M: November 0, 1018. THIS DAILY NEWS. Page E ... lor AliMlil uunuu P" nrfl DDOnfirTIAM To"1 " . ,JC r. Y1.P rnd- " T k 4II1T .... 10 the provincial A - report tor 1017, "ich ftSn i5ued, the value of HONE news K .rr iiroducU or tlie provinco L. the yfBr VICTORY LOAN totalled Lb of uuiada, winch r nirn In lMfl llin Illl OVERSUBSCRIBED If . I. -t it. A.I,,,-. LjedXuva bcoua uy ,, I.50O. OOO r iipi! the total combined LhVr products of all tbe other CANADIANS Luncei oi w The tita value for the year BUY VICTORY BONDS iOl an 1B "ca e v cr v 1 L ,.veil i-T swuso, owing w au .. ti. ...i..,.... baliliul hoiu uow a decrease 'tU h The decrease in the sSMBIHS Lnj'rtli:li a lt but the .crtiK iii ha,'hut was 7,iBZ.vou isbWsT t -m "1 LuBdl. . . SBBl J Mm m W K ' rsia M I MM I i-SBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBPaiBBBBBr Thi number or persons en- MUM11-'1 17820 in tue Dre- ..... i ii vnmn m aunrr li.ni v : . bub.mc.3. Bear, etc., totauei I n.aimca calch of the urov. I Bile year 1017 produced a lad d 1 M85 case, exceca- trUiepae :- the previous year u :t cae The gain l due ,u mr -rased iaci of pink and tLmalm 'n su all ection ve it truer. INKS WILL HELP SMALL INVESTORS It a auiiouDccU that, in order eucourage tnveclors to partici- iu in the 1918 Victory Loan, tbe Who is it in mts will lend aulifcrihera, on France you are most interested in a husband, e probable certainly of Jjvpay- ncnl within a year, up to 00 per a brother, a son, a friend you long to see again? tut. of the atnouul of the tnveU nterest Bent per i a cent.charged the Loan.by the The Lanka rale uf 1 Picture this boy, trudging, tired and sleepy, back from the Thi nbould have tbe effect of trenches. itatly Uniulatinff the tlow of tuney when Ihe big drive ppeu. toy metr people on who lowardjj were supporting amioua lo He sees posted up at an army hut - Can't you see him hitch his pack. bojt al the front were un- onately restricted as to the a notice of the overwhelming- success and shift his gun vith renewed resolve? sent they had available for in. fata) having immediate or of the Victory Loan 1918. .Urn l igations which called What a mental bracer this bulletin f tbt-ix ready capital. It is such Pie the notice that lime that the banlu are ready sees posted will be to the Army of Brave Souls aelp. On reasonable security more Canadians bought Victory Bonds t inle&diQg investors may re- who fight that be free? n tlie cash from tbe bank al we may ame rale of interest the Do- than in any previous loan, that money taurt wm 1018 Uovernraent Victory pays Loan.forj They the to carry on the fight is assured. If Canada-at-home will keep constantly ay rtdace their to Tbe Ual Uaki monthly will also or obligations accept quarterly.from to He sees that his self-sacrifice, his before it the picture of Canada-in aail iUiit investora charge tot the safe interim keeping se-nuM courage and self-denial are appreciated, -France, then every previous record up and to a later reasonable the bonds amount.them-hei that mighty battalions of Canadian of investment in Canada will be shattered : w ttrm of one year. I money are marching to reinforce him. by the message we will send to, our " "0TICE TO MARINERS Can't you see his tired face army when the Victory Loan 1918 is On Boat Hock. Dixon Entrance, 'Wliae been established flash. brighten? closed. iSibite every ten aeconds. It' I r w elevation of 46 feet and! IpMl has 130 candle power.! f m on a a small steel skeleton white wooden tow er.'; Buy all you can for cash and carry 0,1 iU"yl-1 The News Print Shop1 all you can on instalments. work about as cheap at !Ml ihops and quite &s well, lvt you the work on time when. J ' Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee, Possible and hands It out ia co-operation with tbe Minister of Fi&uce I"1 Pleasant 4Thank you."i f tlie Dominion of Canada, "st do you say to giving them' " on your next Job? 68 b; C Coleman, vice-president H- 11 n the coast In-1 , LAND HEOISTilV ACT for ever estopped and debarred from setting 'Mllag Hat, loss of the Trin-I Tnt n Ann! nhot at the Kaiser; up any ciatm to or tn respect of tbe land and (Section It and 114.1 so sold for taxes, aud the ttea-istrar shall buy half a doxen ponds today rarlsler tbe person entitled under sucn Kdwu.-d Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager then if he is not gone, a row more lie AppUcaaon No. IPItS-l. File tttO. tax aale as owner of the land so sold for Edward Cunningham, Vice-President taxes. MINEHAL ACT tomorrow. TAkE NOTICE that application has beer AND WHEREAS hn been application Moore and made to rertstcr firenion Q. Ofilflwi. t improvement. LAND ACT rORSS HO. 11 !Hoy L. Moore of Prince Ilupert, B.C. al made for Certificate of Indefeasible Title o the above-mentioned lands. In tbe nam & Co. lownir In fee under a Tax Sale Deed from Lipsett-Cunningham NOT1CK Or INTENTION TO AH'tY TO,Uie Collector or ibe aty of rrlnce nupert, t Brenton O. Moore and Roy L. Moore. 'UlJl0,''0l XL? btariur date the. ISth day ( -vi-mlM-r. AND WHEREAS on lnrestlratlnf tbe CsledunL. Mavli. OVUS CIIAJ1L0TTE ISLANDS LKKD 1917, or ALL At D B1NOULAR that certain Hie It appear that Drior to the lfta day .......... LIMITED ' N iosjn,. iJ?"' 6lr rm' Dumfries, PIST.UCTi MC0I10W0 D'.UCT OF parcel or tract of land and preuiUe Ui of October, ISIS (the dato on which the1 'Wr. Vh,r "'I111". Cupprne, Orer AND ""I" ate, lylo atid bcunr In the Municipality or said lands were sold for overdue taxes), FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT -MARINE HARDWARE n1 SKtENA UrT lutte i ,, "unaer mineral claimi. OK LAOOON 1NLE MMS tbe City or rrlnce Ilupert. more particularly you were tbe assessed owners thereor. BIIOItE AUOOT ONE NILE TltOM ITS known and described as Lot elfbteen FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Co', c" ?lMrlcl- Wh" located ISLAND,MOUTH. (IS), Block eia-bteen (IS) bvction au lame lime I shall effect retlstration In pursuance Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage t). City of 1'rlnce nupert. Map 8IJ. You or such application and Issue a C UI J,'" lhat . D. Anderaon, ... imiw U MAC- tax purchaser within 3 a dira froiu the date CerUOcate of Indefeasible Title to tie said PRINCE B. C. ' lt Drum V1, C" fcetln " S of'nc "'er ' B. c". occupation or Uie eerirlce or this notice 1 which may lands In tbe name or'tbe aforesaid parties RUPERT, 'H. wmmoa Copper Mines, be effected by publication), and your attention unlr you take and prosecute the proper "C in2 l.n"" OrMneais Mo. It,-rtot, followinf Is called to section St of the "Land proceedings to establish your claim, if any. llegistered Ofllce: Prince Jlupert Odlce: o Il,,1,"r y Tom (he date atoa to lea.e tbe at a PO IterUtry Ad" with amendment, and to to the said lands, or to prevent aucb pro-osed 8 Water Street. Telephone No. 05 " Csruae. ? i1 IU M,nln Rteorder Conm.enc.nf law. the rutiowlnr extract therefrom:--"And action on my part. of Uroo B. C P. O. aouiu shore Vancouver, Uor 1698 . . In default of a caveat or certificate Dated at tbe Land Reentry Office, Prince ,tK" euiio. Ilnlnr Crown 0rant.of the land, awoui .u t0 of lis pendens belns Died before the rerla Rupert, B. C. this eth dsy of September.' weat to cnaiw; """ ' trallon as owner of the entitled un llienre person . . 4 furih.'. ..... . . r n. II8. ebslns; Ihcne. ea.l to e las drr such tax ssle, all persons so served ' . " with notice, .... and llione claim-inr , M. r. MACLEOD. u o r I U commenred before to low vaier niara .water .r 10 the throush or under them, and all persons, District Registrar or Titles. 'Mi, ,uch Certtflcu, of Improve. south. fonowtn, low (1 riaiminr any interest in the land by virtue jTo Walter O. Laurie, Advertise In The Daily News unregistered and all point er w"""11"" of any Instrument, 1 Robert Williams, 'S,d ' or lesi, persons risiminv any interest tn tlw land of September, A.U, acres wore NAUIUAN, by descent whose ml Is not retlsiered Wllllera Jones, JOHN NcLAHTY under the provisions of this Art, shsU be Trine Rupert, B, C The Paper that gets Quick Results J. D. ANDERSON, pated Autust ttlft