18, 1932 , duly Monds eo me A ey RI Good Shoes at Cut Rate Prices The management of the Cut Rate Shoe Store announces that it has purchased a lot of Samples From Leckie’s that they are selling at hard time prices These are high quality shoes and are selling at peor quality prices Look over the other lines such as runners for tie children, ladies’ and misses’ footwear, ten’ s shges, all going at surprisingly low prices. Call and see. PCCM COCCI MMI. ee S.8.2...82 Bb & ] 8 8 8B SBS Bo Qe 8 8 8S & & S28 8s Peres . Mrs. ® on the present trip of the steamer | | from Vancouver to Namu to join | @ her husband who is manager fs | s| = ql LOCAL NEWS ITEMS D. Critchley of Inverness can-{ Mrs. L. A. N. Potterton, after a| nery was a week-end visitor to the} brief visit to the city, sailed by the| city. Catala last evening on her return | to Stewart H.R. Beard of the Canadian | Fishing Co. arrived in the city on| T. B. Halliwell of Premier is pay-/| the Catala last evening from Bute-| ing a brief visit to the city, having dale | arrived from the north on the ss. | Prince Rupert Saturday evening. Presbyterian Tea and Sale of; Home Cooking at the home of Mrs. A. E. Parlow, district forester, re- | ears: ee 20th, 3 to 6 p.m.) ternoon’s train from one of his per-| |iodical trips to the interior on of-! H. V. Memihaahe came north | ficial duties. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Gibson of Pre-! of mier, who have been on a vacation! | trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in| the south, were passengers aboard Capt. Barney Johnson jr. and Mr. | the Catala last evening returning | "uffer, who came north with the| north. } vacht Helena B., sailed Saturday night by the Princess Adelaide on} their return to Vancouver |Namu cannery. t Miss Kathleen Durham of Usk arrived in the city from the inter-' (eaten sa 985: acm a “ jior on this afternoon's train and U NION STE AMSHIPS L IMITE 1) Misses Morrison and Capin ar-/will sail later in the afternoon on | ose oauaers TEspaS . ert rived in the city Friday afternoon the steamer Prince George for a (Ot ee eee ee aan de jon the Princess Adelaide from Ke-/|trip to Vancouver 3.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT }}lowna to visit friends here. Miss | --— xs, aoa 40 ert mae eet. ape |}Morrison formerly taught school| Walter Service, Pasco, Washing- ") Givet peinte, Gunday, @ iam “sj here. | ton, locomotive engineer, arrived in ther information regarding al) sailings aiid ticke i ‘ |the city on Saturday afternoon's; VRINCE KUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue Phane 568 A. J. Morton, wholesale tobac-/train to pay a visit here with his| }conist of Vancouver. and Mrs. Mor-| mother, Mrs. Peter Black. Mr. Ser-| ton were 'g the city last evening| Vice is aceompanied by his son and iboard the steamer Catala on) daughter from Spokane. They will . + The standard of VALUE For 25 years, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes have been the leader — simply because they have always been the best corn flakes possible to make. Today, you get a delicious flavor and crispness in Kellogg’s that no other corn flakes ean equal. And you always get oven-fresh corn flakes — assured by the sealed inside WAXTITE bag, which is a patented Kellogg feature. Insist on genuine Kellogg’s when you buy corn flakes, Substitutes are seldom offered in a true spirit of service. Kellogg’s are personally guaranteed by W.K. Kellogg: “If you don’t think them the finest corn flakes you ever ate, return the empty red-and-green package and we will return your money.” Made by Kellogg in London, Ont, which they are making the round! be here for a couple of weeks. | trip north Capt. C. W. Homer. provincia) assessor |turned as pilot to the has been on a trip to the|tala on the northern run after } Ocean Falls district on official du-| having been in commana ties, returned to the city from/few weeks of the steamer Capilano down the coast on the Catala last}on the Vancouver-Povwell River | evening route. Capt. John Muir, recently ee skipper of the freighter Chilkoot, Thomas Wilding of the C.N.R./has now taken command of the general office returned to the city| Capilano m the Catala last evening after) | Spending a vacation at Kamloops CPR Mrs. Wilding and son will remain! Capt in the south until the end of the| holidays | oe steamer Ca- whe Steamer Princess Louise, Arthur Slater, carrying a |; tg a number being round trip to-rists, arrived In port at 7 o'clock and daugh-/} tits marning from Vancouver and visited several) sailed a couple of h later for Mrs Wakefield's | Skagway and other Alaska points and Mrs. R. F.| whence she will return here south- | Perry, Second Avenue, sailed by| bound Saturday afternoon. the Catala last evening on their | lreturn to Stewart, school Mrs. W. J. Wakefield after having |weeks here with parents, Ex-Ald ters urs With a fair-sized list of passen- - | zers Union steamer Catala, Capt R. EB. Honour, headmaster of a/A. E. Diekson, arrived in port at Victoria private school. and L. W.! 6:30 last evening from the south Illius, a member of the staff of the|and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, | Same sehool, are making the round) Stewart and other nerthern points aboard the steamer Ca-| whence she will return here to- which was in port last even-| morrow morning southbound. The ing bound for Anyox and Stewart | Vessel made a call at Balmoral annery on the Skeena River be- fore arriving here yesterday to discharge 7000 cases of cans trip north : clndiianigii Envoy and Mrs. John Foster, Sal- vation Army, uf Canyon City were the-city at the end of the week | yn their way back to their post or.) the Naas River following a honey Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gordon, who have been on a trip to Burns Lake moon trip vo interior points follow-| ~ here Mrs. Gordon officiated re- hy 5 ie relia os he | ne heir recent marriage In the} , itly at the formal opening of the jcity. Mrs. Foster was formerly new United Church Women’s Mis- }Capt. Alice Kenny. They were }sionary Seciety Hospital, arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train from the interior and sailed } the same evening for Vancouver on }the steamer Prince Rupert. Mr and! Gordon is superintendent of schools “ California, in charge of Mr today im the city of Vancouver and is a | Mrs. Howard Brown, is here lon its t . he ss n return aboard the s |pioneer educator of this province. guests at the Cavoy Hotel | a | A party of sixty members yf Christian Endeavor Society | tour the south George after having made! he round trip to Skagway. A| | Prince |F. G. Dawson, 333 5th Ave. East, | turned to the city on Saturday af- }have been on a two weeks’ holiday |} been on W. W. Mounce has re-! for a) passenger list totalling 118 includ-'! Tuesday Speci | WHIZ, | tin 60¢e 1 Sorpyer: io. / Munro Bros. Mrs. J. C. MeLennan sailed Sa- turday afternoon on the~*Princess | - Charlotte for a holiday visit to; Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skattebol; who) trip to Winnipeg, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon’s train. G. Lundborg of Premier arrived in the city from the north on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening | and is registered at the Savoy Ho- tel. H. Cathro of Anyox, who has a trip to Vancouver, was' a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to the smelter | town There were 51 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte which was in port Saturday after- noon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. No passengers disem- barked here from the vessel while three boarded her here for the south. Inspector Cooper R. C. M. P., who | has been spending the past ten days jin this city and district on inspec- tion duties, arrived in the city from the interior on Saturday afternoon's } train and sailed that evening.on the Prince Rupert for his headquarters in Vancouver. Dave Roberts, well known Cana- dian National Railways locomotive | engineer, formerly running out of} here and now located at Melville, Sask., arrived in the city on Satur-| day afternoon’s train from the} prairies and will be here for a few) days renewing He left last night on the Catala to make the round trip to Alice Arm. Returning south with one of the best-sized Alaska tourist passenger | =e | CAMERON'S Transfer, lists so far this season, C.N.R. ss. Prince George, Capt. Neil McLean arrived in port at 9 o’clock . this morning from Skagway and other northern points and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver The vessel brought in 114 passen- gers from the north of whom 21 disembarked here “Build B. C. Pacific Does the Payrolls” old acquaintances. | ; } eee } \ Impossible | Bk, mposs'ble | aayiK!. Se When Pacific Milk began its! experiments toward packing milk in vacuum cans, experts | said it was impossible. Dry food but milk could not be handled like But knowing how vacuum pro- a dry product. Northwestern Alaska tour party of eight persons from Chicago dis-| A comes retain ity tows Tava g! ersc ' = nyion t embarked from the Prince George nnouncements we were anxious to attain that} vorning after making the perfection for Pacific. And we : il aay « 4 ; ind trip north frem Vancouve have done the “impossible | Skagway and back here and Eagles’ Social Danee Friday, July Paci is vacuum pac +] this afternoon’ a 22 Admission, Gents, 50c; ladies eeced East on , train | refreshments. Oddfellows ovening dance, | ! July | 29 SPECIAL Catholic Bazaar, OQetober 19, 20.\5 Pacific Milk | 00% B. C. Owned and Controlled” | PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD 'Close to Mineral Baths Classifi ed Ads FOR SALE DATRIES ~~ FOR SALE—Grey Englisk Buggy cheap. Phone Green 836. 168 FOR. SALE — All furniture and household goods. J. Farquhar. 171}: jPECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower! prices than any mail orde: house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. FOR RENT low rent. Phone 166 FOR RENT— Modern flat, Rance Block, Apoly Max elon o MODERN house, Red 720. SOME choice medemn agertasents for rent. Greatly reduced rates Westenhaver Bros tf FOR RENT— ewly Geoorated 2- room front suite. Palmer Apart- ments. Phope Red 444. tf LOST—Office Key. Kindly leave at The Daily News Office. tf LOST—Boy’s brown suit coat along track near Lagoon. Finder please} 166 LOST—Gold Cameo Brooch. Fri-| day, between Section 6 and Dr.| phone Denny Allen. Maguire’s Office. Reward. Finder! LJ please return to Daily News. LOST—Black silk ing smal] amount pair of glasses Avenue West and Thira Finder please return to Daily News Office. Reward 167 purse contain- TRANSFERS Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer bottles bought SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for | sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Bhie 903. SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or ” liday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Pienic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take Yuu Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore and Lodge Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C Cleaning & Pressing | t One Dress ;One Suit o1 L $1.25 _ Made to order $23. 50 for Phone Blue 909 AL Benkendorf Next to Daily News BOSTON CAFE Prices Reduced | Tlell, Queen C In keeping with the spirit of t boarders at “The Dunes,” The idea) summer resort. The most economical! saws to use Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, at. Remi St. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, B.C, MONTREA St. John, NB, Board Return steamship fare .... Care hire to and from bo: Is Reopened Thoroughly Renovated Bright and Cheery Better Than Ever Children, half | “THE DUNES” Tiell. have been reduced to $1.50 a day. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. No flies! No mosquitos! Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dunes farm with fresh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tlell River. THE NEW SPECIAL RATES make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: and room for 10 days Total for 12 days ............. Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19, Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut harlotte Islands he times, the rates for summer all the pleasures of the $15 esi ke » $35 price. No extras — SS —— A : _ : wut a nie eae 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding } ' | | LOST | of money and} between Sixth} Avenue. | ; Fer FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quaris or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 WATCHMAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. | Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU PAINTERS ee |LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN-- ING LABORS Phone Red 802 (evenings) te J. P. MOLLER ; — for — Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging Phone 177° | By Day or Contract * REASONABLE CHARGES | CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall | hree Year Graduate Chiropractic | Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment ; Green 241 and 549 (open Evenings 6 Excnange Bik. The AUCTIONEER 2acking -- Crating Wrapping | and General Furniture Repaiss ' List your goods with me | GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert’s leading Auctioneet. G. M. HUNT | $rd Ave. Phone Ked 637 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Cais Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 TYPEWRITERS For Sale er Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Hotel Arrivals Hotel Central Limited Covenient to business district, homelike, ben utifur meer 2 twee, reasonable. Spacious Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street Rates W. W. Service, Paseo, Washing- ton; J. R. Service and Margaret Service, Spokane, Wash.; O. Whid- den, Edmonton; J, Weis, W. Shel- by and T. Anderson, C.WR.; C, Sw memaeecemeemamarwmmnemertamentes: tame wd