aHHbkaakaBsH ha 10, me (Vuvcmr -s r - - i-mmm RADIANS ;r: m. . , M - - s, m Aeroplanes v X . ',,. . " i Canada Wa. ...! for M '-l-'.rbl. by War Loans. "ncwryW.. Speedily Built L..ti.:'f.i':i,l"r.: ff-tiirf U.e w.r. How . . r it am nr uun vaav... ;,nme in this re- IS u atrplana manufacturing mnada. but few f appreciable concept- bid I-ftae 11 h" been d0-rrn.. errand other rea- " . ..i. lin said i'-wd only the other P" r .Hlno. aim nil " . ,ni f Canadian Aero- llcuted, overa 9 1-2 c- ., 9iin ooo aciuare -- ' u-- i II .mr.1r.va I ;J Dcr ten. It. J.. M i iiird as sVlllcd Ltsxa T: date it baa turned lUiO airplaoea. vaiueu av its tapaciiy Dein 'fi03.CC3 M t mealn. It ia interesting i to sv..; that this Indualry i.. t-. Mdfl nosstble. Ihrougli 6tt;t JU cade by Uie Dominion Areata!, bb. in turn, It iWt d; tb:i largely Ibrougti ILL 1 il v t t L;n Canada a direct fe. Wit wniffit.ft n the Loan la thua There are thousands of Cana-:.' i ,t ihe n. ral Air Force, and high name for slej bava "U a tseasches by their remarlable, npi .1 But it i only 18 months if u tbe mating I airplanes as btgun Ibic couolrjr. Pifdla were bent; trained in Caaad for lite floral Air Fore, and the BriLsn o, ifmnjfoi ft$tited the Imperial Afu&Jlioas Board to aee f it? cac.fariure ox pianea could k4 lis. be Lindertaken. It was k ibt tbe iXiiimion Govern- tt flcppfd u witb the money, 'iadiaa fniiie Airciar.es.w..a Mr. Frank Limited,Haillie,was "and please bring my In f cut. as Dresidcnt. and a tsder 1 1 il.rec lion that Ii are nducted. K. T. a Cj.-nlian. fnrmitrlv of n ajuell Mut r Company, and atftncusUjr tf l urtia Airplane, home kf,n a i a3 ::(anager. Build. Daddy soon U ptrau .1 were begun on ftbrarr lit, 1817. and witblni 5 i-jj (lavs the making of! Blasts ':aa begun; by tbe end! til. 11 ts-1 hrfn ltirnt mil ill lit l"'Cr , nrll i. . I...I In in the tls?r Muniliont Doard.for TWdv is in France he fought war. lalls BnlaSi easafarlure ut eminent,of airplanes He risked life and limb. He toiled and battled .for yours ptale?.i i are must be exer- rtpinaj:lh and ia lhe th0 aelectlnir milting and to- in the reeking filth and perilous hell of war-away from nome te t ca n part, of which rs 11 000 In tho average N::.lmig of a allpahod and wife and child. ireMl do. No chance ia laken t&"rcir.g atj ii t,c?3 ut. romplelcly working j. of. a set..plane;up,ii Let us all help to bring him home. i - " uu ia pjjciijr wen btf ;ra it Ipavpii lhn far- nr.fltiDff at.. I I . ...... TODAY v'iUIIIB IIIIU tun- Bond loa Pi "ti" ',on better work being in dono alr-i BUY Your Victory -'"re n the American conti- r n .i lhe Toronto plant. , .1C lccona victory ? rnpaign is under way it I itlfr . .... .. . -r a. merest to Know uiai rk was started by advancca iSaJI lb" XVar Loan8 n,ado tor erer enorpd tnd dbrred rrom tni MIXEHAL ACT i 11F.OISTJIY ACT LAXD RANK- OFMQNTREA Sllon It end IX.) Certificate f tuiprovemcnta. V0ID PNEUMONIA I n AppllMlloo Ho. I0III I. ru ue." nnliftlon bti been - NOTICE ESTABLISHED OVESt 10 YEARS n KnTirc thit tPDllesUon hi bt Title nrum i.ummon. IIL Caledonia. Maria, "oavalesclng frym tho Certtncst. of Indefenibie r sod mad. for 0. Moor, Dumrrle. pow-t'-fui blood-making mid. to rrrliur Brtnlon tbe tbort-raentloneil unae. 111,io Iblt. Kitchener, Blr Tblnr. BUY VICTORY no, l. Noor or rrinc. ..u. 7 - 0 0. Moore snd" noy L. Moore. Monialve, Index, Malachite. Cupprlte, Orey Drtnton on. a . aD0,ulo nccesally, and ownrr in re. unr t WIltnEAS on loveitlfttlor the Copper, Wharf and Bunker mineral claims. BONDS KS0 altuate In tb. Sterns Mimnr Division 01 irinr Jw tb. tiva iy r ""n,',r1; Ille It tpptiri tbet prior to tbe lltn dy naftre 4, Coaal District. Wber. located-On "" ""cu snoum no avail October. I SI (tbe de on wbkb tbe ille of Channel. Dourlas ..4 i.nH r .old for overdue tuei), Copper Creek, It is the duly of every Cana D. Anderson. TAKE NOTICE that I, John m0k?.lI:DY'8 TOXIC POftT la the U s.n. ,a rou were the eed owner thereof. B. Ck. S or Trail, B. C, sctinr ss arent dian to buy Victory Bonds to ti. ciiy oi i i,v - -- :,.,.. ......FLTtTIIEn TAKE NOTICE tnt In l me ror -the Drum Lummon Copper Mtnea, the extent of his or her ability. nm.i ihaii effect rcrtitretlon pur- Umtted, Free Miner' Certificate No. , "Jr tuea you can of each tppllceilon end Utue t from tbe date Po.,ibiy luence 6J9-C Intend, slity dayt Those who intend to invest of iDdereteibie Tine to toe eiu Recorder Nlntnt Cerlineete liereor. to apply to the .... j pliable restorative and (6), Cliy 01 "V-. rm the o.l' Itnd In tbe nun. or tbe tforeield parties for Certlncste of Improvements, for the can obtain full information with u ui purtnmr hk.i, mty and cNticcute the proper oka . ...I... of tbe of tfiree hen 0lher mcdic,ne" of tb. serrle. -f .WW proceeding UUI7 jv. to eiUblt your claim, if any, purpose, of obtaining- Crown Orants regard to the denominations above claim. of 10 tbe am lauua, or iw j'rrcui uvii yv And further take notice that action, under bonds, terms payment, ttc Stnl0r8 W1EBC1UDB IT ieXry na-""- w, toaed action on my part, section 97, must be commenced before at any branch of The Bank of monKS BELL IT. If uiSowUtf etr.tt tnererroa. n.i.rf at th Land netliirr Office. Prince tbe Issue of such Certifies! or Improvements. Montreal SswA nupert, P. C tbla (tb day of September, CA.0 CrrlCLWONTBlAU J -And la def.uli ",.? i A O. . Dated this tilt day or September, A. D. flthtin. ..f. ,nci "ttvo done th II. r. MACLEOD, tsll. To ,at oboul ue Py'n . District netlitrar of Tltlea. J. D. ANDEnSON. iu n .!!. Allf.A .11 MPIO.I ''ctorY .und a ,,0'f Pen cenl "M b under hery To Walter 0. Laurie. n rree from incomo William rioberl Williams,Jonea, You can buy Victory bonds by Advertise in The Daily New debt, fa"3' wy I" Pay a big pironi eltioiinf sny totereii iltrea prince nupert, B. a Instalments; 810 a month,