“Ers CONFIDENCE A bank, like an individual, gains strength and commands confidence through years of ex- perience 63 the pag with their successive booms and der ressions, The Royal Bank of Canada nas made steady progress to established strength and has long been recognized as one of the great banks of the world It serves al] Canada —_™ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Throughout years, CAPITAL $35,000,000 - RESERVES $39,155,106 - ASSETS OVER $750,000,000 creme eee ce ee mm re nn - _—o a oon A % o i ‘ BY S Secure Cas uring Har limes The Classified Ads. vic T r , no nrne : ; ‘ ip, Ali Ul atu : “ ’ eo . ; Aid a bie transaction. ita Renting the House Daily ited ye'sna many pope | News ‘Vor Rant! edema vad atte Gitte ia | Want i recs ntly: Some Like Reader Ads. papers can oftei successful try again. 98 Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. them Know about house they ud be turned nto money if they kn« f a customer. Try a classified adver- tisement. Most read the classifieds. For uses in the city not le make little effort to oO are wise to their op- the s one “Those little ads Some people after trying other kinds of adver- Phone tising decide to try a reader among the locals and personals. Then they have got results. The cost is a little higher but they have been well satisfied. When conditions are like they are today the news- help. The price is not very high. Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a different kind of advertisement and if that is not it Seventy-Five ithe Eagles’ Hall by the Orchestra | Charles P, Balagno * Matyas ~ PICNIC IS ENJOYABLE Over One Hundred Children and Many Parents Attended L. O B. A. Outing Saturda: “2TD é he 6 = 3 a very & ~ - gE mé ) iucre v & = wrens, DelnEg wnce nce Zach child was provided with 2 bag DEATIULE 2 candy as well 2s ice x nere were ine 66. Mrs. Robert Murray at af W. Hunter were ih ge c by Mrs B. B. Ba Mw A no M I.G.% : - osu L v : “ 2a B t Ge : Law e D d McDonald Gy i C nder—f Dahl D hy Fowle (pir . r,A — ° RD -- ~~. - & - Y —_ =. ) m . j d . S 2 : r—( oe r- . Ar - 3 - ¢ under—J x b e f ~ > Be ; S - u - _ Pr S a . C x ‘ ¥ i € Cath E mar D Sr . 4 lad c 4 A ec Ladie Mr Kraw . Wis Girls ree-lezged A Gomez d June Gomez. Ger eve Ma Schaeffer B hree-legeed Bob Pr - Aart . = ; r u Kra ; LBrmAgr mA me r A Ciemer r 7 SOLDIER IS DEAD n ued from Pace Cc: Sir Ar rc 2 Plumer, who wa be in 1836 ined York and Lancaster Re zim 1876, and saw t aril : ¢ Souda H y iT *rne Vv zi a { he Matabe Reb f ext 4 Wa £ . ’ ‘ “ . @i iii .* ficer a but me ié 7* a Cc ¢ le - Ww B , ‘ nn ad wt ried ak - I ippos a r ‘ d omaciues *. : Plu Was a artin t he w ¥ eage ” being of r ‘ mn : ° Witth ¢ re ¥ w Fit ; Ypres I M f wi § Smi D the S Ar u 917 proved } cade wr r ‘ vy ail a +e ar 4 é B {M I wi 13 en fre 4 72,000 prix n F y G12 ‘+ y 4 7.10 : =» @ to Ita g tne g Ge 4 ¥ : pia) te! Z ffic u C , F A r the w f mir my : F e. anc f be e Governor 7 we and Com ef ; He hele , i 1 1924. In 1925 he pp ed High Commis Pale ‘ sccessior S rt Samue Lord Plumer ypoin time f three year In July 1919 Plumer was made a Field-Marshal and received a peer- age with a grant of £30000. He was appointed High Cor Trans-Jordania in April held the office only missioner of 1928. but hort time Venetian Orchestra Dance Is Enjoyable Persons at Affair Staged Saturday Night in Eagles’ Hall A very dance was s enjoyable taged Sat Cinderella irday night in Venetian direetion of There were about seventy-five persons at the affair which opened at 9 p.m. and concluded at midnight under ["LOCALITENS WILD OATS Monday, July 18, 1933 Mr and Mrs. Don Crerar and spemi the week-end ai Mile 21 2m angling expedition Joan Crawierd and Robert Mont- gomery Stars of “Letty Lynton” TWO SHOWS — Monday & Tuesday 7 and 9 p.m. Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:39 W. R. McAfee. manager of the at Capitel Theatre ; 7 : N — Ibe Big Bay Lamber Oo. sailec Satur- ie ADMISSIO & 5h ng on the Prince Rupert; The “wild osis” sowed b; Jin business trip so Vancouver form t ucture of = Two Great Stais inu < Bae . 5 aan x Beautiful Romance up a e Belloc | — ‘ — and — a Robert Montgomery Prir { I —imn— oe ie a _ , “LETTY LYNTON” at & < Tarr i rez tn eee Pee Miss Craw! With Nils Asther, May Robson i = = — — Fm jan he ss wt ? Lewis Stone. A girl's dream of . = r oe = . S0CIe% - love menaced by a past ~~, oats Wan every ¥ indiscretion Ontat Re en Comedy—CHARLIE CHAS! —— cane ak & tencked 1 IN WALKS CHARLIE : eghs 2F pr rbocsey 1 _ PARAMOUNT NEWS ' _ - - ford give P. Rup _ -_ = perform € f : reer Another Grand Program r Vancou fe Slo - ieee il ot, : WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ‘ . . ' American . = he hapr “ 4 Great Double Bill ee menacec k STREET SCENE” and Wr L jew G - wif £ Orr aa ; ae ne a ee AROUND THE WORLD ir ae oe ee Su 80 MINUTES” = vO x =~ cter se - ed Prince Rupert Saturday|-~ , is a fasci: g 2 evening for a brief trip Vancou- |. ae ‘ -S - bad Mas = i , er e 4 “e 4 “ar. ¢ o rT c week-end angling trip to Mile 21 mn wr . a mpaniec BD Jimmy Irvine, Bob Orme, Bertie . : ; Cesin aal Bethe Stnhinstio The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Mr wv al ak SMOKED Mr I Werneck wife { manage { Treadwel] Yukon M Ma Was 4 pas z aboard Princess Louis eee . i set te 4 uM Claire Wer : os ihe Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Sioraze Co., Ltd vw = wil { the |} motive foreman of the Canadiar : aS bs : National Railways at Pacific, and PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. jaughter, M D. Hogan. arrive Retain the cedar oil in the w servation tl has been evap ciin-cried f as s f ) porated Our 2 wy Priz % mS rGay even- Islands and, as a m¢ ! xu wnence makers wages on the I I " € ‘ie OF pert, while Vancouver wag S , Mer Pits 4 ru an industry and your own welfare t : Air Dr ater f Bos ; “1 ee! Prices: No. 1 5X $3.7 : : a > rices: No. 19; No. 1 3X HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE Stegrrtesagecrsrss a ae AIR DRIED SHINGLES i better pre- i Shingles $3.25 580 Family MEAT Market Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIALS Loin Pork Chops Christie's DELICIOUS RECIPE IN EVERY PACKAGE Shoulder of Pork 10¢ Pot Roast of Beef Stew Lamb, 4 Ibs. & 45c Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & dips a 39 4 Ib 2"lbs. Pea _.t Reamer Seems $1.00 Leg of Por Ibs. & 3 ibs oe . 75¢ 50c Fresh Side Pork per ib Co Beef, 4 |b : toes : 50c 50c Loin Lamb Chops 2 Ib 2 ibs. Peas 30¢c 957 — Phone — 957 If you lose anything, try ac SEPP PRET ERE Cee eee Seeane So crisp and crunchy ++. SO nourishing . . . with milk . . . and other beverages . . . you'll like them better than ever. Graham Wafers The Graham Wafers you have always liked best, kept crisp and fresh in a new package eee es lassified ad. Saeaanrs.