13 The IO.J.MELL Good Meats lor Daily news Particular People Phones, 10 and 25 PMNCU nUPKIiT. U.C., WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1918. PllIOE FtVE CENT? Charles of Austria Quits CIALISTS WANT WILHELM BEFORE ALLIES DISPOSE OF HIM IT SHA1L BE DONE WITH KING CHARLES OF AUSTRIA- HELM, EUROPE IS ASKING HUNGARY GIVES UP THRONE iCTION BY POWERS -NECESSARY TO INCARCERATE REVOLUTION AND ANARCHY PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THE hriiNflJI IN ISLAND PRI8UW, um t nidi ai nnu HETEROGENEOUS HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE- t NEW-PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENTS , CRIMINAL rnwwtww..- ALSO WANT TO GET HIM ARE HELPLESS (Speclml to The news U O. T. P. TelernpbJ.) a TM. a wl t rwr tkf f fin If fits. lft Him Copenhagen, November 13. The abdication of King Charles lfe avemw , T : ' "...t.i i" a'.' nf AnstrinJliiiiirarv is ofTIcialiy announced from Vienna. The L Jicicna ns u iriucr ui-P" LtfBba. or .lo i.4 Jirilnin. at ss also the fact of his being i young king and his empress have found their period of rule to be E 4miMl prosecution, as the result of four different extremely exacting. They nave ilea irom Vienna .10 one oi ineir estates, where they arc living in seclusion, so far as seclusion is tff toduj that either of these courses would he a matter possible within the borders of the disrupted Dual Monarchy. Karl Quits Cold. v Paris, November 13. The late Emperor Charles of Austria manifesto declaring that he is forsaking all participation ul YVIincim ever ufcum i"iiuw(, has issued a ftiflh co-ilnlilv He i- regarded as impotent, for further evil, par- in public affairs of German Austria, as well as in the other of his empire. . , vmw i,i the Yeri UTUSUC It:nils mc umnsncu im- portions 14 1 General Forh and the Allies. Austria Seething. t London, Novembp? 13. From reports received here from In Wanted Germany. H'tih November 13. inai me ucrman tactions may Prince Rupert has done her part nojbly both in providing various parts of Auslria-llungary, the conditions of the population :g' ilins'e desDerate. Famine, revolution and anarchy U ihf wriiimn of their former ivniscr irom mi iiaven ot men and money ir countries is arc rife everywhere. The poor are without food and the'new 11 ,,t,t so that he may stand his trial berorc a bonans! Ilci suggested in diplomatic cables received here provisional governments of the various states into which the two i- divided have so far been unable to relieve the ANYOX CONTRIBUTES countries are now wmieim is aeraartKi to ,j rntn l cropf The feeling against WILL OCCUPY all their Uong '.hronghoui the army and also In Prunslo. where such situation to any appreciable extent, notwithstanding BIG SiflBSCRIPTIONS . hag might he least expelled. . efforts. - iBef-re oi H of German socialists AVIlheim would sinna LARGE SLICE VICTORY LOAN New States. rady onJemned. and even at the hands of his own country- Bohemia, Hungary, the Tyrol, nnd the Slav provinces have . . , I - - a a at 4 tl and in Austria who t but now uefewmag 10 una oui now uungs reu each set up independent governments already, Hit r,Kuer would receive iiiorl jMritL OF GERMANY four bundclvt and two thousand proper the people are seething with revolution and no stable order dullarn it tbiptiinounl subscribed has yet arisen out of the turmoil. t. tbe Vielory V.an at Anyox up um $303,000 AND . an"o-alliKl-Hv 1A-.1 r nt.lnH flll.'e. Until win a Peaoe Con- till 'WOi Monday nave niglvt.been Tbe good making folks a! ALLIED PRISONERS : : " r Terms Are Agreed to f purl. On Saturday evening they IN GERRIANY WILL ITHEKAJSER Germans. jhad &22 subscjbers there, who By altogether bad taken out 1221.800 MUNITIONSWILL TRAVEL VIA HOLLAND Monday- .uiis amount is (Sptcui u o.T.r. TeietnpUi.i 'and by Victory Loan Canvaiter Duty London. Nov. 13. Concerning very near tff.Mfd. GRADUALLY (Special rla O.T.P. Telecrajibs.) " ( YetUrday and unng in the evacuation or the left bank or Anyox a off QZ the places on STOP Paris, Nov. 13. Holland has i r nMMia t at at the Illilne. it is pointed out that this coabt vffil rthere is money, consented lo carry Jin the work of Ktont Said to Hava Baan Faw D.. Now. oending the final adjustment of nnd it is beW' put to a good use. repatriating all the Allied prison la Wa lo Surranrfir In ' n.n nncv tuMindftrv between France They ha str-U ome limo to go. Ten Per Cent, of Workers Will be b( Rolutlonlata PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT mul Ilelcium wilU Germany, the and if HM l possible, they Let Out at a Time Shipbuilding ers "now held captive in Germany. The thousands of prisoners Vim AfUr Him. EXCEEDS ITS ALLOTMENT Hermans will be required lo re- intend ( ate'Monday'8 amount Continues will many be drawn from the various linauish control not only of Al-'as wel' vax is enthusiastic Uninterruptedly. Ger 1 PRINCE ALSO and Lonjiine, the two for- regard ng "J je Victory Loan, and detention camps throughout I'r 1 no IlutKirt Diatricl ipveaU Mfr many and sent to their own countries IS REPORTED SHOT wrest from there iiUg like enthusiasm (Special Tta O. T. r. Telerraphs.) French provinces iiieiHa iu Ihe Vielory Loan totalled mr ; as fast as it is possible. Franee after the campaign of to mrsa opular measures suc-nyflpc Ottawa, Nov. 13. in planning 8303,000 till lal night, which Those who are in good physical An-ordlllR lo up 1870. hut the remainder of the eesttf' !. is over the top. the cessation of war activities in inakoa a nhowing of Ml.aGU lor condition will naturally be able to 4 cived here German provinoes which lie west J Canada, while tbe manufacture of yesterday's oanvaaa. Thia i travel fastest and will be evacu attempt wna of the flhine. These pro1ncos Audi ting, J. F. Magulre, box 973. rilles and ammunition will finally nan 01 that fairly aatisfactory. and as ated first. It is considered t the Kaiser include the flliine - Palatinate, slop, there will bo no alteration the city or thereabout has still to it will take some considerable K befuro the llhenlsh Prussia, part of Hesse. pied tee.itmy also includes the in the Dominion's shipbuilding ho cohered, there la every hope time to get all the sick and a a ast him from and the German state of Luxem mo: ' JnapoHa nt coal and iron program for ,some very considerable that this nmount will he very wounded cases moved from the ' wore Urd at burg. Included in these territories flol s In Germany. time. Very many contracts interior of Germany and brought increased. w i tie war, trnvel- Inritoly are the important cities of JifUT Jhe imposition of the have been letjat tbe various ports Tim Prince Iluncrt Distract lias to Holland before they can, be ai!. i .:tr wmdowa, but GoblenU, Honn and Co flu ilf,'"noe terms, this part of tbe for the construction of new vessels, her quota, Mayence. home. nlrcadv oversubscribed dispatched .;x any casualties logne. These are an large manufacturing fo-mfl - CHranan Empire will be and there are many vessels f My Tbe ex-Knlcr, which shows that thoso good peo cities, and this occu- 01 eujt -d bjr the Allied troops. still in the stocks under construction 'Tc to cnmnlcln ple who allocated the amount 10 i .. sufficient to keep the yards TOTAL OF VICTORY its tlii illnlrirt underestimated " H t-"ilpn in llnllnml busy for quite a long time. cnpahilitiea In tho matter of cash In the manufacture of munitions, LOAN IS CLIMBING Umi Sir available II is up lo J-nnco im 77 while the demand forj rifles ocrinan Crown tfie port, then to set its own mark. I am the Man iu Trenches. und shells at the front has ceased, (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) of tbe sauo.uou -win conllrmntlon largely In excess the output of the munition fac Toronto, November 13, The i - v,.d ,erc. nnki.il. and bo rlKbt after. Jt. Half tories will he lesserfCd gradually. total subscriptions to the Victory h for Preference. million dollar would be none. When the call came, 1 ' "' 1 W"? 10 UB,li w,e KU,U",U" Tbe employees engaged in the Loan 1918 to date amounts to for a city loo large an amount maiiKina. 1 suusm ui" .... production of these articles will S307.864.150. Of this total the ... of 01 other aueiny hw is I',,. ""iiitiflAi it IIUUUHIU'IIV i i iikn ihis. Thoro Bhould none not pre- pruoL The Emplro' call was foremen, and I went. I entrusted be released in lots o.f ten per cent province of Drjtish Columbia bos " 1 Kaner had no course, hut that n you with a las 1 deinamfed or you that you carjj at a time, which will prevent the contributed the sum of over 18,- Ij., ..' ' r!UKO ill vcul this city from With 127.500.sotting rol for those near and dear to ma. aid foot the bill for them labor market from being overcrowded 000,000. 7" o aS Vi avollinK to tho own standard. inlerol, im and lor me. For mare than four yeujrs I have stood between all at one lime, and per 1:rinU" to the ling in every year as and desperation, fpiave been Uirough hell and suffered mit of the first numbers being Auditing, J. F. Magulre, box 973. 4k to add to the prosperity you ik. :rra!:J' ",iHrat llalR, auiount ought whole district, as tho torture of tho damned; havoWieen succored and again absorbed into other lines of oc ' .'c "'O"1 'pvolullonlata of the m Ktine oih to drie the enemy bafek. Cupation before tho succeeding ' It .s !. '" ds'Kn nnd l1en(led well as to the wise investors On foreign soil I nin greeted y qno and all, poor nnd ten per cent aro released. - " uiieim round Victory llonds. ( the savior of mankind. ' The process will be a gradual "DEMERS" It is good business 10 lnvyov i rich, us We have a nice lot of :a,a ono to minimise tho disturrjanoo farry out IiIb Id Canada. I shaH call for an rather "than When 1 return to upon you llonds arrived in Victory dresses just of conditions as much as possible " u Duurvu hank. The cash fit your stewardship. T shall ask of you, "How lie in the accounting snrce and silk, at verv money of labor With tho scarcity pre ..."l",!l u"' into tnist," and woo" betldo those who have kiii. " kept your w is equally accessible, lor have you vailing at tho present time, nnd reasonable prices, all col- former auhjcctn have been mere boasters whilst market. thoso who, ready fulled me Hands command a continuous demands being mado ors and sizes, come and and a I have paid the price. I.AM coming hack fipm l'ivo and lime, others them and let us 'i:th lu.i.i . almost at any Canada's productive capa try on V''avon coal resell hotter than three, land where Men poured out their wealth till told to stop-till upon n and half cent is a know opinion pen city for Europe, Jt is not considered your; bl" but thorn tho wealth blood, Honds to was "d pour, S'vea Victory there was none will rnnna n avai any time, so buy likely that there is much while in the store you for nil you nro worm. not gold. danger; of unemployment in Canada; see lots of cute and ser- My account lies with a man named Foch- Hut yours is viceable things for Xmas. CAmNET due to me, and unless you can look mo straight in tho face COME AND SEE i . ' " r IMPERIAL WAR and cry. "I fought with you," and show mo your bonds, I We have the victory; now let SITllNto shall deem you' have boen the Kaiser's friend and no quarter AND RESUME the bonds. v... buy TO us It I; n -"t .nitnui will bo shown. I will judge, not by your; cboors or tho lings you waved when peaco came, hut by tho aid you gave box 973. Auditing, J. F. Magulre, London, KoS " 'fZ the llonds you bought. There is yet time for you to Agency leW that ine .n mako good and I warn you that if you have not, then waste sws a War Cabinet win wy no time in doing so. Hecauso I, the Man from the Trenches, " its sittings in order -to dolibo jU am iu no mood 'for dealing with traitors and slackers. WANTED a lady cook for upon tho lorniB 01 i -...... ThoRO are only four more days lo do your bit. If you meant logging camp. Apply FOR QUALITY tha unrlii Will UIU 1.-' imnnrunl"l - oonfercnt"-8. j,e. thoso cheers, when you hcarjl of peace, buy your honds Williams & Manson. i . SERVICE AND SATISFACTION u,MI,'ietlon . .ii.,,..ir,n in London lodsy. tx lwen the l7nprl nd nomln.on Food Board Licence No. 10.7340, a (statesmen. 41