PAtT MASON'S JDEA OF SUFFERING . ...rlltrn nil fibs? .i.iml 01 " Ar men and darne. rSTlueh fat upon their, .... nrtiin their Tfr silks nnd feather- and wear Hue lid ,J dome-, and talk ofl-ow! PiSf of wMlU howling by . Mimjic 4 ..h 11 I" tu" . . " 1.- I jv - .t .11 ttm iiiarmn. u i wiu : . . l urilHflluu " l UJC - . I 1 .... slowed away i i, .l iKimn nf nnd .Hii down, "- i. .mne irraiu nic, Ul - . .I. ... -cro ..i ii &auuy i" . .... I 111 A tea " " IJ"W ,' ....! Hormnn fur. air niiu -- w ue. :. w ,h,w nix JUH tv" !nl, tboujb we hadn't any foe ..v. in i-very uranu ui tun ! . . : i i- .r - MB Ifl (Til .,fllntr LS U - n U'llholtn- .. .fll Willi 1U1IBO Can ada CAN and WILL . J MlllnT V II LA 1 V i .nr irpii ujuvm - giiU...v- J. ll ...ll II... ttCfjJCf DO aouuw uuni wt - ... Jau-nui and al. peace...m Invnl acntll ON July 31, 1918, Canadians had on deposit .u i no cliance to uuy a in banks more than a billion five hundred million dollars that was Vc Town Crier J li li. Y.r 2018 1 $160,000,000 more than was. on deposit on . the same date in 1917. t . And, in the meantime, Canadians had invested $425,- - utfa at it u rfow. 000,000 in the Victory Loan 1917. Besides that they had -bought$60,000,000 : tlwiyi bad worth of provincial and municipal bonds. .1' So the people of Canada during the past year have , . ' i accumulated $485,000,000 in bonds and over $160,000,-000 in cash more thrfn they had on July 31, 1917. That represents concrete accumulated wealth. j, uriiirr il uci civiitm Canada is to-day the richest country in the world, per capita. ' Her war debt per capita is lower than that of any other George do II, ' ' ' fighting nation. T Idge would tar; J 't (tnnrnv th ntrf So Canada undoubtedly has the ability to over- : the Loan 1918. ueri .J benefit subscribe Victory And Canada must manfully and loyally support the Victory Loan 1918, because the national safety, the national . - WW C w w honor and the prosperity of the country are at stake. rr nrrf Canada's business prosperity is necessary to the maintenance of Canada's war efficiency. Got lotten Get ready to oversubscribe the Victory Loan. - s Ti fool uik f - About Lrt Ik UDprovemenU, ! ONDS BUY VICTORY tome OLhrr n p the fool wealher'a talk bot.r and hel p to ge t tli ers to buy- i,uolhIng but....bunk, then buy some more yourself " village u like (1.1 ... - . . "iu wooden houses, IWJ by Canada Victory Loan Committae "wy in cu-oprralian with tirt Kiinlw; ei Fiaat Meding paint, ti tl Donunion of Canada luinlillntr down 41 iDd still talk '""Proving the town Bul never take action. 'about 1S.000 feet from Cascade Creek. MINERAL ACT. Ichikan iand iieoisthy act up any eUUn o or la mpeti of the land bU ItdIs notice waa posted on the rround on u a city for Uiea. and ihe nntrr the aixtb day or Aurust. lilt. A copy or fSfCtlon II t3 114.1 I r?tl.Vr Uie peraon entitled under auen CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. And 0. I this nouce and an application pursuant Nlka HI u a KOod town. fit Aipllcason Ko. tOML HIM," i (hereto wtll be filed In the offlee of the - "- -' " NOTICK ,hil TAKE tiia been Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, a. v. Poor old nupert iiuda to rriur Brtnwa u. AMD WHEREAS applltatlon of Indefeasible Title Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, altuate Objections to the application may be filed nor i. movrv v. n - . uiada for a Certincat In the Skeena Mlnlnr Division or Casslar ltlb the aald Water Recorder or with the tumbling down.' nrr in fe Ti DufJ? o" ll't above-menuonea ioa, w DUtrlct. Where located: At the bead or i iiwptroller or Water Rlrhta, Victoria. B. L. Noore. and Roy SALE X 1463. Moore 0. TIMBER Ui coiirrior 01 u wu - ; f Brenton InreaUratlnf Ui Alice Arm In the Skceca Mlnlnr Division. ' i:- within thirty dcye after the first P- IY h... iha tlih ily -J oTnbrr. AD WIIEHEAS on take .notice that I. J. E. Stark, owner firit or thU notice. Tb date of LIVES SAVED .. . tli.I nrlnp lo the Ittb diy pearanee 1117, Or AUl. A.TU o..-ww -- - whlcb the Sealed tender will be received by th of the above claim. Tree Miner' Certlncate publication or this notice la Aurust tJtb. Jaod M Pre "- of October, ll ( date on iiii.i.. .r ml. nnt lit.p than nnnn on from tne , '"ouiand parr.1 or trie! of . .. H..M .Ai4 tnr nverdue tatel). niw.iri v. " r ,o,ii f . No, Hill, intend, sixty days tots. of !.. f,.,iiu. aaia iiiiu. v. - - -- date bereor, to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder R. K. NE1LL. Applicant. UlVa v v a iuiiiiiv .. .uim4 owner tbereor. Ucenae X14SJ. to cut 1.SQ0.00 th' Prt h. jpurcbaae of City of Prtnc. nupert. mora ; tft a Certlncate or Improvements, NOTICE that at the 1 ri ot eiirurc, mmi w " decrtted ai ' FUHTHER TAKE River tir the purpose or obtalnlnr a Crown OF BRITISH urlr known o art'4 adjoinina- Lot tot, liUnaquit l.X THE SUPREME COURT . . ... -auanro b,u in;ur!nK Flu Epldemlo nio (.am f a nrLUUH aawe iimelanaii eiieci rtair"u" iRanfe S. Coail DUtrlct. Oraot or the above claim. COLUMBIA. ,11), .i "i, you.. or uch appllfitlon and luue a t Two it) yeara win be allowed for re Ami further take notice that action, un- IN THE MATTER OF CHRISTIE GIBSON ciiy oi in"" ,i it;, . f (he Certincale or inderraalble Title to the aald moral ui iwwcr. err aectlon SS, must be commeuced be DECEASED; lax purcnticr """ miy ilia rnrefld tartlri runner particular oi ino i-uiei fvrr. u Jl'UT before o?U. ..rrle. of. ttU . i?. . IIDO. IU M.. the proper lctorla. D. C, or DUtrlct roreater. Vrlne fore the Issuance or sucn certiorate or THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA meali. unleia you tike and rroiecute nupert. B. C Oct- 3 Improvements. T10N ACT." .... in aurtloil It or ID -tn" iiroreedinra to eatablla.. your clalin, It any, Dated this Mb day or July, a. u, iii. TAKE NOTICE that In order or 111 Hono Pr,ce to the aald lindi, or la prevent eueh pro- TIMBER SALE X1C62. F. McB. Younr. made the Sib day or May ln '.i ho was In euraci ibere from- K)e! acnon on iiij I'.n. Eealed tendera will be received by tb WATER NOTICE ttlT. 1 was appointed AdinlsUtralor lo in ite roliowmr pated at the Land Reitrr Ome . Prlne 'muter of Land not later than noon o estate or tbe said CbrUtle Oibson. deceased ii in offiuii r '". C, thl tb day of September. tliu tltb day or October, (tie. for tb and all parties bavlnr cUlms aralnst tb ""Ml Ca8e8 ' ln" Funert. B. urcbase or Llceme XMtaf to cut 70.00 tivc NOTICE that R. IT. Nelll. whose .li p. tu..h.tortiilp.i1 tn furrils at M.n L A . .. ret tprure. Cedar and Hemlock on a address la Stewart, B. C. will apply for tame,..properly. . .verified, ine .on .M'len dav i.-j .. . dr Tueli t. Ml, an Vg 1 II. r. NAULLVU. rea near Lot 04, LbniQUlt River, Rant lore me sisi oar oi uciourr, a. u. I.. aiiu u.v kicu iwi'iv ii licence 10 r u no 000 District Rritrar of Tltlea. . coaat DUtrlct. and all parties Indebted to tb esute ar "er( c: v 0. Uurte, One (t) year will be allowed for re of water per second out or the North Fork required to pay the amount or their In nt To waller oval or timber. or cascade Creek, which flows southerly dtbieJosss to me forthwith. Jtndall were doing wel! Robert William, Further particular or the Chief Forester and drain into saimon ivvtr. Tne water J, H.McMUJ.UN. Wiinam Jonea, Wrtorla. B. C. or DIMrlrl Forester. P'lnc wtll be diverted front the stream at a point j CtDtial Adminlatrator. Mv'r In LJrnl ?"'. fiuArti b! rrtnee Rupert, 0, C Rupert, B, C, Oct, l th, Dally Newa.