Ave, and Eberli. prices our whole position would oi 141 Tin Are. and Yount St. Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention 'vettise become Intolerable. The greater in The Daily News" part of thai who,ft burden would