The r Good GEO.J.FBIZZELL Meats Tor Daily Ngws Particular People ... oo mn vim i Pkcnes, 10 and 25 I'HINCli Ill'PEIlT. B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918. 111 ERMS SENT TO GE ANY MISTICE SIGNED BY ALLIES AND FORWARDED TO THE HUNS MISTIC E IS NOW IN HANDS TWO BODIES GALIANO FROM.PICKED UP AUSTRIAN MUNITIONS WILL OF GERMANS READY FOR THEIR Taken to Swa.nson Bay and Will BE USED AGAINST GERMANY Be Sent South on First Steamer. IF KAISER CONTINUES WAR ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION Two more bodies from tbe . i. ii. . wrecked Admiralty Patrol steam FINAL DISPOSITION OF 'TERRITORY LEFT FOR PEACE er, Galiano have been picked up TABLE EXECUTION OF 4 ARMISTICE GUARANTEED . it. i r r r m and .taken lo Swanson No . . ... . Bay. ii a n 1 1 j i i - i. .t.. Mnrmnnv Tnn:ii miiicu iuwi'i.s liver reace ieni: BY THOROUGH BEATING JUST details, are available. One of the Will Be Much Like lhose Accepted by Austria aad steamers pick them going up south and take will tbem call BEFORE SURRENDER (Special to The Kew via 0. T. P. TelegTapm.) to Vancouver. and Turkey. NO further word has been re- Washington. November 5. Austria-Hungary passed out of ceiviid in regard to the steamer. the world war yesterday under terms of abject surrender. ;tlci to Ti cw U O.T.P. TtUrrxrtu.) BORDEN ST. HOSPITAL She is probably broken up and Not only have the armed forces or the Empire laid down their iu ,Vi.. r The terms under which Germany her wreckage will be drifting on arms to await the end of the war and a dictated peace, but immnHtnm armlttlce and the end of the war, were SOON TO BE CLOSED Ihe beaches and will likely be reported Austro-Hungarlan territory is open for operations against Germany. fryjin lime to time. m i m 1 1 ji i armies of leled yeiterday and signed in rans on bwu oi mo mu.u Austrian munitions are to be(used against the r .v i am no announcBD ino ibci mv muni. At the City Council meeting last FISH ARRIVALS the Kaiser if Germany continues the war. lUtemenL adding that complete diplomatic harmony hat night Mayo: McClymont reported The terms which stopped the victorious advance on the Italian the Allies and the Americana at the confernce Ui lit 70 patients had been cared On Sunday the Republic brought front were accepted by the Austrian commander in chief in the achieved by in 45.000 lbs. of halibut: the Se Tor at the llorden St. Emergency name of the Vienna Government and execution is guaranteed by with rselltet. attle came in yesterday 26,- . Vrym m unHilo tahlrh AllfclrlA Hospital. Of these fourteen had 000 lbs, and today the fisher ar the thorough beating already administered, which converted the IIBl ll'O HI twnw" . . ... I . . died, had been discharged horde. forty with lbs. into rived 10,000 fleeing i a n n naiKrn ill I i- ibiviiiu ucriiimif defeated army a aud twenty-two were still there, The skiuner of the Republic Bulgaria and Turkey .L unn in nir.iiai circles. It la understood that The terms imposed previously upon II ino prsnuuipuwn wiit.... of lb- total, forty-three had been brought word that tbe New Eng bound to which Austria has been . u i t,- i,9nf4a nf the German Government In were hardly so drastic as those residents of the city and tbe others land had put into Ketchikan with to retire from a wide strip Austrians compelled The are Lud from outside accept. come points. boat would nr. i m piiiaviiiiii 1 1 u u i m 25 Jiict men. This .iiiraipr .LnrrD i . t. 11 uitii...u .nfiilatlnn as' to whether Germany. By the end of the week he hoped carry a crew of about J, so mat of territory within the borders of the Empire on the Italian border, ... nmmrA It l mtiimed bv me that the that they would be able to close practically the'whole company and the question of the final disposition, of territory is left to . ip. as ther were very few cases was down with flu. the table. i i i .. t ! mAm wMfw rlfnr In her be settled at peace ID m LUUIUVI I u w Btg '- J now coming in. One'nirived yesterday, i . t- t u MMA tt miL nnnnAi at. Kill nnlw In Recent a but be )iopd that would Good assortment of pipes J be tbe last. Gil's- OIL TANKER BRINGS ilNRl'ENZA CASES I. - I . .!.!. K.llaxA lh .U..F- Utfltl flnht Ifl the CARGO FROM FRISCG1, . , , BECOMING FEWER nd, but those who know the German better do not antlcl- . , ' " . Tiuch struggle. They know that they are beaten and even 300,000 AUSHHANS WERE TAKEN I' Died At . . Capt. Doran Who Has Been WltM Vlncenzo Rossi, an Italian, la J I j.1 A I I L-l ...It 1.1 r. am H r U thnH K a mo is ui imum m - mgni oeiay eipucuiuon Last Night; Her Six Years Brings the Hospital i end of the great war will have arrived. Her to Port. Slate of Tanker BEFORE THE SURRENDER TO ALLIES Comes In. nnmT r n mi WHISKEY IS FOUND With 1.360.000 gallons of oil UKK LUAN for the Imperial Oil Co., tnei anai me epmcmio ui .nuiuBiua IN ROOMING HOUSE (Specltl to Tl Hf 0.T.P. Telegnplu.) tanker Capt. A. F. Lucas, com-; is decreasing is the report on an Vahlllt7ton. November 5. According to an ofllcial dispatch GE$80,000 niauded by OapL O. C. Doran, ar-: Hands this morning, and this fact Having rervivrd here from ilomc, the victorious Italian armies captured Archie Albert Pays $50 for uuw.- rived in port early yesterday is borne out ny me ugures hundred thousand Austrian prisoners and not less man me In Possession contrary iiiM-r number of new cases Liquor ..inrnintr iiUciiiireed her. carco.line the small is the Amount Subscribed Act. thoiiHttnd big guns of all calibres, before the armistice went into' to and is leaving this aftennoon for!being reported, and the increas- i to Dais and the Good o'cloek afternoon. effect at three yestci-day rci.uM- San Francisco. lrsl ouicer .uiii- ing numuer ot- paueuw Work U Still Going on. Last evening about 11 o'cloek Thes figure Include all the captures made rrom the enemy inc and Second Ofllcer Pearson ting, both at tneir own nomes anu Cljif V.ckcra. In company wiu by the Italian and British droops since the great offensive began were both down with influenza and in the hosDltal. Constable Adams and l'Mlllpson, ntrnin mi October 14. were visited by a local physician There was one more death at -c- , . J - while here. Ihe General Hospital last evening paid a visit to tbe Belmont .loom of the once powerful Austrian army continue u t air i ''a r v nil w iric i u it nnn The soldiers Just before coming norih tht when Vincenzo llossi, an Italian, tsai In now mounted to on Fraser Street, argued with a lie in disorder. AH s-emblance of discipline has nisappearco, aiiu Lucas had been seat to pick up a died. His address was Seventh ' . . iar. una is search warrant. On going through eai b and evcrj- soldier is seeking his home, or some other prace barge which had broken away Avenue and he was aged 45 years. ?i I iii wuk 1 1 1 1 i n iiiji. -.a m.k uuiku....!.. the premises they found part of of refuge. Since the offensive started, sixty-three Austro- from the llichmond, a steamer He was admitted on October 2. i,; tu . a bottle of whisky in the kitchen ii.turnriaii divisions have been put out or the comuai, anu mo which is well known here. She The second mate of the oil s t - . . . . 1 1 .. n.a .. .... liaAn was on her way to Panama tow tanker Lucas was taken off his and the landing, msiac me :.. i.:ii...i Kinipri'ii iiv 111c niriii uus uvn on 111 Klllt-u i v.u.1 U...V. V and brought to lOt evening ing the barge when a teryiflc gait ship last garbage can, and behind it they tremendous. ...nA i art nnnlDflnnnf 4hnt fihft Ifit ! iirnit.ftl. Very few other lUUUw b O V .ftJww - of nill 4IIVC0L UIX 1LB PlUlk dlcoercd five other bottles the barge go and it was picked up j cases have since developed. Scotch. ''in dia ifinn Tlii- will Olcnleilh" of tbe Shipping Board ves- ( by one ...... . ...I mnrniiiir Archie Albert, UiO FOR -.. Thi MOVEMENT CONVERGING The: Wellington sels and towed to Acapulco. utlysmitn keeper of the Belmout llooms. was Rielimond injured her stern post duces your fuel bill and filvee - tllK 111 LIlKir nhnririxl li.-fure iMagislrato ac- out .25,000 gal-j otlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. K. FUJ HUU- and had to pump nt j. 01 me DRIVING HUNS OF Mullin with contravention PURPOSE Ions of oiKo protect herself, lue Coal co. . Uniliibitiou Act. in being in pos barce also pumped out 1,ouih iuit io nUa out 1110 exact eOMiiou of iuloxlcating liquor in TERRITORY onllnnn fur the snlllO DUTDOSe. urn ihii..,.,i... .1... n .,inni oilier, than a dwelling OUT OF INVADED The Lucas is a ship or I t. " mi.- ....... I nlnni.iM.. . . , WANTED a lady cook for uua u v ll.ttl.iritlir nnuil llflllHC. iiiu .v is seyin-n . " . ,.. . tons regisiereu, - j r. V ciitnp. Apply - iuc lrnni Mnr.1.1 r ..1 1.....i i.. miiiiv nun una uuiuuucu "J. Norwegian lugging wunMb 1(J BLiiJIUIUbV HUI'lJ " fi old and Capt. Doran a TAKEN AND VILLAGES LIBERATED Williams & Manson. ' uu .ueir utmost ns a ruintoio. kuu' : . V. . MANY PRISONERS with an Irish name, Jias heen on ' vtatme KaiHr. Limir nnlv nut lorwnru ihw i THE LATEST MOVEMENTS ALONG TMfc wnum hei; for the last six years, during "U II III III L- 111 1.1 a.. l I.Ill!.. ninil it Willi aH BIUIV. line WESTERN FRONT GUNS IN which time bo worked up from ion i.w.r.iiimln nuantlty of liquor , DOMINATING POSITION second mate. :uu, around. 'Iho courv II" PUMliasi!!--. nf imnii. ni-.i'in luivn -"uarna8 tllov nr ..... m,iBol4Bl u lino OI fiu aim u.. to Tlio K':we ' 0. T. P. Tele araplw. CARD OF THANKS ; "DEMERS" . , " r l,n. " mnnv thev cnii titkfi. v, fj. Over a front of 30 mites in north. More Talks About Corsets. ems to be making This, morning Hve CUlnameu i.iiiiiii'i., ." .... . i-1. ..I n ...!lr 1 1 1. lilf.ii' nr.1M.ct i Mrs. Andrew Lelloux desires to There arse still a few with i .. i.'..n..i.i nn c'K armies uenvercu misij "o"'-,- !".g0 11,6 ,,,t In order thaliwho were charged yesterday Ww ciu i .!.-, 1 ...... .,i ...........4 ii 1. exnress her thanks to the many ladies who haven't seen of distnci, whieu is a wealthy !being nuimle of nn opium resort the Oermans, and tore into their posmoiib, cupmnus irienus. . . who. i nave ueipuu i .i j uctr uui.j...- .! heard about the 'Goddess' 't I HV nmL. ... I i, Magistrate w IJ the line and taking more than iu.uuu next time ' o creditable show Ul'JIl-l.l l.1.1 U ..i....- - rill..... strulegic points in enemy ing her bereavement and also to Corset. Now the i.t..iii.. i,i Hut linlieo court, ii') nr nnrticnlar value in the general plan. of driving the those who have expressed sympathy you are down town and not guilty and from .iirii-i.uu.o. i-'- i.... i ii ... .,j........ nf 1 1...1 I r.1 .,1 fl 11 have a few minutes to all pleaded .. ....i nf nvnaeu temiory wus an bukihuj or sent flowera. M...ion ii nnnnarad that oni 1HIIIIUII1 . .... .. . . let show talM011 wa ii spare us you. admlttod to the inn riiuciivv r t , the Camure Canal, which leaves naig s men Imd boon BinokiiiK. ,,u three miles across A petition which haa been cir Front nnd back lace; prices that the room they were In was a on good ground for a further dash culated hero asking for the appointment from fl.TB to $10.00. general sitting room, i " v. .....1 Amnrienns on . stand twelve miles south of be- "of an ofllcial liquor COME AND SEE - - m VUUIU-....i.i ...,i ii...I Dial- the place wn8 i.. amilhern imrt of the line are dan. vendor at this point has been OPTlnift tvi an opium resort, within the me..n., un intensive operations In tho latest operations a large signed by 700 citizens. This does ingof the Act. anu uir ... .......great-. converging moveu.cni., number of Germans have been not ask for any privileges not en nl,.!!??1 ""P0"4"' Quill- n a made nrisoners and many villages other cities. It iliaiinissed. whiPh, if it continues, it nuny to joyed by some r l'' ruion wlih I" lmU, before 1,10 liberated, Anglo-American guns simply means that In Ailing orders A.. . ... . liAllllH WaS end df minute Thlonvllle, Mont, under medical now for liquor pre- ..:' f Hoy! A lilOCK 01 W3 iermans reach the homer, r in ra . ....... ........-.1.... i.v i m Atlin rish rim Americans opposite Slenay Medv. Meziers. illron. railways, ueriDtions the best possible qual - eries,. ..j ua, .i.."-.:.,hlMHK, Bt'-iha in the Meuse Valley have an excellent Ihe cutting or which will rob the ity may be seemjed. At present - mndo flor.mnns of light communications often has to be purchased I km ru.i. or 000. This was creu.v. fooling. They have the stuff FOft QUALITY " New England Fishes wm.... nroirress lin the river to from the south and place in jeo from bootlegger at enormous l . the Ai largo number of the is SERVICE AND SATISFACTION cuuw.... - important Oerman lines. In pardy a enemy prices and quality very t ie parem ward KllX 1 1 of U' Food Board Llcenco No, 10-7340, n e Fisheries being th name the centre the American lines troops. poor. local subsidiary couip.