26, 1016. October THE DAILY NEWB. Page 3 MINISTER OF AUTUMN LEAVES Dcnald A. Frasci; author of the Music You Cannot AGRICULTURE hook of poems "Pebbles and I Shells," has a poom in the Octo ber number or Contemporary Always Effective and acts quickly Uve a Full Life TALKS OF LAND I Leaves."Verse, his Mr.subject being "Autumn Itelieves lame back, lumbago,neuralgia,sprains,lame Joints and muscles J Fraser is a British v-cuuene, earache, sore. throat and other painrui complaints llirsrs Caa. f we arw .e - a a a a Columbia school teacher. Many tivpj me i-ain. ue a Dottle toojiy. iiaveit nanay haia hundred . ksUes. AtOealtTMOrturlfUM. HIRST REMEDY CO ITsmntnn.Can . his Hon. E. D. Barrow Correote Dis 'of verses are published in the JW t. v r Music is now recognized as a necessity in the torted Impreselone Abroad big periodicals-and his name is mm , Music feeds tlitf soul, as food feeds the body Regarding Work of tho becoming widely known. Be is e also editor of The Public Hcbool feeds the brain. Next to religion, it is Settlement Board. literature Magazine or Victoria. The poem j;fflsnitv' greatest mfortcr. I'artljr m rcuiy to A. K. Ilnwie. follows: Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 TJie New Edison opens the doors to the world or Nicola, who lnrlnlci.il in n annil Summer danced in golden gat f muJic ,l brings the supreme art of the greatest .deal of criticism of the Govern- ments; I For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Winter her her 0 jnstrumentalists and musical organizations neni or Irtish Columbia during spied at play; tlio Forward sprang nnd tried lo catch course ot his MT0uV'hs'h ncrng fidelity that the artists the Boards of Trade addrcas Concentiou before her; i THE SAVOY HOTEL hrmselves could g:ve you no more. in Vancouver and partly to cor- Like the light she flashed away. reel an extraordinary impression Winter cried lo Autumn, "Clutch F. T. BOWNESS, Maaaier (Wiucii appears U be gaining her; Fifth and Frascr St., Prince Rupert, B.C. e NEW" EDISON .Rround in relation to land settle-,tnent Bold her in your iron clasp;" operations and Autumn fingers fnst were nuiab-" soldier; eU ' Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water "The Phonograph with a Soul" jtlenicnt In particular, the lion. E. ing, D. Harrow says: But hen vesture he did grasp. (joes not merely imitate; it actually re-creates. i "There are Oioho who apparently Summer wrenched herseir to rree-dom poses the idea or discrediting Before audiences totalling more than two millions, ino operations or the Land Settlement Spite mands,or Autumn's stern com- Ajrty great armts have conducted tone tests which or Board, either intentionally But she left her fairy garments unintentionally, or through proved that no shade of difference Golden tatters in his hands. ignorance tho of facts. That Is to could be detected between the artist nay, by tho circulation of mis and the instrument. They have sung leading statements as.4o climatic .past was all wrong. The scheme REMEMBER THE HIGH QUALITY OF direct tompriion with the New and whereby a man was allowed to in Edlwn, then soil condiliriti as well as iu53n!y cencd, ptrmijticj inurnment to tipnsportalion facilities, there has settle where he pleased was 'ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR' neither in the interest of the in lone. Ihr only the Uttcacn mbmis wy got abroad a very distorted impression : dividual of the community. It BUT HELP TO SAVE ctm:d tell when the irtiit itopped wi by of the true facts of the or witchtitg hit lip. And with the Hthti lowered, caso." resulted, says Mr. Barrow, in WHEAT ! ther were unbl to uy when tCwu the linn Mr. Harrow went 011 to explain conclusion, in many instances, in rotce titer mho na wnen int, rtw fcduon. that the Bulkley and JCecliaco imposing inhuman hardships' on Today by using these dependable Cereal Substitutes: women and in denying children COILV RYE FLOUR Could more conrindnj ten thin th'u be valley land settlement areas are -FLOUR their right to a education. initedt Doein't it prm e the truth orottrwtertioa I located along the line of the Grand proper: YELLOW CORNMEAL thit owcenUp of thil buirucntnt U eouivilent to Trunk 1'aciflc Hallway and are ROLLED OATS htrlnj ittthe grest-sniM-of the world Ittmllr already sparsely settled by a very Fine Letterheads at The News OATMEAL t one' command t fine progressive class of farmers. Print Shop. They are prosperous, in spite of Coo In lod httr the New Ediwn here, or Uow tu to'end the lack of proper marketing facilities Ek'EEAA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Vancouver Milling & Grain ooe to yosrhoae, where yoacm'Sietr hat'jrourUutirc. 174 owing to the want of sufficient QUEES CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. CO., LIMITED combined production to TAKE NOTICE Uut I, Jonn llcUrty Mic- Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" allow of the economical handling mllUn, of Vtncouvrr. B. C occupation Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 Charles Wesley Teebel, Prince Rupert, B.C of their produce. rtnixnrman. Intend to tpply ror permls-ilon UndJ: Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 to k4e tbe following desctlbMl And to the general cry that re Comrocnclnr at a poll planted on Iht turned soldier? are being allocated tontb inorc of Latooo Bar. Hornby Island, to lands at "the back of beyond" about one mile from iu mouUi, Mr. Barrow points out that the tbenre-touin to chain. Uienee weft Sfo cbaln. tbence north SO chains. t!nce disadvantages now experienced easterly alone tbe shore line to point of ilv.! a LtpeU Preudent llarrjr Lipselt, ManuBiT by the prosperous farmers of the commencement, conuinlni 40 acre more Edward Cunningham, Vice-President localities named will be aided by or less. Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 the settlement or returned sol JOILt MCLARTT MACM1LLAJ. diers among them, who will very Dated June loth. t18. Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co & Co. Iipseft-Cunningham naturally share in the general 8YNOPSI8 OF community plans that will then LAND ACT AMENDMENT be possible. Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors - LIMITED The Real Cause. L&r.d rrfnpUon only. now conBned to urreyM Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete FltHINQ CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Mr. narrow emphasizes further Ilecorda win be granted corerinr only Installations Plant Uixl tulLabU lor aarrlcultural purjMMs that Just because the story of the juid which U non-Umber Und. Vumshlp Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories J'artnrhlp pr-mptlm abolished, Northern B.C. his and Representative's non-resident owner non-producing but partIM ot not mora Uuua four may Fitti Netting, Twines, Line, Ropes and Cordage lands is an old one it arraace for adjacent pre-emptiona, with Joint reeldenre. but each making necea-aary Canadian Westinghouse and that Improvements on raepectlre clalnu. loses none of its truth, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. lra-emptora must occupy claim lor LO., Hamilton Lamps, 4c. the reason these very lands had Are years and make InnTOvemenu to (ttulcrtd Office Prince llupcrt Ofllce: not been settled earlier was not and ralue cultivation of tit per of acre.at leant Including-S acre.clearing t Goodyear Tire. & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods. Hose fore rece.i g Crown Grant. Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. M WsUr Street, Telephone No. 05 on account of natural disadvantages, Where -emptor In occupation not CO., to the leaa than ; ,car, and hae made proportionate but mcroly owing Tusoaver II, C. !'. O. Box 1C08 Improvement, he may. because Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. fact that all tho land within the of Ul'healui or other cause, be granted Montreal steel and lron wire- Co., Intermediate certificate of Improvement boundaries of those unsettled and transfer hte claim. areas were held by the class of Ileconls without jiermanent realdenee makes Domestic Engineering "Deico Lisht products be Issued provided applicant owners mentioned. "The settlement " may improvements and records to aaroe extent each ot HM year.per Failure annum CO., DaytOll ". Elated Electric Plants of these 50,000 acres, continued to wiU make operate Improvements as forfeiture.or recora Title Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and S. S. PRINCE RUPERT the Minister,ot a land"is settlement the commencement cannot same than be i obtained years, with on improvement these claim cleared or In San FnincisCO " Hydraulic Apparatus JuT Including 6 acres OH policy which eventually will bring and per cultivated,acre. and residence of at Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Wcod store P;pe, Tanks, ctc into production hundreds of thousands "rreiro'p holding Crown Orant may Vancouver S. S. PRINCE GEORGE ot acres in the interior record another Und in pre-emption.conjunction If with he requires hto Dodge Manufacturing Tran3mpsiMsahaS, actual occupallor pro-vlded without ravor farm, where coiidilbus generally made ana statutory Improvement Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. SAILING mixed running. Large ureas in residence maintained on Crown gianted other parts ot the province which UUnurvyed areas, not exceeding SO A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical IDNIQHT IYu. SUNDAY t I and THURSDAY t for . Swanson a a Bay, require irrigation and still others fmTto'b.'obulned after a tBUtorml-dentlal homesltee; Equipment and Goo Jyear Belting carried in stock vvwn rant, Vancouver, vtooria ana oeauie. to dyke and and Improvement condition. where it is necessary and Industrial purpose. I WBIIIOHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Bay. drain will be dealt with. There areas ror axueediog graalng S40 acres may be eased by ens person or company. also logged off lands which ACT. uro FREE GRANTS S. S, PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT, PRE.EMPTORS' will be made available for settlement." The scope of thle Act Is enlarged to tametlng Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. Include all Majesty persona Joining Forces.and Tb serving Ume within which the heirs or devisee 10 N Fine Opportunities. deceased -emptor may apply Tor pre Harrow considers that opportunities title under this Act la extended from TRAIN SERVICE M5. of such'Person, P one year from the death High Class. for settlers in British after the RINT1NG ftOftDAV UrriM t?rtv imtaiviisiftaw mt ititAem for AmllfMrft aa formerly, until one year war This of the present ""writ, Edinooion tod Wlnaiprc. mtilne dtret eoonetiow for U Columbia ury second to none in privilege conclusion la also mad retroactive, potnu it and outh. any other province of the Dominion. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT "Somo relumed soldiers ACT. Provision la roads for the grant to For information and reservations apply to and other prospective farmers persona holding uncompleted Airee-tnsnta J0HNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. ueem to think that unless, they Tproportior to Purchase, of the from Und,the If Crown divisible,ot The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the lr Ticket Office, BIB Third Avenue. PHONE 260 ran Ret in on these first nreas," as the paymnu already to the sale made price will of In proportion he nroceeded, "they will prouauiy cover the whole parcel. Two or more persona finest kinds of printing afe the most reasonable holding such AgreemenU may group have to accept something inferior. thetr interest and apply for a Proportionate them that mere allotment Jointly. If It U not prices. No job is too small to receive careful I want to assure considered adTtaable to divide the Und will bo an abundanoo of land covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a proportionate of Und attention and none top big for the shop to handle. available for; several years 10 of equal value selected from available Crown lands in the locality mar be CANADIAN RAILWAY come. Tho aroas still to o made. These allotments are conditional PACIFIC upon payment of all taxes due the lmndlcd will offer equal oppor- Crown or to any municipality. The la those desiring 10 go rights of persona to whom the purchaser I t....iii..H from the Crown has agreed to UUrilNKSS AND SWUAL OA1UW Lowest Rates all Eastern Points into mixod lurnilng, nvo w sell are also protected. The decision of to the Minister of Lands In re-pecl to the via Steamer to Vantouver and the rnlsing. or fruit growing. adjustment la final. The of time a proportionate lor making allotment applloa-tlon OTK UtiADS AND ENVELOPES Intel! aont Allocation. for these allotment la limited to Canadian Pacific Railway determining the siio of the the 1st d.y ef May. 11. Any applies., DISP1.AV POSTEItS AND DODGKIUS ln tlon made after this date will not be Meals BUllloient consideration considered. Theae allotments apply to and Berth included on Steamer holdings town lota and Unda of the Crown old llOOKLETS AND rOLDEHS i.. imnii L'ivon to onsuro me sui- at publle auction. . incentive Kur Information apply to any Provincial FR tler tho necessary Boopo as an Government Aseit or to CIICCULAKH AND JOSTAL NOTICES VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE to his energy and ambi Deputy O Ml It lister NAUKN.of Lands, kill?! ,0MI " Prince nut" rt'mtr tlth. tin! tnd tion nnd tho certainty wai win u Victoria, 11. C l UATKItNAIi SOC1ETV WOItK ". I 111. tntj rotwins rrom his endeavor nihj standard KEC1UIT HOOKS AND CHECKS enable him to oonrorm to a u''", ErrCM,MN' UlttAU, WRANOStL, SKAOWAV, ALASKA of living that will " con" Cleaning, Pressing lihNft1!. ,0'M,A "n from rrlnce n'Pri slumber ih. Wh duoivo lo good citizenship. aimed tvt, ho says, Wr toth. Tho result tin .ndll.t. la not nltogothor with a view to and Repairing tho production commodity,of at any tho particular lowest The Daily News Print Shop w- food 0. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. LADIES AND GENTS possible oust, but that a given I Fourth area of land should support tho Third Ave..Prince Rupert greatest numbor of workmen un. dor the most favorable conditions Jack Dunbar Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention n 1 or living PhontStO 725 StconJA. vertise in "The Daily News" and The preempting system of onrjried homostoadlnt.on in the