The Daily News a MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA WRIG! For the East. , . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-irdajs Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. TXMr3HKwasBaBBBBBBMBBBfl at 9:30 a.m. 1 H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. faBflBaVBBBSsssssf "bbssbbsssssV H From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thura-lays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p.m. Six Ifa City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c For Vancouver: reasons WHY P"(V By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Sundays 10 p. m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. Telephone 98. Thursdays 10 p.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. 1 Steadies nerves Contract Rates on application. From Vancouver Sundays ......10 p.m. 2 AI!ays thirst DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1918. Vedncsdays 10:30 a.m. 3 Aids appetite TO SUBSCRIBERS laturdays 10:30 a.m. c 4 Helps Celebration It digestion Big Subscribers to The 4e For Any ox: Promising Event. are tsked to pay' the delivery Sundays 10 p.m. 5 Keeps teeth clean The big celebration which is expected to take place next boys each month Vedncsdays 10 p. m. week is an important event and will be entered into with zest 6 It's economical when they call, except Saturdays 10 p. in. doubtless by all the people. The time ofjear is not very suitable where payment has been for some of the events if the weather happens to be bad, but at made for the year In advance. From Anyox: auyrale some of the events can be pulled oil. The boys when This is a boat town and it would have been a pity to leave Tuesdays a.m. out the boats. It will be a pretty sight to watch them if the collecting carry official Receipts Thursdays a.m. which should always weather is at all kind. It is to be an all-day holiday for most be preserved. i I undays p.m. people and the day being one of public rejoicing he who will not close up his premises for the occasion will not be counted much For Port Simpson and Naas River Keei points: tb soldiers and as a citizen. Sundays ....10 p.m. wllon supplledl Now Is Learning Queen Charlotte Islandere can What Wir Moant. Inot do better than mall their From Port Simpson and Nats At last the Kaiser is Iearninar something of what it means to printing- needs lo The JSews)PrInt River Points: Uf hmmrlprl And shot nt Perhans even vet he mav learn what Shop and gel the work done Seated war means and what the suffering is like that he has brought on rompliy and well. ; i"uesdays a.m. tight ma uuuca oxiu cicu iuui c uii uis cuciuies. li may uut ue ally LAND ACT FOR BO. QuMn Charloits Islands: -good for the late Kaiser to sulfer and yet would not seem like Kept justice if he got away free without bodily hurL notice or OTExnox to Aprh.r to For Masselt, Port Clements and right i hose especially whose families have been the victims of the LEASE LAND .. Upper Island points; Hun brutality must feel intensely bitter against not only the ex L"J QUEEN CH.UILOTTE ISLASdN L.ND Vcdnesdays 0. p. m. mil Kaiser but against the whole brood of those in authority who OI3TIUCT; RECOnDLN'O DISTISCT OF S KEEN A AXD SITUATE O.t SOUTH from Port Clements and perpetrated or allowed to be perpetrated such awful atrocities SHORE OF LAGOON ISLET. It'ORES BY Masset, They have sown the wind and are reaping the whirlwind as the ISLAND. ABOUT ONE MILE nioM ITS Upper Island points: MADE IN biblical scholar would say. Retributive justice it is to be hoped MOUTH. V rldays, p. m. CANADA win not pass tnem over lightly. TAKE NOTICE that I. JOHNM XAC- Vor Skldegale, Queen Charlotte millan or vaacourer, B.C. occupation Cruelty of Nature cannernnan. Intends la innlr Vn. City and Lower Island points: Crops Out in Kaiserdom. slon to lease tbe rollowtor derribed lands: aturdaya 8 p. m. Nature is cruel. That is her vnv PVnm fhe enrlioct rfnvc wommencinr at a post puuited on the From Skidefrate. Oucni Churlntle men have killed each other, and in the lower orders of life one fZ"" JSC! L?ZX1 Ir..r' City and Lower Island points rA. 1U ll rrv. i.:i, ,, , 11 i..r , IT ' umi; jccus uii me uiuci. i uc iviucu iuiiuics uie uiuuac ueiure Killing iwnc. vest to chains; tbthce norU) 10 Tuesdays. it and yet the sweet thing is the ladies' plaything. In the bird rtiinij uwnr tut so chain more or ij world there is the same cruelty as in the animal world. The w fw. "irK." "! 1t,,; For Skagway and tha Yukon. Chew It after every meal h.l..on I.SMf ifE .!!.. 0"Jr fOlIOWlnr lOW Wfter BMrt 10 U ..). nrv nnri nine II o ,i1 I l 1 J 1 tv uu u saviM in uiuvi I Mint n r nnuitfnmwnf? MmttiMn n Every ten days. J I..1 'l 1 f U 1!1 I I C 1 - 1 1 . .. I I 'iu.u( IN mui ii may nceji iresii uuiu ueeueu. oo 11 is ail ajong Hie line. laerts more or lets. 1 From Skagway and Yukon. The Flavour Even in social life ihu outcast dries nnt eel miirh innsilrn(;nn JOH McLAMr mCMILLA. Lasts! Every ten days. Business is cruel for the weak are crowded to the wall and the!0""1 Aoru,t tut jt s strong dominate and live on the fat of the land. It is just an outcropping M IN'ERALI ACT of this natural cruelly in the animal world that seems to have urged the Kaiser on. He read the psalms of David and other Certificate of Improvements. scripture writings and they justified much of what he did. The ar later messages of love and tolerance and unselfishness and real NOTICE courage were forgotten or probably never learned. The Kaiser rro Fraction MlDfral Claim, situate in I Keep the was a moral perversiow and he seems'likely to suffer the fate of District.l lie Skeena Mtnloi DItUiod or -Casslarl up most perverts. - assured thd Where located. .sbir Ux brtA of Alic 1AM Could Trust Arm. people trill it-spond TAKE NOTICE tbtt II Lenta W. Palmare. The British. Free Miner's CcrUflcaiJa !o. I0407-C til Food Supply to every cell That the Kaiser arent for John Walter! Stromtxck. Yrtt was on his way to surrender himself to Ihe the British is fhe Infest fnrf necnrHinir lo vecferHnv'c H;o(.,B Th. Cer"acM. "M l,l,, c- ,n'n1. necessary to mc-cess uerman revolutionists, however, headed him off, and compelled I w the siminf necorder i.r ceruacste or of our cause uilh and him to take refuge in Holland. iaiproenienu, for um piirpos or obum Help the same indomitaUe The Kaiser hilrl the rhnire in nn-enHI.rino- onH t,nf U m' Crown Orsnt or tte tbore eUlm. ardour and devotion auuutu inuuov- m uiiiisii tuuiuiouucr is siguiiiuuiii oi ine sianu-iacr section S3 most be cinunenced before ing oi tne uritisn name on tne continent of Europe. That Kaiser I1" "ue or iuen Cerunte or imrroe- that have filled me icilh Vilhelm would be just a little distrustful of the first French nr Ben Make Victory pride and gratitude Ueleian., forces his nflrltr nma o, mo l. t DATED IMS 1Mb diy 0B AUfTISU A. D. 0 i- -j tK.wji uuii ncu uc lUlUKlltcu. I ISIS. X ntt since the war began." i uuc me uruibu &uiuiers nave nine reason to love Kaiser BUI, the Frenchmen or Belgians have still less reason. But at the same LAND nEGISTfltt ACT. Sure His Majutt Kiko Gkoioi time it was against Britain that the Kaiser and all Germany vented (Seetlosj it Dd U4.) the hatred VL'hirh n'jie Ihp cliAnr.iel f s 1: - :n n 1 1 i,..;ninn f " Appucmon vo. ms-Kk77M "Ve"uL " . ... TAKE NOTICE tbtt ippUtufVoo bss Been .iUlniui3wuum(j ii. on, vviuieira Knew ne wouia get a square msde to renster NsUun LouiA undo sod deal from the British, and that he would not be disposed of out I001 ine,nran owners in ree nndar soldiers must be the at Of hand. That he will ret a smiare Henl nH nil thnt i nnminntvo 8t,e ods rrom tbe cVuector or fed; people nng the Clir or Prince nupert, OUR to mm, untai an dlhe Bntuh people will doubtless see to the I(tb day or Aorember, I(I7,bestflnr or ALL dsle I must be fed. Andin spite of After the War AJVD SI.tGL'LAH lhal ceruln raV-cl or I What? I tract or land and premises situate Irlnf Germany's murderous campaign to ana uemc in the Municipality or tr e aty Now that actual hostilities have ceased, and although it will r rrince nupert, more particularly known I cut off the Allies' Food sinking land described supply, by be some considerable time vol Hefn ra no a o rrr I iiintia .111 .... as Lot eleren (it!A Block r-vv vuiiuiwuiis win pie- twentx-nre i). Section seven (1 . and van generally, those changes which must follow the four fighting Lot thirteen m Block thiny-nre (!, every ship on the High Seas an ample and years are causing great interest. The period of reconstruction 8eetlon . nip mi. you t e will be an interesting nsririfi lllmi, (rni, n,:tk 4 inired to contest the claim or tl e us unfailing flow of food to England and -"Ci" ' " luu. There is the demnh WWnl inn nf Um irnnn. i 4i. uttiigci,i a nurchsier. . V wlihln. ft a'. rrom ltu date , - nuua iu iuhc jiiubc. nuuiei w- sernco or mis notice (wblclJ tosy France must be maintained. there is the army of working women lo be considered, who so f tr"i r pubiicsiion in tbeVDiiix X r.epPeaimo V,e P,aces Ifl." vaconl by the fighting men. I"::"" mithl tviiui ui iiiem 1 nev nnvA nrnvmi ih.i !... ni i i . j r.w.uu wl vlltJ OIC ilk 4Ul u jiiuii s 1 smenaments. tnd to tbe -followlnf xtrscl This is National Service-Not Hues, iiuviug prut-en ineir worm, anu tasted the iwererromi uiuer-bweeis 01 me aueged independent life, their former occu- -ana in aerauit or a rarest ap Avnu I to the Farmer only paiiuii ui aisnwasning and housecleaning is not so attractive. tration as owner or the person entiyCt un- uiey win want to retain their new duties. Still, there is always aer with sucn notice tax sale, all and persons thone so cMlmlnrl.served! But to YOU to everybody luuiu lur prouueers IhrouKh or under Ihem, tnd all nersons - This appeal is directed or any unrerlstered Instrument. Sand all I persons dalmlnr any mierest In lb land I by descent whose title Is iwt resiilered uuuer iuc pruriuon or mis Act, SLrtll be I must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. UtiU jur rrr cRiuppea ina aebarrea rrotii set. WE PLANT BOYS and GIRLS land so sold for tnn. anil th to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate th ii.ii miairr iim nfruin rniiiif, .ini.p women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food such tat sale as owner or the urui aged and the old all can help la the Are You Prepared With Anu WHEiiEAS application has been Nation's Army of Production. made ror a Certincsie or IndcfeasibleTille find better of towns can no to tn a&ore-roentionea lands, in WOMEN the,nm Your Winter's Supply ? 01 namsn louis undo and Dora Scheln EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet for their man.and the cost of Uviag and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable VvllEltEAS on laresilrstinr the title t appesrs thst prior. to tbe .Uih a,r r.rl the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. The flu troubles will be over and the school days will '""""i...,V .a.a uno oaie- on wnch Mm iiii I commence again soon. Have you all your underwear janas were icsi.icrcu soia ror owner overdue mereor.laws), you For Information on any subject relating Be patriotic in act as bought and ruiiiiii.ii Mil J1UTICE that It Ihol hose, your caps, toques, mitts, sweaters, , who iime 1 snail ttlect rerlsiraiion 1.. to the Farm and Garden, mite: well as in thought. overcoat? and rainhats? pursuance or such application and issue a Certincsie or Indefeasible Tin. . .k.l INFORMATION BUJUUU We can supply you with all of these. am iaiiu 111 nn HSDieS of Nalh.n I Department of Agriculture Lsiido and Dora Scheinman We also have a new supply of Leckle's long boots for and prosecute... the.... prober- unlets" .11 OTTAWA Use every means available" ..f.I.ll.K , boys and girls and rubbers to fit everyone. "Z. ' " tor, W the said Overlook nothing. ut u jirereni SUCIl nrorxn.i ..tinn pATEq at the Land rterlsiry jaboufTbrqs. Aurust.rlnc nuDen(9iiT n - " a mw! Dominion Department of Agriculture 825 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B. C. u,sinci r.ilea;MACLEOD,strar or Tines' TTAWA, CLAN AD A. MIChSel Bvrnn n.m. ' " RON. MAJCTTN BURRIfcX, Minister. Frsncli Calre, Prince nupert, B, c