THE DAILY NEWS. Pag 2 MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Monday, Wednesdays and Saluda) Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. s at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editou. Trom the East. Sunday, Tuesday and Thura. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: thiys nl 6:45 P- City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 76c. Top Vancouver: By "Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year 5G.G0. Sundays " P- To United States and other countries, in advance, ?7.Ge. Tuesdays 5 P,n Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 93. Saturdays 7 nm- TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. m Sundays 10 P'- 10:30 a.m. .Vcdncsdays 1918. l HADE IN A 6alurdays 10:30 a.m. November 4. DAILY EDITION. v Monday, For.Anyox: II 'X-Yoniversai Wt .W.GI LLETT C0.LTDJ1 Suudoys -10 P-m- The Great-Ideal F Ez wimmipco TOftONTO.CANADA womratJU, jj 3 Vcdncsdays .. 10 p. in. I teal il r 12'7 TS BSb. I Of a Great Man. Saturdays 10 P- Abraham Lincoln ouce said: "Though I now sink out of view II -V cons; and shall be forgotten, I believe I have made some marks which From Anyox: aH W war as W" 1 will tell for the cause of civil liberty long after I am gone. Tuesdays It is a great ideal, to make some marks that will tell in any TO SUBSCRIBERS Thursdays undays pjn.l I I good cause. It is probably the most any person can do. .No man carries out anv (rreat reform alone. We often talk of a man Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson end Mass Rlvei I having brought about iome great change. His was perhaps the are asked to pay the delivery points: A Soldier's offering to bis final influence that accomplished iL Without the co-operation boys each month Sundays 10 p.m, I sweetheart Is naturally tbe is not of much value, when they call, except of others, however, the work of one man has been I w4 jm4M At(a tkli l I where payment From Port Simpson and Nsas awcciiiicai uai Kdve n m I such the of his time to an people The man who can influence made for the year in advance. River Points: I Bl ' I extent as to secure (heir co-operation in the accomplishment of The boys when auetdays a.m I most refreshment and great- I a great reform is the great man. collecting carry ofllciat re. cf pninumpnf uihpn nn rlirfu I ceipls which should always 1 H WW WBMWetr a af ww rai VII W U iJ I There are in the world two kinds of men, those who do Queen Charlotte Islands: things and those who criticise the ones who do things. The be preserved. For Massett, Port Clements and I former are the motive power and the latter are the breaks. Upper Island points: Breaks are useful if applied" at the right time, but to be the motive Vednesdays 0. p. m I The Flavour Lasts power is really to live. The greater the motive power the higher ATTENTION CITY VOTERS ?rom Masset, Port Clements ami I a and better the life. ' Upper Island points: VOTETIS. either male or female, There is no such thing as goodness apart from action. To be ridays, p. m. laiming to vote on road tax cer merely negative is to be nobody, neither of use to God or man iflcates or as licence holders must The man who simply abstains from evil is empty and useless, le declarations with me Ibis vor Skldegate, Queen Charlotte City.and Lower Island points: Unless he has in him something of the life of the Creator he nnnth. might as well not have lived. The whole of creation throbs with I will attend at the City Clerk's aturdays 8 p. in. From Skldegate. Qucvn Charlotte and power, with action, with movement, with growth, with ceaseless nice on Tuesday, Thursday 'riday of week between 8 City and Lower Island points urgings toward bettermenL Eliminate these urgings and you every have stagnation which breeds disease and death. nd 10 p.m. to facilitate the t a lens Tuesdays. Even death itself is better than stagnation for death is the of such declarations. FREDERICK PETERS, For Skagway-and the Yukon. of life. beginning a new City Clerk. Every ten days. Rule of One Man From Skagway and Yukon. Common as Ever. Advertise in the Daily News. Every ten days. There never was a time when the rule of strong men was MINERAL ACT needed as it is today. Socialists object to the use of the word 'government" and would use instead the word "administration." Certificate of Improvements. It matters little what word is used, it is always one man who governs if the government is progressive and effective. For many NOTICE years Lloyd George governed Great Britain. His was the in trre friction Mineral Claim. 1 1 tune Id fluence in the cabinet and in parliament which brought about the kcu Xllnlnr DlrUlon of Caula Keep up the - j great governmental changes. Her was the best man or' king of District.Wberc located: Jar U bd or Allc "T AM assured thd the country. Ann. JL people wUl rf Wilson is governing the United States today, but there have TAKE KOT1CE Uut I. Lewta W. rattnor. my often been presidents who did not govern. They were boosted rre Miner's Certificate No. JO10T-C at Food Supply orjf to every ccH for Jotra Walford strotnterk. Free into office by the force of circumstances but they had no great i Miner's rent Certificate .to. I4K4-C Intend. necessary to the success influence on the life of the people. lily days front tne dite hereof, to apfljr of our cause trilh Sir Richard McBride ruled British Columbia for many years. to tne Stlnlns Recorder for a CertUeate or Improvements, for tne purpoe of obtain and Help the same indomitable It was his great influence and hislikeableness that kepi his party lor a Crown, Grant of Um above claim. in power. Whatever we may think of some of the things he did, Abd Timber take nouce tbat action, ua ardour and devotion there is no doubt but that he was the man who held the reins. der seeUon SS mutt be commenced ber re uith that have filled me Some people thought it was the stern napoleonic countenance of the issue of toco CertUeate of Iropfi.te- his lieutenant that did it, but later events proved that the lieutenant meats.DATED UUs tSUt day of Aurut, A. D. Make Victory pride and gratitude was the disintegrating influence that gnawed into the govern 1911. Oil since the war began." mental vitals and finally sapped its lifeblood. Sir Riclfirdwas the ruler, and when another ruler takes his place as leader of the LAND REGISTRY ACT. His Majutt Kwo Gioim party there will be hope that it will be regenerated and once (SecUons St and tit. Sure more be fit to assume the reins of government A ruler is needed Re Application 3o. IT6I-I a. mi-l. in every organization, in Dominion government, provincial government TAKE .NOTICE tbat application baa been or city governmenL Even in family government there made to rerliter .Nathan Louis Laido and is always one prevailing inlluence. Dora Scbptnican as owners In fee under soldiers at be the two Tat Sale Deeds from the Collector or must fed; people tbe city or Prince Rupert, bearlnr date Diplomacy Takes OUR Precedence Over Fighting. the Htb day or November. 117. or ALL must be fed. And in spite of - A.1D Sl.NGL'LAR tbat certain parcet or Big battles longer big news. The things that interest tract or land and premises Miotic. I)Ids Germany's murderous campaign to and beinr In tbe Municipality or tne City the public now are diplomatic moves such as peace negotiations. f rrisee Rspert, more rr!!!lr!y ktrn On Saturday the big news of the day was the complete terms of and described as Lot eltren (ill. Block cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking tne armistice witn Turkey as published in this paper. Accounts twenty-fire , Section seven (7). and of the victories of the Allies were not only given smaller headlines Lot tslrteen (ID Block tnlrty-Bva (it), every ship on the High Seas an ample and Section elsbt (t,. Map J. Yoa ar re- but read with much less interest than were the terms which quired to contest tbe claim of tbe tax unfailing flow of food to England and Turkey was forced to accept purchaser within IS days rrom the date Battles may again become of first importance to the public, cf tto service of this notice (which may France must be maintained. le effected by publication In tbe Dally especially if there should be fighting on German soil. There is tows, and your attention Is called to section every probability, however, that Germany will surrender rather se of tbe. "Land Deglstry Act" with than have her country invaded. With Austria out, her people intendments, and to the followlnr ettract This is National Service will hardly stand for further there therefrom; fighting. Already are muller-ings and 'nd In default of a caveat or certificate Not to the Farmer internal ebullitions which indicate that before long the or Us pendens belnr Me4 berore too reals, onlyr iires or revolution are likely to burst forth, and that will be the tratlon as owner of the terson entitled un- end. tsr such tax sale, all persons so servrd But to YOU to everybody who nouce ana loose ciairoinc lorooan or uuaer inem. ana an Ders clalmlnr any Interest In tbe land bv virtue This appeal is directed cf any tinrertstered instrument, and all persons cuiuilor any Interest In the land by descent whom title is nc. retlstered under the provisions of this Act. shall be must unite as a Nation to SERVE u t;ardcn-naJ!or Ue. V for ever ettoppea and debarred rrom fH-Itnr WE PLANT the Cold UD anr claim to or In retnert of iha to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate tM Prepare for Und so sold for taxes, and the Kerlsirar shall retfsttr the person entitled under women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food surh tax sale as owner ct the land so via ror taxes. aged and the old all can help in the A.1D WHEREAS application bai been Nation's Army of Production. made ror a CerUficate or Indefeasible Till of towns can find no better Weather to the above-mentioned lands. In tin name WOMEN for thr of ffatban Louis I.iudo and Dora Scru-Io 1 VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet nian, reduce the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating vegetable A.tD WHEREAS on inrtstlrttinr tbe title 9 t appeirs that prior to the Uih day or the Food Supply for Overset. garden. We have received another fresh shipment of mober. It It (Um date on which tbe said Turnbull's Woollen Underwear for Ladies and were hods me were rrfisierea sold for owner overdue thereof.taxes), yon Be patriotic in act as Misses and FLrtTIIKfl TAKE NOTICE Ihtt II the For information on any subject rotating Infants. We have them in all styles, same time I shall effect retlilrstlon In to the Farm end Cardtn, writ: well as in thought. two pieces or combination. We' also have received pursuance of such application sul issue a leruncaie or indefeasible INFORMATION BUUUU Title to tbe another shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters. am lanas in tnA names ot Wuhan tUli Department of Agriculture We have them in the Undo and Dora Srbelnmtn unleni ou take Use available-Overlook pullover styles and coat in and prosecute the proper proreedins to OTTAWA every means the newest shades. establish your claim, ir any, in the said nothing. nai,.or 10 prevent such prspowd action mi parL DATED at the Land Aerturtr om JABOUR BROS. i rlnce Rupert, b.C this tfin day of Dominion Department of Agriculture H. F. MACLEOD. 825 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B. C. TO aobert Hlldrbraniit.District neslnrar r Titles, OTTAWA, CANADA. Michael Byrne, Butte, M' M, ' I HON. MARTI BURHMfcf , Minister. mncls Calve, Prince Bupen, d'.'c 1