vcmbcir 1918. run DAILY NEWS. Page 3 THE ABOLITION PRINCE GEORGE The tax sale for this distinct OF INHERITANCE is to take place November 25 and it wjll be the largest ever held hero if not the largest that has ever taken placo In British Columbia. Royal Standard Flour Argument That the Right of Pos- It is being advertised NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ON HARYEST LEAVE. ssion Should End With here now m the Citizen. Owner's Death. 110 YAL 8TANDAHD Attention is directed to a recent announcement U a war lour, PLOUH is in a Influenza patients are beintr published l, ilsclt. Ilicher in gluten, it is easier to handle; from tti Kew York "Sun." cared for at the temporary hospital tn the Press by the Military Service Branch, Department , The all.nervadin idea that the in the Millar School, which of Justice, reganling extensions to be granted to' men rising"; producing uniform results; and Jjifker with world is to EXEMPTED AS FARMERS. undergo a radical is In charge of Nur-se Sutherland. 7W "oven-spring." Hoyal Standard Flour will remedy change as a consequence of the Alderman Adams has It is pointed out that this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY charge of . lAtinfr Irsttlltlno m hi in 41... I. j fa great AFFECT MEN WHO HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY THE pan' ' u,u 'a,v'"c "n'6 c ucsi (lussiiiie war is leading to the renewal the culinary department and there REGISTRAR TO REPORT to Depot Battalions arid who use wun suusmuies. of many familiar DroJects is ample stall wiliincr work- an of e for for have thereafter received leave of absence from the Military reforming the social condition era looking after the patients. Authorities. uf mankind. One of these schemes Once a man has been ordered to report for duty by the Vancouver Milling & Grain is advocated in. a book entitled Captain Martin, who has re Registrar he leaves the jurisdiction of the Registrar and comes CO., LIMITED I he Abolition of Inheritance." turned recently from a tour under that of the Department of Militia and Defence, and is to by Harlan Kugene Head, an ardent through the United Slates with a be considered as a soldier. This applies to men of the 20 to 22 Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" enthusiast who attempts to war ttpphy exhibit, is visiting his Class who have been ordered to report by the Registrar in ! License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 demonstrate that the right of inheritance old friends, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. virtue of the cancellation of exemptions by Qrder-in-Council of Miller is not a right at all, but Wilson. the 20th April last, as well as to those ordered to report in the Package Cereal Licenses 20(0 to 2013 a wrong, and that "the bequeath usual way on refusal of claim for exemption, or on expiration ing or an estate to other than the The death occurred here during of exemption granted. man and woman who created it the week of Thomas Williams, All men, axrdingly. who have been ordered to report, and constitutes a denial of the inalienable conductor on the G. T. P. railway. are therefore SOLDIERS, and who have subsequently been rights of all other men The body is being sent east for granted harvest leave by the military authorities, MUST. and women to the property they interment ip charge of the trainmen's NOTWITHSTANDING THE NOTICE ABOVE RE create." union, FERRED TO, REPORT ON THE EXPIRATION OF S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Attribute of Property. m THAT LEAVE, unless they are notified to the contrary by Some people hardly Up to Monday 21 deaths had their Commanding Officer or by general notice published by seem to ap the Department of Militia and Defence. been reported here fi-om influenza. predate the fact that the richt of S.S. PRINCE GEORGE bequest, unlike inheritance, is one A number of others are very ill, DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. of the attributes of property it-seir, but the general condition is much SAILING and, as John Stuart Mill long improved. ago pointed out, the ownership for 8wnwn The Fraser river boat B.X. has iilMlWT SUNDAY and THURSDAY Bay, or a thing cannot be looked upon I ... r.n. Vancouver. Vlcorla and Seattle. as complete without the power of been hauled out and will be laid ffCICHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granny Say. up until spring. bestowing it upon someone else at pleasure, during the life or at the On the opening day here the Things Look Brighter and PRINCE ALBERT, PRINCE JOHX S. 8. death of the owner. Victory Loan Committee got busy iiurottlno Weekly to Quaen CharlotU lalanda. So far, therefore, as theorists in spite of the epidemic and se like Mij. Head attack the right of cured (5,000 towards the quota TRAIN SERVICE bequest, they attack the right of of 175,000 required of this 'dis f uifnxiDir ladSATURDAV it II JO un for Smitten property, without condemning it trict. "Mirro" Aluminium Ware I Man Georr. ElaBloo And Wlonlprr. BUnr dirwi coenecttow for U in express terms. pole II rail uxi wniia. This author's main argument, Word has been received here of fvlixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans however, is directed against in the death from pneumonia of John For luformallon and reservations apply to heritances that is to say. the P. Murphy, of 141 Mile House, on Combination Kettle and Double Boiler o. r JOHNSTON. City Passenger and Ticket Agent. devolution of lands and personal the Cariboo Hoad. Frypans City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 pr-'perty by operation of law upon certain prescribed relatives when "Yours not to reason why, "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping the owner dies without having Yours but to go and buy himself disposed of such properly "Victory Bonds. by will. Not a Right. throughout the book would demand Call and see the latest shipment at In the first place, it is declared its immediate extirpation CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY that inheritance is not a right at from the body of our substantive FRED STORK'S HARDWARE law. Not however. Although all, but only a privilege, and the so. second proposition is that, even it is a moral wrong, if this author Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points when considered only as a privilege, is right, he proposed to tolerate SECOND AVENUE via Steamer to Vancouver and the it is morally wrong. "Look it to a limited extent, lie would Canadian Pacific Railway at it from whatever, angle you not change our present system of will." Mr. Head says, "hereditary inheritance at all so far as wives Meals and Berth included on Steamer succession to the power of money and widows are concerned; and is more than an absurdity. It is as for the nest: " a crime against all porterilj'."- He "Inheritance should be era n ted FOR BANK 0FM0NTREAL VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE In privileged heirs up to a reason f concludes, therefore, that it is able sum for each non, daughter rtmcui sofmia um from Wort Horrt Upirmhtr Ilia, tlrd tod impossible to support our system or direct neir. .Mt tin, uta tod tit. of inheritance in the name of either reason or justice. roi irrcMiUN, ancau, wranoell. iaaqway, Alaska OIL In the course of a sparkling de k rtmccti sofhia mui tttm Pntx norrt spimbr t. ittfc d bate in the United States Senate Bank of Montreal announces that dating lt; "JtoUr I lib, till tad Sill. the other day on woman suffrage. the pipspecls of a THE Saturday, October 12th, the offices of Senator Drandegree of Connect! commercial oil field the Bank of British North America will be cut was stirred up by the asser near Vancouver operated as Branches of the Bank of MontreaL W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. tlon of a colleague that there was ' a moral right on the part of every To the customers of that Bank we extend a Co r Fourth Strret rod Third Prince Rop.rt. B.C. At.nuo. human being, who was of age, to cordial invitation to continue thejr accounts with have a voice in the Government us and an assurance that their business, whether it by which his oi; her life and liber be large or small, will receive our best care and lies were controlled. "This question attention. of moral rights is beyond 'ird Lipell, President Harry Lipsett, Manager me." said Mr. Drandegee. "Anybody, FREDERICK WlLIiAMSTAYLOR, Kdward Cunningham, Vice-President can evolve out of his inner General Manag. consciousness what he says is a eaeein pihi moral right and maintain it, and Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. there is no way of disputing or Send for copy of arguing about it." An alleged above book. FreS to moral wrong, save in the few cases any address on request LI MITED, -- as to which all men are agreed, to fHINQ & like those denounced-by the Ten CANNERY MARINE HARDWARE EQUIPMENT Commandments, falls within the S. W. MILLER & CO. lUamshlp Supplies, Qas Engines and Accessories same category. Stock and Bond Brokers PlPU Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Crime Against Posterity. Vancouver Block, Vancouver. Class WING As we have seen, Mr. Head declares Members Vancouver Stock IllUli prince nupErrr, b. c. our system of inheritance Exchange. kriitrred Oftlce: to be a crime against posterity. OiTJce- Prince Rupert dV One would naturally suppose that M Wter No. 95 street, Telephone a person entertaining this view The News Print is to do the Daily Shop equipped ncouver. II. C. P. O. Box 1698 which Is forcibly expressed in dif FIRI ALARM SYSTEM. ferent forms again and again finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable CIRCUIT NO. 1. Bet 12 la 8L And Srd Are. prices. No job is too small to receive careful Boi is lib SL And Srd Are. TAX SALE Sot 1 Itfl SL And Srd Arc. attention and none too big for the shop to handle. Boi 15 Junction of lit, tnd And ird Arc a. or IS III Are., trtwrrn tn And tui Su. (Knoi Hotel), ot 17 III Are. nd 7 in St .Cm- Telegraph Creek Assessment District tril Hotel). ULMIXIiSS AMI fKCIAL CAIIDS CIRCUIT NO. a. NOTK MUADS .VXD EXVELOI'ES Boi 22 Ird Are ind Srd SL (Pot IHSI'IiAV l'OSTKItS AND DOIKJEUS EP?W &. A1 ""'W "if "Ui r,ZS8iV'J.lti& ui 2nd niil property uu.t. in itae Tel.- Sat omce).23 Srd Are. n1 MeBrlde 8t. .V" Aii.;:;r: "V-j.V"" '..'. "i.rr.'..".::... biauent tiiei id irmri rrmuninr unj. a. Boi 24 lit Ave. And MeBrlde St. IIOOKLKTS AXD FOLDERS 1U mci nrmniiirr ri qui. iut in iiri of rich wrcel be nol looarr lHd. mirrfii, to,,, Jn(J Mrnu,Jfr ,he toUi tmounli rpuvrly duo Soi 2S tnd Are. And tnd SL oi 26 tnd Ave. And em su CIHCUIiAllS AND POSTAL NOTICES So 27 O. T. P. I'ltATEK.YAIi SOC1ETV WORK CIRCUIT NO. a. ASCD OWNER DESCRIPTION Of l-ROrtRTY Boi 31 Ith Ave. And Fu'too 8L RECEIPT ROOKS AND CHECK 3S 3 Bon 82 Borden And Tirlor St a. 35 e P4 S71h Ave. And rulton SL Boi 38 till Ave. And Comnx Ave. Boi 37 8th Ave, And Dodre PUce Rttlw Dl.trtet. wnfa Boi a 6 in Ave. And Tcompion 8L r Co. Lou io... on. l. C.jAr,V' iV. brint CIRCUIT NO. 4. The Daily News Print Shop Boi 41 Ith Ave. ind Emmereton Ulrnori. too uwo cooum --- fOl.TI in.u MO.TI Ifd.tS PUce. nipro or iris Boi 42 Sin Ave. And MeBrlde SL Third Ave.,Prince Rupert Bii 43 ttb Ave, And Green St. J. 1 BSB Bm 44 eta Ave. tnd Bull SL lJ0Tice '.k V Su' bul 001 ,n no .nrluded In te t'l from tar iourrt f Ihe InirrrM of ny pr- Boi 45 7 in Ave. tnd Eberti. wir Boi 141 71b Are. tnd Younj SL Mail Ordsrs receive careful & attention t4TlD , V.i 0VB ,tn, n nuy"lie entiiied lo the Iwntni of tn prompt "nriph crm, B.C., thli till diy of Srplrmbrr. lH H yy, DODD, W U TtSnr tor AMM.or md Collrciw