THE DAILY KEW, Page 6 NASMYTH TALKS OF PRINCE RUPERT SPANISH LUMBER PRODUCTION G. H. Arnold NOTARY PUBL10 GETS PUBLICITY A Man Musi Gel INFLUENZA The Nasmyth Lumber Com pany's sawmill which was formerly FOR SALE operating at Uurquitlam, is Lot 5, Block 15, Section 6. Article by Fred Peters, Quoted In now re-erjected at Thurston liar- This is a exceptional Columbian, Olvea RAGES CANADA very Westminster bor and will shortly commence to opportunity to gel a fine Interesting Data Regard Comfort In His Sh cut' spruce for tho Imperial Munitions level lot for residential pur-poses, oe.s Ing City. Board airplane department. close to MoBride St., Thousand of Cases Reported with sewer conncotlon, for With Many Deaths. Mr. Nasmyth, who when in Van only Sorno of the publicity that couver, stated that the spruce in- Easy terms. Prince Ilupert is getting through TWO MATTEK ff he is the activity of her officials Is i V extremely critical THOSE WHOM MOST northern British Columbia Is being $650.00 shown in a recent number of tho with his suit or hat or carried out on an immense Victory Bonds will be accepted !.New Westminster Columbian neckwear a man insists SUSCEPTIBLE TO IT scale. at par. which unden big display head on foot comfort when it The Nasmyth mill would have had the following: been in operation before now ex H. G. HELQERSON, LTD. Not only is Printe Rupert, D. C comes to a new pair of that Kurtz fast becoming the greatest fish shoes. TRUIT-A-TIVES" Tte Wonderful cept for the fact Supt. i -v .'1 1 tit. ,i: I nrtrf t n th Unoifln rVm. but it We guarantee a man was 111 liu apiiciiuigma i Fruit Medicine CWe the Power also the largest cold foot com for if h buys To Retut Thi Dlteite. and has been a patient of the Mu- ; possesses nitions Board hospital which is j J storage plant in Canada. It Is the his shoes here end takes The epidemic of Spanish Influents, under the direction of Dr. J. A.' j Local News Notes i (centre and point of shipment of the advice of our fitter whose business it is to which played such havoc in Europe, has reached thu continent. Thou- Smith, of New Westminster, for- - ,f an enormous lumber trade, es- .rinilinnu)ila.. ......... nf jvw.vmir iwi.fnnt A..-vui new . "tat sands of of the of reJpecially n spruce -A large and jail BlOCkiali. cues stranre mainly ruerly assistant superintendent The White Lunch has been Ih. Vonrnnvor Gpnppal Hnanital ' .l fr.- Completely.....UU.lO-uaie.... ! mill. ua f w - a UiJC&avi ivi avMav7 i I already reported; Surgeon-General v- nnH Mi tv'nri hnJh, ... ' been eslatmsnea. ine wuoiesaie Hlue of the United bUtes Public Health Sertice having stated that give great praise to the work of (Jeo. McAfee, of the Ueorgetown aeaiers suppiy a largo surrouuu-Dr. "Spanish Influenza it ill probably Smith and to foresight of the Spruce Co, arrived in town this ing country with every description Many spread six weeks".all otcr the country in Munitions Board in erecting a'morning. of goods, and the city is the centre Lady Customers Practically etery ship which hn.niial at Thurston Harbor. - " of a mining dtsineu me amp. touches our shores from abroad, Fred Gilhuly was a little better j puis of ore through Prince Ru- Satisfied brines those infected with the 1 1 1. i ti- . . . .. .. . . it tt iiMi i rprmPrinsr from t",s moruius. e uo uuie io c peri IS in liseil quite a uuinca. disease.Surgeon-General Blue urfes that his severe attack of influenza and!ome rest during the night. With "the indiridual take all the precautions is able to be out and around Uml will, no doubt, remain so. be- our "QUEEN QUALITY" and other letting nuet he can against contracting This morning it was reported, lh cily i8 clo80 to lhe fl,u I of tho best In Women's Footwear. New faa r.K.: ,, again. the d is cast by care and person; hygiene". Plenty of exercise should inaieiguiloieniniiueuzai)awcm --ln ornnn,u. Th lumber re. fast arrivinff and we can suit the most fastidicui wh: has been discharged from the- . lie taken;ui9 Oietsijouldbereg-cldted, Menaive. and sire fashionable shoes as well as thofe who w t hospital to date, cured. lhiiinea tc etc. from this source will. Spanish Influenza affects most ... comfort." Let our Shocnian demonstrate ibis to serereJy elderly persons and others NOTICE , .. , . if ior many years, be an iu i wuose powers or resistance are tbf cl0' ""P"1, W have just put into stock a full lineof E:;udo:r; Pf'ace Mrs. Walters. Alderman, Kinnon, weakened by Illness, work or worry. especially moso who are"run-down" I It Is illegal to spit on the Smith and George McCarty all Regarding municipal works, pcrs wool-lined, rubber heels, smart in appeartnet ad or "not feelinj up to the mark." sidewalk or in any public look place this afternoon. the city clerk, Mr. Fred Peters, very ''com fy. ' Priced at $2.45. The really great danger from the place. This law will be makes the following statement to disease is not so much in the disease xt T z- I I i. TJio tlnnjalapv Tim!1 itself,as that it often develops into strictly enforced and any t I 1 . UUKUUU ldVIB. Ul lllO UUIIS '.w v.. j - pneumonia. breaches thereof prosecuted. Bros. & MeMeekin store, has been ' "We have a tnot excellent wun everyone seeds now Is a, removed to the General Hospital water system, giving the cltttens general tonie like "Kmit-a-tives". H. S. WALLACE LI CO., all Industries ample supply ,and ibis wonderful fruit medicine is not THOMAS McCLYMONT. suffering from pneumonia. a germ-killer. It is a body-builder; t- ... of the purest walen which we a strength-maker; a blood-purifier; trienas 01 james uunter win uc now suppiy ai a cneaper rate man b power in protecting against the ' J r a t a 1 1. . t ' a N. B. Every thing In Shoes for Uoys&ad, ravages of disease. giau io .now luai iuis iuoriuut, any place in uritisu ioiumuia, "Fruit-a-lives" regulates the c his condition had much improved, or, 1 believe, Canada. For ex kidneys and bowels, causing these He is at the General Hospital. ample, large customers get water organs to eliminate waste regularly YE OLDE COUNTRIE and i at 3 to 2 cents per 100 cubic naturally as nature intended. FISH AND CHIPS The fishing boat Imbricaria "Fruit-a-ti ves keeps the skin active, f.A. Thu v.iPrn i rf- and purifies and enriches the blood. 717 Second Avenue. which belongs to the Canadian , d abcad of induslrjea. in "Fruit-a-lives" tones up and I-ish Company of ancoiiver. put Phone 93 P.O. Boill t during aBt ar we ua1 strengthens the organs of dlpestion, WUI be open every day at in here this morning with several Of' y insuring food being-properly digested ;make VLStoKi costing HO.000. Your Srd Ave a l ij i and assimilated. 11 cum. uicuiueio ui uer crew eica. h nn An.,t.t Eyes Everyone can take ordinnry pre-, TAKE SOME HOME. best feature is that the cautions, avoid crowded places, and Th. a k-n r it.. ii-r:The sya- insure use "Fruit-a-tiv"sound regslarly to Logging Co. who are operating at!lenl ?ninbnenV0,P1d l CCm Pacific Cartage, 111 digestion, to kep the bowels and inu v. n .ih-.. ,. 100,000... people. . kidneys regular and the V. -H.M W. V ' 1 i ft Arc the mofct ueiic&te of all whole system in the best possible Prince Albert this morning from Ccneral Ttiminj condition. Then we are tale from THE DAILY NEWS the Queen Charlotte Islands. enables us to supply privileges as your organs and the most disease. cheaply as anyone in British Co- sensitive. If yolir Glasses Storage "Fruit-a-lives" is sold by dealers Classified AdverhVng ore not exactly rijrht Furnlturr, Safe and far everywhere at 50c a box, CforJ2XO, : Two children died at irince'lumbia, Is not ahead of require. you trial size 25c or tent poitpald cn George recently from whooDins ments. and we are now contetu- are likely to ruin your Morin? BftP receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivcs t Phone 98 cough. They were the infant sou plating considerable extensions to sight. limited, Out. Ottawa, Thl It tlto AJerli"z Column .1... of ilr. and M-s. Jos. Iloss and the meet actual requirements. Our 'Tofmake sure that you people read when they want anything-, inrant child or Air. and Mrs. WiI-,?ccino ngni ana power plant is have the csrrect thing get It bring reaulta liam Bind. j"Ow working almost to capacity, your Glasces from n n iiii mmnrff i i and we are now contemplating the M. M. STEPHENS WANTED. The funeral service for the late 'installation of a very much great- rum LArun Alfred Kyle will he held at 3 n.m.'er nower if ouc utilities nav. Thev Bulger rnunt jwi. i NOTARY PUBUO .uiacKsmun at once, on Sunday, nev. Dr. Grant offlciat- rout nnthlne in ta oxeent n n rnl w A VorVmrcr TKrtrti inn tn .a n.. t i .. t a k 1 t . - MOTOR TRAHSIBi yy,r "vvv.P, at iue cuapei ui in u. u.'Buiau special raie in water. . . . .. T A .1. a a s a. a a I and OFFERS FOR QUICK TEAVSTtn wa5ted Appi. to pacicc uuu. un juonuay me woay ine wnoie transactions oi me Optometrist SALE ii " will tt he i.a sent to Ottawa where it 1 city... for. . 1017 were carried on .. Optician .. CORNER FIFTH AKDTMIB The rollowlnr Ctolce rropenles: wasted Furuiibed or norumisbed room ul ue mterrea. jwuiioul borrowing one cent from t ::l (Rcr of i s;1 Lot 16, Block 31, Sctlon 7 Eighth itn. rrt-cij tamiiy immediately. Ap-! the hank against current rcvenup -. nr Cold Btoras and ho ,j a. B, ixewi omce. u . "u uoer o people wuo jarm or j0T. any oUier purpose. The The man you know and can ""I S200. ' wiusu uoiumDia or rely on. We ltihili,U.ii,t:i'JU Thla li a level lot on rnde. Tiiei vvaji'ted Woman c,k uanud. Apply noriuern, ag8MBed valuation for 1917 levy paid ror it is. ""ruu" "ou- . , . """'"6 r wag tit596,295 a reduction of tot 10, Block 49, Stlon 7, $200. . r ...v "-"".o ni.fc. I..4 . JT.. t A mi I 15,890,190 since I9U, and our Alio on Elrbtb Ave. near Seal uoara in private Lome wlih pbtrne. apply "uci w eycuu 1.U5 wuuer. nil ial Pni. ig 111. " ttatlnr lrm. hoi 1 11.11 ....k..'. 11 t i.i ...t.iiL . grOSS. Ccve. 4 icsuii, in mat uiie a lew iiuve Houao and Lot clot In. Houf old false teeth bouciit, souxd or Sone south for the wuler the Birth STEEN & LOKGWULi R.nt.d, for sal $800.00. Ctif WW1" here LUMBER Ttrma. S &"vKti?Z is greater than it There was born this morning to omce Box ifjs. Vancouver, ificiiest a6 been for a long lime. Mr. and Mrs. Muse of 718 Thomp HHTlH COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH tu itictb ent py reiurn mall. Sit, ... SANITAR -rtU TAX SALE PRICES BOV WA.1TED SAVOY HOTEL. I here was one .death at the son Street, a daughter,. Agents for EffOINEEnS Borden Street Kmergency Ilos- WANTED- w.itr,-... Hotel rnnee Huport.jpital since We put pep Into our printing Prince Rupert Lumber Co. M. M. Stephens yesterday at noon. Tom tor AgcnU usiness at The News Print Shop OFFICE WORK WANTED Oleson, a fisherman who had been nd FVtHkUl REAL MoCLARY ESTATE FINANCIAL AQENT INSURANCE sJ-norr.r.hv r .,.i ,.,.. ..... ln bosPal tor several days, sue Hastlng'a Saw Mills 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 ty capable lady. Apply boa 17 Newa cumbed to pneumonia. The other M patients in Borden Street Hospital Get your parcel of EXCHANGE passed a good night, and Tobacco for the COAL snd there are full hopes of their re- SHEET METAL WOMl Agents for EXCHANGE Clear deed to uouae and loi Avern covery. Phoue 5, 834 Second Sickness and dcvuuij 8 ur ricaui 101, pari easD on Soldier Nanalmo Welllnaton Coal Boys MI.LI I. KID huate. Lalance ternu. Apply at rear ofj It ha vine: come to the knowledcn tnd I" ia Ave., vveit. 2tt ind Dlu Accident Insurance of the city heaffS department that Yellowhead Coal at th HjM WORK WANTED many people have hcen ill and The right work,... S.S MADE UP AT THE Urns, and at trta ns"' We unahle to call in friends or neigh Complete line of WANTED represent the Dominion Employment In warebbuae by uu w cpeiKi rrcnen aoa edfiku; hors it is requested that anyone DUILDINO of Canada Guarantee can write auorttiand and tiae typewriter, knowing of such cases will at Prince Rupert MATERIALS Willlnr to atart at Lottuiu and work up, and Accident Co., once notify the police on the City which writes a special LOST Jiall authorities so that InvestU Cigar Store & Albert & McCaffery Lid! OIL policy oovering indemnity gation may he made. Even rumors f a against all Sickness mist roi terrier, female, while wltn blr will lie investigated. tf Billiard Whurf Offlci, Phon 664 -tlits comiiiprcinl pxppcls Hfl1 Parlor ana Accidents. h "ivi .t., urown apot over Omc Second Artnut, rtiont lit ir li!;' ioca. ootiry j. o. near Vancouvrr The an nual cost is very-low. DOX 693, yt W0RKER8, REMEMBER" THIRD AVENUE LQST Opal brooch between city ball and aoapitai. binder pleaae phone Black ttl 1. Paying a Jload Tax does NOT Best Billiard Hall in .. LOST Brown Otter fur. nerVnleec .hr.,- put your name on the voters' list Town. OSi McCaffery, Gibbons balr, xear Hotel Prince Hupert. Kliide YOU MUST take a declaration. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Oil? pleaae return to the HoteM'rince Hupert 2. Owning real estate under Great variety of Tobaccos, PHONE r8 V & FOUND agreement for sale or assignment Doyle, Ltd. and CJnars CiirarctU-a, of agreement for sale does NOT riinl) IKiAltU LICKNCk no. $ttt Insurance Real Estate FOUND Bunch or key at Seal Cove. Own put your name on the voters' list Pipes and Pouches. f er can bave aatue at The Newi omca bv You must take declaration. a paylnr for tbli adfeitlaement. . . , . . n. 'pi. 1 1 HAY, CHAIN, FEED, Prince Ana luei uay ior laKintr a Rupert, B. C. FOUJYD At Salt Lakea, ladyi uthlnr ult declarsallon under No. 1 is Oclo-her ana two towel. Owner may bave tame 31st. SEEDS AND FERTILIZER Send for copy o' 4t Dally New office by paylnr for iul lo Hotel Prince Vred dvertleroent. tf 4. The last day for taklntr a Rupert ubovo book. declaration under No. 2 is Nn. 0Muhii Hdity. uny address on request St. James Hotel vernher 30, up to 5 p. m. only. EUROPEAN PLAN to Pioneer Boarding House u. ji you want a voice In muni. S. W. MILLER & CO- FIIIST(LATE CLASS"QUEENS") cipal affairs, II EM EMBER and $1.50 per day and up. Mull 0it' ffWt AHtniM U. Stock and Bond BroKeri ROOMS THIRD AVE., - CLOSE TO DRY DOCK I ACT. Hot and Cold Water. Nlc cka nam,good board. Hot and oold I Vancouver Block, Vanoouw'-Membora FIR8T-0LA88 water auc.op. 6. The above applies to both 0AFJC Vancouer 8io S0 par Night, and S3 par Weak. F1IONE RED m i men ana women. A La Cart, r. i Hit HI; Exohange . i..a a J TRADES m TTWPS,a" i AND LABOR Q0UNC1L.