Page 2 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE WMGL PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Monday, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. irdai at 0:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. The Deaver works for hit town. From the EaaL What about our country? Have Sunday, Tuesday and Thura- Six wo bought all the bond we can lays at 5:43 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: afford? reasons City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c For Vancouver: - m, By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year ?6.00. TREASURE SEEKERS Sundays 10 p. m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.60. ARE DISAPPOINTED Tuesdays 5 P-ni IN THEIR SEARCH Thursdays ........ ..,' !0;.p;in. Saturdays 7 a.m. 98. Telephone Papeete, Tahiti, Oct. 13-(By 1 Steadies nerves TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - SO centsper inch. Mail Seekers of treasures, after From Vancouver 2 Allays thirst Sunday 10 p.m. Contract Rates on application. spending more than $100,000 in chartering a steamer and equip Vednesdays ........ 10:30 a. in 3 Aids appetite ping an expedition, have discovered Saturdays 10:30 a. m. DAILY EDITION. Friday, November 15, 1918. that the. object of their 4 Helps digestion is worthless and the For Anyoi: quest money expended lost. Sundays 10 p.m. 5 Keeps teeth clean The Time Limit An-Iron vessel was wrecked on Vednesdays 10 p. m 6 It's economical Expires Tomorrow. the shore of the island of Taka-roa. Saturdays 10 p. m. Just today and tomorrow! Then the subscription lists for The same company which, of it has been some years ago raised the steam From Anyox: the Victory Loan 1018 w ill close. The Victory part Walkuro in Papeete harbon Tuesdays a.m. er assured by the boys at the front, but it is up to each individual dispatched a representative to re Thursdays a.m. at home lo make the Loan. And only tomorrow remains. port on the conditions of the undays p.m. Tomorrow "manana" is and has been the curse of same wreck. On the strength or Hits nations. For tomorrow never comes. Today while it is called report the steamer Raymond was For Port Simpson and Kaas Rlvst PKee? the soldiers andL todav is the time to et busy and buy Victory Bonds. chartered out and lilted. points: sailors supplledl When ready for the work of .... 10 Fundays p.m. The wise man who already has bought what he has con dis salvage lo commence it was sidered all he could alford. will revise his estimates for the com covered that the plates on the From Hort Simpson and Naas ing few months. There are some things costing money which vessel were rusted through and River Points: Sealed could be done without, and their proposed cqst might well be that they could not stand rlie Tuesdays ajn. duI into another bond. It will pay in me long run. strain of an ordinary squall. All tight Don't nut off until tomorrow. Now is the acceptable time. attempt to salvage the ship had Qucon Charlotte Islands: Kept to be abandoned. To those other wise people who have not yet done their part, For Massett, Toil Clements ami right the same advice applies. Da it now! You are not giving your LAM) ACT FOrl NO. 11 Upper Island points: of interest with the best Vednesdays 6. p. m. m aV n ssss . m money away, but lending it at a high rate NOTICE Or I5TE.1TI0.1 TO APPLY TO security in the world. It is a straight business proposition, show I.V QCEE3 CHARLOTTE LEASE LA-ND 1JLA.1DS LASD 'rum Ma?rt Poit Clements and in an untaxable profit to the individual.1 DISTRICT; RECORDWO DISTRICT Ol Upper Island points: But what's the use of extending such an argumenL Every SKEE5A AJID SITUATE O.I SOUTH rldays, p. m. MADE IN SHORE OF LAGOOS 15 LET, MORESBT CANADA body knows it There is but one thing lo do and that is lo Duy ISLAXD. ABOUT O.IE MILE ThOU ITS vor Skidr-gate. Qurun Ui.-rlotle bonds till you're broke. WOOTH. TAKE NOTICE Uut I. JO LI M. MAC City and Lower Island jioints: No Retiring in Luxury MILLAJf or Vancouver, B. C occupation aturdars 8 p. in. Canixryinan, Intends to pply for ptraU- For Ex-Kaiser Wilbelm. iioa to leas I be fonowior described laads From SUdegate. (Juecu Cbarlollc, It is rumored that the ex-Kaiser is to retire to one of his ConuseBClor ! post pUnu-d on U City and Iiwer Island points south shore of Larooo Inlet, WortJtjy 1 Tuesdays. castles. That may be a temporary arrangement until the final Und. about one mile from Its montn thence til to rbatau; thence bona 10 Chew It after every meal terms considered but it will never satisfy the men whose peace are chains; tbenee eait 19 chains more or lea For Skagway and the Yukon. friends have been the victims of the Kaiser's brutality. For the to low -water mark at tbe beacn; Utencr Every ten days. bigv'.st criminal of them all to escape and to live the rest of his point southerly or foUowtnr commencement;low water coalalnlnr mark to toe It From 8kagway and Yukon. The Flavour Lasts! days in luxury would not be justice. Wilhelm will have to ex acre mora or leas. Every ten days. piale his sins or there will be some millions of soldiers will,want Dated Aorust JOU.1 MCLARTT 19th. ttlt.MACMILLA5. .tl to know the reason why. MINERAL ACT Stewart to Be Served Certificate of Improvements. By Larger Boat. Prince Rupert's highway is .the sea. That is the way in erro Fraction WOTICE Mineral Claim, situate la Keep the which she,keeos in touch With the outside world. While most the Skeena Mlnlnr DlHiton or Casstar up District. AM assured ihd places depend upon their good roads to develop intercourse with Where located: A ear-tbe bead ct Alice I the neighbors, this city depends upon its steamship travel. Arm, m't e M tcoble ivUl jc- TAKE NOTICE that I. Lewis W. Paunore. Food cdl Just now Prince Rupert has a first class service. With seven Frr Miner's Certificate No. 10147-C ar Supply spond to every and eight steamers running regularly to ports of call out' of here arent for John Watford Sirumbcek, I'it necessary to the sve Miner's Certificate No. liitl-C, Intend, the highway of the seas, is being pretty welt utilized. There is sltty days from the date be not, to apply cess of our cause iciih that is not. service here and that to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate or and only one point getting good from, Improvement', for the purpose or obtain-Inr Help the same indomitable is Stewart It is expected, however, that that place will be served a Crown tiiant of the Above claim. ardour and devotion And farther take notice that action, un in the near future. der section if most b- commenced I fort that havcfilledme with The mines of Stewart are rich and one big one will be shipping the Issue of such CerUacate ct lmon. Make Victory pride and gratitude this winter. The result will be that a good steamer will find oems. DATED this IStn day jf AcruSI, A. t- since the tear began.' ore cargo as well as passengers and ordinary freight to carry Ittl, Oil away from the camp. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Sure His Majwtt Kivo Ctotci (Stctions it and iit.t ' Be ArpUtatSao So, 9To-I tllt-l. TAKE NOTICE that annllfafinn hii cmr ESd lo tesiitfr Nathan Loon Ijndn ami BIG VALUES Dora lettgleaaa ss outers la fee attder kUR. soldiers must be fed; the people at two .a saj ueea imra iuc r-tueetor or 1 ......... . 1S th. iiih oar or .tonm.Vf.n.... ttiT. tt II I ' 3 home must be fed. And in spite of In Ladies' Overcoats and Hals fl siagclak teal eruic parce? or irnci oi una ana pmawet sitsaw. lj!oa Germany's murderous campaign to and txicr la thA MsaiflpaUty or tb Oij i i rinc i4upcn more partiniany taown cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking siul described as IM eiern (tt). Sloe Special for Saturday Only Lot mirteen (13 eiotX thi.-tr-five at. every ship on the High Seas an ample and The weather is getting cold, and the frosty nfhts are Seciion eiUi m. Map Jtl. Vju are r flow of food and unfailing to England quired to cootes: the claim of the rai coming. If you want anything to protect you, and keep urchaser vttbta 3$ Atjt irom ttvj dile you warm, we are offering on Saturday morning our fin-tire r the sertlce or Ml sotlc (wMcb nuiy France must be maintained. stock of Ladies' Overcoats at very low figures. Yoo Im effected ly imblicatlon Is tbe tixlf have never seen better value thia year. Ke-s, and your attention Is called to ee Ova it ct tbe "Land Deristrv krf B.-ith We are also offering a pretty lot of Ladies' and Misses' vntr.dcoenu, and to thus IoIIowIdj eilract This is National Service Hats, at one third off. This is a very big reduction. For mcfetroin:-- the lady who needs a hat, this is the time to act Come 'and In :fiu!t or carta: or certificate Not io the Farmer only and look. trstten , ivSWi oS iix person entitled un- Bui io YOU w &u persons so served to everybody with nolle, .... and idom elaiminr JABOUR BROS., LTD. rlllmlnir tbroorb or inv nuier intM,,them,in acd tmw..t ail...persons . This appeal is directed of toy unreunerod injlrunifct. and all t.imju i.ii.a.i a- .DirrtJi in me land The House of Good Values bf descent whvse titii Is tm-l rerlitered . ......... unite Nation SERVE nrriAll Urge. Utiliie ' w ji Al). BllMil UC must as a to a garden or 825 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B, C, lor..., erer c-j ntovvra and m, vr demrrri in . .peci rn.m or u.toe WE to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, PLANT back yard. Cultivate the laod sball so rerUier sold for the taif.s.peroi aia enured htjijirar under women and children; the young,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food SUCH old fof mi istes."sale as oroer or tbe land so ged and the old all can help In the AJtD Vl!Efr.4 innllrallnn I... Nation' Army of Production. nia5 Xor 5 Certifleale ot IndefeasIbU TIU? of towns can find no better to the. above-mentioned lands, la the WOMEN for their nana outlet or natutn touts lndo and Pors Scbtia EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps Important NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! MSB. the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable AND WHEREAS on lnMllriio ttt. ,ni. the Food for Ovemas. garden. I appears thst r.rlor tj tbe Supply l!Ui day ir Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present j:.ooer. iie una date on vbirSi th. ..m bods were sold for overdue uiim Be patriotic in act as -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement were the rr riiiered owne thereof. fcr information on W$ubjtct relating FURTHER TAITii r.oiKZ that it tbe of a new supply Mine time I sUB eCcct reristratlon in tcthe Farm and Cardtn, mitt: well as in thought. M'rar!re ar 'isceli l:.Mcil.... ' .mi laiue a cmi0j: cf Indrftaiiile TlUe LNFCR.MA.TION BUREAU if tbe WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED am .mus in soe names or ffatban Louis Department of Agriculture Lando .tnd Tiers tinleia Use every means available" BUTEDALE - - - fc.C. and rrotfcuw :h prt,per proeeedinri lo OTTAWA v.-uu, h any, to tbe said Overlook nothing. ands, or jo prevent such oronoiet n on ray parv Almit.rlncpi DATED nnperL at ti. tbe B. c Lind im,Ret.siry omee- ' Dominica Department of Agriculture Advertise In The Daily News District. r.It,MACLEOD, OTTAWA CANADA. T Boberl HUdebmndL Prlow, .' The Paper that gets Quick Results frsncls Calve, tfince ooiie,fespert,anuria,e,C KClf. MAitTTM BUXRILs! Mlnhter. . aaassssssssssssssssssssss? Wm,