nit DAILY NEWS. Satunl;ay Oki... . Page 4 - - j LUMBER MILLS ARE CURTAILING OUTPUT At a conference in Vancouver recently Iho mill owners of this section of British Columbia decided to curtail their output by 20 per cent. The lumbermen have adopted this course owing to a general falling off in the business. At the present limo there 15 PER PACKAGE is practically no market on the prairie's for coast lumber and the embargo to the United Slates has also had its effect with the result hnl mills arc finding them selves with large stocks on hand. This decision has already gone into effect at some of the mills, whilfi it is emected that fifty per cent, or more' of the mills on the imver mainland and Vancouver Island will be affected by it. The length of time .during which this curtailment will be effective is not definitely known, depending uDon the general conditions or tne lumber market. A revival m mis market is, however, looked for in the early part of next year or the spring."TRUTH WILL OUT " H 1 NAVY CU Fearful leot the people should guess the full extent of the "strategic retirals" on the western front, Berlin has now stopped the CIOARETT sale of all Allied newspapers throughout Germany. To avowed awkward enquiries, they are again .booming: the "Continental Times which is busy exposing the British Empire. I BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING Oh sayl The News Print Shop does its work about as cheap as most shops and quite as well gives you the work on limo whenever IflHfflHH possible and hands it out MLM with a pleasant "Thank you What do you say to giving them ROBERT STEAD'S NEW NOVEL a trial on your next job? Pkeae Crrto 1S6 P. 0. B 120 MINERAL ACT Ilober-i J. C Stead, In his new novel "The Cow Puncher," (To 3i"- SILVERSIDES BROS. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Certificate of Improvement. ronto, the Musson Book Co., Ltd., cloth, $1.50;,. has written a not -Dealers In- NOTICE able book with a Western Canada .NOTICE OF CANCELLATIOri OF RESERVE KsUblUhed 1008. Drum Lummon, I XL, Caledonia, Marls, setting. David Elden, the cow Ibis, Kitchener, Big- Thing. Dumfries puncher of the story, grow9 to NOTICE Is hereby riven that the reserve Wall Monltlre, Index, Malachite, Cupprlte, Orey eilsiinr on certain nortlona of Lou Two Papers Copper, Wharf and Banker mineral claims, young manhood on a ranch in the hundred and (He t and Two hundred and right (IDS) Range Three Coast annate in the Skeena Mlnlnr Division or foothills, outside the influence of District, surveyed and kiwwn as Lou ft rilLL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLUIS Ran re 4, Coast District. Where located. church or school. At eighteen he Lieven hundred and ntir-mne inisi. MOST VARIED AND UP-TO-OATE On Copper Creek, Doc r'u Channel. LMvrn uunarea ana amr-ono men and STOCK In THE NORTH O EAR AND SUPPLIES. TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson, is accidentally thrown into the Ek-ven hundred and suty-two (1161) by of a Eastern girl, reason or a notice appearing In I be Bi .am Prompt and Careful Attention company young B.C.LS, or Trail, B. C acllnr as agent Columbia osteite or 7th December, HOI, for the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, who enkindles in him the ambition i cancelled for sale purpose. Given to Out of Town Limited, Free Miner' Certificate No. ,- to be somebody in the world. this DATED at Victoria. Brlllah ColumMa, Orders. Samples sent on SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MaPLItfll loin of Clt-C, Intend, slaty days from the date day September. A. D. l i. hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr necorder With this purpose in view, O, ItNADEN, Ilequest. PAINT FOR BOATS for Certificate or improvements, for the young Elden leaves the ranch and Deputy Minuter of Lands. FULL LINE OF PAINTS, purpose or obtaining Crown Orants of the goes to make bis fortune in a LAND ACT KALSOMINE, ETC. above claims. oung Western city. The first Form No. II. And further take notion that action, under section 37, mast be commenced before night he is swindled out of all his Nonce or IntenUon to Apply to Lease Land. the lisue of such Certificate of Improvements. ready cash by a gang of card-sharpers, IN fJLEEN CHAHLUT1K ISLANDS LAND FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and he takes a job next DISTRICT; RECORDING DISTRICT OF Dated this list day or September, A. D. SKEENA AND SITUATE ON SOUTH SHORE 1918. morning as a coal heaver. For OF LAGOON INLET, MORESBY ISLANL; auuui UAE KILE FROM ITS MOUTH. 1. D. ANDERSON. a time it looks as though Dave's AVKNUK TAKE NOTICE that I. John M Varuittan SliCO.VI) course would be downward instead of Vancouver. B. c, occupation cannery- BKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF of up, but lie fortunately comes nun, inienas to apply ror permission to lese the following- described lands: QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. under influences which revive his Commencing at a post planted on the ambition for self-betterment. south shore or Laffoun inlet. Moresby Island, TAKE NOTICE that the Masset Inlet about one tnlle from lis mouth; TIMBER SALE X 1462. Lumber Co, Ltd., of Port Clements, oceu About this time the big western thence west SO chains; thence north SO chain: thence east 10 rhalna mom patlon sawmill operators. Intends to apply rjeal estate boom breaks out, and to low nr water mark at the beaeb; thence Sealed lenders will be recelied by in .mFttna- rU0W,nr de-!Dave's course Is meteoric. His southerly followinc low water mark to the 'mister Of Lands not latr ltun mm o Tommy Burns' Cabaret point of commencement, containing u the jth day of October, Iff is. for tb commencing at a Dost cianted at ,h!weaiin comes quickly ana goes as acres more or less. urcuase or ucense Xt, to cut 110,00 To the Pubfic northeast corner of Block 1 of the sub- quickly. Following the collapse JOHN McLAnTY MACMILLAN. tet -- Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on a DATE October 10th, ItU. rea near Lot SOI, ktmsqull Hirer, Hang D. 18 divuion of Lot ut. thence N. to der.. is 0f the boom a tragedy in his love , Coast DlatrlcL' Open 8 U 2, Sjtortaj I to 12 ITlIn F it K n fa&l than MT A M l I affairs sends him enlisted NAV104.BLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT One (I) year will be allowed far re w. mm re ..knee's, so d,,,; Z as an oval of timber. W. 650 feet to tho northwest corner of man to France. In the closing It. S. C Cap. IIS. runner particulars of toe Chief Forester Fishermen, J HARRY HANSON latwtaf 4 " I .eiona. o. c or District rorester. Fine Loggers an Dual-nvssmen rstrn!! Lot 10, Block 38 of (aid subdivision, thence chapters is found one of the high 6f the llarrv Ha: The Qeorrelown Saw Mill rnn.nantr I Wlfri. W. i-- Oct. especially Invited southeasterly and following the " w'1 " Ileatlor Hot V high water est patriotic notes struck by any Limited, hereby gives notice that It has are required to contest the claim or the under section 7 of the said Act deposited Accommodation for Ladies bas returned t t mark of Stewart Bay 1100 reel more or author during the war. wuw tin miuiairr ui j'uuhc woras at ut-awa An Ijjiprovemc .i I less to the point of commencement and "The Cow Puncher" is decidedly and In the office or the District Registrar IMPRESS now being offered, It :: u or the Prince Rupert Laod Registry BUILDING containing 12.8 acres more or less. worth while. It is interesting and District a description of the site and a O. C. Fisher, of brass pipe, si 1 MASSET INLET LUMBER CO, LTD. refreshing, and at times plan or wharf proposed to be built on Lot Manager loms. Per Fred. Nash. B.CU s.. Agent, inspir or Block "K Prince Rupert Townsiie, . 0 lated August 10th, 1918. OI9 ing, written with all Mr- Stead at shown on Pisa S3 riled in the Land With a three jca; itegutry Office Wild a five rear. i - intimate knowledge of the West Mid take notice that after the esplratlcn and skill of delineation. Through of one mouth from the dale of ihe first TIMBER SALE X14C3. anada Food Doard Llcenso 14-158 This cell is r uuueauon oi mis notice The Georgetown waier reur Umn , the book runs a happy vein of aw Mill Company, Limited, will under coll now on the mi humor and section 7 of the said Act annlr in the I Sealed tnr!r win k .....I... . You Never philosophy which is " .MltllSler Of Public Works, it hla nmn inluinKi.r r l .nH. .,. i.... .... ."' not the least of its charms. It is Hansen ...v v.., ior ai(irui oi menus am aay oi novenwer. IvIS. fur ' Harry illustrated by Arthur Heming, ex said site and plan and for leave to con- purchase or License XI iti,'to cut 't.SOO 00 Know What 11,11 in struct the said wharf. - Ifn nt trnmr, o,t.r .n.i u..n,;i V The Rsllakls Fi" lumber man and North West Dated at Prince Rupert this Iff th day oflarea adjoining Lot SOI, Klmsqult River mone 49 1W t " Mounted and is September, I0IS. Range J, Coast District. A Man policeman, announced THE GEORGETOWN SAW MILL COM- Two (si years will be allowed for re rrlnce Rurrt- by the publishers as an OR i uruK-r particulars or me tnier rorester II aa all-Canadian book written by a IN THE SUPRECOURT Or BRITISH J Ru;!erl'B?'c?'' f Will Do ITIIN LOMOWlH irJ line war-tirne I Canadian, illustrated by a Cana Agents, rhone " dian, and printed and bound in IX T,'.,l!rTEn r UF mmi"NAM NAOklCHl Mrs. Williams hal been using I'rince R . economy use uanaaa. n snoum receive a warm IX T,'g V.I MATTER. OF THE ADMI.M31RAVVN 1'acino Milk for cooking a long welcome from tho Canadian read long llnio. Her husband got I , .. I TAKE NflTirE ii.ii n r.. -M Sunlight ing public. Tho United Slates edi Honour F. Mcll. Young, made the Oth day using It in his morning coffee lion is issued by Harpers. of September. A. D. ibis, i ui anniini.Hl so they novor buy fresh mill administrator to the estate of the saldl Enemy The Greatest Soap i i.auaicw, neceaaea, ana ail parties I nny moro. Advertise in the Dally News. having clsims against the said estate ami Thu other cvonlng Mrs. W hereby required to furnish ssme, properly! is bWJ NOTICE Is hereby given that the Sale TO Youn PIANO It is Impossible "iui mo n ur riure ine lutn day I houglit soinu fresh cream to to buy a purer LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 of November, ttis, and all parlies indebi-of Lna to '"I'l on the twenty-fourth soap than Sunlifbt. Therefore ed to the estate are required to Dar ilia I ' of October ncil upon which delinquent givo lilni a lij'nt (as sh "Tlave Novcr-llusl ippl'jj amount of their Indebtedness to me forth. ' are due has been postponed so far ii is really the cheapest soap NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO Willi. iss una in ma prince liuperi ASsrsaineiil thought) wllh lila porridge and to 8lring8, Tuiunu I" !' . you can buy. The purer and LEASE LAND" JOHN H, McMUlLIV pisirict are concerned and that on Ilia Dili lo it no with hi coffee, all Metal V&tt$ hi your P'an Official Administrator dy of November follgwlnr 1 sale will I better the soap the less you IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dated this 10th day of October, mil llieid of all such lands In I he laid Assess However, Mr. Wllllmns didn't Nover-RutlsaPosltlv",l need for the wash aad the SKEENA DISTRICT)AND RECORDING-SITUATE DISTRICT ON SOUTH OF lift Ifilii'VUl I uiBiriii,tir tmucn ...... -. woo (1 Hint wuy nnd when he Prventlv8. better the work done. SHORE OF LAGOON IMLET, MORESBY IN THE SUPREME COURT OP PniTJSIl UiKrFt tnd at of ", A. Ii, I III I illgoovuriMl It wim a tlKrorcnl ISLAND, ABOUT ONE MILE. FROM ITS W mUtt creiun in thu pllobcr, ho asked O. O. WALKER Truly it U real WS Tiw war-time economy MOUTH. VIWAZl O'.A0l COMANDINI, Bims for tho initio ns ho d hcen get to use Sunlifht Soap for TAKE NOTICE thai I, JOHN M. MAC N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ,?f &a1il.TUI W C",,'T'K 0m)!i ling evnry inoniliig -couldn' the traih and about the bouse. M1LLAN. of Vancouver, B. C, ftceupatlon Intends lirllik Ills poffva with Ilia ollici Canneryman, to apply for pcrrnli " " ur "Auwmn LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TAKE notice that m oider of ills f ft. slon. io lease tbo following described lands: "stlifr." TORONTO "onouf f- Mt". Young, made the 10th day Commencing at a the DENTISTRY post planted on TAKE NOTICE that 111 order Of lloiiu Pacific Milk south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Is I I A eaiate or t lie ssld Jilt Co. land, about one mile from II mouth; Lulrl Comandlnl, deceased, and all barilesK- Mt"' Young, made th V llj day ( My having claims against Ilia said estate '9 lr- ' w' l'lolnll Ailinlsliiritor to Hi LIMITBD I hence west SO chains; thence north SO hereby required to fnrnni, .... ..tii I estate of Hie said Christie Dlhauii. ilarratad orncE iiounsj chains; thence east so chains more or less vTttlaA fli.... .... .... ' 'V I.n.t .11 .....I.. .V.I.... II. 8TMECT ...ww, I., vii ur uciure me tuth dayiB,lu i11')" niii vui, 111 33g to low water mark at the Leach; thence P November. A. D. ion, and all parties "'I rslale are hereby reqilrad li furnU Faolor at Ladjiar, 11,(3, southerly following low water mark to the indeblej to the estate are reanireit t ....liame. properly verified. lu me ii ur be DR. J. 8. UROWN Hi amount Of their ln1.(.i..m... '...ilfni-. iha Slit ilav i.f l)i-li,l.r 1 II Ifill point or commencement; containing 40 1 VI IHIIIIII, and all parties liidvbled lo Ilia trials ar fiUBSrjWHE fOff DINTUT acres more or less, JOHN H, MeMULLIN. required lo nay the amount of lliirlr ill Offlcai fmllh Bluek, Tltlr- " JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. urricia! Administrator, debledneii to ma furiiiwiin. Dated August lttb, 1911. N I Dated this loth diy of October. I9s. , J, MoMUMJW. THB PAIf.Y Nl7,WS rtions Oct to I Oflltial Aji(ulllllor