4 00B Chemists. not 1C0O and The Da ily NEWS GEOlFBIZZat Good Particular People Meats for Phones, 10 and 25 I'UINCE nCPEIlT, D.C BATCH DAY, OCTOBKIl 26, 1918. "7" fHWJ3 FiVE CENT GR AVE TIME IN GERMANY r YW, ITIfcTniTI -fT1 ?MTTnn ft IT W fnm 4--rv4 iaiaua mm m m m u A ki j ri n i k m i Kcu&rcicifcvn bvkblbibi- .n I mt H I I 1 1 j I m m m m m mm mm m m v. ma n ma mm mm mmw mmr m x i fa ibi rj n mm, ex n. ii i isi ui a m m w m m rag ih 11 i at BuimaBiuB u fttJIiwi i 11 i liuujimi lILI AJiiO UillJlLiU riVUlll rlUmilJI L11L1T11 vntfRIPS BEING USED BY PRUSSIAN DIET LATE ALDERMAN'S NINE THOUSAND GERMANS h m Sfc FUNERAL HERE TODAY ENEMY ON EASTERN FRONT; URGED TO KEEP All Arrangements in Hands of ARE TAKEN PRISONERS TO SITUATION IS DESPERATE ! UNITED FRONT Masons,Is Whose Officiating Grand at Master SOUTH OF VALENCIENNES Grave. lo lb Jlcws rt 0. T, f lekarabbs. Count Schwerln Said Never Special Before RAILWAY JO LEQUESNOY HAS BEEN CAPTURED BY BRITISH Tiie funeral of the Jale Alder, ttlO Brlllln rmj III ri nnwo mm rmiuvn, wmiutr tor- Such a Grave Hour, With WHb FORCES AND THE MAIN ROAD SOUTHWARD ....... iAt which the Germans have sustained since the Enemy Threatening. man 11. J. IX Smith is taking- place BMF I I W B v" " TAKEN FRENCH ALSO . - .t Kmvfl farced the enemv In uta raw Irnnni tliia afternoon from the residence '.perll Ms 0.T.P. 1tUtm.lt.) i ' SUCCESSFUL .... ih lern front. The enemy has now 185 dlvl- wbery; a short service was held, . . . . , . Berlin, October 2C When (be ftev. V. E. A. Crux officiating. -r u.llk 4 99 -- 1 r to Tbt'Xtvi Ma O.T.P. ' mi the western iron niv -. uMauuj flower house of the Prussian Diet (Special Telfrrip&s. .ti . ., ,.f . ii l..4 .. ri. t... i -.. I At the grave the eervice is in October 2(j. Nine thousand Germans made i .L.ttinn ii n I viiinin fviLiiurann micr liicv iiku luner resumed its session in Berlin on London, prisoners ui.. A,,rnn Ihn r naat two- wtcki and air Aiiatrsv-. Thursday Count Scbwerin, the the bands of the Teimpsean Lodge aud 150 guns captured by Ihe British is the official report of the levtrc cu"! jpresident, called upon the depu-and A. and the officers lighting to.the south of Yalencienne. The British have reached unsanan '""" 'tie to make a united front affainst!6f Tyee Lodge are also in aU the entire railway line on the front between Lequesnoy and Maing. only i enemy uiiiuu iiiuio m uu win tendance. Master There are ithe enemies of the country. II Worshipful . - iL.. - .1 THa rfficnArfltH -tfinhllnn wKlrfi E- Lequesnoy is an important centre and apparently the British said W' Collison is conducting roni anunui'o" - - v that never before had the,Rev- t. r.rlnn annoars tn be full aooreclaled bv manv chamber assembled at such a, ebort Masonic senice and the are executing a flanking movernent'in order to avoid storming' f the German pfr0pie uruiny-If ivu. Ill.u iuri wpvursu uiuiry..(am. i.. grave hour with the enemy threaU .arrangements are all in the hands Valenciennes. They now have the Lecateau main road and this ening lo strike down the doors of f Masons, of whom the late al- and Ihe railway gives them a decided advantage. The advance ronU the country. derman was a'valued member. made is considerable and important and the prisoners taken seem J The pallbeareijj are A. W. Edge, lo indicate that the German troops arc ready to surrender whenever F. OP ACTIVITY SHOWN PRINCE ALBERT FROM J. li. Thompson, Geo. Woodland, T. C. Duncan, J. Mitchell and A. they have the opportunity. SOUTHERN ISLANDS jw. McLean. Paris, October 20. The French have advanced at all points ftNTHF.lTM.IAN FRONT AND 1 A larce number of wreaths despite the most stubborn resistance, taking more than 2,000 AFTER STORMY TRIP ? receivcd- gen- lhena,DKd prisoners with canon and machine guns. eral expressions citizens 'indicating the esteem in which the 3,000 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN Took Settlers and Effects to Skid late aldermau was held. gale From Vancouver Island; RUSSIAN MAIDS The mayor and council are represented Passengers Returning. officially. GERMANS AWAIT ; I; -11 i Xtm Stmt tU 0, T. r Trrpl.i.t ARMISTICE TERMS Vitihuaiftoa 0lotir 2a There ha been a sudden flare of The steamer Prince Albert ar OF THE ALLIES ARE PROPERTY J-'r on (he Kalian front after months of almost complete rived this morning early from DRUG STORE STAFF Vancouver and the southern OueeilLL. Basel, Oct. 26. The atl Th has allraeted qtHekattentlon todaj-nmong military Charlotte tslauds completing aT HAS BEEN DEPLETED I German' war Cabinet'yesterday -8F THE STATE very rough trjp, one of the rough-1 j considered President est the boat has had. There wasj Among the unfortunate results Wilson's reply and itt. a big southeasterly gale blowing of the influenza epidemic has been decided not to answer il at 'Compelled by Bolshevik! to Regis v , a ?Jf priMinrrs wero taken yesterday and this fact and the passengers were mostly tils effect upon Orme's drug store present but to wait until ter at Bureau of Free Love on sick. The Albert is a good boat,;sUff. Early last week Mr. Ripley. it is learned what the Entente Reaching Age of " lie i -pt,ie nature of the attacks and also it may indicate chief assistant, took sick and armistice conditions however, and a gale more or lessjthe Eighteen. with experienced officers in charge died last Sunday. Mr. utevens may be. with experienced officers In charge was also ordered home, and has' (SpetUl Ma O.T.P. Telegraphs.) ' makes no difference to her. since been confined to the house, PATIENTS ARE ALICE WILL TAKE At Lockcport the cannery is while last Sunday "Doc" Orme London, October 26, Hussian RECEIVING ATTENTION SOPHIA'S PASSENGERS elogjng next week and Mrs. Simpson, himself contracted the sickness, LIEUT. DAN WRIGHT maidens under the jurisdiction of wife of Capt. Simpson of that and has since been at home. certain provincial Bolsheviki place, returned to Prince uupert Thanks, however, to the volun-! Soviets become "property of the " m w or influenza In Will Be on Run During Time the the boat. teers experienced in the business. One of Trail-Blazers of Prince reach the on Stale." When they age Twn ani Oensral Improvement Other Boat Is Laid Up; Tees Another passenger from Locke- itlie store has heen kept open, George District Riddled with of 18 they are compelled to On Salvage Bent. years this al Reported. port was Mrs. Jordan who. with which was very necessary German Bullets. her little girl, has Heen visiting time when so many people were register at the government "Bu drugs to fight the in reau of Free Love." The consent itksr Mrs. Ilennie. She has had a most requiring jgb anvas of sections News has just readier here of enjoyable visit and will go south 1 IIATITfl of the the man chosen is not necessary, Late Flash; Ytctoria, B. the death in France on August 8 of the Ilocher homeward O. L. Thompson, on the Prince ItuperJ, the. man having no right - uc t apjwiiueu aanu Cv Word has been received de Boule Company, was one whojof Lieut. Dan Wright, one of the bound. The woman to make protest. "r W ll. Martin, and. from Juneau Just as The Prince Albert brought stepped into the breach, and being early trail-blazers of this district, a 3tttMiulru 's there are no in- i the paper is going to press north to the Sandspit district four a chemist by profession, his as- ,6ay8 lUe prjnce George citizen, registered "has the right to - urais who are not re- w that only the lop mast of settlers and their effects. They slstance was available. V. 11.i -pm of bis ueath are choose among the men of 19 to 50 -it'.fluli..a. II was possible' the Princess Sophia is have moved up from Vancouver Kennedy and Mr. Parker, senior, a cohabitant husband." "t"ne piaces neonln ininhl above water. Island as they think there is more also lent their assistance, and jmeagre, but it is learned from the ."XI f.V-,l!Kcil dnu-n u-llh 1ia' scope for their activities on their previous experience in phan-'official report that he gave his life Bishop Bunoz who arrived home Inl 'Hi no one knowing , Oueen Charlotte Island. macy has stood the community injin an attempt to save some of his this morning after visiting all the narticularlv. thiv-w i Proceeding north at full speed. Among the passengers Jrymi tne good stead. Stanley is. ranter. t comraues. . . uu. uuu a uwu v m usm camps on the southern islands wny without attention, the Princess Alice which ie -j Islands was Bishop Bunoz who and G. W. Xfckerson also lent.in a burning tan. ie uaa goi reports that conditions are much w w. vfr. there are no'loria at 11 o'clock on Thursday!look somo of the sisters over last their aid from time to time in the(6afely away from danger, but improved and there are very few 'a ani in aerUmm mm nii 'nichi. nmtcJ Dixon Entrance tnis week to help nurse tho influenza emergency. J went back to try and save his cases there now. The sisters who u are n l her tu Juneau u however Mr. Thomp- 'comrades, las ooay was iounu reeiviiig at-'mornlng on way iukm. liio sisiers are enu uk Yesterday went with hini were able to help 1 ta the whole of the city transfer the passengers from we t. linrhnr uhpr the eni- Uon and Mr. Nickerson were them- 'riddled with Gerjnan machine gun a good deal and the outlook now J tr.vsstcd m the same w ay'stranded Princess Sophia. The demie is still bad. The place is j selves victims of the epidemic, and bullets. is that the malady will be cleared iU no patient is over- ,Tee which was previously u i-i .ml flm hnnnltnl full have since been confined to their j One of his comrades writes: In up very soon. hhe C. P. II. Fleet and which is - i nrihi. nra -rviinm. With the whole com-'all his career as a soldier Dan Hi "Ports lhat the B. C. Salvage ' 'tnunitv DKictlcally suffering, and .Wright had absolutely no regard there Is a now fitted up by (m . Btriiuuo. . .. .:. . " ' . . . . .. f- . , . l.. !Co- way north to that demand ror anu xor nimseu auu u h.j i w uiiiil aim r-jiii is also on ier The steamer bnought word uio drugs anti- -U( in lha ociuuns visueu... .. . stand by the Sophia. She is taK- n.- nrv ni Alllford Bay is doles for influeiua al lis highest about his business no matter how ; CITY TELEPHONE DEPT. .. . . inir Him nlacu Of tllO oonui closed for the season. point this week, the vdluriteer thick the shells flew. . . . Men .which Is now engaged on trans- The Albert was loaded to the Idrupgisls have had a very busy like Dan Wright seldom come Notice to the Public. Pacific work. hatches with general cargo. After flime, and have risen to the occa-'back from France." Owing to the increase in "DEMERS" The Alice on transferring the she has discharged and taken on sion nobly. I The late Lieut. Wright was the tralllo on the telephone passengers from the Sophia will cargo for Massel she will sail for Mr. Orme himself is now on the known throughout the northern system caused by the influenza Th7Ut About Co'-wts. then lako up the run southward " nlaee tonight or in Ihe 'mend and will shortly be back to interior as a land surveyor, lie epidemic, the pub-lie 'which tho Sophia would have 1' take charge himself. first came to Cariboo tn ItiOo as is requested to assist taken and may be expected to ar- . a member of Leask's party on G. the department by using gjrd about the 'Goddess' rive here on her way south Mon- 1. 1 locations, ne reiurneu uere the telephone only when !dav.. Kn far there has Heen inue OF AMERICANS TO?, the spring of 1010 with Gore & necessary. 253. . K, ? JWn tow "J information received jocauj..il. HARD STRUGGLE romnlnArt hnrn surveying until his flr?n enlist-and left. nUte8 10 garding the condition oi , - that she has 'ment with tho Western Scots, He Sophia, other suffered than no damage NORTH OF VERDUN'received his commission on the 1 piLl8 t0 10.00. apparently and is still wolertigni. HOLD POSITIONS 'field in August, 1917. When the AND SEE iWestern Scots were disbanded he EVERYBODY HAS A CURE FOR si . Wenl t0 1,16 D5lb Battalion. ' THE SPANISH FLU NO RELATIVES HERE tspeal iu TU. M V .0TP TeJepbs. y jQ the dslrol So the Jeweller Offeri One to You. "October child Is bora at wm SO. , . of erd.m, October Northwest With tho American Army U mourn ihQ d(JoUl Qf sllUag An4 Ue'i Mclsltudr must know; Ut The death occurred ut the General There lias been comparatively little alteration in the positions in Djin.. Wright, but are assured of But er your siritmone every day or And It will keep the nu away." Hospital last vennis i. ronira of the front, but the American looting in uio neuau the fact mat no uiea as ne nau 4 OPAL AND TOURMALINE Daniel McKay, a single man living oT Wood cast of the Mense wa more securely fixed, notwithstanding lived manly and courageous. For October First Ave. and an einp oyje Id riora. brooches, etc. on effort of the Germans to force the Americans the Grand Trunk Pacific the determined Ladysmtth Wellington Coal relucts Wl AX HEILBRONER UY J QUALITY Co.i at their M.ir.v car w-fti shops-born m pcnv- , ltCAl daylight the Germans counter, attacked four times, all being atlsfactlon.your fuel Phone bill 1G.and.P n.J Corner md of Sixth Third Street.Avenue and so far Coal Co, l . land 37 years ago unsuccessful. Ucene No. 10-7340. relays here is known has no a