Victory Bonds are the Best Buy on the Marke ORATITUDE TO VOLUNTEERS tImaditct DDirrce DURING THE INFLUENZA Local News Notes MrilIYLl I IUVIjD G. H. Arnold Continued From Page One.. STILL SHOW AN Auditing, J. F. Magulre, box 073 NOTARY PUBLIO have started the hospital without Great their co-operation. Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher UPWARD TREND 1 very much regret that so many We sell neal Estate. contracted Good assortment of pipes a) of the good Samaritans We write Fire and Marine Gil's. the "flu" while devoting them- Insurance. selves to tho nursing of tho sick, But, Unlike Europe, Supplies In Tho White Lunch lias been re Canada Ars Still Plentiful sacrifice Sale Stores, the consolation Wo"have Apartments. but they opened for business. Although Food Costa Houses, and orflces for thai theiq sacriilce of service so More. Kent, and Want More. generously offered doubtess saved Iluhbet? for the family. Hest many lives and will be gratefully quality. FAMILY SHOE STORE. We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Judging by the store window remembered by those who were to tho fact that the sell Timber Limits. displays as well as by other obvious QWING recent epidemic We ministered unto, and the citizens J. P. llawkinson, of Alice Arm, We do Conveyancing. of Prince flupert in general.'When arrived in town yesterday. things, there is no doubt has affected business, we want to give the the disease was at its climax tho that tho winter season Is upon us. public the opportunity of a lifetime. We Christmas and New Tear aro only muit Kew laid eggs al Prince flupert work was diflicult and very wearisome reduce stock H. G. HELOERSON, LTD. to many who were not inured Table Supply 90c. per doi. tf a few weeks away, too, according our enormous of New York ad-vanced ffirrrf" .. to tnis soct of effort, and to tho calender, for further prooT styles and we Intend doing so at the jjjjjjii and stick-to-itiveness Kei-p your feet warm in our The fall soft fruits aro now off much dogged courage coxy fell house slipper. FAMILY the market and apples, in good in evidence. was Great Sacrifice of from well be SHOE STOnE. 2C8 variety, aro the mainstay mean Prince itupert may M. I STEPHENS proud of these volunteer "flu We have some new Howard son the Another prico gauge rt new of laid the .eggs sea 25 workers. W. E. WILLIAMS. lirnlrl watches solid John 14 Ilulcer.k gold Jewel.and which today are being offered, and p. ct fo 40 p. ct. NOTARY PUBLIC few, too. nl that, at 91.10 per tloz. Mrs. Fteilley, Mrs. Murray, Miss'jg Hens ought to be wearing an air holbwell. iirs. oiennia. -Mrs. a. s. Buy Victory Bonds Patterson, Mr?. U. O. Crew, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dulton weije of Among Importance tho now these shipments days. this Anyone neglectir. to take advantage of Uu Duller, Miss Grace Davies, Miss the sailing last among passengers offer will surely miss tne chance of week Australian currants, aro a lifetime.. Cordon, Mrs. Hirnie, Miss Tallan-der, evening for Vancouver by the Gt. Bog a Rome WiU TiCIOfiT 60SBS Mrs. W. II. Millar, Mrs. Harry T. P. boaL which are selling al 30c per lb. Our styles are so advanced they arc good for at You Can Bar Any of th Follow Is 0 Mob ley. Miss Maud K&son, Miss Hitherto Oijeecc Has had the least two LoU With VICTORY BONDS Mills, Miss Grace Cowan, Miss Frank Dawling left town last mom.poly of this lilt le dried years. Lot 2, Elk. 3, c 1 ft,000-00 Sbeazgreen, Miss McKinnos, Miss evening on his way to Vancouver, grape but with tho scarcity of Como and get your requirements of coati, Lot ee, Blk. 12, . 2 600-00 McClenagben. Mrs. McClymont, where he will undergo further shipping recently imports fom suits, dresses, blouses, etc. Lcf 16, Blk. S, Sac 7 200-00 medical before being Europe have fallen oil. And the Lot 16, Blk. 31, Cm. 7 200JJ0 Miss Stone, Miss llurd. Miss treatment Lot 10, Blk. 49, Ix. 7 200.00 Hurley, Mrs. Rix, Mrs. Duncan,:discharged. Australian growers are seizing Lot 16, Blk. 29, 8tC B 300-00 their opportunity. Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Mrs. Robert THEY ARC ALL CHOICE LOTS. McKay, Mrs. Wm.- Millar, Mrs. Kenny Morrison sailed last Among the few staple which Saturday Special, evening for Seattle, after making in has remained Mrs. price comparatively Alio Thra Homea for Salt at Vary McCartney, Mrs. Jacobs, Attract! Prices. Hills, Miss Woods, Miss Thompson, arrangements here for the ship stationery is coffee, and for LADIES' WINTER COATS, regular cMo Cn Mrs. Smith, Miss Patmore, ping of the body of his brother the !ame reason. The South from $45.00 to $55.00, for - - ?Ob.0) M. M. Stephens Mrs. Du Vernet, Mrs. G. W. Kerr; Jack south for burial. - American plantation!) have been Mrs. II. E. Myers, Mrs. Arthur unable to get space for exports REAL ESTATE INSURANCE airs, nai rees reiurneu 10 ner. to Kurope. but with the release Little, Mrs. P. W. Anderson, Mrs. FINANCIAL AQENT home in Vancouver by the Prince Reddie. the Misses Scott. Mrs. J. jof ah,pping noWf and Europe he-George 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 last evening. Accom- in GOLDBLOOM'S" ,lorli Gilmour, Mrs. Mitchell Albert, in(r ,e-mand panying her was her grand- II Mrs. Heaumont, Mrs. Leys, Mrs. orea8C and (ue prtec nnturaiiy daughter, Muriel Wright. Fred Peters, Mrs. II. n. Grant, rise. u"vn. Jni vnnj Malaga graptfs are arriving and Miss Crux, Mrs. Fred Stork, Mrs iiIPrv r. i.,n Sickness and McCoy, Mrs. Kiipatrick, Miss I. piano. Phone 122 to Iiulger's new comb honey looks good. Oranges are scarce at SI dozen, a floss, Mrs. Phil McDonald, Mrs Jewellery Store, Third Aveuue, or Harvey, Mrs. Lome McLaren, the but in a few weeks"should h more leave ordei-j with C. W. Teetzel, Accident Insurance plentiful and cheaper, when llu Misses Curtin, Mrs. E. W. Wright, Singer Shop, Second Avenue. Mrs. J. II. McMillan, Miss Mc navels acrive. We the Dominion rt-ont 37 P.O. Bi l?M represent Duffy, Mrs. Ed. Wilson, A. Anderson, charged with the The following prices are obtaining: of Canada Guarantee Messrs. Roy Chrisman, William theft of money from J. C. Cavi and Accident Co., Martin, D. C. Steward, M. G. Wil gan, was this morning sentenced Fish. For Comfort, Courtesy r.nd Service which writes a special Hams, O. Larsen, Macdonald, to six months imprisonment in Fresh salmon 25c policy oovering indemnity Ed. Fensfrum, A. Holmberg, Okalla Prison Farm by Magls Cod, salt, Alaska. . . , 15c SAy'6'Y Cod, 2 lbs 25c THE HOTEL against allSickness Le Claire, Ed. Craggs, J. Frost, trale Carss, F. Howness, F. S. Clements, Steve Cod fillets 13c ana Accidents. King, Fred Shaw, Myhill Jones, The work of fitting up the in. Fresh black cod, 2 lbs, 2 5c r. T. BOWHUS, M.. The annual cost is very Geo. Syrotuck, Tim Millar, lerior of the pew building for the Finnan haddie, lb. ........ 18c Fifth and Frater St., Prince Rupert, B.C. low. Mickleson, Pierre Anselm. Royal Hank of Canada is now well Halibut, lb 25c advanced, and it is the intention Herring kippered, lb 15c ' Home Cook Runnlrtf Hot and CM in Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher. to have the new premises open Soles, lb. I0c f' Gibbons McCaffery, for business on Monday first. Skate 2 lbs. 25c Auditing, J. F. Magulre, box 973. Oolichans, salt, 10c & Doyle, Ltd. Lars Eric Frisk died at the Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes. . 50c General Hospital yesterday of Fruits and Vegetables. THE DAILY NEWS Insurance P- Real Estate pneumonia, the result of influ Cucumbers, each 10c Phona 93 P.O. Hox 38 Classified Advertising enza. Deceased was UmekecDer Onions, dry, 6c Office: PRESENTS Prinze Rupsrt,?B. C. : for the O.T. P. at Pitman, near. Letluco I0o &nl Ave. ami 2nd St. Pacific. He was born in Sweden Pears, per doz 40c to COo WANTED. and was aged 37 years. Bananas fiOc Pacific Cartage, Ltd for Soldiers WA.tTED Woman to take efcarre of Ikmjmt Grapefruit (Florida) 20c and two children. Apply I'. O. Bos 7tJ Mrs. 11. 0. Jennings sailed for Apples, per lb 6c to 12 Y, or pnonc Black ts. S7 Seattle last evening, accompanied King apples 10c to 1214 C-neral Tenmlng LUMBER WASTED Good woman Cook. Mutt be by her two daughters, Miss Grace Celery 1 Storage food baker. Good salary to the rltit and Miss Dorothy Tovey. They Grapes, per lb 40c Fountain Pens Safe and Piano pcrljr. Apply fcnoi Hotel. tf will take up their residence in Carrots, per lb, 4o Furniture, Wrist Watches "Agents for WAX TED Man or woman to clean two or Seattle meantime, where the two j'arsnips, per lb., 4 v, Moving. Bausage Radiolitc Wrist three rooms. Apply Sews oraca. young ladies will finish their edu Cauliflower 25o to 35c Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Sweet Wa ties WANTED Girl for bouse work Immediate cation. potatoes 10c and ly, turn ware. Apply at omce or Peck, Lemons flOo Cigarette Case Hastlnp's Saw Mills Moore k Co.. or telephone 110. tf Jim Kwapil, of the firm of F. English walnuts 50c Cigar Cutters WANTED to bar old postage stamps col. G. Dawson, Ltd., sailed last evening Australian currents 30c ilolel Prince iRupert lecUons, alio current issue In quantities. for the south on an cxlendeU Comb honey .............. 50c Match Safes COAL Bos ICf, vacation trip through the States. Meats. Military Rings and Agents for VANTED Blacksmith at once, I Mr. Kwapil is heading, for Cali-jfornia IJcof, pot roasts, lb 30c RUROPEAN PLAN Leather Photograph Nanalmo apply Alerberg, Thomson Co. first, and will visit many JJeef, check roast, lb.. . ,32o to 35c $1.50 per day and up. Holders Wellington Coal of the eastern cities befoijo re Hoef, rib roast, lb , . 37 o and Wanted for rent rFive or six- turning here fieef, boiling, lb 25c FIRST-CLASS CAFE 1JUY THEM FROM Yellowhead Coal roomea nouso iurnisnea or un-f Hamburger, lb 25c A La Carte. u rnished. Apply P. O. Pox 407 A. M. Manson, M. P. P., and J Stewing, lb. 30c BULGER The Jeweler Complete line of WANTED Waitress. Hotel Prince Tiupert. H. Pillsbury returned to the city amb, leg 50c Correct and Vtpf.W BUILDING MATERIALS last evening from Ottawa, whure amb, loin 00c FOR SALE they had been in connection-with Mutton 50c rOH SALE Pony Express. the arranging for shipbuilding Pork sausages 30c St. James Hotel Albert &McCafrery.lLtd. lor wits port. They will report Tomulo sausages 35c formally to the mayor this afternoon. Pork, leg 45c (LATE "QUEENS") in Wharf Offlca, Phona 664 LOST FIRST CLASS ROOMS There Smckts are no Tho Hon. T. D. Patlulln Pork, chops 45c. to 50c ome Sacond Avanua, Phona 116 Hot and Cold Water. lost Bunch or keys between the post,8'80 WH one of the deputation Pork, shoulder 40o onrVe and cor. eth and 2nd Ave. He turn'regarding this matter. Ayrshire bacon, lb. sliced... COo oc par Mclit, and S3 par Weak. Germany. News omce. if I " I 1 , liacon, piece, 00 j 111U UL.ul occurred at mo ucn- Hacon, sliced, 60c to 70o parcel of M507 Frederick van Werkhavenf ZVl?XltValnTy aflernT Ham, Smokod, ..,.....,.. 50c Get your Ham, sliced, ., 55o Tobacco for the of Tb.Rora.Aeaden,,tor M.. of ?J. j STEEN & LONGVILL leased Salt backs Thalia..Holland. f,1"0 was ngcd nineteen, 45o FOR HOLIDJir CARDS TEACHER OF PIANO and was well known in the city. Dairy Produce. Soldier Boys UNO BANNER SIGNS STUDIO-PhonbCbecm 167 He was tho eldest son of Mr. W, Hulter, lb COn SANITAR . MitO HEATING . lallcreull, of Ambrjosa Avenue, JJutler (cooking) lb, 50c ErYIINEEnS on their march to K?rlm Suggestions for Xmas for whom every sympathy will be Cheeso, lb. 35o made up at tho i Window Decorations Walker's fell. It is only recently lhaUMrs. Eggs (case) 00c to 75c Agent for Have your Tatterall died and now the death Strictly new-laid eggs 1.10 Prince Rupert FURNACES Permanent or IDs eldest born adds to the Margarine lOo WoCLAnY Signs Music Store wciglil or his loss. & done over during the winter-rates Hring your shoo repnirs to llio P1.UMBINQ Cigar Store more reasonable New Fall Footwear FAMILY SHOE STORE. 208 and new show, 1 Guarantee to Please You High Grids Pianos. Sheet Mosic. ing. FAMILY 8JIOE STORE. 208 SHEET METAL WORKS Billiard Parlor C. W. CALHOUN Small Musical Goods. PhoiiA 5, 8.14 Second Avenue. 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Piano Tuning, Pianos for Rent. New C. York E. Balnter,Life representing the Pioneer Boarding House NiKlit phones 576 THIRD AVENUE insurance Co. Tho THIRD AVK., CLOSE TO DUY DOCK and Hlue 270 Best Billiard Hall in Autos Victory Bonds taken at par in largest In the world. A mutn.i Nlea eUan roomi, cod brmri. Hot and at the right work, oold watar. id Tha right Town. , Panted J payment. Company. Are your affair. in K. op. order7 PII0NR RED in tlnio, and at the right prlc.. 270. tm