number IS, MS. THE DAILY NEWS, Page 3 KELP RAISE $500,000,000 AND SHOW CANADA'S APPRECIATION CREW OF POLAR BEAR President LP"lt. ruard Upsell. larP Manager Ldard Cunningham, Vice-President ARRIVE IN VICTORIA Captain Hadley or 8tefansson'a felt-Cunningham & Co. Exploration Ship Arrlvea With Nine Men From Nome. LIMITED - SHIP HA8 BEEN BEACHED CANNERY EQUIPWEUT MARINE HARDWARE flSHIKO & AWAITING MANY REPAIRS Suppttea, Gas Engines and Accessories Steamship The Polar Hear, Stefaisson'a Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Flih exploration ship now at St. Michael, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Alaska, will cost from $5,000 to 86,000 to repaiij in order tu , Begiatcred Office: Prince Ilupert Offlce: remove the effects of damage eg Water Street, Telephone No. 05 June.sustained at Darter Island last D. C. P. O. Box 1C08 Ttncouver This is the statement of her captain, J. H. Hadley, who with nine men has arrived in Victoria to report to thb naval authorities there. Captain Hadley says it may be months lie fore anything further n heard of Ktorker? Slorkerunn parly, which was reported in .ptwibeT to bo pushing on moving ice into the unexplored sec-lion The Spirit of Sunlight Royal Standard Flour of the Beaufort Sea. He does not expect news until next spring, All over the land the sun calls forth perhaps not until late in 1919. As a war flour, ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR is in a Lark of communication explains beauty, cleanliness, health and the renewing in Ly se I Richer jo gluten, it is easier to handle; tin- expectation of delay, he of youth. So with Sunlight . t . nkAiliiiilnrr nnniim 1 1 J ..,1 ...III. say. Soap in the home. It redeems (Jt fc- ""6 J" """ B ?""" iiiuiii, aim wiiii everything An Experienced Man. itir uxtu spring." Royal Standard Flour will remedy Captain Hadley, ice navigator-! washable from the thraldom of Biy or your baking troubles making the best possible since 18f'fi, told some of his experiences dirt. Renews beauty and brings out use (or use with substitutes. in connection with the old colors. It cleanses with a sure, Canadian Arctic Expedition. Only that the of gentleness only purest soaps three winters since he first made Vancouver Milling & Grain acquaintance with the fnoien could accomplish. north ha he spent outside, o CO., LIMITED that hi experience of the latest ! Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flottr" expedition is nothing new. i Sunlight Soap Millers License 139 WholeaaJe License 12-193 The story of the winter of ' 1915-16 at Armstrong Point Psrktge Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 Victoria! Its mission as thousands af homes know Prince of Wales Strait, Land, of the same reason of is to wash clothes, from the finest to the 1916-1? at Walker Bay, and of coarsest, without rubbing or old-time labour operating as a supply ship during and discomfort. Also to wash woodwork, the short open summer sea- 1 fin linoleums, dishes, utensils, etc., spotlessly son is largely that of the Slcfans-' clean with only a little soap. All this because Phone Ul OJice 14 Smith Block P.O. Bo 772 son expedition already told. it is absolutely pure. Food Shortage. Captain Hadley explained an The spirit of Sunlight is purity Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. aspect which is often lost sight and cleanliness. of in the record of these expeditions. "The supporting boat," he Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors said, "has by no means an easy Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete time so far as its occupants are Plant Installations concerned, for everything in the: No one LEVER BROTHERS nature of food has to make way, can buy 1 Northern B.C. Representatlree for the ice parties, so that the; better TORONTO LIMITED, Canadian Ve3Unghouse S& ship's crew is left with the Soap. There is the' changeless diet. Ilnmilton IO., Limp. Ac chance of getting fresh meat I 10 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mfchniei Rubber Good. Hom sometimes, but often that is im- j CO., Toronto. Power" Belting. possible, and frequently usn is Canada Wire & Cable nare and inflated copper. not easy to seeurs." Co., Montreal Slf' ,roa wlr- The bitter cold is very trying, the captain tated that at Walker Domestic Engineering "Dieo" Utht Produeui Bay tbe thermometer registered Co., Dayton ' . . :ioutd Electric sixty-five degree below. Pelton Water Wheel Co. w.ur whi and The eaptain described the cir take the Polar Bear to St. San Francisco " Hj-dr.uK Apo. cumstances under which they left Michael's, where sho was beached, S. S. PRINCE RUPERT . k l1lntl j-m Aii m t c f and is still there waiting the lltt Wife Bl UPO ACIli. WU .uoa Pacific Coast Pipe Co. season's effort disposition of the Canadian Gov OR Wood S!are Pipe, TftRk. te. 8. 1317, after..the sin frn a r Vancouver r to ceased with uic explorer, ano."."". Wge Manufacturing the final meeting with" ilio Chal-J The party came down on the : S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ffi; Stefajutson on steamer Victoria from Nome. As ; having lenircr. CO., Toronto lUager. etc. board la!le in the month of Aug-usi me capiam arieo. or oumu mur, ( SAILING Aline of WestlnghoUsi Motors, Lamps and other Electrical at BaJllis Island. Here owing after George H. WUKins left, asj MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for- Swanson Bay, stock which led to the the photographer of the party-. lt carried In Equipment and Goodyear Belting -- VIcoria and Seattle. tv va i understood he brings a num-jf Ocean Falls, Vancouver, MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Granby Bay. which was ier oi pictures oi me epuiuuu, rtwn him la currency particularly of the blond Esqui-mos given many months ago, Stefans-son S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Mr- Uadley. who o Victoria Land, for the au appointed thorities. Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. was then second officer, io the command of the boat, after discharging the captain and mate. INFLUENZA GERMS CAN BE TRAIN SERVICE I High Class Printing Off Barter Island. SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE ranrr MONSAr.-WCONCSOAY and SATURDAy at 1I:J0 ajn. for Smllbers Thus the captain became in rrtnee Ceorr, Etoonton points and Wltinlper,east and maklcr soatn; direct connections for all charge of the Polar Bear, fourteeu No Danger of Contracting months ago, and worked his way , influenza. the northern coast to Barter For Information and reservations apply to ?lor;g 14 and So slates a veil known Vancou G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. On September The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the 15, Island.1017. a gale arose and the ver doctor who offers to swallow Cltv Ticket Office. 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable nhip was badly strained. Tbe a capsuleful every day for a week. anchor dragged, as the vessel The Doctor is rjight. Prices. No job is too small to receive careful drove on shore. Tho delay forced With plenty of fresh air, good to winter, the ves-el nourishing food and a table- attention and none too big for the shop to handle. being the party not well suited to ico work. spoonful of KENNEDY'S TONIC PAW Am AH PAHPir R All WAV The captalu fays the Polar Bear POUT four times daily you can i I've C7ar rim - is not hoavy enough for ice work, ktvo your body strong and as a result of which the ice caked thoroughly fortified against tbe f Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points IIUSINKH AND SOCIAL. CAIUW on the sides of the vessel instead ravages of infiuenza, asthma, via Steamer to Vancouver and the I of breaking it, and a kedge anchor bronchitis, colds or coughs, Canadian Pacific Railway noti: inaus and kxvm-opkh had to be dropped astern Jo BIG DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. DISPLAY POSTKItS AND DODT.KIW hold her off. DRUG STORES SI-XL IT. tf Meals and Berth included on Steamer The long dreary northern winter DOOKLKTrJ ANI POLDKUS thu9 was again spent in tho Even if you have already bought ice and bond, dgn'l think FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SSATTLK solitudes of the Arctio a Victory you ClUCULAItS AND POSTAL NOTICIM wind, and thus it came about that you could manago to pay for another? ss. princes SOPHIA siUIs from rrince Hupert Stptember (Stn. tSM and damage occurred to the vessel October 4th. tun and (Stn. lltATKILNAh BOC1KTV WORK" last May, or in the early part of June, when about twenty feet of FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRAMOELL, CKAQWAV, ALASKA UUCKllT BOOKS AND CHIX'KH the keel was pulled out, tho rudder SS. PRINCESS tOPHlA sjll.i frcin rrtnee aaptrt September Stb. tttb ao4 stock broken, the rudder bent JOttii October lO'.h. ttst nd Sist and the main masthead broken. The Shop Temporary and on August repairs 6 Point wern Bnrrow effected, W. O. ORCHARD, General AgenL Daily News Print was reached. There was so much NOTICE li hereby elvea that tba Sile r Un4i to be brld on h twenty-rounn Co nar Fourth Strt rnd Third Avenue, Prince Ruwrti B.C. that it necessary tee, however, was dy or OcUbrr nxt upon which delinquent lay there for eleven days, and uiei tre due r,t bern postponed to far to aii lands In the I'll life Itupert ASAessiuent Rupert Third Avc.Prince three or four days later Nome Untrlct ire concerned and that on tbe SSU , L - day ut November rollqwinr a sale will be In the middle of Sep. was reached held or all uch lands In the said Acsess MH attention tember. ment District. Subscribe for The Daily News Orders receive careful & prompt "to C W, IIOMEIU-Aiieisor and Collector he said, "We were advised," DATED tbls Sod October. A. D.