p 11 fi i n, mfl prowls"BOX 1680 and 1 HE Daily News Good Particular People Meats for Phones, 10 and 25 STii m- I'lUNCB ItUPEftT, D.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1918. IT PRICE FIVE CENT nJI'o n u o r a. cl. fiuuvn o KKJ UUUU i-t JUVL. kJlllUS i aass FINAL Y1UUKI LUAJN KALLi lAltS rlAlx lUNlUHl DOWN 1UWN GOVERNMENT SHIPS ARE TO BE VICTORY LOAN GREAT INCREASE EXPECTED BUILT IN PRINCE RUPERT BY THE BIG CAMPAIGN IN CANADA'S EXPORT TRADE British Columbia Had $22,250,000 WREN SHIPS ARE RELEASED MULLEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Up to Trying Last Night;for Half Toronto a i Billion. CABINET RECONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CONFERS WITH BUSINESS MEN REGARDING . r r f tar iir ti n md Iruuk racinc manager wires mat uovernment tontracts (Special Tl O.T. P. Telcirtptu.) TRADE SITUATION ARISING FOLLOWING Toronto, Nov. 10. The total PEACE CONDITIONS for Two Steel Vessels have been Accepted; Alex. Manson, subscription to (he Victory Loan (special to The cwi via O.T. P. Telemptu.) reprled last night was 1465,699, M.P.P., Reports on Behalf of Delegation That Visited Ottawa 0&0. It is expected that today's Ottawa, November 10. The Reconstruction Development returns will carry the amount Committee of the Cabinet, under the chairmanship of the Hon. wired that the J. L. Mullen Con over tho objective. A. K. McLean, conferred yesterday with a representative gathering it lit It teemt like a sure thing that Prince Rupert It to have Mruclion Company has accepted mulsh uolumnia n a s now of the leading Canadian exporters and shipping men, in regard to steel ships built her. A wire wai received here by Alex. the offer of Hon. Mij. Dallanlyne fgacjied 22,250,000. to tonnage and export conditions and requirements followig peace M. P. P. from W. P. Illnton, vice-president and general and will undertake the construe Victoria, D. C Nov. 16 The conditions. Iinton, lion of two steel Victory Loan yesterday had the The Go-ernmenl expects that prompt and satisfactory arrangements the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, saying that J. L. ships for the Do MMjer of minion Government at this most successful day since tbe can be made for providing tonnage to handle the large Mullen ConttrucUon company na accepted me oner 01 non. u. A.M.M. port. Campaign was launched, the sum export business now in sight both in Atlantic and Pacific trades. Ct. BllAnijn.. W- t..HJ UUMU .Ulna"Hip- fna IVI Itia MIW fanarilan M u I Dnwonm WWIVI IIIMVIIk anf Uliu nH lull!mil of $600,000 being subscribed. The Exporters of machinery of all kinds, meaU, fish, agricultural pro sndsrUk the construction cf two steel ships for the Dominion total to date is approximately $5,-050,000. duce, lumber, etc., anticipate large orders, not only for necessities "CONCHIES" MY of the war devastated countries of Europe, but also for South Coitrnment at this port. Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South America, which have following at It does the newt that of It It oreat news, many WILL CO-ORDINATE been cut off more or less during the war from their usual sources the mills would continue their activities In this neighborhood and GET NO VOTES of outside supplies. Steamship men decided at today's conference that other small Industries would be started. It means that Prince THE DEPARTMENTS they were prepared to put their carriers back oa regular Rupert's future greatness at a seaport and Industrial centre Is trade routes as soon as they were released by the Admiralty. Some steamships, it is understood, will be immediately released not only assured, for It was always that, but it meant that prosperity Government Is Considering the (SpecUl )U O.T. P. TeJeifipUi.) for Canadian use to earn- Canadian manufactured produce ordered Question of Disposal of Nov. 10. A committee will come at once. Ottawa, long ago, to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Thousands Now of the Cabinet composed of Sir How U Was Dona. .appointment with the Hon. Mr. In Jail. James Lougheed,. Iton. N. YV. Ro-weil, S early ttQ ago a mes-'Italian!vna nnilnr ulintn ilnnnrl- Hon. T. A. Creerer, Hon. ' ttgr was rerened locally from nient shipbuilding comes, and accompanied (Special vU. O. T.P. Tclmpbl.) GideohvRobertson, Hon. Arthur PEACE CONFERENCE WILL It Hint o Ui the iTt that the your; deputation upon Ottawa, Nov. IC, The Uovernment Meighan and Hon. J. A. Calder Iu'! n C T-ilr.i. lion Comnanr the occasion of its Interview with will shortly take up consideration has been appointed to co-ordinate SOON CAN BEHELD AS AS v-in oir h DUKaninii lor Sir. Hallautyno. MrUurrcll in - i . . . . . . or the question of the t he efforts of Uie Various""de introducing the deputation plead. consciencious objectors under the partments which have given a IHs, .on Government d our case sympathetically and Military Service Act, who are now dose study to problems of i- BE ARRANGED BY ALLIES t., w the slecl to be'forcibly and Mr. liallanlyne lent serving terms of imprisonment. construclion arising with the fcsrV-d, Art itiroinntu rather, 'a sympathetic ear. He was frank There are said to be some thousands conclusion of war. f ' loose si interested was in In discussion of the situation incarperaled in tho jails Hon. J. A. Calder will be chair SPREAD OF REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT IN EUROPE IS REASON ti.:tl and 4' a arranged Uiat and went over the difficulties one throughout the Dominion. The man or tiio committee wnose GIVEN FOR CHANGE IN PLANS; TENDENCY Iikt McCiy. t. and llon.'T. D. by one. When thr,ehed out, what suggestion has been made that as members represent respectively TO DELAY HAS HAD TO GIVE WAY hC Pi- Rupert's repre-lun appeared to be mountains became a further penalty to their imprisonment the departments of Soldiers' Civil local house, mole hills and the present position to date, they should He - establishment. Agriculture, (Special to Tbe Nr.ws via 0.T.P. TelegTpbj. tiu.4 r ai ntpanied in an ad. is that instead of the rjsspon- be disenfranchised for a further; Immigration and Colonization, the Washington, Nov. 10. Developments in Europe, not only ui i J. 11. il.f minister standing in our way r Plllabury. Labor. 3i: period of years. int. 1301 and a military way but in the field of international policies and the 4 .dden invasion of in connection with the ahipbuild- .... . . . the manifested the demoralized ..I. a a ft-i a 1. I. tendency of revolutionary spirit by . :s i aiur fell it would uiK cnierpnie ai mis non no civilian population of the Central Empires to spread to neighbor sum 'ij.K ' hun to leave and'prepared to do every thing within have influenced the Allied and American Governments MAKES PROVISION ing states, BRITAIN Hit lit:, M I. 1', at much reason to assist sucn an eni-r concrete to arrange for a meeting at an early date of the Great Peace Conference. himself decided prlse. He submitted a & Tirr a spent J of over the work a week done at proposition nmirnea which to Mr.Mr.Mullen Mullen in has our FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD There has been a disposition. to delay the holding of the peace conference until the situation in Europe had somewhat crystalized Htt)lr Xlar.v under consideration with his en n s rrpoit to the but it is understood that other considerations finally forced the V" hat:i::d gineers al tho present time. in this morning in address decision to assemble (he conference at the earliest date that can Premier an London, November 15. Lloyd George, If Position Clearer. Association, and the be set, having regard to the difliculty of insuring the attendance before representatives of Hie Employers' Port Ottawa Deputation Re Yuur deputation cannot take report place, Trades Unions, stated that the Government wished to maintain of commissioners or delegates at Versailles which seems likely to will that shipbuilding Shipbuilding. be selected as the place of meeting. but it can report that tho silua the present role of wages for at least six months during the transition - ..x upon the arrival lion is very distinctly clearer than period. Provision, however, must be made, he said, for ru:s jry and myself at conditions which now arising in connection with wages, it and whero there was diiu-culty Ihc are INFLUENZA TRAVELS was y e ' in touch with the from munitions work INVESTIGATE before there Is now none owing lo the fact that with the change over Mi Paltnlin. ulin niipannnl Your deputation feels that it is lo private work the rales or wages which had been fixed by TO THE FAR NORTH reT of yoUracf on bq- exceedingly unfortunate that awards and orders under Ihe Munitions of War Act, would cease ' ix- i LOSS OF SOPHIA r ty and Hoard of "thad i. ' ,:eeded to Dllnvvn na omeono with the interests of to have effect. Ottawa, Nov. 16. According to at heart did not in reaching the influenza l iks d putatlon to take up Prince Iluperl. reports here, Ike at a much earlier date taso epidemic has reached the t.;-. nment tho question person Enquiry to Be Made Into Loss of 4"ipb;...jmR at thla port. the facts up with the Government, NEW GERMAN GOVERNMENT'S Vessel and No Witnesses sparsely populated regions of the "r Mu icn in !hi8 strenuous times each far norh, from the Labrador arrived and con. Now Left Alive. . 4 f minister is exceedingly busy and coast to the delta off the Mo-Kenzie a on the following Mr. lhnlon, vice-pres- ..i nlmost innumerable requests PROCLAMATION TENDS TOWARDS captain j.d. Mcpherson, river. The disease Is consider. Only tho personal heavy death toll B nrral to WRECK COMMISSIONER, causing a anions riTr:.s parflc"""OKer nailwny(of the inj nri.-pntatlon... of the i i situation i..i .by DEMOCRACY AND LIBERTY WILL HOLD 'ENQUIRY the Eskimos. someone witn a nrsi imuu imci?.-a r '1!d al 0llawn in hp iniV 3an' ll0U and wai nu, 10 can attain results, rvcarly always Victoria, November 10. Wreck Auditing, J. F. Magulro, box 973. row deputation special requests are presenlea u Commissioner Captain J. D. Mc y with cx- ninonnn in person anu ncuuu, MAKES MANY MODIFICATIONS FROM STAND TAKEN BY PREVIOUS pherson has received orders from u,unbl0 Im iluation o'ivlco of tho l nioro decisivo than REGIME UNIVCRSALSUFFRAGE FOR BOTH SEXES, Ottawa to hold an investigation Pursued, and the course to could othenviso bo hoped for, 19 FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND WRITING, WITH into tho loss of the C. 1. It. steam. "DEMERS" obtained. FULL LIBERTY OF ACTION er Princess Sophia on Lynn Canal. We have a nice lot of Concret,Mr Proposition. Friends at Court. Alaska, recently. No further In- dresses Just arrived in -i!!1' Hurrcll arranged un lation found that iho Heme, Switzerland, November to form associations. The cen-15. titnief fnna linvA haAn ruiival erge and silk, at very ,'.', Hon. Mr. Carvell and tho Hon. Mr. Dispatches received hero sorship, even that on the tele- It was assumed here at first! reasonable prices, all col- Calder had made their las " frnin Iter in statu mat me new grapns, is 10 no nuonsiieu. mere that the enquiry would resolve ors and sizes, come and iLA5rE,) a ,ndy cook for great deal easier by tlicir repro-senlallons German Government has publish- is to bo freedom of speech and of itself into an endeavor to place try them on and let -us 'gS ""P. Apply- to their colleagues at ed lis programme in n proclama-'writing, general amnesty for all the blame, if any, for the loss of know .your; opinion and , Si Manson. dispatches add that tho political offences, annulment of while in tho store you will tho city of Ottawa after their vis j (ion. Tho j life, which was so very heavy, and - hero six weeks ago. " programme inter many niouiu-catlons 1 r n the law of national military ser;. to find out definitely if there was see lots of cute and ser- l would some this city fv" in tho direction of democracy vice, an eight-hour working day, any negligence displayed with regard viceable things for Xmas. ernl appear,decided friends at and liberty both economically and universal direct secret suffrage, to the taking of proper pre. COME AND SEE and tho vcty situation seems allogetn- and politically, which with proportionate representation cautions for the safety of the for both above 21 hnnrfiii man u 3 sexes passenger. er in the city's previous hope for under tho old regime. years of age, for ele?Mon to all The inslructions received from riui,, of Por vltion with any point While Ihe steps taken towards public bodies. Ottawa are simply to make an history.Ilespeclfully submllled, reforms aro the Initial ones, they enquiry into the loss of the vessel ALEX. MANSON. are the essentials and fundamentals Auditing, J, F. Magulre, box 973. and no one now remains alive to Hon. Mr. 1'ottullo. J. II. forj a, democratic state. give evidence regarding this. m sh. 8teie mdutie or For The proclamation announces Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re and mysen. t.llf.elkm Pillsbury writing th abovo that the stale of siege has been ruoos your fuel bill and gives Geo Hill has opened a new repair FOR QUALITY 'May ui,,M. i, c Binrn is able to inform roised, that there Is to be full ntlsfactlen. Phone 15, .P. R. shop at the FAMILY SHOE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION your deputation that Mr. Hlnlon has just liberty for nil, even functionaries, Coal Co. STORE, 268 Food Board Licence. No, 10-7340. ! you