THE DAILY NBWS. Page 6 SMITHERS Local News Notes 1 i jii ii Arrangements have been made for the continued operation of tho Guy Mahood relurncd'to tho city electric light plant. Ha bn Canada' favorlt ysaet for ever a by the l'rinco Ucorgo yesterday Keeping quarter of centur. Bread bakd with Royal (from Vancouver. Yaaat will heep frsth and mlat long-r than that Smith, Jack Wallace, Jack Harry LfSwpMsl enado with any ether, so that a full week supply Turner have Mr. and Mrs. A. K. FInlaison, of and Happy Henry ean eaelty be mad at en baking;, and the latt gone to Palestine to help build loaf will be Jut a coed a th first. Vandcrhoof, returned to town railways for tho transport of Alienor's MAOC IN CANADA yesterday from the south, on their forces and food supplies. way homo. Warmly i E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED J E. A. Mortimer lias gone tovhIs WINMBTO TORONTO. ONT. MONTH CAL. Jack Bradbury, Bill Wilson and ranch at Deep Creek where he will many other returned soldiers returned to town yesterday from the build a house before returning In the spruce camps. WEST IN SCOTLAND (many eating less Queen Charlotte Islands, lhey aro well. Clothed Mrs. Lancaster and son are An English journalist's idea of AND SAYING MORE Timmermclsler of Tclkwa here from Victoria visiting Mrs. language received rather a Jolt' Mrs. Lancaster's sister, Mrs. Held. some time ago when he happened was among tho passengers pass People Taks Lighter Lunches-Feel ing through tho city yesterday, she on a secluded village in tho High Better and Save from Vancouver, The work, of the new government lands of Scotland. He came across having come up offices is getting in shape what was to him a strange trans Money. by the Prince George. will go a long way toward preventing an attack following the moving to this place formation of the hamlet, duo to. of the epidemic. .Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and family prencnt there , . . I Mntiv nt'onm are ratine less from Hazellon. Naturally uie propinquity oi an A.ncr.cuu lhe,-J '"f,rlI "u f9 fr0m neJ arrived In the city ycsteoJay from considerable confusion for a umhor Tlin vlllnan lavrrn nnmn. was ,u '- i cesslty. One no longer has the Vi ancouver. Mr. Barnes is eu- Our Underwear Section is well stocked ritb little while. had been rechrislened "The Arl- , i.ienB Arf with Lhn Miinltlonii Board i 'SuliltJ lieu liuuu as luriuciii miiu "-a - - Women Children and s Boys zona Arms, and an opposite coi- and s, Underwear, ,Lj,n,i will Ineatn Mrs. Barnes . brd, tho butter and LUC. tage announced "Good Eats for,"1" family at Port Clement. the celebrated "Turnbull's," "Jaeger," etc.' All." "More amailng still," con- ,f"Kai U4D 7 ' G. H. Arnold w in more or less minute tinues the journalist, "chewing,"" It is understood that tho telephone But it is from quantities. partly m nnrt emnn .lnirn wPrc on sale much over-1 NOTARY PUBLIC) 0... girls are very deliberate choice. Many feel that at the village store. worked these days. It Is sug in these days when tho need for FOR SALE gested that subscriber? may cut The J thrift and self-denial of all kinds Nights are Getting 8YNOPSI3 OF w their conversations as short as Lot 5, Block, 15, Section 6. is so urgent anything like fcaslin : This is a very exceptional LAND ACT AMENDMENT 'must be rigorously cut out. Ther possiblo and eliminate unneces Colder opportunity to get a fine Pre-emption now confined to s unreyed 'are not a third of tho dinner par sary calls for tho present.m level lot for residential purposes, land Records only.will be granted covering only 'ties that there used to be in prj? The open season for geese and close to McBride St., land suitable for agricultural purpose and bed-coverings in and which la non-timber land. Jwar days. An astonishingly largi brant, iti) this district has been warm are demand. Our vilh sewer connection, for Partnership pre-emptions abolished, number of club men loo', wh ' but parties cf not more than four may changed. It was originally set stock of Blankets, Eiderdowns, only arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with formerly used to tackle a full from .Nevernbcr 10 to February 21 Comforten, Joint residence, but each making necessary Easy terms. Improvements on rexrtectlve claims. course luncheon, will now have but it is now open and will extend Quiltr, etc will meet all your requirements. Pre-emptors $650.00 live year and mint make oocupy Improvement claims for to what is known as a "light lunch" until February There has been value of 10 per acre. Including clearing consisting of a bit of fish and a Victory Bonds will be accepted and cultivation of at least S acre, before considerable criticism of the first receiving Crown Urant. cup of coffee or something of that at par. mentioned dale, as by .November less than 1 and ha made kind. Many men who used invar years, proportionate 16 the flight of the big birds great H. G. HELQERSON, LTD. of Ill-health Imnruvementa.or other cause,he because granted iably to lunch at a club will now frjotn tho north is alleged to be H. S. WALLACE CO., LI and Intermediate transfer hi certificate claim. of Improvement be seen eating a much lighter and well over. Kecords without Dermanent residence .more modest repast at a "chair may be issued provided applicant make Improvement tn extent of 100 per an lunch." I Herman McKinnon, who belongs THE DAILY NEWS New of Corsets N.B. num ana record same each rear. Fail Shipment Just Received ure to make improvements or record j In the Restaurants. to Nova Scotia, died at the General Classified : Advertising! s&nae cannot wUl be obtained operate a on forfeiture.these claims Title In Apart from the frequenters of Hospital yesterday frjim pneu leu 110 per than acre.S yean,Including;with ImprorcmtnU& acre cleared of ,tluus a uhnln lnt nf nlTlA men monia, following an attack of influenza. Phone 98 and cuitrated. and residence of at j and others who frequent restau. He was a fisherman and "pretmwor hoMiiic Crown Grant mar rants and other eatinir nlacas are one of the well known figures record another If he pre-emption re- 'k..i,,-i ..i i WANTED. a u Ires land la conjunction with his ouiousiy enueavonng to muse around town between trips. He .Tided. . (tatuiorr.IIIIVUI fmVv.n?:. their luncheon and its concomit- was admitted to the hospital on WA.NTJiD Blacksmith at once, land.residence maintained on Crown xranted am mil Doth as light as possible. Sunday, and died on Wednesday. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! apply Akerberg, Thomson Co. Unaurveyad areaa, not exceeding 20 Enormous numbers of men of this 'His only inown relative is Miss WAITED Furnished or unfaralabed room title acre,to may be obtained be leased after a fulfilling homesltes;real. type have forsaken tho idea of a'Jessie McKinnon, 114 Sandwich Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the prciest wits firt-clns family Immediately. Ap- dentlal Kor erasing and tmprorement and Industrial condition.purpose, regular "sit down" luncheon alto- Street, Plymouth, Mass ly A. 8-, Kewi omce. u by area one exceeding person or(40 company.acres may be leased getner and content themselves -:- Wntch this space for our - with a piece of pie of iiany of the merchants seem WANTED Three men for orderly work. PR E-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. and a cup announcement of n new supply Apply the mttron. Prince Rupert General The scene of this Act Is .nlirrMl to tea or some sligbLnefreshment of anxious to have the stores closed inciuue soi Persona lolnlnr and aerrins- .'earlier for short time until the Hospital. that a with III MaJestv Forces. The tlma sort. That is easy enough WAJtTED--COOK within which, the heirs or devisees of a for the married man with a home Health conditions -Improve, in or- WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED wanted at once. Apply aeceaseo pre-erapior may apply for Inlander Boarding liouie. ttue under this Act is extended from who goes home to a proper din- der that those who arc still at BUTEDALE - - - EC one year fromXhe death of such person." ... I . . .... WANTED Responsible party with unct- u lonneny, umu one year alter in ner in tuo evening. But the case wont may navo an opportunity to cui cspiui to luroun ana operate poara-Ing privilege conclusion 1 of also the made nresent retroactive.war. This is rather different with the young,oIean up and get away In good ooou and contract rooming to house.right party.Aew building.Apply TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT fellow who rooms or boards. If.time. In some of the cities there iox i a j. vauy acvi vnjee. ACT he makes a light lunch it is morels been compulsory early clos- Provision I mad for th grant to CE.VTLEMAX WANTS TWO ROOMS A.D cersona holding uncomnleted Arru. than likely that, with the pre ing. The matter was discussed board In private borne with phone, apply I such ments proportion to Purchase of the from land,the if Crown divisible,of valent ideas as to what ought to at the last council meeting but St. James Hotel kiiu I icniu, box idz uauy news. a the payment alreadv mada will constitute a meal, he will not have nothing definite was done. Your cover In proportion to the sale price of Eyes turn: C;Uiin OLD FALSE TEETH BOUOIIT, SOUND OR I w wiwh. ihuw. a wd or mor person me opportunity 01 inaKintr ud nroicen vulcanite or metal; also bridge-work, FIuST CLAFS ftOGKh Poit them to J. Dunatone. post- their interests and apply for a DroDor- "1UC11 leeway ai Ills evenintr meal. We put pep into our printing llot and C;c:d WUr, omce box 1116, Vancouver. Highest I Uonate allotment lolnUr. If It U not i ... caah price aent by return malL S0 considered advlcabu to divide the land " ,cr' "rte proportion OI me uslness at The TS'cws Print Shop. covered by an application or a nrvDor- min uhn 0im l. ..i. KX pr MlfKt, a4 1 V Uonate aUotment. an aiinin...! r,.i otiu uioic a oik uuwu BOY WANTED 8AVOY HOTEL. cWui,i,XWka,Ir'lS mncneon are observed to cat fish. Are tho most dslicntc of all WANTED--Waitreai. Hotel Trlnee nuperu nlUimt:.mS IndCed lh,e.lent tO Which fish, your organs and the most Sickness and sensitive. If Glasses EXCHANGE to any munlclpallt Th ".nv.v ui uic( iius cuilie your Phone 93 P O.Doxa 2 rom'Thr oowwSr jnto Us ow". s amazing. It oc are not exactly right you EXCHANGE Clear deed i r siso protected. Th. it-.i. . inn an a i are likely to ruin your OfflM to houae and lot the Minister of Lands In reepect to the Accident Insurance 3rd Ave .-.-) St. in Section s for vacant lot, part caih on T Jem"3iv0r.t Proportionate aUotment restaurant menus and is in great sight house, balance terms. Apply at rear of CnjL fcr making appllca-ii0o,'?rUl5 .l"tn--nta is limited to demand. This is all to the good, To make that atssinAve., .WeaL m We represent the Dominion sure you lid "- Pacific nit. Any applica Cartage, tion mid; after this date will hot c as uie more wo substitute fish of Canada Guarantee have the correct thing get WORK WANTED considered. These allotment aeplr to for meat the more of the latter is Glasses ton lots and lands of th Crown bld your from tt patlir auction. available; fnr ninnH and Accident Co.. WANTED Employment In warehouse by ,Y,ortotOTm-lton i,pj to Genoral Teimint man who speaks French and Enrliah; Government Agent or any to I Those who are conscientiously "which writes a special f5?..,rn no"nn0 nd use typewriter. n n. .VAnns. and patriotically endeavoring to policy covering indemnity Storage Willing to Bulger atart at bottom and work up. Iputy Minister of Iands. and PUno Safe P. Le Claire, Knox n0teL accumulate Furniture, all Victoria. M. C. money savings find against Sickness L08T that conservation of food mnv and Accidents. Movinf. Bajtt j v easily bo made a means to con Optometrist and The annual cost is LOST Opal brooeb'between city hall and m servatlon of money as well. They very .'. Optician , hospltaL Finder pleaae phone Black 36 NOTICE have a sense of double duty per- jow. LOST Brown Otter fur. necknlere. ahnrti formed. For both money and food 1 f! n.a- If.,. ---, - -T The man know and you can Notice jhe u, iiwkj rriuce nuperi. rinaerjw It is illegal to spit on the are vital to Victory. to please Gibbons reiorn to the Hotel Prince Ituperr. i McCaffery, rely sidewalk or in any public on. FOUND place. This law will be The Indian patients now being On and after " ,11 & shall U oprat!nr a r w Ltd. strictly enforced and any cared for at the Salvation Army Doyle, AUTO-D13 SKItV' X ,r',JB FOUND Bunch ! of keyi at Seal Cove. Own- breaches thereof Town and Seal ? iz prosecuted. uitade. all er can have....tune at.The Newa ofllce by- I. are doing very -well Insurance Real Estate miii U aa follow n.vln. i ,now, and good progress is being YE OLDE COUNTRIE TO SCAL COVI. FOUND At Salt THOMAS McCLYMONT. made towards recovery. They aro FISH AND CHIPS ... . W..Ua,s. Lakes, Udyi bathing aoit Prince 7.10 io n y, m B. C. and two .towels. Owner may have same receiving every care and attention. Rupert, 717 Second Avenue. a lit a la III1 at Dally New oinee by paying for this 10.10 tl.U. adrcrtiaemenL If IN THE SUPREME COUflT OF BIUTISH Will be open every day at Satursar Bttri ''i; Ill 11 a.m. T in s an to 11 J i l".ii ' jW T"EEtEMAA8ITDfH NAk,C'" TAKE 80ME HOME. f.IO S.SO 4.41 '( l 7.11 .J0 10 " THE MATTEn OF THE All OIL WIMS1 HATI't w . , I O.JO If.10 MO i3 I J M. I STEPHENS LUMBER f A CM VmBaH ."". and 0.10. Honour F." Me AT Voting. 9 M -the prjospecls of a FROM SCAL COyt , . commercial oil flefil 7.41 1.4s 10.10 II .,41 ' was appointed NOTARY PUBLIO administrator to ih ... r Agents for near Vancouver DENTISTRY ind 11.10. ."s.jciu. neceasea. inn sti niMi., ha vl n i claims iriinii ,h ..ih - Salura-afieitra Sariica. , OFFERS FOR QUICK Prince Rupert Lumber Co. j hereby required to furuKh aame. properly -on I 1.41 6.10 7 II . SALE remieu. lo me on or before the lOtti day orriCK iiouhsi 10.11 10.41 II.H "'r of Novcmher. IBIS, and all parllea Indeht a.m. to1 HO p. m. to BUO Sunsaf. and ea 10 ine etaie are required p.m. 1 41 to The Following Choice Propertlea; pay the II 111' tot ii, Block a, Section 7 eighth Hastlng's 8aw Mills !ih "wr mueuieanaas to me forth OllS A DR. J. 8. BROWN ihi Th... rniirtwa uiii slaa l' a s At-, near Cold Storage and Saw JOHN II. MrML'LMJf DENTIST wrnrr and. llayi "III , $2C3. n.,-H .k "f"! Administrator. omei Smith Block, Third Assnus. im fsra will be II cnl '"'r,i iwu us oi uciouer, ivia. .. "-. ..:. r,ut ran aw '- Thla ta a level lot on trade. Taxes COAL Oct rhena 454. iiu imii iim- r,r , i mru' Hid for IBIS. Peal Coe, II rrnta. Ut 10, Block 48, Section 7, $200. Agents for IJf THE 8UPI1EVE COLUMBIA.COURT OF BIUTISH 11 A crnta.reduction on tin ',r" H Alao on Eighth Are. near Seal Nanalmo Wellington Coal IN THE MATTEIl OF LU OI COMANDIM, be made by a Cove. rufFAiD TICKCT l'JlfiM Houa and ut and It THE MATTEft OF THE ADMI.MSTRATJO." PONY EXPRESS Twentjr-flre lie UraeH do In. House AW tlrht lie tlcseia for t Ranted, for aal $800.00. tit Yellowhead Coal Terms. IAk slIJTIHK lhat In a4.. tii. Bend for copy of PHONE 301. vrara and iwrlve will M ""our f. UtB. Vounr, road ibl abovo hook, I'refi to fur at the fcllowlni f'ef(olj fof COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH Complete JIne of 0r. A. v, 191S. I was appointJa It rrnta for one aud TAX SALE PRICES IU llla riiiu or trio said any address on re--luest MOTOR TRANSFER VJrtH BUILDING MATERIALS Tlie cara will ,'. I J ........ v....... lo Tth Ave. on Hi ""'V,, lU assiuii me ma tierrbr reaulrcd m ...... 17" '.Z inairia r,t aih Ave . M. M. Stephens S. W. MILLER & CO. CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD rrlurninf by the aame roaa. lert McCaiferl of Novembtr. A n mi . l:..T,Y. vo.i .STRONA0C S01ICIT" & Ui ... ,. JItook and Bond Brokers of Hart REAL ESTATE INSURANCE VJ sre rt'quirta to car (Hear Iliock). FINANCIAL A0ENT Vancouver Block, Vancouver. Wharf Offlee, Phona S64 Sentt 623.........Third..Avs., Phon 222 Office Saeostf Avenue, Phone lis ;0II!n Trivial H. MeMUl.UK,i .il...... (Member Vancouver Stock Wi sell Teats, Safes, Coal and Wood Rotjal Auto-Bus ttrcttttt$t3 Dated tbla totb day ot drTml. exchange. Oft 19