1680 The Daily News Good W1MBL Particular People Meats f9r m Phones, 10 and 25 270 - WUNCE IlUPEHT, II. O, TUESDAY NOVEMHEU 10, 1918. J5ig Sum Has Been Subscribed MESS SUBSCRIPTION IS ANNOUNCED AS THIRTY-FIVE PER CENT. mi LOAN SURPASSES CANADIANS RETlRN t ; MARSHAL FOCH S.S. PRINCESS ON HER INITIAL MARY TRIP QUEBEC CITY HIGHEST EXPECTATIONS; Ottawa,AT 20,000 Xov. 10.P. MONTH.Canadian :! TO HEAD ENTRY Captain Slater Speaks Appreciatively FLOODED BY TOTAL NOW $676,027,217 : will ho IriKips brought it is hack expected from TOSTRASSBURG Juneau of His Time.at Reception Trying at A GREAT TIDE overseas ul lhe rale of about 20,000 a month. sat PROVINCE 8URPAS8E8 ITS OBJECTIVE AND BRITISH That would make it som-thing Allied Troops Steadily Moving The C. P. R. Princess Mary arrived Easterly Gale Sweeps Waters Into Evacuated in port yesterday, bringing Territory as COLUMBIA STAIiUD wtm niun in hhiuuhi like a year; before Through the Lower City; CONSIDERING THE they all roach home. Germans Withdraw; a Very small list of passengers SUBSCRIBED Turks Loot Before and not much cargo. Those disembarking Contents of Business POPULATION e4 Leaving Baku. !ncre were A. Smith, Houses Ruined. It. Barnes, Mrs. It. Brpwn, S. .X. !tcil U Th Wews O.T. r. TtUfnpbj.) (IpttUI Tl O.T. P. lelcrnptu.) . May, and Mr. Stevenson. DAMAQE ESTIMATED Trnnnio November 10. None of the most sanguine estimates COMMENDATION FOR London, Nov. 19. The Allied Captain Slater who was in command AT MILLION DOLLARS a - I ft I O t'Sikl rm f (in i at ft n 1 iimmam mamm 4 1 a forces are moving gradually into had command of the Alice ALL GOOD WORKERS V . ; t the territory which is being gradually on her recent trip as a death ship iJiulion expressed in nn omciai ucspaicn oi an announce- ISpreul by O.T.P. Telerrapbs.) a evacuated by the German from Juneau to Victoria with the Quebec City, Nov. 19. Damage fealJUgrea. meeting in Maey Ilaimcre lasl night. Vote of Thanks Passed by Council trjiKips under the terms of the bodies of those picked up from which may reach to a total of in ihrte weeks' drive Uonada suuscrihea we greal sum or To All Who Helped During armistice. the wrecked Sophia. over a million dollars were caused 1,027,211 which mean Tlint the loan is over subscribed by Influenza Troubles. Field Marshal H&ig reports: Speaking of the trip, Captain here within the space of an hour than 35 per "- The Dominion llal for the whole carh- "The second and fourth armies Slater said it had been an exceedingly last evening, when a huge flood at M20,00O,uoo. At the Council meeting last continue their march today. Our trying one, but he found the tde, swept in by an easterly gale, Ufn ml year wm night a vole of thanks was passed udvauced troops reached the general customs and other,officer? at Juneau blowing at the rate of over sev Zxtrj province in the nonunion went over us oujecuve, most to all who in any way helped to line of Florrdis, Glarlenoy, most helpful, everyone doing enty miles an hour, flooded the Ithem by substantial margins. The totals nrcrUrltish Columbia, look after the sick oi; in any way SenefTe and Hal. all they could under the circumstances, streets of the lower town, as well b306.C6" tberU 18,I0,000; Saskatchewan, $23,880,000; to relieve the guttering during It is officially announced that lie also said that it as the basements of the wholesale linitoba, $.i3,039.u0; Montreal (city and island), $143,433,050: the recent influenza scourge. the French troops led by General was generally understood there flouii grain, provision and other Alderman McKaesaid that while Pela jvill enter Metz today. Subsequently that everything possible bad been merchants'.stores. . $32,000,000; New Brunswick, ?I0,- Montreal lurbe- ouls.de much had been made of the work Generals Catelncau and done. Ho received none but the Great damage was also caused (DO.OOO1; Nora Scotia, 130,000,000; Prince Edward Island, or those at the IJorden St. Hospital, MaKin will follow with their armies. most cordial treatment from along the river front at other and Ontario, 1350.070,000, nothing had been said of everyone. points, as well as in the streets llioe who gave their services The entry into Strassburg, of the city. The inundation of freely at the General Hospital, which will be beaded by Marshal Ihe river in the lower town was WHOM RATES SCHOLARS GET The mayor mentioned the good Fueti, will lake place Sunday on WOED MAKE greater than has been experienced work done in the eaiy stages by Monday. in mauy years. Thorwaterj con Mrs. Yickcrs and jiiss Davies. lie llussian seaport of Baku tinued to rise long, after the high imam discount A WEEK MORE Mr. Pelrr said the clergy had oulhe west coast of the Caspian water mark wasreached, and.tne(M , mentioned wllrrnOTnmendation the Svih was reoccupied by lirilfsh and waterfront rstreetjS .were quicKiy. services rendered by Henry Smith, Hu.ssian forces on Sunday, it is MINING CENTRE submerged, with every basement If s night acjunlmenl of the School Board Closes Down Schools the caretaker nt the cemetery. nlcially announced. The Turks filled with water. For a whole lr.i it p ilng lo be possible Alderman Kirkpntrjck spoke of before evacuating the port looted For Another Week, Till Last hour, the water? continued to rise latt telephone pay rin- tbo splendid work done by women it. This has already been brought higher and higher, as the .river l? ':.?ii3 anther year. That Germ of Influenza in their private capacity in looking to the attention of the Turkish D. B. Morklll Proposes Opening was dammed back by the force of hwiatcl was made lasl night Is Killed. after neighbors. She thought ifvernment as a violation of the Office Here In the Spring; the gale. a meeting r Uie City Council tlip women of Prince Rupert had armistice and reparation will have Hazelton View Mine. So far no loss oMire has been wbjliw wa: passed through SCHOOL BOYS ENJOYING hwn up in a grand manner. to be made. reported. Hi iture tvduriwjr the dis. That Prince Hupert should 0e ENFORCED HOLIDAY oUr-ri .rr.- uHlar n month to DUTCH GOVERNMENT u must important mining centre fnVt sea a lia.f per cent, or TOMO MUNIZABE WAS is the view or D. Ii. MorKill, mining FORMER VANCOUVER !;:; :?u' : paid six months At the meeting of the Hchool SURVIVESTHE STORM engineer and surveyor, who OTTAWA WELL KNOWN AT MILL PASTOR FOR it Hoard held jasl evening, was is in the city for a few days be lidmaan KtrKpatrick decided. In view of the widespread fore to Vancouver, for put tip a t Special by O.T. V. Tflrrpb.i proceeding mi 'r- .-scape: residence phoucs feeling of insecurity among the Funeral Took Place This After New York, Nov. 19. The Dutch the winter. So impressed has Mr. (Special by 0. T. I Telegrapbs.) Wiaf c.,- ness rates, where parent of the children, that the noon, Rev. Canon Rix OfflclaL, Government seems to have sur Morkill become wilh the desir Toronto, Nov. 19. Rev. J. Vv uai most of the schools will be closed for another Infl' Wife and Two vived the storm. The revolution ability of'this city from tho mi u- Woodside. pastor of Chalmers donr She riarticu- week, until the epidemic of influenza Children LefL ary party iook aavaniagc oi ine iik uoint or view that he is talk Presbyterian Church, Toronto, has Mr tun r a heaper rale for has entirely disappeared. presence of the Kaiser in that ing ol opening an office here next received and accepted a call to lue hw-lands were away While influenia may be said to The death occurred at tbo fam country to try to cause a move spring and making it his base of Chalmers Church, Ottawa. Mr, MU military forces. have gone, even at this date, still ily roidcnci;. taglilu Ave on ment against tbo Government or operations for the north country, Woodside came to Toronto Irom gij p inted oul that there are many patients not yel Saturday o f Torno Alunizaoe. Oueen ilhelmina. This morn lie says that not only is the grjeat Vancouver Tour years ago. He M 1 tlin "Sidcnpn nhnnes fully recovered, and it was considered eraneman ut the Prince Hupert ing W. H. DeBeaurort, Charge interior tributary to Ibis city from will receive a salary of $4,500 a kj as much as the that it would be well not mill, me of tbo heel known and d'AfTaircs at the Dutch Legation a mining point of view but the year, with six weeks' vacation. phone Last year there to lake any chances whatever. most popular of the employees or here, received tb,e rollowing cable Stewart revival will be operated r The King Edward School, therefore, iu' leaves a wife largbly from here. The Observatory crofll f ,.nlv S2 nn tl. (he company. message from The Hague: TELEGRAPH OPERATORS H did not open today, and children. Inlet Mines and the various IfrYlf'f nnH nHv.nM. in and two "The means taken by the Neth Nbi absorbed that and thev neither did llordcn Street School, The funeral took placo this erlands Government to preserve ; island operations all cau be served WIN IN WAGE FIGHT l tana li. u.nA - iMinn .and the youngsters aro having a aflcrnoon from the Haynor chapel order have been entirely success from this one centre. "'-10 net Ik nl)nu.nl II un.;'1 of fine hard weather for with flew Canon Hix officiating. ful, and,the people of the country Has Location. sieii by Ai.r. Tefcmr&J,) Iiiiliio t in .n u. n,.H sleighing Their was a large attendance ana have proven their loyalty and There has to bo a converging Idontreal. Nov. 19. The oper IWWeiniTlH ,mn innnina. II... IT McNeill wa in nvniilnir.ullenuance mid a good many floral emblems were patriotism in the present situa point in all mining districts where ators for the Great North Weat I nil I h ar tb teirphono sen-ice ai ...r- sent by friends. tion." the mining men can get tho latest Telegraph Co. have won out in mining news and where prospectors their struggle with the Hallway i vv CD. ;iuuiu. .. . ad miners will compare notes War Board. They have been "Mddiimn ofI' 1,orden Slrcct bC"' oo ISSUE WITH and swap yarns. Such a place Ibe CAiW TAKE placed on tho same basis as the U I:.. if dSalt from top to boU Ilu-nert. "coiint again should be the city of Prince CP. It. ODerators by the Wage I dollars i lf.iT3Mw althoh it was o It has the location, and its Board. The Increases in salary Hsew out tjscenuy. u dk..w. - CANADA FOOD BOARD OVER grjowing commercial importance!.. .i. - ...ill t 1. A. ervice becomcii a flxed and tney win receive win ume uut. iu fumigated, ttircndy been makes it desirable as u centre. September t. this coursf. he considered. ouki Mr. Morkill has been in, charge J-F. Magulre, P. O.'to bo followed with regard to tbo DISPOSITION OF THE PACK of the development work on the school books as well. IeskS ami Hazelton Mew mine, but has . , T all the other appurtenances of the turned the work over to "Duke" "DEMERS" L,,mllh Wellington Coal r- school will bo clcansod with car-hollo, ONLY FOUR PER CENT USED 50 FAR REMAINDER VALUED Harris, who is also well known in We have a nice lot of I" 0!11 L... under medical supervision, Ibe district. Work will bo continued iusf.,1.:; "no u1" AT $8,000,000 IS STILL ON THE COAST dresses Just arrived In - wo," rnone 1B n. so that thoro will not bo the WAITING SHIPMENT throughout the winter, serge and silk, at very slightest chauoo of any germs supplies having been ordered until reasonable prices, all col- within the walls of the June next. By-that time.the surviving (Speclil W The Newi vU O. T.r. Telerrspns.) ors and sizes, come -and ui.. lato emergency hospital. November 10, The salmon runners hr British1 work will have shown what the try them on and let us The Hoard of trustees con-.irrd Vancouver, next step will be. know your? opinion and and the work niuking strenuous efforts to huvo n fully authorized in this view, Columbia are Ore Bodies. wlille in the store will bo pushed forward with nil of the Food Board sent hero to investigate a state Thorn nrn Iwn nrn hnrliftd nn thft you , jmiam. JUlanson. will representative see lots of cute and ser- pood, so ns to enablo ine bc;..-nrs of iiiTairs alleged to exist on account of, the requisitioning of the property, one a gold-cobalt and viceable things for Xmas. to take their accustomed salmon pack, which, it is contended, is not only deplorable with the other molybdenite. A car load COME AND SEE places next week. regard to tbo present pack, but inimical to the prospects of tho of tho molybdonite was shipped during the summer but no no- Mrs. W. O. Orchard, Miss Orchard industry in future. turns from it have been received . "uoni ' '"'I'urnni quill- and Fred Orchard all arrived jt is declared that in. spile of tbo claims that the salmon of yet. There is also at tho mine J Uuw, Por vlilon with early this 'W1 British Columbia is needed for tho civilian population of the old ready for shipment a carload of ft. ' "OJt Edmonton where they hae been coimtry, and was commandeered, only four per cent of the com-iiiondeercdijsalnipn Iho gold-cobalt oro. These high-grade S WO tB.i... ll on nr it,. down with inlluenta. lias been shipped, whilo the remainder, valued ores are being shipped ii ii.."nic or v.... . " more or, less as tests. ; it.,..." shop iioarly $8,000,000 is still here. , rirn nil..18 new repair nt Two tunnels are to be driven 'III, Cfl ... eridutt U world.or FAMILY SIIOK STOHE. 270 II is pointed out that is not so much a matter of price, hut the during the winter and on the result FOR QUALITY M Satltfftcllon maimer in which the business is being delayed, at which cauncrs of this work will depend the SERVICE AND SATISFACTION ,, HE'LBRONER . .Auditing. J.F. Magulre. P- complain. future plans of, the ownera. Food Board Licence No. 10.7340. I box 873.