T11R DAILY NEWS. Thursday OcloW Page 4 SUFFERED FRED STORK'S HARDWARE TERRIBLE AGONY NOTICE Or CANCELLATION OP RESERVE lislabllshod 1008. - ....,.. .ttuft that the reserve 'f ruto-iives" Alone Gaw ext.Sr hundred on muff riiWrof Jr.w?,?B72SSl Lot. Two td ebt (ios hnr Coji ft FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON Him Quick Relief insirlcv, turvvyeu YaoT TRott, "n" Eleven b.ndred and , QEAfl AND 8UPPLIE8. Buckingham, Que., May 3rd, 1915. "For MTen years,I gaffered terribly from Severe and Indigestion. ..pluniDU uairuv . - . I bad bclchine pa from the 11 SSSSk Colusa, iRHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE Wapi.t; stomach, andl bad chronic Constipation. toli tort day of 2Tterobr. a. D. ltkf PAINT FOR BOATS I tried many remedies hit Deputy Minuter ot Lands. aolhinr 1116 K004 FinaUy friend advised "FnuVa-tlTCS, I took this grand fruit medicine and it made me well. To everyone who has miserable health with Constipa-tionandlndiccstionandDadStomach, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE! Metro Star who died a I take "Fruit-a-tircs", and yon LOCKWOOD, the famous gay JiSn eo frm in'Juenxa. In the picture ho is making h.s SECOND AVENUE l hereby riven, tbat U) Bale photographed. NOTICE exit from a scene which is being of Lands to be held on tbe twenty-tourm fiOc a box,6 for$2.50,trial sue 25c day of October nest upon which delinquent . H... imi DottDoncd. to far A t dealers Limited,or scat Ottawa,postpaid OnL by Fruit-a-tivea Queen ChariotU Islander can-L., udt m th. princ, nupert Astern, nr. Ha hAttpr man mall weir . t,atrmlieT following a sale ill be needs The Kews Pr Und. ,n tbe aa.d At.es. Board License 14-156 Just Camouflage printing anada Food J Khnn nnri cei toe u C. W. HOMER. Asaor and collector DATED this tnd day or uciouer. . w. t Never MINERAL ACT You If it were not contempt of court RAYIGABIX WATERS rnOTECTIOJS ACT 1 R. 8. C Cap. It. Know what m " to make the remark one might Certincate of Improvements. suggest that the Edmonton gunman .- n.nri,OT Saw Mill Company. S'S neck. NOTICE hrrrhr elves notice tbat It bat the it in A A is likely to get Caledonia., Mavis.irTder action of tbe said Act deposited ... - . l uc.fM nr piihiir worst at ui Ibis, Eltcbenjr. mi J"t. """'"1 Z'Trj lt Um Duuici lirru mm People who are morbid are Monialve. Index, Msiicmte. tuppn t. - pr(nfe nuJwrt Uml MttHTf Will Do likely to get bugs in their fluenia. v... wharf nit Hunker mloersl claims,l . .minn at mm site and a soul filled with sunshine situate' In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Division of t wharf proposed l!l3'.Ul-l1..,.!1 Mrs. "Williams has been using Keep your Range 4. Co... Dlsmc Wbere located:-V of k -F" Prlnee ulililiil and then if you don't escape at shown on I I'a . uw m Pacific Milk for cooking a long On Copper Creek. Douglas CbanneL time. Her husband got to it won't he your faulL TAWE OTICE tbat J. Jonn v. awhwh, Ana lt noure iat mm w - m Economical Purity $long B. C.L.S.. of Trail, B.C. acting as srent of one month from the, ai oi v fusing it in his morning coffee along the tnr in rirum Lummon copper urr, nblicaticn. or tnit noucr ik ...,, C Some people journey Mill rjwinuir. uflumi. buy fresh milk Miner' Ceruncste No. St. In purity is not .so they never with Limited. Free ..inn i nr in taia ac i'V'J 'IT1 your soap, more. highway of life like a flivver, 6J9-C. tnteud. sixty days from tne mk Mtnitter ef Pubiie Workt. at bit cflire in only desirable but its an any dirty cylinders climbing Exhibi hnf. to aPDly to tbe Mining Recorder .h. mi r iiiitwa. for approval of the 3t . . . ... evening Mrs. W j MM.. necessity if The other . . . .w. absolute you . LlUl Q1 lUf - 'i a nr itnrwnv.i mhii. idt ujc urn Bike auu Hill the bumpy planks. iut OCTituvatv w. - i - tion over . . .. ... Mv.liirart u taia i. fresh cream to - clothes to last. f bought some want your in w." this Ulh dty of And there are others who hum pUI)WK Dated at Prince hupert give him a treat (as she above claims. September. tH. with his porridge and along at an even forty-mile Uck And further take notice that acUon. un THE OROROETOW Tl mill lm-PAJtT, Sonliiht Sotp U absolutely pure Uhoughl) like an eight cylinder Cadillac der section 37, must be commenced before UM1TKU. Olt - so SHert or adulterants of aey i lo use with his coffee. doing the rounds of Kaien Island tbe Itsue of such Certlnett of irnprove- . V lmi t J 5000 got ran t of I bit However,.Mr. Williams didn't mpnlt. see it that -way and -when he with a party of tourists on the Dated this tist day of September. A D. discovered it was a different asphalt pavement. I VIS. J. D. ANDEnSOS. Tommy Burns' Cabaret Sunlight in the pitcher, he asked v cream all if do join the great After you mrr.VA UttiD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of he'd been getting" Soap for tbe same as every morning couldn't majority by the flu road, pass QVttX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. B to 2, Satcrtag 8 to I? along smiling. That is what the drink his coffee with the other boys are doing in Fijince. The TAKE SOTJCE tbat I. John McLarty Mte- watbet clotbet r-etutifullv cleta "stuff." divide is to and mlttin. of Vancouver. B, c occupation Flthermen, Loggers end Bosl-nettmen frh at inw-wiiliMil tbe great easy pass cannernDM. Intends to apply for permit- ctpMlallf invited eterosl wear J tr of tbe Pacific Milk Co. there is said to be sunshine and slon to lease tbe following described land: Accommodation for Ladles wash boerd: warmth .on the other side. r.nmmenelnr at a post planted on tbe LIMITED south shore of Lagoon Bay, Moresny is r tA LKVKR UaOTIir.RS UMIT11D 332 DRAKE STREET land, aiout one' mile from Its mouth,I EMPRESS BUILDING TORONTO Factory at Ladner, B.C. DAWSON tbenee sooth 30 chains, tnence west so O. C FUlier, Manager chains, thence north S enshu, thence I easterly along tbe shore line to point of At the annual meeting of the commencement, containing 40 acres more Yukon Territory Unionist Association or less. J0U5 MCLARTT MACMlLLArl. the following officers were Dated June xoih. 181 1. To the Public: jelected for the coming year: Hon. DISTRICT Of DISTIUCT presidents Sir it. L. Boijden, K. SkXE.fA LAKD QfEErf CHARLOTTE iBLAXDS. C, M. G and Hon. Newton W. Howell. President Joseph S. Mcintosh, TAKE NOTICE that the Mtsiel Inlet HARRY HANSON Inventor A Patentee Vice-Presidents of Port-dementi, occu of Gold Doltom; Lumber Co- Ltd- am or the Uirrr Hanson Patented Fist E. J. Edwards, of pation sawmill operators. Intends to spplyl orma Heating Hot "Water Coll for Ranges for permission to lease the following De Charles H. Johnston, of Dawson; bai returned to town to Mayan scribed lands.- Improvement In laid eoU la Whitehorse; A. J Peck, of Ba- Commencing at t post planted af the now belnr offered. It U now made ! nanza; becytreasurer cnanes northern corner of Block S of tbe sub of brats pipe, and prices are at follows: B. Black. Executive committee division or un 7, meuce n. i u. Gum mln. E. 850 feet, tbenee W. SO deg. 9 mln. I jFred Bishop, John N. Spence, Dan W. 9S6.I feet, tbenee 8. SO deg. IS mln. With three-yeari ruarantee 2B. a 'Coates, J. W. McLean, James W. e&O feet to tbo northwest corner oil With a nve-years' ruarantee, 30. Greenfield, Alex McLean, off al Lot 10. Block it of said subdivision, thence This coll It guaranteed to beat southeasterly and following the Mgb water water (our timet faster than any ,Dawson, and A. A. McMillan, of sre required to contest the cUJm ot the toll now on tbe market. See Quartz Creek; Andrew Taddie, of mark of Stewart Bsy liOO feel more or Granville, and John Dowie, of less to tbe point of commencement tnd I Harry Hanson Hunker. containing IS.8 acres more or less. MASSET 1.1 LET LUMBEft CO., LTD. Th Rttlable Plumbtr i . Per Fred. Nash, D.CL. 8.. Agent. Phont 489 '139 2nd Aft. J Miss Georgia May Little and Itted August lOlh. 1918. Olt Prlnea RuptrL Harold Jukes Marshall were on quietly married here a few even. STEEN A LONOWILL ings ago at St. Paul's Church. Agents, Phone 5, 2nd Ave. Prlnge Rupert Thomas Taylor, a pioneer of the Klondike, died yesterday mornintr while working on the hydraulic at Last Chance. TIMBER SALE X1462. Phone Gften 156 P.O. Box 120 While you work when you Word has just been received Scaled tenders will be received by tb hunger when you're dry any 'Inister of Lands not later than noon o SUBSIDES BROS. here that Frank Dosbrisay-of this tne 34th day of October. 1818. ro time you want a treat the city was shot down when flying urcbatt of License XI 46, to cut 710,00 eel v. Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on a in- flavor is there. -Dealers over llio Hun lines on July 1. rca near Lot SOi, Klmsquti Hirer, Hang there, there, . One uoast(1)uistr year ci. will be allowed -for-re Carry a packet In your pocket The old red log courthouse has oval of timber. Wall Papers Further particulars of tbe Chief forester been fitted up for use as a jail t.ctoria. u. c. or u strict roresier. fine The succulent juices of finest Regular visitors will appreciate Ituiiert, B. C. Oct. It I fruits combined with the purest M08T VARIED AND UP-TO-DATE the change. refined chicle to provide you with STOCK In THE NORTH of Mr. and confection that makes Prompt and Careful Attention Walter Collins, son n "fairly Jack Colline of Glaoler Creek Mrs. Given to Out of Town your mouth water". has gone to complete his univer Orders. fiamplcB sent on Request. sity course at Stanford, BUY IT TRV it FULL LINE OF PAINTS, TIMBER SALE X 1463. Tom, Tom, the Spearman's son, Prominently displayed KALSOMINE,. ETC. Stole a WriRley box and away he In most stores Sealed tenders will be received by th runl Minister or Lands not later than noon on Each stick lie chewed his health tne Bin aay or novemcer. lie. for ti fits'Adams- (it i ertsieal) Tutti fhutti'Gum purctusa or License Xuas, to cut l,00,000 renewed let or Spruce,, Cedar and Hemlock o nan And food I area aaioinuig Lot not. Klmtaull River helped l(is appetite for The Greatest Enemy lunge 3, Coast District. Jlut his father said Tlie boy i Two (I) years will be allowed for re moval ot timber. ,.MAMS Jr JtS! TO YOUR PIANO 18 RUST wise, runner particulars or ina Chin Forester let him 'do it to ndvertisol Ictoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prlnc Have Never-ltust applied Since I quit my piping and bought Itiiftert. 1). C. Oct. I Pure Chewing Cum to Strings, Tuning Pins, and this store LAND ACT Form No. 11. all Metal Paris in your piano 'm.selling Wrigley's gum galore!' mi Nevor-Rust Is Positive Notice of Intention to Annlv to I.eai Land. a Rust IN THE BUPIIEME COURT OF DIUTISII IN- (JUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND T7 1 3ffltm vss Preventive. COLUMBIA. HI8TMIUT; llECOItDINO DISTIUCT OK 1.1 THE MATTER OP CHRISTIE OIH80N H KEEN A AND SITUATE ON SOUTH HIIOIIE DECEASED; OF LAOOON INLET, MORESBY ISI.ANL; O. C. WALKER and ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. .'IK? Phont Blut 3S8 Pltna Tuntr IN THE MATTER OF T.1E "ADMINISTRA TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MaeMlllan. TION ACT." or Vancouver, B. C, occupation camiery-man, TKE miCE that in order of His Hono mtenda to apply for permission to F. Mcll. Young, made the 0th day of May lease the following described lands: 1017. I was annolnlprt Artmfslstrator to th Commencing at a host rlanlcrt on Hie ll V.et.m rrM MmK-tA V al i 1 ta-- m. teWeVTTf.iiilillilUfNIlIfltAJilHIIIHllIiillltf TeTeTeTeTtBHr I A IVi.'.t!.V.!.;ii'tW.!r estate or tbe said Christie Olbaon, deceased lioulh Shore of Laroun lnlel, Moresby Is- (Pr0Beer Boarding House and all paftles having clalros against th mbu, iuuui one inue irom us mouin: said estate are bcrebyrfiulred to furnls lliince west 10 chains; Oienm north 10 TUIEDAVli. - CL03ETOnKVDOCK same,, properly verified, to me on or tw chains; thence east go chains more or less fore the 31st dy of October. A. D. 1011 to low water mark at Um beanlii thence (Nle cUn toomt.good board. Hot and sold and all parties Indebted in the estate tr tuuiherly following low water mark to tbo waur. Bad toe,up. required to pay the amoont of llielr In point of commencement, ronuinlnr 40 PHONE RED m debtedness to roe forthwith. acres piore or lss. CANADIAN CHEWING CUM CO. J. II. McMULLIN. "CLAR.TY MACMILLAN. LIIHTU , omelal Administrator. DATE Oel9ber lOili, toil, D,ll 0