T11E DAIL7 NEWS. Page 3 AUSTRALIA WISHES TO BE CONSULTED Objsols to Passing of South Pa-clflo STOPS THE FAIN- AND ACTS QUICKLY Territory Back tc .ktmatlun.loW.Kor1i4. trln,UtM Uk,toothtth.mi. Germans. Zam-Buk! This is the appeal that is constantly reaching ..Htntd vf titm " . .V . V I t 0,a loru tun. 8(cUi vU O.T, r. Telerrpfc.) us from the front, and we pass it on in case there may yet be some who do not know how necessary Zam-Buk is to the Melbourne, Nov. 18. Tho Aus boys in France. Amongst the many letters that have been tralian Bcnate Saturday passed a brought to our notice, is one which reads:MI wish we couid resolution "providing that it was get more Zam-Buk sent out from home instead of so much essential to tho future welfare of tobacco. We can git tobacco here, but unfortunately we Australia that the captured Ger cannot always get Zam-Buk, and we need it badly." MNK OFMONTREAI, man possessions in the Pacific now occupied by Australia and Ztro-Bnk Is used by the soldiers la the pocket so that a man can New Zealand troops should not in for sore hands.frostblte.cold have It handy to apply at the any ritcumstanceH )e restored to cracks, cuts, sores of all kinds right moment. When an Injury Germany. (Including gas sores),and sore and Is treated Immediately with Zam-Buk, The resolution also provided hllitered feet. It Is put up In tins there U no danger of f enter Bank of Montreal announces that dating that In consideration of and in nf convenient size for carrying ing or blood-poisoning. THE Saturday, October 12th, the offices of the determination of proposals Zsm-Bnk Is Just as necessary, too, at borne for injuries and skin troubles of all kinds. All the Bank of British North America will be affecting the destiny,of these islands dealers or Ztm-Bok Co Toronto, 58c box,3 for $U5. Send this advertisement and lc stamp(for should be return postage) to ZsnvBuk Co Toronto, and receive FREE SAMPLE. Australia con operated a Branches of the Bank of Montreal. sulted. To the customers of that Bank we extend a cordial invitation to continue their accounts with us and an assurance that their business, whether it Ye Town Crier be large or small, will receive our best care and attention. What ho there, FREDERICK WI LLIAMSTA YLO R, All ye people ' Of this city . Wlio vasii ato and fro LOGGERS WILL HAVE And live at Eae! TO BE LESS DAINTY Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 Of Listen woe then to the: tale Pruning down the. luxuries that Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. loggers induige in in the majority Of those who live of the logging camus in British Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Columbia ie the task which the At S lev art. Federal Food Control Hoard has Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete Things Look Brighter The MIninj; Town, set itself to accomplish, says the Plant Installations H. C. Lumberman. In this matter Northern B.C. Representatives Rich with countless it has sought the assistance of Glinting ores, the members of the B. C. Loggers Canadian Westinghrose. gncai Association which was to have Co., Hamilton Lamps, arc "Mirro" Aluminium Ware Hut Poop. ... met to discuss the question to-wards Goodvear Tire& Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods,Hose the end of October, but due "ExtMPWrer" Belting. Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans In Transportation. to the embargo imposed by the C0., Toronto. Kettle and Double Boiler And Behold Provincial Government consequent Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. Combination steel d 1x011 Wire- on the "flu" scarjc, there Co., Montreal Frypans It came to pass meeting. It is probable, was no Domestic Engineering "Deko" Light Products! That a grpnt need arose however, that a meeting will be CO., DajW ted Electnc Plant. Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping held In the near future to deal "Mirro" At Stewart. with the subject and it is also PeltOn Water Wheel CO. Water Wheel and - A craft was wanted probable that the scale which the San FrancisCO HydrauUc Apparatus Food Controller has laid down Co. Pacific Coast Pipe Call and see the latest shipment at To ply back and forth will be adopted. Wood SUve Pipe, Tanks, etc who disbelieve all v ancuuver The sqeptics To It u perl, Lumberman has Elated Dodge Manufacturing, Transmission Machinery, FKMORK'S HARDWARE that The Pulleys,-Shafting, Railway City and rich rpenvdintr the food that the log Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. SECOND AVENUE With a few select following gers ara getting which will should give read tnem the a A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical Members of nrptiv trood . idea of the daily Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock i. .at- menu. Here is wuai tne wijier Ye grouser clan. X - "I snoke of our eats. ell, we And lo, a man arose, ii 'get $5 per day and pay 1.05 for PI 37 P.O. Bom I7M Not a weakling but hoard, and we couldn t get sucn on. hnnrH anwrhere else for $3 per A strong man day. Our dinner menu, ana an NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! J For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Of Freeman clan the meals every day are and equany Our. Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present s pnnH mashed sDuds gravy. Who olTerjth roast beef, sliced tomatoes, sliced THE SAVOY HOTEL forth cucumbers (all the sauces, mus -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement To send tard, catsup'etc.), corn on the of a new supply r. T. BOWNL5J. Mihih His doughty Yacht cob, fruit salad, cake, chocolate Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C The Narbethong pie, pudding, celery, tarts, besides WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED coffee and bread and butter, then B.C. BUTEDALE - Horn Cooking Running Hoi nd Cold WaLr To help the townsmen.. n pranni f bananas, -neaches ana nnnlfS." Of stricken Stewart. A T1PW bill of fare has been .-. For many moons ( drawn up and it is said will be enforced. The famous boat TnV final shot at the Kaiser: Did ply the sea uy half a dozen bonds today aod High Class Printing HravinR the storm ben if he is not gone, a few more And her captain bold tomorrow. When he had time , A '-' Then We Sitting and grousing' ' 3 r The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the Among the elect. yfa Meet Some finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable Two Questions Hut the great Sickness prices. No job is too small to receive careful Fell on the land. Like This attention and none too big for theshop to handle. Many died and others With so many low-priced A Udy lold one of our UrU Hst 1'atMe MU well Were sore distressed, wrck thai obtainable, tnourb ror cooktnr but Uut rreh milk so-called anti-skids len now It whit Mi um moitly. UUSIXKSS AND SOCUL CAUDS t m But." (lie added, "my hu&band In-tun would that great host The time was m coHto I and Have porrldre."ft In the house for UU NOTK HEADS AXD ENVELOPES for When Stewart needed Wc and a treat many liomei like "DISPLAY POSTEKS AND DODGERS of motorists more ihli. Soin rrankly admit they are f" pay The Narfccthong, prejudiced aralntt Unned milk and do t UOOKLETS AND FOLDERS lot ue 1U Dunlop "Traction" Tread nut behold a hand. Other, like thia lady, r H becausa the family prefer! It for coffee, etc. CIKCULAItS AND POSTAL NOTICES A long hand Out the bulk of our output la uaed if they could get its merits Labelled "OUawa,'t house for cooklns luvestlratlon.aa we jrove by house to 1'IHTEItXAL SOCIETY WORK elsewhere ? Heached out Pacific Milk Co. RECEIPT ROOKS AND CHECKS k the land LIMITED Across 't that other 332 DRAKE STREET would Also, And laid hold of ; Factory at Ladner, B.C. large list of car owners buy The Narbethong." m ;.p Canada Food Board Llcunss 14-166. The Daily News Print Shop she Hes l " Anfl there " SPECIAL Phone 93 P.O. Box 38 V Useless tugging Office t 'Third Ave.,Prince Rupert somewhat t ''" 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. if which tires At her hauser resemble it in appearance pleading to go Pacific Cartage, Ltd I Mail Orders receive careful & prompt attention To the stricken miner. resembled it in efficiency? At Stewart. l General Teaming u A. Hut "the hand," Furniture,Storage Safe and Piano Advertise in "The Daily News" The iilJent hand, Moving. Baggage t . The Paper that gets Quick Results Stays her still, .