0 r Chemists and The GEOIFfflZZELL Good Meats for m a not 1680 Daily News Particular People Pfionesf82and200 Phones, 10 and 25 PIIINCI:. Ill'rEItT. B. C, THlASUAY, OCTOBEIl 31, 1018. prttcB prvu ciorrs OTTOMAN EMPI RE OUT vrnTT fit Tim in nnn - . . . TiiiDi.i i.iiiw i ail fl'E'iii'H'Di m m i f bi iTTk n nri miirciiiT Tim film ii i linn mm rmai ur MMKAL ruWM5 1U IHKUVY Ur Ht,K HAINUj I I inntr I IK nAlTTi Ml VII IDOLLY VARDEN .mill u w CAMPAIGN IS ! RAILWAYMEN NOW UNDER WAY (i i. .i a linn laat Keep the Old Flag Flying by Buying Victory Bonds. Taylor Engineering Company of Vancouver Place Affairs in It Once in opiw " NO WORD RECEIVED Hands of Creditors. Handicap. TURKEY SURRENDERS IS Committee LATEST FROM THE GALIANG WORK AT ALICE ARM jtt ficlory Loan . ...1 nlirhl in LI1B OIUCC HI IUV WAS ALMOST COMPLETED WORD FROM Nothing In the Message Received! irTtterws rooms ana aeciueu LONDON RECEIVED . t. amniilirn for From Her to Indicate That The Taylor Engineering Com She Was Ashore. K of Vancouver, the concern .nm virlonr Losin ona im- pany i,.inlr While it is noi ex that was building the Dolly Var- much business will be jIN BRIEF MESSAGE; SIGNIFICANCE No wond had been received to- den railway at Alice Arm. has erted tbsl line for a few iday up to the tune of going toa8gned for lue benefit of its one Hour In regard to the patrol boat press :credliors. The assignee is John felt that the work lei it was in. uanano wmcn reponea ny wire- iAnderson. the secretary of the Ez:pected that Collapse of Ottaman will Mean General hcaid begin. Empire less off Cape St. James that she corananT. a meetinsr of creditors make a word Tbii and city not expects only to to.exceed dls-the Peace Before Christmas; Austria will Likely Follow and was ing in in distress.the wireless There message was noth-jhaK that Liafinient 1PPT1 -nil,,,Df ., condition a HmihUh of af-a uoU allotted to the oily and was sent to indicate that she hadjIairg be made 800n Germany Cannot Hold Out Alone. ritt but alio to male Granby ashore although a great; gone n understood that nearly ha ook tike ten cents. There ia con-iderable people assumed that wasja many mjHion dollars had been spent the two rivals between (Special to Tlx iu at r. Telf rrapbi. what happened. on the railway and that in about and it will be a lively race owns Those who know the place f dav and bait it would have a will raie the larger London, October 31. The latest word here Is that Turkey see which i where she and who reported are'been . has surrendered and her and will be handed over to flnished to uch an extent m nil ti I army navy familiar with the boat do not give that 8hipnjng of ore would have Yesterday Mayor McQymonl the Allies for their This Is the first surrender of the big . .. . .. . t. ... disposal. GAINED GREAT much hope of ever finding her. hpn nnsiblp. Tim men refused powes and means the breaking up of the Central Empires and but there is always a possibility lo work any ionger however, wilh-that tin nrniapni or me imnenxi the possibility of peace before Christmas. she may yet be floating about!out"their pay and the shutdown mi uo. ai loronui: FINAL VICTORY Rfgret our city is not mea- The news was received with acclamation in London, but there helpless and unable tocommnni- j followed, mtA In lh nroaa nim Ihrnnirli Is no longer any great enthusiasm such as would have greeted cat The railway vas built to con- The O. E. Foster, which went' tLe DoUy Varden mine with similar news a year ago. . (Allied Forces in Sunny Kingdom out.lo look for ter yesterday has Uilcc Arm for the object of ship-nb tfrr i...1918 11 Victor Lain, and t In Military men look on the'latest news as a sure harbinger op Force Enemy Back 33,000 wireless-Aboard and-Tronldmqr p'fh" ore. It was also expected to -ft.nM-Lioii ni nur rtiv iMinc peace. Austria la bound to follow within a short time and Ger-' Prisoners Captured. be able to communicate until she 'serve-a number of other properties m n tour nrinrinni nittirirmf tnt -to returned. The weather is still ,n the valley and great mining many cannot well hold out alone. Events are likely follow, . ... Washington, Oct. 31. Thirty- bad and the Foster would not development was expected to fol-make J Mt iL... t this time. j from on. t. a a.i a . , - rapidly three thousand Austrian troops, very good progress in her .low iis construction. The AIIco jvr wiaj luuicnpiioa. j search. In fact it would be like Arm camn was looked upon as hundreds of bi? guns and innumerable TELKWA COAL IS NOW FULLER RAMMED ; machine puns have been looking for a needle in a haystack ionc of the most likely In the north to searjeh for the Galiano if she cftuntry. and the failure of the UUil lLIUSLU II id 'captured by the Italian and Allied BEING SHIPPED HERE is helpless, as she might have'COIl!(lr;uctjon company it is hoped ASHORE ON DIGBY ISD. AND IS SUNK forces on tin Italian front within driven miles away by the time wil not have the permanent effect the last few days. The enemy is help arrives. 1Qf holding the development back. Manager of Mine Says Work unable to stop the advancing M The whaling Doals mignt nave Vn T Msr: ibe CMC fit.r .c.-it tn ll.n cannery I.vkV. Commencing at Once and Mexico Maru runs into fish- forpes gone out to her aid, but there was Fifty Tons a Day to FISHERMAN DIES . incr Krtnt at Pllintt Rn I no way of- communicating with - it iwiaj in me Be Sent Here. them as they had no wireless at CAPTAIN KNIGHTALL cm :i la: s rer. havina cone in dense fog. Mbcrt Naden llarbor. Andrew Leroux or This City la U days bk on the south Lid-will That the Tclkwa Collieries, OF THE "KELLY" DIES The last that waf H ' Di?fcy message Fellow Island. Tbe escl Well Known Among fce shipping coal to l'rinee Seattle, Oct. 31. In a dense heard from the Galiano was at u returninir (rom Oeorpetowii II u pert at once is the message AT BORDEN HOSPITAL 3:30 morning. Workmen. yesterday its s load ..r Uut sliookn to be Jfeg Hie trans-I'aciUc liner Mexico Tlo) brought from the mine by m icro to the Islands with! il.Maru rammed and sunk the fish-' I The death occurred at the General '. rrmce Albert, and rounded ,UouarL wm. r representing..-1. MdiMiul me nn uiantj(hn pHm hark A. J. Fuller in Elliott Contain Charles Knightall. of WORK RECOMMENCES Hospital this morning of An- 1. ' .... . jl U"Uvi UU WHU ifiUUHA v the steam trawler Kelly belonging .wcrn poini 01 uigpy is-..-,,. Tiio.dnv from an extended Hv Sa liven were lost. The- to the Canadian Fish and Cold' Al Uoli bULD IrllflLi well known here. lie was taken Storage Co., died this forenoon at 1 to the hospital October 24 suffer- w ia the neighborhood of De- , ' ' .",,!. n nnrf the last"'"" but U was lo ,ale to cnaDPe ne Borden Street Hospital,Avhith- ;Car Load of Ore on Dump at the ing from influenza. m Iiy The huorancv of her . . . 7 ''' rourse aner urpi signimg me er lie was rcmovea yesieraay irom Kitselas Copper Company's Lerjoux was born 31 years ago tnf. bxwood. toother uill,:WU4M. r.u . "r ' Vr T ;T;" :rnaller vessel his own home. Property, Owned By In Minnesota. His brother, Louis, - iiiu 111 m. m ww t k,. mhb: xvii iun ijctu ' Local Man. lives in this city at 1908 Sixth T 1Bhe,IIBd that shall begin haul- nupert we fcrt . IStrect and is an engineer at the ll Holed." ifhall nni inmnrrow ana them UIBl fifty;we It WOULD BE GOOD BUSINESS TO Work has recommenced on tue!old Storage, ... - Mpvu to row lnli. .be.1-..nhle l,nitrlinill to ship IhK win- property of the Kitselas Mountain: Arrangements for the funeral Copper Co. at Usk, according to,vil, r aintrliv bl..r.,u n II.. 1 1 I be made ,ater """" - imj .."r' Her." .information brought by Uoy Uo-j 7.7 . 0,n(WI,tre " The snun has been put n ibarl of the Giant Powder, Co, who - r,..,rgm.u,re w"1 im ?! PROVIDE DOCKS FOR FISHERMEN ""'wwporledlheoc-'r:,,.,i. rlln,v rsmninr. the has just returned from up th ,,rovincial tine. The property was bonded WANTED Girl for house treatduiimf the'""V0"1 lment and everything possible done !about a year ago by Jimmie Well work, Immediately. High in r.-v-uuay, vicinity ofv, ",,, the ownm lo hwomo inis is-uanaaa s nauonai nsn uay ana in view u. iu -jof prince nuperl to some Portland wages. Apply at office of ' ana the Toco Maru! : . , .lilnnnr. Tll 1111 nfl IS IIVP nilU"" ! nnri tnell Of tha event an Interview Was SOUa ht With I . M. JOnnSOn.' ..-ill... A. I 'Plmnunn in telephone -''in ary as the i ..ij i v. - r" 0 ' i ucuk.iv. I I ' A v..ew" " Peck, Moore & Co, or the ttd V. I . i from the railway and for Hie res- mJ.nnep of tne Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., who willingly charge. A few months agb work 130. If "HUiwalM. .: n"il ;:. .t U coal will no . au.ru . expressed his views on what should be done In Prince Rupert to ,was discontinued, but it has start- dmdv.., : 'uv ""a"- .MO"1- "railway with teams liuin i niap niiuiii. Ij....i .1.. i u. .-in. led acain and there is a oar loau Irrdck uh l.?e" w lUC:irs. there will be some more up develop ine inausiry. no aiu. of oitf on the dump. i iiaifL. il i t nrtM nar naci AniiinnAri iii mai ' 4 uab ii ar rt m vaj..... run- no iiuw ia ior rc- lo-datc method of tiyinsporiaimu; "nn mo Mr. llobart visited the camp-x which will make it pos-!lno filing business. I think we can best celebrate this day by .ft Tow Maru Installed east of Prince George and he says OPTICIAN m....7 has been In and Mihtff to deliver the coal al Ue H.wn attention to the absolute need of a dock for the fisher- that when lie was there the in-fluenzn EFFICIENCY AND EXPERIENCE ind I uorur an tins summer llowpht possible price to the ron men where they may safely tie their boats during the bad weather had hit them very hard. Are the two BWt lmporUnt quill- eomm",a!.Vari?u itturactory excited lo ni" flMtloiis iksmi7 sumers. keep their nets during the winter Hardly a place was missed. Tit V. lines. Taper and a place where they may rorrerUou of poor rUlon with ,n, If the hauling or coai work had shut down in man $ fllfM il... I l? 8 nrrow stern, and menccd as p'romlsed there should months. places owing to the people being m our dp. iioyi li one of the molt It n a 8p,ck and 8Pn bo loaded oars on the siding "There should also be a dock where the fish may be packed all ill. i-rrtdpnt oDticUns in Cinada wlia Con Vei,el ,00kpd "'0 bring to this city. merchants who purchase from the fishermen. All these an f iperleur or yart of practice to the ready lranPacinc now by lr. the United Stair a yradual of workmen. things are needed If the business or the port Is to be developed. the belt collf re In the world. GUV Oood "ortment of plpyi at New has been wcelved from The place with the facilities will get the business. "DEMERS" Quality Tti Quarantaad.Bt Satisfaction of the aeawi o of all the fishing business of llaiellon "If I were the general manager MAX HEI LBRONEft Powell, assayer al the Silver Standard the first thing I would do would be to provide these More Talks About Corsets. ! this port mine, from iniluenia. There arjb still a few J1 INVITE facilities becauee It would be good business. ladies who haven't seen or Ladyimlth WelllnQtc-n Coal refuel "If were the mayor and aldermanlo board I would get that heard about the 'Goddess'" iucos your bill and give dock as soon as possible, ir not at Cow Bay then at the next most Corset. Now the next time-you . klrta. m P"!11" !" "ir atlsfactlor.. phone 16 f. suitable spot. I should like to see the mayor and aldermen and are down town and Cos I On. other leading citizens make an excursion around the harbor and have a few minutes to let show kr.. . tlrll' Vf...l out suitable sites and make somewhat or a publicdemonstration spare us you. pick Front and hack lace; prices J in mS, r-w"na.w,lh,prlfM WANTED n dy f,oolt f"r or the event. from $1.75 to 110.00. FOR QUALITY logging ramp. Apply "If Prince Rupert Is to advance she must have facilities ror COME AND SEE 8ERVICE AND SATISFACTION M "0t, LTD. Williams iV Msnton w the fishermen." Food Board Licence No. 10.7340. t