THIS DAILY NEWS. Page 0 xv, Nr INVCNTIVC GENIUS a OF SUN REPORTER ! Local News Notes G. H.Arnold I A reporter for the Vancouver Pills tjavoy Hotel dining room has Sun tried to interview Joseph NOTARY PUBLIO Ins recent return from been reopened. It Martin on Knglaud. Joe was not saying Wo sell Ileal Estate. will rapidly improve your lluy your photo frames ut Uul- anything so the Sun man wrote NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ON HARVEST complexionbyarousxngthe ger'a Old prices. the following: LEAVE. Wo write Fire and Marine Martin is hack In Van. Joseph Insurance. liver and putting stomach The While Lunch has beea re and rumors about what Attention is directed to a recent and blood in couver ... the Press by the SSSTrJi good order. opened for business. Military We have Apartments, Stones, Joseph i going to do are as rife f Justice. rcKordinc used to he In extensions to be urantertW rumors OJIlces for as victory Houses, and LarteM Sale el ear Medidae la tW WerIA Uuigcrs' have some new solid cvi-ij j- i o r AtvMc.Kls, w men field Ia kiH.25c. Berlin. It im etASeiial eutS a I a. l t . a. . and Want More. orerrwaere. Ilcnt, guld lockets from (4 to (12. One rumor has it that he is just AFFECT MEN WHO HAVE BEEN Loans. We Deal in Mortgage COOK FELL OVERBOARD .Newtald eggs at Prince Hupert hack for. a rest walling till the REQISTRAR TO REPORT to Depot BaS?.BYTKE Limits. We sell Timber Table Supply VOc. per do, tf end of the war when the new Labor Have tr-ereafter received leave of absence from b We do Conveyancing. . Party with Mr. Martin as one "tatj Included the among passenger Tommy Durns returned to the of the flying buttresses Is goin to Once a man has been ordered to report for rW the At hoard ship crossing on a city this morning fijpm Vancouver. sweep Great Drilain. Rczi&trar he leaves the jurisdiction of the Rroi . flu H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. lautic recently was a man who . . is reticent. lli,Hfr that nt rii TVnnrfm.tit nt Vfil!,l i r u "air- On this point Joseph stuttered. One day he went up Another is that he lias cotne be considered as a soldier. This applies to men of tf- "to to the captain of the ship to speak Class who have been ordered i '' llev. Father Dunoz returned to back to lead the Laurler-Liberal to report by the R to him. stuttered the man." the city J.h is morning from Ocean party in British Columbia. Josepl .virtue am..of the ...cancellation. ..of exemptions. .. by Z"I' .ttwl' - "S-s-s-s-s," Falls. has not endorsed this. nor. has the me zuui Apni lasu as wen as u tnose ordeted to rro -usaal'way "Oh, I can't be bothered," said on refusal of claim for exemption, or 'rj? " Launer-Liberal party. vz M. M. STEPHENS the captain angrily; "go to some Y. Morila was lined the costs of Dome on the lephyrs is a lute of exemption crantcd. body else." the court this morning for an infraction members All men. accordincly. who have been ordered the Unionist NOTARY PUBLIO The man tried to speak to of the pound bylaw. that one of arc therefore SOLDIERS, nnd who have auW "S J for Greater Vancouver Is to be everybody on board the ship, but cranted harvest leave by Uie military authori&t viS? moved to the upper house and that NriTWtTH5nrArJniNO THE NfYTlrp .rS..?-! 1 none couiu wan 10 near wuai ue Lieut. D. AlcDougall of Fort Buy Victory Bonds Joseoh is to run in his place. A FERRED TO. REPORT ON THE EXPIRAYir had to say. At last he ct to George was among the recent the captain again. callers at the oJlice of the agent-general to this the clam is a loquaciou THAT LEAVE, unless they are notified to tne coktI L Boy a Home With VICTORY BONDS "Look' hei.e," said the captain, In London. bird compared to Joseph. their Commanding Oflker or by central not '"' J Some people aty promulgating the Department of Militia and Defence "I tell what to do when You Can Buy Any of the Following can you LOU With VICTORY BONDS you want to say anything; you II. K. Ncill, of Stewart, arrived the statement that Joseph has III DCFARTMCNT Of MILITIA AND Dtrrj, I should sing iC" Then suddenly iu town over night from Poijlland eye on the attorney-gtMieraWhip 5 Lot 2, Blk. 3, See. 1 11,000.00 Columbia. Canad. Mr. Jieill is operating Uie or IlrlUsh Lot 66, Blk. 12, Sec. 2. . . . 600.00 in a tragic voice the man com. .Lot 1B, Blk. 6, 8ec 7 200.00 inenced to. sing: Bush property there. Joseph may have. He has hi Lot 16, Blk. 31, Sec 7 200.00 "Should auld acquaintance be eye on a good many things but he Phone 87 Lot 10. Blk. 49. S(C 7 200.00 and Mrs. Orchard and hei; sou and is not saying anything about it. Be,in, forgot brought to never Lot 16. Blk. rp, etc. ...'. 300.00 daughter, who uro sick in Ednion- The man on the street thinks THEY ARE ALL CHOICE LOTS. The mind,blooming cook's fell overboard, ton, are doing well according tj that Joseph can make more money For Comforl, Courtesy and Service AIM Three'Attract!Homea for Prleee.Sal at Vary and is twenty miles the latest word received. in Vancouver than in London . , ... .. Mnvhn hn hna Inndn iliA best irueB behind." i 1 1 i TH E S AV O Y jac Morrison, me city wire rn tt.i Jni i. nlao nlnnueiil- HOTEL M. M. Stephens j attended funeral uuitM, reported wus morning 10 k- adenf no u uiuu uetier. aituuuKU uis r, T. BOWMUS. Uu.,H REAL ESTATE,FINANCIAL AQENT INSURANCE The funeral of the late Richard condition is still serious. If ycu can't fight, dammit, you Fifth and Frater St., Prince Rupert, B.G lend to strafe the can money 623 Third Ave. Phons 222 Wallis, M. P at Alberni was at Four deaths have been reported iKaifer. your Buy Victory bonds. If tended by a number of prominent from Ocean Falls since the epi Home Covllne Running Hot and CeM Wit, public men, among them being deinlc started. That is a wonder SYNOPSIS OF W. J. Dowser, K. C, leadec of the fully light record for so large a Sickness ad I Opposition in the Provincial Leg community. LAND ACT AMENDMENT islature; lion. William Sloan, i l"r-mptlon now confined to urr74 Minister of Mines, representing Mrs. Hatcher was anions the anaa Kacorda only.wUl be granted cowrie ooljr NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! Accident land (ultabie for cultural Insurance a art purpotae the government; R. II. Pooley, arrivals in town this morning. and vhlch la non-tlrobar land. member for Esquimalt; II. S. Cle having been sent for on account but Iartnertilp part tea of not pre-rnuHUma more (nan ftlKMlahed.fvur anar Our Supply of Bait Is exhausted f t the vacx We represent the Dominion ments, M. P. for -Comox-Atlin of the illness of her sister, Mrs. arrange tor adjarent r-emptkiaa. wita Joint realdence. but each maklnc oacee- of Canada Guarantee George Jay, police magistrate of Peyton and family. aarr ImDrovemanta on reaoectKe oiaims. -:- Watch this space for our and Accident Co. , Victoria, and Major ilichard Dui de . ' nve ITe-vmptore reara ana muat nuke occupy lmpruve.nanu cialra for announcement of n new supp'y M. C. J. W. Stewart and Jds. Stewart. value of lie per acre. Including clearing which writes a special ana cumvniton or at lean era. ir of the Stewart Trading Co, ai fore reori c Crao Orant. policy covering indemnity, CARD OF THANKS rhed in town this morning from leaa Wbere tnau -i care,rmptor ana In ties occupa.tlon ntaae propor-becnUM rot WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED against allSickness Stewart on their way to their tiortaie imurovero'nLa. be mar, of Ul-beaJtii or othvr cauae. be srajiied BUTEDALE C and Accidents. Mr. and Mrs. Lelloux desire to home in Victoria for the winter. intermediate ccn.r.. Improvement and tranaf or hla clauu The annual cost is verv thank the many friends who lent Ilecorsa without prtnaji ent reatdenee The conditions of the patients mar be laeued prorided applicant ma KM low. assistance, expressed sympathy Improvement to eitent of Sloe per an in the Borden Street Hospital con oum ar-d raeora aame eaco rear a.i-ure or sent flowers on the occasion of make record to lmproremante or I tinues to bo satisfactory. There eame will eurate aa forfeiture. Title the death of the late Andrew Le McCafferv. Gibbons have been no new cases admitted cannot be obtained oa thaae -clalma In Get para!ol' your Itou. of lent than ( reara, with Improvement YE OLOC COUNTRIE since yesterday and two wcryj dis II per acre. Including t acre cleared and cultivated, and realdence of at FISH AND CHIPS Tobacco (oritA & Boyle, ltd. The death is reported of Mis. charged. leaat 1"re-cm 1 year.pi or holding Crown Grajit mar "17 Berond Avenue. Giyice Nelson, school teacher on record another pre-emption, if be re Harry Lascelles was this morn- j qulree land In conjunction wltli hla I Iasurance f- Reil Estate the Kitsumkalum Indian . . Soldier Boys! reservation. ing-charged with the llieft of two vldad 1.1, etatutorjr 1 UlUUt MIIHN tmproeeroenta WWH, .iVIk made and Will be cpon every day at She had been teaching at slabs of bacon from Frizzell' realdence maintained on Crown grsta 11 a. m. J Prince Rupert,f B. C. the reserve for three years and Meal Market. The accused, being land.Uneunrered areaa. not exceeding If bad been ill for the past Uvt' acre, mar be leaaed aa homeeltet; TAKE SOME HOME. MADE HI sick, was un?.hle to appear, and title to be obtained after fulfilling real, months. She died Sunday morn dentlal and Improvement condition was defended by L. W. Patmore rcr grmaing ana inaaetruu purpoaea. ing. The case was adjouijied. area exceeding 140 acrea mar be leaaed Prince Rupert br one permn or compeiir- During the caused PRCEMPTOR' FREE GRANTS ACT. emergency The passing of the influenza The acooe of thla Act la enlara-ed to Store 4 LUMBER by the influenza epidemic, a pro has made il possible to Include all persona joining and eervlog Cigar visional dispensary has been reopen rlth 111 liajeaur-s rvrcea. The time es sojne of the places which had been within which the belra or derlaeea of a tablished in the office of J. II. Mc- deoeaaed prcemptor mar applr for Hotel Hyder Parlor closed. The dining room at tlu title under tbla Act la extended from Billiard Agents for Mullin, the government agent Savoy Iiolel had been closed to one rear from the death of ucb perann. Quantities aa formertr. until one year after the Prince of brandy and whisky all except i'gular boarders,' but ooncluilon of the ireeent war. Thl Portland THilli. r E Rupert Canal, B.C. Lumber Co. nave neen received from V. C. prtvllege I alao made retroactive. findlay, the now il is open once more and the TOWNSITE PROPEMTV ALLOTMENT Best Billiard Hall in and provincial prohibition famous home cooking is again ACT. M. K. JAMIBSON. Proprietor Hastlng's Saw Mills commissioner,' and are now avail enjoyed by patrons. Provlalon la made for the grant to Town. able. A doctor's peraon holding unoompleted Agreement prescription a e to I'urcUa from the Crown of Caltltay It lk fan f)-.ti' COAL however, is necessary first. Albert & McCaffery have estab aa auch the proportion parrsests of the&lrdr land. If made dlvlaible.will Great varied i.f Tjbacc lished over In proportion to the aal price of a lumber; yard their on the whole narceL Two or mora mrioM Now Open for Btuinrts Ctars anu i ...-t'-Y'nm, Agents for Queen Charlotte Islandeijs can wharf and are carrying a fuli holding auch Agreement mar group I" their fntereala and applr for a an Nanalmo not do better than mail their slock. They report that up to thr allotment lolnllv If It proportionate tu .. Wellington and Coal, printing needs to The News Print time when the influenza struck oonaldered covered br advlaable n apnltcatlou to divide for a the Miop nnc! gel the work done the town the demand for lumber tlonate allotment, an allotment of land Yellowhead Coal of equal value aelacied frum available romplly and vell. was brisk and they expect a re. Crown land In the loualltr mr he Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 made. Theae allotment are conditional vival again directly as Boon n upon parmeni oi ail taaea due the Of Hce Announcemec Complete line of Crown or to any inuniciiaiiuv ri.. THE DAILY NEWS normal conditions are resloid. riinia oi psreone to wnore tne pur. 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. BUILDING MATERIALS Chaeer from the Crown hu ar-H ,a ecu are aiao proieetaa. The dedaton oi Classified Advertise Many who have used the classU the XI Inlet rr of land In mnvt in h- : Hod columns in litis paper have im aajiieimenT unat. in,oi iime a protiortlonate lor making allotment application Pacific Cartage, Ltd To TIIK Pt?UL" Phone 98 been getting results. One small ii for oay tbeee aiar,alivtraenta iwn Any la Ilinlied lam openmi: an up-to-date otice of help wanted brought six lion nvifle arter thla date will ot be General PAINTSHOP ar... riiicif Wharf Offlca, Phone 564 ronainerea. i ueae ajiomient aim r to Teaming Thit ia the Adrertiiing Colt mn that answers In two days, several of jiatronaKfci Offlee Second Anua, Phon 116 . Storage people read when they want anytLir.g. articles for sale brought immediate rr i-uiiiiT mrnrmntlon auction. applr to any I'rvrln-ctal Furniture, Safe and Piano I socialize in I ussy S8j It brings roulti applications and resulted in Oovoniment Agent rr to et- r. n NADKN. f Auto Paintintr. ; the disposal of tho articles. There uepijir All ilaier of Lai.d, Moving. Baggage C.rds attractively WANTED. can be no mistake in using The Vb-inrla H Holiday Display PRESENTS WANTED Girl for bouse work Immediate ews want-ads. We Must done. ly. Hlg-n wagea. Apply at olUce of luck, The steamer Chelohslu Call Black 507 went Moore k Co., or telephone 130. if south last evenliiK with a verv aw Cleaning, Pressing Calhoun C. W. for Soldiers Laborers Wanted Apply hy letter iignt passenger list, travel having Save on to niiBuiiiKaiuni 'I'unbcr Co.,Ld. fallen off oil all the boats und and Repairing 1)25 Third Ave. . Prince Rm. nt3nin, ii. u. of52 railways since tho iniluenzu epi WANTED Second-biDd Bewinr Uaclilne; demic started. Among those iro Every Item KjgJ Fountain Pens AUo SS, Bmlihen, is. C.Typewrller. Apply sit boi ing south was II. Donaldson of the LADIES AND GENTS STEEN&LONCWLl JSaas iiarboq Cannery who reports uywr vieiory Ilond. If ue do III Wrist Watches .t'lVTL'H ..I- . ... eincereiy and are lioneai uiacKsmuu ai once, llial all the canneries on the Nans uliu ouraclve Radiolite Wrist apply Akcrberg, Thomson Co. are closed except the one at Mill Investment and Canada,of rail our for urp!u.more Wo linn mud the Jack Dunbar aBHTJiii Mr.0 HEATlNO Watches Hay which is still canning a few rcuiioiiiue mrourn Hie jear ahead. Wanted for rent Five or six. chums. Women will aave mon, ihrourh Ibelr Phon. 510 725,J A. Cigarette Cases roomed house furnished or un home iiiinavi-ment, no lavlnt will U Cigar Cutters furnished. Apply V. O. Box 407 It is expected that tho Salvation loo we(man. Agentit for rrapeeifully call their tttentlun Match Safes WANTED Waltreii, Hotel Trlnee import, Army Citadel will no longer he re io i tie urt Hi pacific Milk, mod In I WoOLARV FUN quired after this week as an II cookinr. It a true economy, iu Military Rings and FOR SALE emergency hospital for Indinnu. unuiuai ncnneai rivet food the utmost Pioneer Boarding House FLUMCINQ Leather Photograph There are only two sick ones left nuy in nourlilimenl man tren and milk.It Is cheaper to I THIRD AVE, CL08K1U DKYDOCK and Holders FOfl SALE Uedrootn Set and Mann. Apply there now. and no new canes nr Nice clean ruuma, auwl Uwrd. Hat and euld SHEET METAL WORKS water, lleilt Kie. Dally Newi Office. up, BUY THEM FROM" being received. Good report arfi I'llONK HEI) W3 Phou 5. B34 Becond Avenue Pacific t Fim.MTUHEA few odd ulecea tur ul. being received from Tuck". Inlet Milk Co. - The Jeweler Wft.Apply tietween 11 and t, SIS Fifih Ave., Cunn!ry and from Metlakatla regarding LIMITED Night l me ,70 860 the patients there. unH n 332 DRAKE STREET SUBSCRIBE.FOR rwwh:$2 Correct and Dependable FDR SALE Old newtpaperi in bundle!, good recovery is looked for Th. ( per in Factory at Ladnor, B.C. llmi and at tn rm r iiumiri a iue new omce. i every case. Canada rett Board Lleenaa 14-1BS, The Daily News