October 20, 0'6' THE DAILY NKW8 . 1 It BO . rrnvr. SECURITY i UV,J ..f tup linoin OFFERS IN inn nvnia I -ii. mneedtti by II U that within iV".' ?UL as ibe luvcstlng 'IrfJbcre a ubtallal pro- Ji089 Um 0f mney orUon ,n.,itracnt run from KV.fi" o' "-.tor- tbi is:?' should prove i;iiBe.net vo. wot 0my Ltieuiw . ffiit-cdKcd i'T a r"r. . i.Ti. I. il.o ram - RPerc . u ...n investment l-r ti 17!, annually jliu"" i...linn nl Hint. Et . i i iiifft nt n I id other obuu, - Itinvesw" iji . year less. rm the combined standpoint a ,M the fifteen. Lp Victory ooaa v it Govern"16" ' The fad (bat trust com. . .... i....imn( nnn Ue, And then another UloMUn ,nw LwOnliiue wilt steadily P- . . , I -.11 I'sliia na timft ijjH pi w - - toll to Wsll-to-do Wen. M wide altogether from the Hlue of the accona ic- Loto tod particularly the wa-jear maturity, as an in-imnL there is a definite and ,i tall to the men who can T.mmd five to twenty-five tbou- zi dciisra lu subcribe to It. a maUer of fact, it is the inion among the highest flnan- 1 anthoritles in the Dominion :o have given particular alien, a to the study of the subject it If the Minister of Finance is secure the much-desired and ith.needed half a billion dol- trj, a great deal will depend upon ke response ol investors in tills ve fo iweoly.flve thousand dollar roup of investors. There is no Why Canada must borrow i.-riflce about It. The fact that i leeurity is sill-edced and the Md renerous, precludes such an I'retatton. Men are not sac pifwben shether tbey tbey are I buying Merchan bar-iM, money to carry on ts a Mods. BdiUher there is an element r usJu or not, tbtre is en. I-W u element at nirlnim Because Canada has put her for these purposes Canada war ceas this r sttl, Canada need every dol.,r hand to the plow and will not must borrow hundreds of millions ff til haif billion whirli ih back: of dollars s turn f&Us tt Finance seeks. If thin piffle, and perform it it nrl duty(n lo-lit our country is in the war on And, this money must be limJcJti Canadian thetr livea lad at the fronL the side of liberty and justice and borrowed from the people of Irtd,M tbt if desideratum iht men with rn l,000 h .. will stay in it till complete victory Canada: to f''ww invest do their pari. is won and the unspeakable Hun Therefore, Canada will presently is smashed and beaten to the "Children. naiH Ik. c i... come to her people for a m iDperlnlendent, "llili pie. ground; Victory Loan to - ""iiiraies today's lesson: new carry on. wnjhters" warned to take his wife a nation at war must make and flee out of )8L HfTK m t nl I i.i. tremendous in cash expenditures ' n"u 1,19 MtUti, with-hls Canadians will loan the wife Just be- money aoa; nd there Is Sodom In to keep up her armies and supply , tt DOr rround.niiaili..Xo--,V.has any them with munitions, food and by again buying Victory Bonds. I Ihe-study icitiuii of the uciurc lesson?we clothing; The national safety, the Pleathe. thlr," national honor and the national JJWtt latest graduate from Canada must finance many ffletfi wucrc iui me millions of dollars of export trade well-being require that each and MINERAL ACT. in food, munitions and supplies every Canadian shall do his duty wicatk or mrhovsMctTa. which Britain and our allies must by lending to the nation every nonet. have on credit; cent he can spare for this purpose. tt.Tw",c,1", "ntril aim. sliatw nnn,, T." "Mnr Difition r ctitr octl. At Um be4 of Be ready when the call comes to k iimT.''1. IBEru4.tltlla. .. . MtMfs. Ortine.u k.. oxi rrora ibe see your country through in er,"iof M lnlDf Cran u its great war work. Uoii,UkJ! "" atuon. un- 'r Of Julf A. D. ISIS. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Commiltee in cb-operatKm yiith the Minister of.Finance 51 WTIR NOTICE , , of thj Dominion of Canada, uKs'lS wl" Ply for a !.M 'ai lni .'. hlt, n southerly Ibe City of Prince nuperl, wore particularly der such im ule, all persons ao served made for a Cerlincate of Indefeasible Tite unless you take and prOeecuta the proper LAND IU:aiSTHY ACT known and deicrlbed at Lot cUUlccu with nouee, .... and those claim-Ins 0 the above-mentioned land, In the name proceedlnrs to establlsa your claim. If any, .r 01" nd .n,U"' 1. A copy of (Section IS and ill ) IIS), Dlock elsbteen (l) SecUon six throusn or undr hem. and all persona f Brentoa 0. Moore and Roy L. Moore. to the aald lands, or to prevent auch pro-xe4 & ' 'tuint n. Appllcitton Ho. toin i. rn 0- (), City of rrioee nupcrt. Np . Vou claiming- auy lutereet In Ibe land by Tlrtue AND W1IEHEA9 on Inreatltailnf the action on my part. f th. of Bw, - .nniintlon bit brt i.i oarcbuer wltbln 3S days from the &e peraon any claiuiinr unresUtered lnttrument, and all 1 He It appeara that prior to the nth day Dticd at the Land Registry Offlce, Prince any Iniorest In tht land nifd nude to rerliter Breolon 0. Moors ana or the itrtlce of tbU notice (ubicti may by Ueccnt whole title la not rerUiered or October, ISIS (the date on wblcn the nuperl. B. C, this Cth day of September, nuperl. ." be effected by publication), and your attention under the provlaions or tbla Act. shall be said lands were aold ror overdue taxes), A.D. 1911. Mncs Hoy U Moors of Sals " U called to lection St or the "Land ror ever eatopped and debarred from settlnt yon were the aasetted owner thereof. II. F. MACLEOD, owner In fe. under a Tax up any claUn to or In of the land reipert and to Act" with amendment, FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the District Heaiitrar of TltUa. n" nerlitry ao aold for 11 Colleetor of Ibe Cliy of "Xr taies. and the itcclstrar ahall the rollowlnt extriet therefrom reslter the perion entitled under eucb same time I shall effect rerlatraUon In pursuance To Walter 0. Laurie, ixannr ana ins um BINOUUH u.j IMl :'..,r In "And In default of a rarest or cerlincate tax ale ai owner of the land ao sold for of such application and lieu a Robert Williams, 10 IT.. Of ALL .AND. t.w. .n nrfinltei all" nr it. nrndui belni Bled before the rest laiee," Ceruneale of liidereaslble Title to the aald William Jones, 11 w ll, appnfMlt aie, lylni- aad belnf In the Municipality of union swner of the peraon entitled un AMD WHEREAS application hit been land In the name of lbs aforeiald parUe frlac nuperl. B. C. .