TUB DAILY NEWS Page 6 M'.miay ember lt)J MKMHt WHISKY SEIZED BY CONSTABLE MEN FROM CAMPS G. H. Arnold x Continued I roiii Page One. j Local News Notes j DIE AT HOSPITAL bearing the label showing Good assortment class, ojjlpes PUBLIO From NOTARY One Was Austrian Buckley the contents of the bottle to have Gil's. Bay and Another a Haze I ton been Hedmond's Dublin Irish The While Lunch has been re Miner. We sell Real Estate. whiskey. opened for.business... We write Fire and Marine The accused, who gave the m m m Tbero were three deaths at Hie Insurance. New laid eggs at Prince ftupert name of Marcus Deeriug, was a (ieiieral Uosoilal since Saturday. Table Supply 00c. dot. tf We have Apartments, Stones, train attendant, and was fined IIJ" per resulting from the influenza epi Houses, and Offices for morning (50 and costs, beine The Rev. Bishop Hunoz went demic. YVui. batniuon, of llaxel- Rent, and Want More. charged with a breach ofjhe Pro south last evening for Ocean ton, who came down from Stewart a few davs aso. was admitted on We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Falls. hibition Act. October at and died on Saturday We sell Timber Limits'. After gathering in his prispner, T. Wallis, agent for Malkln Co. He was a miner and aged 45. We do Conveyancing. Constable Adams resumed bis in of Vancouver, sailed for Vancouver Peter Lvsvk. a riRKlnK man terrupted patrol, and when the last evening. from Buckley Bay camp No. 7. was HELQERSON, LTD. Chelobsin discharging her brought over on September zo H. Q. was Mrs. Jaci llildich left the Gen-eral with a fractured right arm, and passengers, bis preternatural iti- Hospital today, having recovered became infected with influenza, linct again gave hiui warning. from iniluenta. - He was born in Austria, is aged mt lie approached another gentle ... j 27 and has a brother. Alexander . H ; "Washington" man leaving the steamer and "Doc" Orme is around again, Lysyk, in Edmonton. He died ot mi ft ft STEPHENS inquired as to the contents of his after having been confined to his Saturday. . B rr grip. home for two weeks with influenza. T!ae third death recondod is that LHsJ ricrcs thetUIV .Nothing," was the answer . of Arnie Uaunesson, an Icelander,! NOTARY PUBLIC iiaaaaaaaaai n laanK luui r -i r l. ibi:i again. who gave his address as Prince Jim Hunter discharged "I don't need to look into that was ftupert. He was a fisherman aged bIbIbIbB II IBS -Ootm I , -1 lM Buy Victory Bonds Krin." remarked the constable, as from recovered the hospital sufficiently yesterday, from having 46. He was admitted on Saturday he mentally figured up its weight. pneumonia and influenza. aud died yesterday. Bog a Ml Wit. r.CTCET 6SKDS ' Come along with me." . There are still oue or lo serious lie conducted this second Ken at the General Hospital, A recent order of the Food cases You Can Buy Any of Mi Following Ueman to the police office, where Board makes although the number of it illegal for a grocer new t LoU W!Ul VICTORY BONDS an examination of the valise disclosed to stock up flour beyond a cases being admitted continues to Lot 2, Bit. 8. Sc 1 91,000.00 it to contain several bottles be much thsu the 1 lBBtt lowtrj Lot 66, Blk. 12, SM. 2 600-00 supply sufficient to last sixty days. very number of "Glenleith" Scotch. Sanderson's Lot 16, Blk. B, tc 7 200.00 of patients discharged daily bbbbbbbVbI 'X '' Lot 16, Bllu 31, C 7 200.00 In the grip as well was a bunch Mr. and Mrs. Spragg, of Inter, Lot 10. Blk. 49, Sc 7 200.00 of labels am) caDsules ournortin? ness Cannery. napj1 thronch In I Lot 16. Blk. 29, StC S SOO-00 to be for .MacDonald & Muir's Old city yesterday on the way to their DIES AT HAZELTON TMEY ARC ALL CM O ICC LOTS. Valted Scotch. This moraine this home in Victoria for the winter. Aloe Thro Horn for Sal at Vory man. Pat Kilmartin. was charred . John Muir, Telegraph Operator, Attract! Prlto. with a breach of the Prohibition Fire Chief McDonald is out to Has to Be Taken From Train Act and was fined 1100 and costs. day again after being seriously M. M. Extra Label. ill with influenza. Mrs. McDonald When on Way to This Stephens It was assumed that the extra has been very sick, too, and is City. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE labels were for the nurnose of now- keeping a little better. BRYANTC9MPANY LTD.l FINANCIAL AOENT Joliu Muir. operator the labelling many other bottles with an on 623 Third Ave. Phono 222 the diluted contents of the bottles The New England Fisheries Dominion Government leieKrach seized, thus libellinc the cood have intimated to his worship the line, died at New Hazelton yesterday. name of .MacDonald & Muir. mayor (hat they will subscribe He was being btuuglil 1 The accused intimated that lm through Prince Runert the sum through ou the train to Prince' Sickness and I did not own the whisky, but was or f ion the victory Loan. Rupert, but became so ill that it! bringing it for someone else. was decided to put him off at New In the absence of Magistrate maniey Aiassie. a steward on Hazelton. Accident Insurance Carss. Stipendiary Magistrate lie the Prince Rupert, was taken from The late Mr. Muir was well Phon 37 P.O. Et ;n Mullin was on the bench. me steamer on ner arrival in norl known up the valley where he has We represent the Dominion last evenintr. and sent to the Dor lived for many years. of Canada Guarantee FLU AND DOCTORS den Slrjeet Hospital suffering with I For Comfort, Courtesy and Service and Accident Co., influenza. which writes a special Eminent Physicians nrescribe Herb. S. Woods, of the G.T. 1 LOCAL EW8 ITCtMS ! THE SAVOY HOTEL policy ooverine indemnity KENNEDY'S TOXIC POUT because was admitted to the General Hon. against airsickness it is a powerful tonic and builder pital on Saturday, and Mrs. Woods U. McCall. general suueiinlend- j r. T. rowhKis. and Accidents. oi oooy-ussue. u is a reliable and Mrs. Woods. Sr followed him enl of the O. T. 1, went east tins Fifth and Fratcr SL, Prince RupuL B.C The annual cost is restorative and the first dose you yesterday, all suffering from an morning. L very take you immediately feel and attack of influenza. low. appreciate the fact that it is do- ... Geo. MoffaL who has been in Horn CKInr Runninc I CMlm X you Igood. Mr. anH Mrs lltuimnnA II Tihn charge of the diamond drilling McCaffery, Gibbons SOn and b&br. who tvprn nn their operations lor the1 Granny Com way to take charce of the Indian pany on the Ecslall river durimr school at Kitkatla, were admitted the last few & Ltd. YE OLOE COUNTRIE months, sailed last Phone 93 "O.UJ Doyle, to the Geneial Uosoital on Sun evening for Vancouver. H OTI CE FISH AND CHIPS day suffering from influenza. ... -" Iasoraace - Real Estate 717 Second Avenue. Mark Williams, who has boon It is illegal to spit on the 3rd Arc l L D. J. Williams, superintendent sidewalk or in any public his Visiting brother W. R. Wil Prince Rupert,R. C. Will be open every day at o? the Rocber de Boule mine, arrived liams, left this roorninir for EA. nlacff. Thia lav uilf ii Parific Cartage, 111 11 a. m. in the city yesterday by the uionlon on his way to Saskatoon. strictly enforced and any rillamook from Ketchikan where lirrsrhAE ihoronf nmit. During his stay here Mr. Williams TAKE SOME HOME. Mrs. Williams is staving with her has been lending assistance at the culed. General Tei ainr people. Jar. Williams later left uorden street Hospital. THOMAS McCLYMQNT. Storare for Vancouver by the Prince Ru Furniture, Safe and Puns LUMBER pert. Nurse Laura Crawford went Movinr. Brrt THE DAILY NEWS 0 north to Anroz on the last ir!n uf Eight uatients have been dia. the Prince Rupert and on the way- Agents for Classified : Advertis'ng cnarged irora the Borjden Street she received a wireless mesaace Announcement Hospital since Saturday, and telling ber that hen brother. Wal Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Phone 98 three new cases admitted since lace Crawford, was dead. She Burns Cfcl tad then. At the same rate, the hospital look back the body to Vancouver. Tomrnu Haatlng's Saw Mills ThU U tl Adrtilc- Cait tun tk&t will soon be empty. There ... TO THE PUBLC: j Pf! read l4 are this tnorninx nearly thirty they want afythicx. The trawler Carruthers arrived I am opening an up-to-date , I to 2 Srtrtijltm It bring i re&ull patients still there. Cpes back In port this morning with rAiis i tsiiUF and olit your j COAL iz.uuu lbs. flat Hah. She had been WANTED. W. C. C Orchard, agent for the patronage. n.htrmn, Lort" n,, B""" out since Agents for U.P. ft left on this morning's Wednesday, and had the I specialize in Classy Signs, nmn pclflr'n,,, Laborers Wanted Apply by letter train for gaio to lace most of the time. Auto L Nanatmo Wellington Coal Edmonton, wbeno bis Four Painting, etc Accommodation for w niwurasaium umber CoLd members of her wife, son and daughter ill ad are Itemo, 11. C. 2CZ with influenza. brought back sick with iniluenta. Holiday Display Cards attractively Dt'linlNG -nnpce Yellowhead Coal Word came last done. WS.-XTCD SCCMUl-LlIMl kiln Mtrhltw. week telling that his I son Fred Fithrr Mntf Alto Krcccul hind Typewriter. Apply box Orchard was down, and im In a party of men expected to O. C. Complete line of mediately Mrs. and Miss Orchard arrive in Vancouver last night Call Black 507 BUILDING MATERIALS was F. Salter of this cilv who CUACrfXCR ASD TEAMSTER wasted ten to late care of him. and now C. W. Calhoun rtl.1T EXPRESS. went with the tf overseas 102nd. He they in their turn have been taken Ul. was a prominent member of ( 925 Third Ave.. Prince Kupert V ANTED Blacksmith Albert 5 McCarfery.fLtd. at once. Hons of England in thia city and apply Akerberg, Thomson Co Hotel Kyder was well known Itv itAa k- ..... I wwf oti, nwi 4 Eddie Funk, yardmaster of the KAXTSD rsisUUJ vf uuTumubed rooco rs 'r. t ...i i . 1 4 carpenter. OtU l. ,, 11 v.. j M nuu uii uppn in itip wiu Brst-cU fuollr B.C. tmmwUileljr. Ap- Canal, Portland Borden Street HnnnliAl uith tn j a. o, urace. ' "" 1 Robert Edwards, lumberman nuenza is znucli better this morn- a PRESENTS rVoprfW wild W'ookfta" Cook wasted. Apply ingr, and has now every chance of died at the Borden Street Hospital M. IL JAMIE.S0N awuc. yesterday morning. This Is the recovery. At one time hia con Get your parcel of Cl WAXTS TWO ROOMS Ap dition was very low. and his lif only death there since Saturday. for Soldiers CUt,.y to tht famovT fa He was a yournr man. asrwd 37. nnd Tobacco for the wwa ivi i,NUJ rmi. was despaired of. Thanks, however, Wanter for to the efficient nursing and belonged originally to Toronto. Now Open for Buiine' Rent Five or six-roomed ue came to the hoanltal from good constitution, he ouirht to house Soldier Boys furnished or un. Simon Bound. get belter quickly. Fountain Pons lunmbed. Apply p. o. Box 107 BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBB KOr WANTED SAVQT HOTEL, Gordon UalketL suDerintondni Wrist Watches MADE UP AT THE WASTfP Wtllm, Hotel Pflnf Koixfi of lighthouses for British Co! Cleaning, Prcss'm JvadloSito Wrist STEEN&LONGWU bla under the Department of Marine, Watches Prince Rupert TOR SALE was in the city last evening, and Repairing Cltfitrutto Cases HEATINO having arrived from th .. rtR SALE Radrwim hti xtxl Mum. Aft4r SANITAR. -"0 where he spent a month holiday OIkm Cultora eiroiNEEns Cigar Store & CAXARV fOR f ALE CvMxl Slc,rr. Prk visiting friends and relative LADIES AND CENTS Match iSafoH f . mimi It tcwl Toronto. Niagara Falls and thr and for f 44 Puiuiuulr aaaMaaaaha MilHaiy An.ntl Billiard Parlor places. He was particularly pleased with the Jack Dunbar LeftlJiw'VhotOttinpli wcCLAnr niwwncE TH I R DA VEN LE ROW BOAT TOR SALE Apply CwaokWh u.va h V ,1, IL. - . -. ...L, iuivuiu uir mounuint mH Best Billiard Hall in fspeeially along the Bulkl.-y Val. PLUMBING FOR SALE CUck Fvaxrtalu fpiu of. ley. This is the first lime he has and Town. JWIII TOM At., VeL til come this way aud he think. h. II lliu Jowelor SHEET METAL WOnKS LOST scenery the finest he has yet seen. Phono 8, 834 8ernnd Aveuu'-Night Great variety of Tobacco. ue w aceotnpanied by Mrs. Hal-kett Pioneer Boarding HoiliO LOST Opt) fereocfc ttn city hUl ltd 7I H.iv.u' P""aJllue Cigar and Cigarettes, and son. Mr. . ""y- "or fiiw roo Ruck 1(5 Pipes and Pouches. frequent vsitr to Prini. n.i.a i i The right work, at th rW coming here at regular ,h..i. . . ha r oht P"9 r14 mtvixw ue Hawn friar Rrrt on trips of peetion j The Daily News