TUE DAILY JEVS. Saturday. 2 Page Oclob.r 26 1018. The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA "War-Time Cookery" For the East . . LfEEWf SKILLS Sunday, by The News Published Every Afternoon, except FREE Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal-lrdsys Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a.m. Editor. Send name and address for H. F. PULLEN, Managing new "War-time Cookery" This From the EfcsL Constirjation is the arch-enemy of ,Mifu Connucr this and ,,lcatn. cnemv vm t book contains recipes chosca Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- of nhvsical foes, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: includintndigcrtion.bUiowne? days at 6:45 p. m. by the judges as the best and sick headaclie, sleeplessness and ri." City Deliverj by carrier or mail, per month 75c ncnuiw By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in Advance, per year $6.00. most practical recipes submitted For Vanoouver: sia. Uccchajn's Pills have been a worlr utZT To United States and other countries, iff advance, $7.50. in our recent cash prize Sundays 10&p. m. laxative for over sixty years. Thcy go raigE competition. It is intended to Tuesdays 10 P-m. the cause of many ills and remove it. They Thursdays p.m. Telephone 98. assist in the conservation of Saturdays .............. 7 oju. r iy: v-ontain no liabit-forming drug. These TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. food and to effect savings in From Vancouver strengthen the stomach, stimulate time-tested the liver nill, Contract Rates on application. home cooking and baking. Sundays 10 p.m. Relieve Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. Approved by Cmnadm Food Dord DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Oct. 2, 1918. Saturdays , 10:30 a.m. ADDRESS Constipation E.W.Gillett Co. Ltd. For Anyox: Christmas Advertising Sundays ....10 p.m. Worth a Guinea a Box Should Begin Now. TORONTO, CANADA Wednesdays '. . 10 p. m. r.wJ Mir.W TV ! llMckaM. St.IUU,LwuiU, r..ui Christmas advertising should begin next week. Merchants K Saturdays 10 p m. undoubtedly would like the people to shop early. They expect to do a big business this year and the way to do it is to start adver From Anyox: tising at once. The public mind has to be prepared for Christmas Tuesdays . ...a.m buying just as it has to be prepared for any business venture. It Thursdays a.m. TO SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE TO is the cumulative effect of advertising that is valuable. undays p.m FISHERMEN! Suppose a store sells a pair of shoes to one person as the Subscribers to The News Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the result of an advertisement The probability is that that customer, are asked to pay the delivery For Port Simpson &nd Naas Rlvef present if he is well served, will return again and again to the same store each month points: boys -:- Watch this for and probably bring friends with him. That is the cumulative when Sundays 10 p.m, space our -announcement effect. they call, except of a new supply where payment has been made for the in ad From Port Simpson and Naas 8tores Are Judged year River Points: WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED By Their Advertising. vance. The boys when stores the do. collecting carry official receipts Tuesdays , .a.m. BUTEDALE - - - E.c People Judge very largely by advertising they which should always Petty advertisements give the idea of pettiness, whereas plenty be Advertise in the Dally News. of display space gives the idea of magnitude both of stock and preserved. business. In the larger cities the moving picture theatres pur chase a lot of space and -when they get something unusually at tractive they increase the newspaper advertising space in order ATTENTION CITY VOTERS to indicate that this is an unusual film. The fact that it is done TAX SALE almost everywhere by the very best business managers is an VOTERS, either male female, indication that it is effective. or lairaing to vote on road tax cer-ificales In Prince Rupert this paper tries to give the news of the district, but there is one kind of news in which it has not yet a le declarations or as licence with holders me must this Atlin Assessment District, Atlin, B.C. very satisfactory service. That is store news. Prince Rupert nnnlh. readers read the advertisements, there is no doubt of that. Thev read the advertisements I will attend at the City Clerk's MITICE IS HEllLBY OIVO That tnirtuanl k lb nroTUKMM of Ibe TAXATION Atl- and Uu.: display as much, if not than the more, fllce on Tuesday, Thursday and the I Jib dar of ftovrmber, 1ll. at tb Hour at It o'clock in Ibe rorvoooo. at umt Cwurt llvjra la uk ui paid readers. You can't fool the average reader with the idea Bulldinc. Atlin. B. C. 1 aball utter tar aale al iutl(c Auruou lb land alloaied In lb AIM A. 'riday of 6very week between 8 dwribrd. for delinquent utea and tutMequeut uie. in arrmra riuininr unpaid, toretber itb ltr that he has to read something because it is wedged in between nd 10 to facilitate the tak. If ibe bo!e amount due be not xnner paid. the locals. p.m. farnient of amovnli due up lo J tit Decriuber, It It. ltUter wllb accrued lalerr! and all ebarr . C St ng of such declarations. wlUidrawal from aale of tbe landa. or parrel llh rrtpeel u nlcb ancb pajmenta are made. Likes to Read FREDERICK TM-.nnderairned lll be pleated to recelte InrermalMO frun aoj xwirte IU vrpetl to anf pen : PETERS, under tbe "WAR IlELIEr ACT." vbo na any interenl In any Until bruufler adT.rtlHsl. The Store News. City Clerk. The average woman likes to read the store news, whether ii ie mat oi tne grocery store or the drygoods store or of any Advertise in the Daily News. other store where they sell things which she wishes to buy. She makes or rcnso.xs assessed ntscnii'TioM ritorcRTr ur I does this just as .faithfully as she reads the local news or the war MINERAL ACT r. - tSr t. J T. I news. It is common to hear one woman in the household remark to another! "Lend me the paper a minute while I see what Wallace Certificate of Improvements. is advertising," Now the Wallace Co. advertise every second day TuelL Tbua. Lot SIS: Orvup f. Ill ae in to ) i si tit it Ittt ! J., I il n si on the same with NOTICE Tuawcll. Tboa. ....Lot IIJ; Oroup 1, 11 ac 4 4 I St 11 I At : ( T If page a good-sized display and they change it hecan. i T 'Lot 3lt; Oroup I, 19 ac ll Ttt U 3 It I , mm often. It is news and the women walch for it Ask the women Verro rrtcllon Mineral Claim, alluale la Wynn-Jcbiuuu. C C ..r Lul 7i Uruub I. ac. . tt tit t tt 4 0 I' II and ilw Skeena Mlnlnr Dlrltlon of Caxlar bunliani. Jonn Lol Urvup I. it ac. . It SO t tt t At .,1041 1, ft M will ihey soon tell you. The only fault in the Wallace advertising DUtrlcl. .ortbern Plvucer .umber to .Lot Oroup t. o ac 3 7t ! till J It Tit u is that it does not run every day. Where located: Hear I be bead of Alice I ATUN TOMrNSITE TOWN LOTS, Atllu Tradlnc Co. .-. Lot 4. UlocA- t I it ao i ft to I M ttt 10 tt .. Then take groceries. Alost people like to read the grocery Arm. Atlin Tradina- Co. II;m t m v tt sv t a. v ! IV ! tl tt I tl ft , 10 Bl news. We know that because they take an interest in the TAKE .NOTICE lhat 1. Uwtt W. racscra. I'liunan, tiu. w tUlt 10. Block 10 IT )t 70 40 IN , l: 11 weekly l're Miner1! Certificate Ko. J040T-C at Mrnilett U Ul II. Block 10 1 t tt t It tt I M ; MS price list that we run. Last week several people inquired where arent for John Walford SIrointteck, Tree owen. Xn. J. A. .LOI ?. Block a 7t I St 71 tit j nc to get the cheap eggs. Now the rise in the price of eggs had Miner! Certificate tio, Mltl-C. Intend, llactard,lutrard. Uoker liowkcr 4 Btracey Btracey )Lol I Lot I,10.Block Block It If It t Ot tt t I ot It 171 tt IZ HI Si passed unnoticed and the price was marked too low. That was ilxir dajra from tbe dale bereof. lo apply llatrard, Hottker k. Btracey' 'Lot I. Block It : o tt 1 St I II f j ' pi to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Cerufleale of Edwardi, Ida Lot I. Blork 11 at 0 tl ft tt I 4 ' tts our fault, but the fact that they inquired showed that they were Unprovtmenu, for tne parpose of obtain IrtUnd, W. II 'Lot tt. likKk tl I 10 70 f 1t S ttt - HI interested. These are a few instances. The News will not be ing a Crown Uranl of tne above claim. I BCNNrrr towniitc town LOTS II Sullivan le klcLeod (Lot At. Block 4 tl 111 II frt a live newspaper until it carries the advertising of all the progressive And further take notice Uut action, tin MeLeod, John ILol t-1, Block 4 tt ttt 11 merchants. The business of the dead is not der aectlon tt mutt be commenced before isulltran. Ldward M 'Lot 4-t, Block I 4 It 1 ft t II wanted. ones tbe lsaue of aucta Certificate of Improve' I Sullivan k MeLeod Lot 3. Block I 3 It I Tt i M If menu. Weal. John Lot t, Block J -ttt I tt i It II Sullivan . MeLeod Lot 0, Block I 3 It I Ik Sl II Nearly All Successful DATED ID'J Ittb day of Aututt, A. D. 'Mcaay, Henry Lot 10-11. Block I 4 It f tt 8! II Men Are Advertisers. Itlt. Ott Hiirtiw. Joint Lot If, Block I 4 II tout fl II . Sullivan k. SJcLeod LOU II, It, It, Bttek I 7 St 4t M r III LAND nEGISTItY ACT. Sullivan, Ldward M Lot . (inc.). Block 4 . It to Itlt I Hi uauy successiui Dusmess people can you point to who Irvine, Jonn Lot 10-It (Inc.). Block 4 It At T7t n III nave not advertised. It is the onlv -wav tn .H (Section! It and 114.) .Victoria Yukon Trading- Co. Lot II. It, II, Block t . 7 0 31 III full v. Sh Canadian Development Co. Lot 14-17 (inc.). Block 1 0 to I 10 n 10(5 Irving-. John Lot 11-14 (inc.). Block t Ittt t Ot tt I HI n0P He No. Hnr,""" DU.1 Application .711-1 A .TT1-I window . iWbltney 4 Pedlar Lot 94A, Block 6 t to I tl r,tlll .u ccrjuuc ucause ior weeKS at a time take notice tmi .Dniieaiion h.t n suiiirin MeLeod Lot XI, Block I t 40 I 71 it I. some people do not pass thai way, and if they pass they do not P" retnter Ntnan louu undo and r- : Lol St A. Block t 1 71 It tl 19 peraaps loot in. Everyone reads the ""e1"" " in fee under ot'iuuui" Lot 11. Block t 31 tO 11,70 to I 00 ...i:::.: rorm paper, however. Merchant Bank Lot 14, Block II l 7 Tt 7t I It II" we bepn trim nih.nn.n ,i , ., oi uniu irom ine uiuector or iieaney, m. j. . Lot It. It, Block t . ., 4 II I to to II Thnt is .ill nlu "ty ' rr.nce nuperl. bearlnr date ";o... i, 8, . . (Lot 17, It, Block II 10 7 40 'if I oo mc iionciuieil. me DOVS wno sell this nnnerllhe tub dar of Norraih.r ioit..... of ..am. "enej, a. 'Lot 10-tl ilnc.l. Block t II 10 0 to I 10 Ml .hnva -trnrt1 J . . . 1 I . " - Antleraon. W. A. ILottOA. 17-40, Block 7, .v BUUU luatuiucrs) among me lisnermen. They nearly all buy bmuulah nut certain pireci or llr.rwr l i 'Lot 41, Block 7 tl 3 10 7t 3 1 11 l I tl tt tot 1 IK . ' imuu.uavB ii aeiiverea at the homes recularlv. tract of laud and prrmlaca alluale. Ivlnir Anderson. W. A. . . 'Lot 41 A. Block 7 I It 101 fl to If i ney line jt so they Sometimes and belnf In the ilunlclpallty of tbe City Kant, Annie , Lot A. Bloc S 3 10 I 01 to ..1 say. they come in to tell us so r I'rince Rupert, more particularly known VJ..': .rt?. T' IU Lot I. f. 1. 4. Block t . . t 10 I It to I 00 III iu ocum uecause tney aid not get it delivered last night. and deicrlbed a Lot elercn (It), Block .' i Lot t. Block 1 3 10 I (I II 10 il u Andern W A. . (Lot C. 7. Block t 7 10 I 10 I 10 S 00 10 It'' Like to Know menu-live eeciion aeven (7). and Sullivan It MeLeod Lot l-tf (inc.). UlMk o IttO t to 3 00 l Mil loi inirteen (13) mock IMrtv-nve (JS). Mullivan A MeLeod Lot l-l (Inc.). Block 10 If ot ! t 30 in 110 Paper Appreciated. Seeilitn elsbt (i. JJap 013. You ar re- Mul'lran A MeLeod jLot 1 11 (inc.). Block 11 It 31 I t a ad MeLeod Lol 1-10 (inc.). block tl, It to t C 10 to quireo iu corneal ine cwim of the tax Z7.,,.IZ T. lit . ... . . i, MeLeod 1 Lot 1-11 (inc.). Block 14, It to I 10 3 00 in J n1! ;.u."ZDY WCV us . nave,our customers ring pumiMKr wiimn 3 aayi rrom it date Sullivan unwt . 'Lot 4-11 (Inc.). Block It II 01 I f I f to K' il v .w us mm me noys iorgot to leave the paper. Some of 1M service of tblf notice (wulcb may Canadian Dev. Arency LOI IIA-I1A. II lock It . . 9 tO fl 10 f tt IK II ftiiuca nuinn innnp ir t-mt n a fMi :i .. 1 i m i .. ur eneciea. cy publication In the Dally ""en MCLeoa Lot 1-7 (Inc.). Block 17 0 to 0 I to o& newa. and your attention la called to tec- HII .an Lot 1-14 (Inc.), Block It If to I 71 1 10 10 11! Lol 11-10 (Inc.). Block 10 0 to 10 i I to ot is wnat we are Lol S0-J (Inc.), Block It i tt TO f 40 i l& I 'in working for. We are trying to make it interesting unJ'unu. ti foiiowtm citnei 8uiuvn, Edward u.".'.'.. Lot Is. 10. Block 4 . . . 4 It I to ft 10 IU Lot 0, tl. Block 14 . . . 4 01 til fl 10 ,v H Lol 11, tl. Block 4 . 4 II f to p Lol !4'50 (Inc.), Blk. 14 tt 01 3TO0 ,U so to l: llll" One hundred conies tit Th Vm r, ii vi.i.. t. trauun owner of ibo Dron entiii un. Scf-nmldt t aethun Lot 18.11, Blk. IJ 4 tl to ft to ....III'ti J ducvio. icoiciuuj "cider mcft Ul lale. ill s'"n MCLeod Lol 10-10 (inc.). Blk. tt 7t-tt 43 00 3 00 7 00 11 11 "ought he could do better and so he sold one hundred and forty. tZSui 8"Jn JJcuod Lot 30-77 (Inc.), Blk. 17 tl 30 30 10 3 10 TOO 10 n ''SS A Lol 1-17 (inc.). Blk. t II to f 3 10 t II 4 10 l nil shlJ hie J "vuiu buic iw one noy. nevcniy-nve nna cuimmr ny mtereti m ib unJ ty'Vinue u '" A MeLeod lot fo-ti (inc.). Blk. II t Ot 3T 00 t 40 6 00 10 ! eignty been common but it is not often boy sells over of Iny unreruiered murunwroi, nd hi u A MeLeod Lol it.ts (Inc.). BU. 31 31 tt It to I 71 J 10 10 '!. iM One hundred. T'hPsn enlac V. 7i "!"J u . , FJnel'i"t" W tau-mt In'lhe Und " If" A MeLeod Lol It-it (Inc.), Itlk. 14 ft 10 If tt I II 1 30 10 I " , nest . . -- iuimio iiiuv uic jcujii; iicio uru II1-I"' uejceni wooio line it ut,i refill)'red A MeLeod Lot 111 (Inc.). Blk. 31 tt 10 31 tO 3 00 0 00 to i . tl TS- n""u in nit; jjaper. under the Drovmoiu or ihn Art ih.ii Sullivan A MeLeod Lot 3.3ft (Inc.). ft tic. It 17 01 31 31 t 00 1 10 t" r for ever e.lopped and debarred from let Sullivan A MeLeod Lot i ll (inc.i, Blk. 17 tl It II OS I f I t 10 10 I " llnr up anv claim to or in nnrt r ttu Sullivan A MeLeod Lol 1-17 (Inc.). Blk. 31 tttt 3T00 S 40 to to 1 1 land ao sold for laiea. mil iiu n.i.ir.. .Sullivan A MeLeod Ul !! (Inc.). Blk. 40 4 33 14 0 3 fl 0 to to I Oi' K "83 iliall rerlsler ibe person entitled under Sullivan A MeLeod Lol 3-14 (Inc.), HI. 41 f 70 It 10 t 10 3 00 10 I "" n luch tax sale a owner of the land so Sullivan A MeLeod Lol l-ll (inc.). iiir. 41 14 t it to T7t 1 10 10 I M- III' old for taiei." Sullivan .A MeLeod Lol 1-7 (Inc.) Blk 44 17 41 0 00 00 I to 01 I "' ? Team Work Needed AND WIIEfiEAS application bat been 2" I!" A MeLeod Lol 1-0 (Inc.), Blk, 41 tt 40 It tt I II f 30 10 I 'I'' II.ti for Few Days made for a Certificate of IndereailbK A MeLeod . Lol I ll (inc.). Blk. 41 II OS it to I 71 3 10 III f " '1 xitla 'SulMvitri A MeLeod Lol I-II (inc.). Blk. 47 31 tt it to I 71 3 10 10 1 0 1 2 lo the above-mentioned lands, In Ibe name l Sullivan A MeLeod Ul l-ll (inc. . Blk. 41 3T It tl II I 00 3 10 10 t 0.1 of Nathan Louis Undo and Dort Scbeln- Sullivan A MeLeod Ul l-ll (inc.). H Ik. 40 31 tl It to 71 3 10 10 I 0'' tk ?e I,.ep,x of Prince n"Pert " common with cun. nuinvan sicLeofl Lot 1-10 ilnc.l. Blk. to 11 71 II 01 I tl t 10 10 1 on me MeLeod f.ot l-ll One.). It Ik, tt 70 i to t to 3 00 10 I I'" people AND WHEIIEAS '2 l!5 t u ? almost every part of the world, are beini? on Inveitlftllnir the title MeLeod Lol 110 (luM, Hlk, 14 71 14 01 I tl f 10 10 , I "" tl mUSt I appears Dial prior to the llth day of smiivni a McUod I MM 1-7 (Inc.)i lilk. II IT 41 o to 00 I to 01 1 I 0" "ot U It mern at U,p fJ"S! ,nW rgollon that the iclober. Ills (the date on which the iri 'Sullivjit A MeLeod 'Ul lit inc.), Hlk. ! 37 tt I It I 00 t 00 10 I !'' It HoiSi rUt h,ave Lec,n in much raore dllTlcult situa-iolow linds were told for overdue umi vnn :Sullivan A MeLeod Jin Inc.), Itlk. 00 37 ft 11 fl I 00 3 10 10 I U, t were the Sullivan A MeLeod I U.I I'll) IliiM, nik, i 4W 10 tt 01 t ao I 00 15 I lift mill ny?ng! US thCy haVe COme througb wilh rerlitered owner thereof. Sullivan A McUod I III lit line). Blk. (II tl 00 it u i it 6 30 10 I II" KUHTIIEfl TAKE NOTICE lhat It the Sullivan A MeLeod I U.I TI (Inc.I nik t tl Tl II 01 l ti 10 10 t 0,1 tame time I shall effect retUiratlon In Sullivan A MeLeod Lol 10-04 (lua.I, Blk, tl II tl I 40 71 I 10 01 1 CM rhJtO1 mUSl 011 face th0 (Iiii-.) Blk, tt 4) It it ?o I 40 4 10 I nT0. 58SU0 and kcP pursuance of such application and Isiue 'Sullivan A MeLeod (Ul I A-It helping Sullivan A McUod LOI I'll (HIP. Hlk, 71 II II 30 tl 1 Tl I 10 II I I 0" a our neighbors we can best help ucriuicaie oi inaeieailDle Title In tlia Sullivan A McUod U.I .l iinr. Blk, Tl It 10 It IS I tl 3 30 10 , I ourselves. Team work and community work is the laid lands In th0 names of Nathan Louis Sullivan A McUod Lnl II.t; line,). Hlk. 71 11 71 14 01 I tl I 10 10 I I 0!) of the day. or-uer Undo and Dora Sclielnrnan unless vnn IaIik Sullivan A McUod Ul I IS (Inc.I, Hlk, It IT tl II II I 00 1 to io : I un and prosecute the proper Sullivan A McUod l-l I nr.), Hlk. n ITU VI tl I 00 1 to 10 I un It must not be forgotten that in eitablUh proceedlnn to Sullivan A McUod It-It (ll)B,l. Hlk. Tt Tt to 44 00 4 00 t 00 11 I o spile of our-diffloul-ties your claim, if any. to the ld Sullivan A McUod M A-It ;W, Blk, tl I Tl 14 Ot I fl4 1.10 10 I 0 here it will be necessary for us to. continue our ands, or lo prevent such proposed action Sullivan A McUod i-oi M I-10 lie.), Itlk. t II Tl 14 01 I ft ISO 10 I on 00 IS on my part. Sullivan A MeLeod j, l. 1. I Him.), ih. m T tl 4 30 40 HO I DATED at the Und Iterlitrv nil,. Sullivan A McUod Ul Mlf ! I, iiii, en 0 Id I t 10 it 00 I 00 dBm be hi,l, ilk, ? II II 1 II I 1S .P' I 10 i on is ZSi0ry on 8U,e commencing Oclo-ber FflnCA lluperl. B. C this Sullivan A McUwl It 'SI t ttnrt rf r 11 I 00 shall Sullivan A McUod U.I l-ll (Iit,, IMk, k IT tl II I soft 3 10 we all have to Auruu, 00 do.our best when the sale (til. Sullivan A McUod M.I A. Hlk 91 (0 I Tl ft 10 I opens, even though we have needs of our own to supply II. V. MACLEOD. THE EDITOIl. To nobert llildebrandt,District Prlnco fUrlllrar r Tliu.ci Dated nt Atlin, U. 0 Hplfliii)ir SWIi. IPH. liuwrl, b. j. a, riiABKn, .......v, ,riw, oune, Diilric1' Francli Calvt, prince nuperi,Montana.,B, C Adi!0i' IMUl (Jnlloolor Atlin Assessmonl