TUP. DANA MKW8. Page 4 MOR E KIDNEY STEEL SHIPS TO BE BUILT I ROUBLE IN VICTORIA Since He Commenced to Take "Frult-a-tlres" Will Be Operated By Company In With Canada's 73 Lira Atextr, Ottawa, Osr. Co-Operation "Three years apo, I bevaj to feci National Railway run-down and tired, and suffered System. rery much from Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ilarinjr read of 'Frult-a-Urea', FOUR EIGHT-THOUSAND- I thought I would try them. TON STEAMERS TO START VTiS result ns surprising. Alvf not had an hoar's lickntu Bringing with them Ihe signed since I commenced usiny 'Fruit-a-tires', contracts for four steel vessels and I know now what I bare of 8,100 tons each, to be built at not known for a food many years head Victoria, Mr. Chas. V. Spratt, that is, tho blessing of a healthy of the Victoria Machinery Depot, body aad clear thinking brain". WALTER J.IIAIUUOTT. and Mr. II. n. Neild, manager for 60c. a box,6 for f2 CO,trial size 25c. the firm, have arrived back in At all dealers or sent postpaid on Victoria after completing nego receipt of price by Fruit-a-tires tiations with the Dominion Gov Limited,Ottawa. ernment for the construction or steel shins here. Desides the ac tual contracts for four vessels the How Many Crowns for company has assurances o f enough construction to keep the To the Public: new yard going for some years, just as long as the Government programme continues. The new- Your Honor ? HARRY HANSON inventor A Patentee steel plate works at Sydney, b Flail ot the lurry Hanson Patented Fast which are now being built, have HeaUnr Hot Water Coll for Ranres contracts to supply ships' plates has returned to town to star. to the Government for five years An Improvement tn said col! U from the time they start work now belnr offered. It If now made of brass pipe, and prices are as follows. 2bout next July, so that would in sure at least five years' work on . Of course every city, town and district With a three-years' ruarantee S2S. Government ships here. Him a Ore-rears' a-uaraotee, SJO. A New Industry. will its Honor Flag. This coll Is guaranteed to beat The success of the Victoria earn water four times raster than any in Machinery Depot securing col now on toe market. See these contracts means the in Harry Hanson auguration of a new industry But how about the crowns? which is bound to be more per The Mailable Plumber manent than that of wooden ship Phone 49 133 2nd Ate. Prince building. The V. M. D. will build Rupert. the hulls of the vessels, the en For every twenty-five per cent, in STCCN A LONQWILL gines and some or tne otner Arents. Phone 5, tnd Are. equipment, although the officials excess of its quota, each city, town and Prtnc Rupert of the company are not ready to ay just how extensively they will district will be entitled add commence. The plant will cost to a Crown to an enormous sum and the payroll will be a large one. Two ways its flag. Prince Rupert Feed Co. will be used. It is not yet known how fast PHONE 68 the boats can be turned out, and rOOO BOARD LICENCE ho. I stst there is no time limit set Hut Can you do fifty per cent, better than as ships win fie started as fast as the ways are cleared, it will' that for two quota means crowns HAY, GRAIN, FEED, pay the company to work at high your peed. SEEDS AND FERTILIZER The steel for the new vessels your Honor Flag. will be got from Pittsburg at first but as soon as the new works at CMcken Feed a Specialty. come Sydney from are ready there. the plates will But dou hie your quota and If means Used With Railway. UH Order Promptli Attendee' te. four Speaking of the new steel ves crowns. sels which will be built for the Government, Hon. C. C. Ballan-tyne. p. a Ba txi. OS Ttl'l Ate Minister of Marine, after Hang a flag in hall, that for expressing the view that the rates your years of freight prevailing would continue for some time after the war, to come will show that your city, town or said it was the intention of the Hotel Hyder uovernmeni in connection to operate with the its Canadian vessels district did better than well Portland National Railway System Canal, B.C. on the Atlantic, the Pacific, and M. R. JAMIESON, Proprietor fbe Great Lakes. There will, he That it was a real factor in the huge said, "unquestionably be a very Cat tie Off l lit ftmont gjath Mint great demand for tonnage to car success of CANADA'S VICTORY ry products of the flield, the mine, the forest and the factor' Now Open for Business as well as to bring back the Can. LOAN 1918. adian soldiers who have. splend. Ji - t .A imy participated in cringing a- bout the victory which now seems Cleaning, Pressing so near." Issued by CanadY VJoiy Loan Committee The Minister further authorized In co.opcratlon with tho Minister of Pinanca the (statement that, on his recom 0 ho Dominion of Canada and Repairing mendation, the Government had decided that the vessels to be 1CJ LADIES AND GENTS constructed will be operated by steamship company organized to work in co-operation with the Jack Dunbar Canadian .National Railway Sys tern, free in all respects from interference Phone 5 10 J 25 SttonJ At. of any kind and under the management of Mr. D U MINERAL ACT. CktENA LAND DISTRJCT DISTWCT OF eee Hanna and his board of directors CERTIFICATE S)f IMPROVEMENTS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. In the adoption of this policy, MOT1CK. TAA'E NOTICE that I. Jobo Mel.artr Mac. DENTISTRY Mr. Dallanlyne said: "The Government cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, iituit u.u.n. tit vancotiver, B. C. occupation is following the system In tb Skeena Mininr Division or Casslar raoocrjToan, isteuds to tvilr tar umli Things Look Brighter adopted and now In operation by District Wbcre located: At the hd or Hon to lease Ibe followinr described lauds: orrtcE hours: .nice arm in the Skeena Mlnlnr DlrUion. iffliBDemiiii at a post planted on the the Canadian Pacific Railway." I at. NOTICE that I. 1. EL Stark, soutn stKire of a-m. to 12j 1:J0 p,m. te E;30 pjn. own.. Latoon Bay, Moresby Is vi ww arcve ciaun. Free Miner's CerUncaU mm, auoai one mile from Its mouth. DR. J. 8. BROWN A Natural Inquiry. No. 14171, Intend, suty days from Ui inence aosui lu chains, thence west to DEXT1ST uaie uereor, 10 apply to the Mlnlnr Re chains, thence north to chains, thence Offleei Smith Black, Third Avenue. T should like a porterhouse corder for a Certincate of Improvements, easterly aioor the shore line to point of "Mirro" Aluminium Ware Phone 454. steak with mushrooms," said the ior sue purpose of obtalnlnr a Cmn coovDeneemcni, contalnlna 40 acre mare uraui 01 ine anove claim. or less. Bread Pons stranger, "and some delicately Mixing Bowls Pcrcolatcrs And further take notice that aeiu.n nn JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. JYAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION urownea toast with plentv f butler." Or section 85, must be commenced be listed June 10th 1. Combination Kettle and Double Boiler ACT. ' iMuaoce or sucn certificate of -B. C. CHAPTER IK. "'Scuss me. suh," Jnterruoted iiuprovrinenis. Frypans ua tea tms sin day of July, a. D. Ittl. the waiter. "Is you tryin' to five fEHS?hereby rlrri .notice""?.that they deposited iiive. with an order or is you Jes reminisciti' Form LAND Ko.ACT 11. "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping f1?"' muue works at Ottawa 'bout old times?" V. m.?aJr. Uw District Registrar Notice of IntenUon to Apply to Lease Lni r ,....c,,f. r' "riei or Prince I.N QUEEN CHAHLOTTK; Oh sayl The News Print Shoo DISTHIr- nrnmnvn 'VJi.V.I'-?I v. w mtVQ auu me puns or a can. SKEENA A0 Call and sec the latest shipment nt SITUATE ON S 01 fll SHOlip nery and wharf Drorirt tn ti t...n7 aoes us work about aa cheap as Oy."000N INLET. MO KM BY W0TICE OF ISLAND CANCELUTIO.'I RESERVE Ot 5?,ri'Klfapo1?."B,cv ,n front uf"rnor P't at T Port Lol most shops and quite as well, ABOUT ONE NILE FROM ITS MOUT V 4176,And Ranre take notice, Coast tint District..ri. h. gives you the work on time when of TAkt Vancouver,NOTICE n.tiial r.. I,,...r...,.:.ohn M. aacMlllan NOTICE Is hrreli. rt.n tk. .h. ....... FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ?..?n6..,noin? from ,n of the Vm ever possible and hands it out man. intend t rV7.ni. t..r""" .".n f.i-Vn5 00 r" Portions of Lots Two' publication of this notice, toe Port Edward with a pleasant "Thank vnn." Iftiiui 11.. r;,ii..i'"i.-r'.T"""'W described ltrvii- to .iTi.?..""it out Hmr,,,u tM n....Two hundred.., C&iuinenelnr ft!"?!SL mlte'1. uua" Section 7 of at a BKCOND AVENUE I.T '" luo Minister or Pubic .Vhat do you say lo giving them south Shore of T Intel ' Piivi- hundred mUM,VQ na own as Lots oneamlS Works at fcis om.ee in the land, i.out .?.rt,.? and flfiy.ntne (lilt), City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and trial on your next Job? Uience west so el.T7n., ' t't .'i Eleven hundred an mtr.. ,.. plans and for leave to construct ins said Eleven hundred and ilitv tun 1119. t. cannery and wbarf. r' uu"r i'iarinr in in. hi.tun Vt.?1 " Vancouver, D. C, this twenty, Why delay further? Buy thai southerly follower Vi IJ?.J?.1" . "w Columbia Oaaeita f i7(ti December, lOT, fourth day of Octobtr, it is. Is ranrclled for sale purposes. . Victory bond now and settle the 3 .Tiesr1' TKa." To " PORT EDWARD FlSllEHIEg LIMITED. .h.?VEh v.,ior,' Mrttlsh ColumMs, News War, it, R. E, WALKER, Secretary' matter. day ot 0 September,R. NADL'N,a, D. mi. Advertise in "The Daily Deputy Minister of Unds.