ts Sovember II, "'8. 1 vrtf THE DAILY NEW8. Page 3 0 RAISE $500,000,000 AND S HOW CANAD A'S APPRECIATION VALUES MR. PATTULLO BIG lf.'i EXPLAINS HIS la ladies Overcoats and Hats LAND POLICY Special for Saturday Only Answers Editorial In U.i.r.m' weather is getting cold, and the frosty nights are Weekly and Clears Up Many L If you want anvthing to protect you, and keep Points Not Generally Mm Understood. rfMfcof Ladle' Overcoat at vary low figures. You Se Sever seen better value this year. In a recent editorial The British also offering a pretty lot of Ladles' and Misses' Columbia Veterans' Weekly criti nl it one third off. This is a very big reduction. For cized the policy of the Provincial SeUdy who needs a hat, this is the time to acL Come uovernmenl in its plans directed towards bringing alienated and m unpaid for Crown Lands back within the right of the Crown. JABOUR BROS., LTD. The Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Minister ol Lands, replies to the comment Values Good House op The In the current issue of The Weekly g25 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B. C. in the following terms in full: Mr. Pattullo'a Statement. I note that your paper speaks editorially of the land quealion. The Spirit of Sunlight II Is very evident that there exists a very great deal of misapprehension U,,rd Lfpwtl. President Harry Lipselt, Manager in respect to this All over the land the sun calls forth Edward Cunningham, Vice-President important subject. beauty, cleanliness, health and the re-newing A number of questions are asked of youth. So with Sunlight in your editorial, but they ar & Co. asked in such a way as to leave Soap in the home. It redeems everything lipsett-Cunningham the implication that a condition washable from the thraldom of of affair exijls which does not LIMITED dirt. Renews beauty and brings out exit; that a course of Action has old colors. It cleanses with FISHING A CANNERY EOUIPSJKUT MARINE HARDWARE been taken which, as a matter of a sure, fael, has not been taken; and that gentleness that only the purest of soaps Qas Engines and Accessories tuimshtp Supplies, it course o.T action Iris nol been could accomplish. FUh Nstting, Twines, Lines, Hopes and Cordage taken which, as a mutter; of fact, II PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. has been Ubra. You slate, "So far as one can Sunlight Soap RtjiiUred OOce: rrmc Itupert OOce: judge from li'ie ouUide, the speculator H mnafus where be was, aud Telephone No. 95 Wster Street, (8 holds with n firmer clutch than Its mission as thousands af homes know V. O. Dot 1C98 Vancouver. B, C. ever the patrimony o't the pfiople is to wash clothes, from the finest to the of this province. W'4 ask, Minister coarsest, without nibbing or old-time labour Pattullo, if tbbv is not so?' and discomfort. Also to wash woodwork, The answer is "No." The so-tailed this linoleums, dishes, utensils, etc., spotlessly speculator accuses clean with only a little soap. All this because govrnment of having passed confiscatory S.Tihh Block P.O. Bo 772 03ice-l Phona 3l leilUon which will it is absolutely pure. lake bis propect; clean away from The spirit of Sunlight is purity Prince RapjjgfflggJpjy Co. him. Your editorial implies 'that and cleanliness. the speculator has a firmer hold than evr. The facts are that Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors holders of property who develop Dtirrutes furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete them neeA have no fear of our Plant Installations legislation, tehile those who will No one LEVER not develop their property will can buy BROTHERS i Northern B.C. Representatives ' have lo uijke way for those who better LIMITED, Canadian Westinchouse Electrical shipment. Ewtric will. , Soap. TORONTO GfDril"' fio'dliirs' Land Bill. Co., Hamilton tig? Vwii At'lt. "Is it not the case that wodyear Tire& Rubber Mfialcal Robber Good. Ho because t an extended time limit 10 Co., Toronto. Elr Power" Beltin. for paynenl given uie speculator Canada Wire & Cable Dare and Insulated Copper. by Ihe Government, some iwoj Co., Montreal Sleet and Iron Wir. million'fewer acres came uacK io the Cwwn than was expected to Domestic Engineering "Deleo" Llithl ProdoelH come (is a rosult of the late Government's Co., Dayton """" ., :iolted Kleetrie Plant 'ooldlers' land bill? " PeHon Water Wheel Co. Water Whl and The unswer to this is "No." SOUSA IS ILL San Hydraulic Apparatus The total acreage involved un Francisco S. S. PRINCE RUPERT der Ihe "Soldiers' Hosestead Act, New York, Nov. 14. Philip Pacific Vancouver1 Co su n. Tk .u, to which you refer as the soldier" Sousa, the famous bandmaster i on Land Bill," was approximately I II.- ITnjlfw1 t Wge Manufacturing Tiagtaj. 2,700,000 acres. This bill Stales, is seriously ill. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE provided for a form or propor- tO., lOrontO Hansen, etc tlonale allotment for those who The Princess Mary of the CP. SAIUNG A lint of YVettlnghouse Motors, Lnmpi and other Elects had not paid up the full purchase II. fleet will take up the Alaskan MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THUnSDAY for Swanson Bay, Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried In stock tirice. . . . . i service and hep, first sailing will Vlcorla and Seattle. The extension of time io wnicn ;be from Vancouver on November Ocean Falls, Vancouver, and SATURDAY for Bay. WEDNESDAY Granby involved at no time more 18th MIDNIGHT you refar 10, arriving here on the en than approximately ooo.uou acres route north. The further dales S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. S. the land aud, as a matter of fact, scheduled are November 30, December hich was lakenup unuer me 1 1 and December 28, leav Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. extension was approximately ing Vancouver. Igh 000 acres. This extension wusj TRAIN SERVICE Class Printin g granted in order that no injustice If you can't buy a big Victory rarnirer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 im. for Smitberc might bo done in any instance bond, you can buy a small one. Prince C for re. Edmootoo and wtnnlpe r. miklor direct connection! for aU tavoiveo. points east and souUl where Ui paUlei uauj not received proper notice. j INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE The situation is, therefore, inai For Information and reservations apply to foe do the of tho 2.700,000 acres which were SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Daily News Print Shop is equipped to sold, approximately 2,200.0001 City Ticket Office, S26 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 est kinds of printing at the most reasonable acres are back In the Crj'wn; that No Danger of Contracting Infiuenxa. is tn ay- that approximately Jnces. No job is too smali to receive careful 500,000 acres wer) either paid for: in full or granted under proportionate So states a well known Vancou ttention and none too big for the shop to handle. allotment. All or this ver doctor who offers to swallow CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 500,000 acre? was alienated be-foro a capsuleful every day for a week. tho present Government cam The Doctor U i;ight. into power. Of the 2.200.000 aciys With plenty or fresh uir, good Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points IICS1NUS8 AM) SOCIAL. CAIUm it will no doubt It- found that s tiOUiUSiiss fond and table- via Steamer to Vancouver and the considerable portion is good land spoonful of KENNEDY'S TONIC XOTH IlttADH ANI ENVMOPIM but it is situato, with llttlo exception, poitT four times daily you can Canadian Pacific Railway owpuiv iosTi:ita and ikmkikiw some distanco from transportation. keep your body strong and Meals and Berth included on Steamer The land situate close thoroughly fortified against the uookikth ami folders to transportation was bought and ravages of influenza, asthma, nnld for in full or obtained bronchitis, colds or coughs. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE CIHCUIjAIW AND 1HI8TAL NOTICH8 south Afr!uuV Scrip. HIG DOCTORS PP.ESUIU1K if. through IS. princess SOPHIA sails from Prince Rupert September llth, tlrd and Compelling Legislation. DRUG STORES SELL IT. tf October 4th. (lib and Uth. WORK l'UATi:it.AL SOCIETY Now, what is iJi Covcrninest UECKIIT IIOOKH AND CHECKS doing towards rendering tlio lands FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQWAY, ALASKA close to transportation available IS. princess SOPHIA tails from rrinee Rupert September 9tn, tltk and for settlement? As is Inready JOth; October lOlh. ttst and Slit. well known, tho Government has fc Daily News Print Shop menus nassed legislation for compelling which owners provides of W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. . land to use it or to let go of it NOTICE U fcftrcby liven Uit the Sale Land to b held on the twemy-rourU) nnd let somebody elso use it. And,-further, day of October nn upon wnlcn delinquent Co per Fourth Street end Third Avenue. Piin Rupert B.C. tho Government 1 putting ttirt are aue tut ueen poiipaueu io iir Third Ave. Rupert i Unds In the I'rlnce nupert Asiment .Prince this legislation to actual DUti-lct are esnesrned and that on the till day or November follow In t a.sale will be nractlce. held of all turn land In the aald Aiaeaa ftl4U Orders attention To say that the Government ment C.Dlitrlet.W. IIO.MEn. Aaaessor and CclUetor Subscribe for The Daily New (Continued on Page 5.) DATED this una aay or October, A. o, tvii