f ..,. . Tim DAILY KEWB. qpahiqu p- r 7 TTl'cOLD STORAGE (? -r lyri Iri71 The While Lunch lias been re- NOTARY PUBLIC 1 jUVlJU tP&UjUUU Iflll llrrifl opened for business. Ladies' III lUL.III.il ... Lei's back our boys, lo Berlin We sell Heal Estate. Manager Johnson Announces That P h VSK N PAH AllS -by buying Victory Bonds. We write Fire and Marine Hit Firm Is Making Largo nnuLu 111 unnnun Insurance. Purchase of Bond. Mrs. Dr. McNeill returned lo Ihe city this hiorning from the south. We have Apartments, Stores, Manager T. H- Johnson of the Thousands of Cases Reported Houses, and Offices for With Many Deaths. W. P. Lynch returned lo the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage. Raincoats llenl. and Want More. city tliis morning from Yancou- Co. announced this morning that ver. We Deal in Mortgage Loans. his flrjn was purchasing 120,000 We sell Timber Limits. worth of Victory Loan Bands. THOSE WHO ARE HOST Investigate the . new Wallbam We do Conveyancing. This is the largest amount yet 3 jewelled watch adjusted to six taken by one Arm in this district SUSCEPTIBLE TO IT positions John Bulger,. Jeweller. and should be an example to others Ilec'enl express shipments have t,rou.hl H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. who are considering taking atork of ladies' raincoats up to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Collison were blocks. complete as h large of the most fashionable Blylcs and TRUIT-A-TIVES" Tfco Wonderful among the arrivals by the Prance The cold storage plant is one of fahn,-, or most !ipri6nrv Is iliifini. en r men II.. Fruit Medicine GWe Ue Power Rupert this morning from Vancouver. the big factors In the commercial j uuiiiiq uie jire-sffii To Retut Tlu Diee. INDIANS ARE NEARLY life of Prince Rupert and great A very special value, hell effect, pat h The epidemic of Spanish Influent, satisfaction Is expressed at their made in fawn only, .!b On Thursday evening a lady ad thoroughly proofed which played such havoc ia Europe, ALL NOW RECOVERED action in taking a big block of ftf has reached this continent. Thou-sands vertised in The News a piano for of cases of the stranpe malady sale She sold it on Friday morn slock. It also is an indication of Herringbone tweeds, roglau sleeve M, hare appeared and many deaths are the views of financial people who mailed and already reported; Surgeon-General ing. The moral is plain. Only Ten Patients Left In Salva. doubtless look on the stock as a stitched, belted Myle; a hi Blue of the United States I'ublic lion Army Citadel, All or Whom ment and thoroughly waterproof. n c investment. Health Service baring stated that Buy a bond as if you were get Are Women and Children. good "Spanish Influenza will prohablr ting a bargain. That is what Gray Donegal tweed a very altra Uxt spread all over the country in bond is Think of the "Q. E. FOSTER" RETURNS ... t5to just now. life. f.1 ! il...... 1 1 I .11 I six weeks". Continuous progress is being Hcv-iii nivcv-p, n nil uruuilU, Kill pOCkp Practically ship which rate per cent, if you must, but crery made by the patients at the Salva eiiecme for rain garment or shine. Continued From i'uge Ono.. prt, touches our shores from abroad, also think of the boys overseas t WUOQ. brings those infected with the lion Army Citadel. Six more were disease. and then buy half a dozen more discharged yesterday, being well soon ghe way, causing her to roil Gray twill serge, extra -well made x -S "the Sunreon-General individual take Blue all the orjes precautions that At the General Hospital five enough to go, home, leaving only the" more and ship other seas. only, hat slit pockets, belled at back, i ,g vi ri he cm against contracting patients have been discharged ten now under the care of the The man we picked up had on a tnoi scrvKcaniy ana "urcj8y" ooat. p- e (24.0Q. the disease by care and personal since yesterday, and during that nurses. Thee left are all women a lifebelt, which had evidently he bj-gieae".taken;the PJenty djet&boiud of exercise be regulated.should time only two -new cases brought and children. There was only one been fastened in a hurry, as it TJiclrelare other models beside, ihe ' etc in. There is every indication thai very serious case, that of Lucy was not done correctly, and his huvc ajl gizes in the ones described. i: sererely Spanish elderlj-TnHuenra affects and others most at the present rate the epidemic Simpson whu was stricken down clothes bore the appearance of coats arc guaranteed. whose powers persona of resistance are will be eradicated. two days ago, very suddenly. She having been hurriedly put on, as weakened by illness, work or worry, was housemaid for Mrs. McCaf if he had just tumbled out of hi especially those who are"run-down fery and her illness came on with bunk, before rushing on deck. or"not feeling to the mark." ESCAPED The really great up danger from the SOPHIA TO startling rapidity. She died this Ther is all probability that as the disease is not so much in the; disease morning. ship tilled, the air in her cabins pneumonia itself, as that it often develops into DIE IN HOSPITAL At Tuck's Inlet cannery, where blew the skylight off, which we H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. What everyone needs now is a there were many cases of inllu picked up. general tonic like Truit-a-tives". Steward of Fated Steamship Was enxa, one death occurred yesler The body was picked up about This wonderful fruit medicine is not Last Left of Those who day, when Joe Wesley died. The 22 miles N Js'E. of Cape St. James N. U. llaincoats for girls thoroughly a germ-killer. It is a bodr-builder; epidemic has affected the Indians and from Ihe direction of Uie wind a .strength-maker; a blood-purifier: Sailed From Vancouver. comes with lined hood. Price 55.75. a power in protecting against the apparently in a different form at anything fioating would be driven ravages of disc&se. the various reserves in this neigh. up the Straits in the direction of "Fruit-a-tires" regulates the borhood. At Port Essington. the Iionita Island. kidneys and bowels, causing these Having been put off the Prin organs to eliminate waste regularly mortality has been low, and the The Hecate Straits at this point cess bophia on her last fateful and naturally as nature intended. number of cases comparatively are about seventy or eighty miles "Fruit-a-ti ves"keeps the?kin voyage norjlh, during her call at active, and purifies and enriches the blood. this port, Joseph Woosnan, a few, while further; up the Skeena, wide and at the supposed position "Fruit-a-tires" tones up and -strengthens at Kilwangar, it has been severe. of the Galiano when lost, Phone 93 PO. Botlt steward of the vessel, was admitted the organs of digestion, There have been already 16 deaths there would be little traffic. The PRESENTS tf insuring food to the General Hospital here and assimilated.being properly digested in this town of totem poles, and deceased sailor was named Wilfrid Inl A' cu suffering with influenza. Later Everyone can take ordinarv nr. the disease seems to be of a viru A. Ebbs, lie was only a young cautions, aToid crowded places, and when the sad news came of the eni nature, un trie riaas river. fellow and came from Nelson. He Pacific U use "Fruit.a-tivcs" regularly to loss of the ship with all hands, for Soldiers Cartage, insure again, reports from Aiysnsh have joined the HJv'.VJl. some months sound digestion, to keep the this man was congratulating himself Doweisand kidneys regular and the it that il lias affected the Indians ago and his aunl is Mrs. Coombs whole system la the best possible upon bis escape, and surely there in a very mild form, while of 1884 Firth Avenue, WesL Vancouver. General Teamini e had reason lo rejoice. LUs at conaiuon. Then we are safe from from the at it is south, Kitkatla, Slorajt disease, tack of influenza, too, seemed to Fountain Pens ''Fruit-a-tives" is sold by dealers be passing off, and he seemed tol more severjj, and has caused 11 Ditty Bag. Furniture, Safe and"fa everywhere at SOc a box, 6 for ueaius mere to aate. witn very Hanging on to the skylight of Wrist Watches trial be getting on well. A day tw Moving Bajrv I size 20c or sent noAtruiri nn or of Bickness. the ship also the many cases was dilly bag Radiolite Wrist receipt of rriV hf Fruit-a-tives gor however, his condition got limited, Ottawa, Oat. Mellakatla reports have been belonging to another member of worse, and this morning he died Watches comparatively good, owing to the the crew named IL Musty, and He was a young man of 21 years stringent orders and their being containing a few articles of cloth Ciparette Cases of age and leaves a widow in Van strictly carried out, while the con ing. Cifjar Cutters Boms' GaM eouver where she .resides at 354 Tommu dition of Port Simpson remains If any of the ship's boats got 1. ft. STEPHENS Twenty-fourth Avenue, EasL His Match Safes be favorable. nway they would rapidly driven parents ana oiner relatives are Dr. Large, of that place, who north up the strait before the Military Rings and also located there. HOTARV PUBLIC lias been assisting here in Prince wind, but the fact that the five Leather Photograph It seems as if the whole ship; Ilupert, is returning to his own vessels have discovered no trace . Holders complement oi tne bopnia was Fishermen, Lnr and Bay Victory Bunds fated, for destruction, town this morning to reassure the of any of them makes matters IntilW Mr as tpclj nmnwn folks there, and it is probable that look like the total loss of the I1UY THEM Fftt'M Woosnan for Ltd wai the last left of those Accommodation Bd? a Borne With TOTOET tie will later proceed to Kitkatla crew. B3HDS who sailed on her from Vancou BULGER - Ihe Jeweler . lo render assistance. The Ilev. The whaling steamers discon You Can Bur ver ZMPRESS BUILDING anv of tho Folowllng Mr. Itushbrook is there meantime tinued the search yesterday when Correct and Dirndall LoU With VICTORY BONOS O. C Fithcr. Marartf doing all he can, as several of the the Foster returned here, having Lot Lot 2, Elk. 8, Ik.1 tl,000.00 THE DAILY NEWS helpers there are also stricken little hope of any survivors. 66, Blk. 12, 8c 2 600.00 Lot 16, Blk. B, 8c 7 200.00 Classified down. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson who Lot 16, Blk. 31, Sc 7 200.00 : AdvertiVng were on their way there, are still ZEPFEL 13 FEARFUL Lot 10, Blk. 48, Sc 7 200.00 here in Prince Ilupert. Mr. John Lot 16, Blk. 28, Stc S 300.00 Fhone 98 son was going to take up school The Hague, Nov. I, llefore tits LUMBER Hotel Hyder THEY ARE ALL CHOICE LOTS. Tla is the AdrertVof Co mo that teaching thenc, with Mrs. Johnson leparture from Ilruges a few days aio Throo Hoidm fop Sal at Vry people read vrhea lhjr want anything. as matron of the hospital. On ago the German Military Judge B.C Attract! Price. t brief i rctulU reaching Prince Ilupert, however. 2epfel, who presided at Fryatl's Agents for Portland Canal, Mr. Johnson was confined to bed Srial, declared: Prrr?rkW M. M. Stephens WANTED. with influenza and is not yet well. "The British will want my hoad Prince Rupert Lumber Co. M. K, JAMIESON I Taking all in all, however, the n payment of Fryatl's life, but ill and REAL ESTATE CHALTFEVR AMD TEAMSTER FINANCIAL -AGENT INSURANCE POST EXPRESS. WASTED u condition of the Indians is comparatively is Schroder alone who is responsible. Haatlnp's Saw Wills 623 Third ... good, and Ihe further I simply obeyed his ocderyt Ave, Phone .114 A"-h w 222 xjiacxsmjtn at once. spread of the epidemic has aiw? vhich insisted absolutely on the Now Open for BuiiM" 1 apply Akerberg, Thomson Co. parcnlly been checked. death penalty." COAL WASTED FurnUued or tmfarniined room Agents for vita On l-clai xamlly Immediately, ao- CARD OF THANKS Sickness and 17 a. a, newt omce U ONE SERIOUS CASE Nanalmo Wellington Coal WASTED--Woman Cook wanted. Apply Mrs. II. J. D. Bmllh desires to and For Sale! Inlander Botrdinr House. Yardmaster of Q. T. P. at Borden convey the thanks of herself and Yellowhead Coal Accident Insurance St. Emergency Hospital; Two family to her many friends and utaii.MA.t WASTS two rooms and vuaru ui jirmie nouns wiu phone, apply Patients Discharged. acquaintances for their kind ex Complete tine of of We represent the Dominion Kim., uui ioi uauj newi. pressions of sympathy received DUILDINQ MATERIALS Complete Outfit of Canada Guarantee Waaler for Rent Five or sir. iHirueri mreei uospilal is re during her recent bereavement. EXPRESS and Accident Co., roomed house furnished or un. joicing this morning that there P.ONY which writes a special Jural sued. Apply p. O. Box 407 hove been no deaths there since New laid eggs at Prince fluperl Albert uMcGalfery, Lid. PHONE 301, policy ooverinp; indemnity BOT WANTED yesterday. The condition of the Table Supply DOc. per doz. . tf SAVOrjl0TEL. ir patients continues to ba good. Two Wharf Offloe, Phone S4 MOTOR TRANSFER against allSickness WANTED -Wallreat. Hotel Prince Rupert were discharged yesterday, while tiff MIMIf If f l omce Second Arenue, fhone IIS and Accidents. OFFICE WORK this morning Ave more were r-- The annual cost is very WANTED overed sufficiently to be able lo N OTI OE low. Btenorraphy or reneral omce work wilted go home, and during that same onlee.capable . Apply boa 17 JVewa t(i period only other four cases have It Is Illegal lo spit on the STEEN & LONGWILi been received. There is only one sidewalk or in any public Announcement McCaffery, Gibbons FOR SALE place. This law will be serious case, which is that of ITIrrTn. heatino Eddie I BtrJctly enforced and o FOR BALE Bedroom 6et and Piano, Funk, the yardmashr of the any & Doyle, Ltd. Daiij' newi omce. Apply G. TV P., who has been NerlmiHlv breaches thereof prosecuted. To Tirs Puulic;- crfoiNEcns ick lor me last day or two, and CANARY FOR BALE flood Blnrer. I'rlre I nm openlnff an up-to-date Insurance . Real Estate this morning his condition THOMAS McCLYMONT, AaenU for m It, Uetween 1 and it iti Dunnniuir PAINT SHOP and solicit your mains serious. Blreet. FURNACES jj, MoCLAnY I patronage. Everything possible, however m Prince Rupert, B. C. R0W BOAT FOR BALE Apply Swanion'i I upecializoln Classy Slirns, is neing aone for him. nnri h im. PI.URTB1NO Boat Houie. til Auto Painting, etc. good chance for recovery. and FOR BALE Black Pomeranian fit.lt dot. Cards attractively Y OLDE COUNTRIE Holiday Display VV0K Apply 131 Third METAL Ave., West. tit SHEET Dr. Large returned to Port FISH done. AND CHIPS Aveo Pioneer Boarding House ! L08T Simpson today nfler lending his 717 Bccond Avenue, Phone 5. R?4 Peoond THIRD AVE.. - nilllnnDvivu.. ,t assistance in Prince Ilupert for Will be Call Black 507 Might tn - LOST Opal brooch between city hall and the open every day at mt Nice ela room, rood b-wrd. Hot and eo!4 uoupmi. rinaer pieaie phone nuek SBt past few weeks fighting- influenza. 11 a, m. Calhoun WIOT OOtll BUG.Up, TAKE SOME HOME. C. W. Th. rlflht work, rnoNE red m LOST Brown Oiler fur. neckDlee. ihor and at U'" T'L nir, nar Hotel Prince Rupert, node 92C Third Ave., Princo Rupert time, ploaie return to the Hotel Prince Ilupert Advertise in tho Dally News.