THE DAILY NEWS. Pago t " . ltt . T mi ii . II10W TO GET RID !" Just Camouflage I RHEUMATISM Borne of the worthy aldermen after reading Captain Itorvig's open Idler as published In The Fryit-a-lives" Point the Way Dally News last evening wcro heard to gently murmur to themselves: to Quick Relief "A man convinced agnlnst , Vs-aoxA, Oxt, his will is of the same opinion !Ii suffered for number of years still." iwith Jthtunatixm and snrre Pains - in my Side end &uk, caused by The aldermen frm the' land of trains and heavy lifting:. the heather were much interested when I had siren up hop of ever last nlKht-to hear that Samuel being 'well -again, a friend recom-amended Masscy who is coming homo to Frult-a-tircs to me and take, the position of wire cnler (after nslng the first box I felt so had cabled from a place .known muth better that I continued to as Knockando. Every Scotsman take them and now I am enjoying as he heard it turned his head the best of health, thanks -to your aside and pondered and then one, wonderful fruit medicine". than tho otht more venturesome W. M. LAMI'SOW. "Fruit-a-tiTes" are sold by all crs, for all Soolsmen atjo expected Jtiealers at 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, to know every village north of itrial site 25e. or sent postpaid by the Tyne, queried aloud the query Frult-a-tiTcs Limited, Ottawa. that thev were querying to them selves. "The Mayor replied that Sheets he thouKht it sounded like where Alderman McMeekin came from. Sunlight To the Public: The aside Alderman that he knew remarked Knockmilli-dowit in an do4 the work XWW V' S5000 fiuarantce and lie knew that an Irishman " " otpurUy ; ; xMwW ' " could knockanybodydown but ,:, HXRRY HAN80N Inventor PsUnU a man that could "knock" and or the Harry llanson Patented Fast "do" at the same time was beyond Heating Hot Water Coll for rtinres him. At which nobody smiled for bis returned to town to stay. An improvement In said coll Is they did not hear it. now being offered. It ts now made of brass pipe, and prices are as follows. Out of resoect for Alderman Sunlight dispels the shadow that once Kirkpatrick there was no audible With a three-years g-usran tee S2S. titter at the council meeting when With a Ove-years guarantee, 3. she remarked that the women wash This coll Is guaranteed to beat hung over day did not their water four times faster than any use telephones very coll now on the market. See much. Evidently the lady alderman docs not have to ring ud Harry Hanson the members of her sex very often fact many .women do not say "wash day" any more. Th RalUbl Plumber or the "line's busy" would get IN Phon 49 189 2nd Av. monotonous. say "Sunlight Day". It's n genuine pleasure to use Prlnct Rupert. on Sunlight Soap because it means an economical wash, it'mcans1 Agents,TEEN Phone LONtWILl 5, nd Are. In the Letter Box !1 1 a quick wash. Why? Becnuse, Sunlight is absolutely pure Prince Rupert you need only half the quantity as compared with ordinary soaps, EXPRESSES THANKS nor will Sunlight harm any delicate fabrics, or hurt your hands. Editor Daily News, I wish to And it really takes the labour out of the washing in surprisingly STEEN &LONCWILL take this opportunity to thank all those connected with the Borden - little time as you will see by following the directions. St. Hospital for their; kind services SANITAR. MfiD HEATINQ and care extended to me as ENGINEERS one of their patients. Had it not LEVER BROTHERS TORONTO been for their timely aid I would LIMITED, Agents for have been in the silent land by 0 McCLARY FURNACES now. I think they all deserve great PLUMBING credit and 1 believe all those who were patients should show their and appreciation in some way. I came SHEET METAL WORK! out and had two relapses, but had Phone C, 834 Second Avenue. only my insubordination to doc Night phones 570 tor's orders to blame and am and Blue 270 thankful I am. still able, to kick J The right work, at tha Hflht HARRY HANSON. BJBjSjljB tlmo, arid at the right prise. PRINCE MAXIMILIAN'S j synopsis or PLANS WERE UPSEI LAND ACT AMENDMENT The P. R. Feed Co. ,lanai Ileoorda Pra-tmptlon oniy will now be granted eonflntd corvtina;to surveyvs only A Song for Every Mood (Spctial via U. T. P. Telcrrsphs.) land-jia wnwp aultmbl ia noB'tunoer for asricultural la Da. purpoMs Copenhagen, Nov. 18 The l'srtnershlp Tf-eioptlcna abollahed. but parties of not mora than four may former Imperial Chancellor, SOTICE OF CANCELLATIOW OY KEjJfcKVi: arranca for adjacent ITa-tnipllorta. with Have got in a New Seasons Prince Maximilian of Baden, has Joint, trut aach roaklns; necaa. Music gives expression to every human emotion. Supply of aary lmiirovamenta on ranpacUv claims. issued a pamphlet in which he rra-emplora moat occupy claims Tor All that is happy and beautiful in life, has been Bulbs, Hyacinths, existing on certain poruons of. Lots Vru flva yaara and maka Improvemanta to writes: "My peace policy was en hundred and nv. lent mnA tma hH.H value or lis per acre. Including- daartr.f expressed in music. Daffodils, Tulips, tirely upset by the proposals in 'and elrnt (SOB) Rsnre Three (1) Coast and cultlrr.tlon of at leaat t acraa, ba. .".it, iwitjtu sua Known as lois ior rwfii'ii tniwn lirani. the armistice which was handed Meven hundred and nrty nine (lltvi, Wbera i -emptor In occupation not When things seem bright and cheerful because Easter Lilies . . ,. Crocus, Eleven hnnrireri ind iI.iv.mi. Hint n iawa man a aanv ana.naa maaa propor' to me in complete form on my Eleven hunrtreri and .iTtv-f m.-.. . tionaie improvement, he may, trecau of need or Hi-health or other cauie, t granted a ray happiness has come into your life, you arrival in Berlin. I fought against reason of a notice appearing tn tbe Di .ilsu Intermadlat certlilcat of improvemsnt Make the Home Beautiful it for practical and political reasons. and Record transfer without hla claim.permanent residence an outlet to give vent to your feelings. Have Some Winter Blooms ! It seemed to me a grave DATED at Victoria, brltlin Colanits, may Da leaued provided applicant make of uui i viii uc oi orpiemDer. a. u, isis, Improvemantt to txteht of 1200 por an. When sorrow or depression comes, the need mistake to allow the first step num and record ram each yaar. Failure Indoors and Outside Deputy Minuter of land,. to maka Improvement or record consolation is toward peace to be accompanied earn will operate a forfeiture. Title even greater. the ad XWIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. cannot be obtained on Uteaa claims la 908 Third Avenue by success and amazing n.s. c. cuAPTEn iu. lea than S year, with Improvement of It is at such times that you derive the greatest mission of Germany's weakness iv per acre, tnciuatng a acre eieareu Phone 58 P.O. Bex 333 and cultivated, and residence of at "Neither the enemy power nor Th Vnrt rHuie riat-i leaat 2 years. comfort from our own people regarded our mill brreby jlrei rvnice that they have, under I're-emptor holding Cwwn Orent may racora aru-aner it ne re Section 7 of pce-.mption, the said Act. deposited situation such to make with land In eonluuctlon with hi tary as ?utre and In tbe office or tbe District HerUlrmr without aotuaJ occupation, pro. TTie NEW EDISON desperate measures necessary, nf fti. 1 a nil n..iaiHi rii.i.i. ... .-. vlded statutory Improvement mad and .tc.i.tfj, uisiriit ui inure raatdenc maintained on Crown gt anted Walker's though I was subsequently in land. llon of tbe site and the plsns or ctn- Unaurveyed area, not exceeding II "The with Soul" ... ..... Phonograph a formed that by our generals they nerv. .nri u' hH,nAi.j A " .'.uvu W W WUI1I RIIU- acre, may tv leoaad aa homaaltea: had been mistaken regarding the ate on portion of I'orpolse .Harbor. at I'ort. title to be obtained atteij utfllllng real, I'dW.prf It. r In ..ah. - -a Music in iiuii, ui pari ui uoi dentlal and Improvement condition. Store military situation at the front." Vor erasing and Industrial purpoeea. Then one sweet note of the voice of Anna Case, . iir iuv cauiraiiuil rreu axceedlng (19 acre may be faaaed or one roontb from tbe dale of the first by on pereon or company, or one ripple of melody from the bow of Albert High GraJ Pianos. Sheet Music. REFAULTERS ARE i.uuiiiaiiuii risbenes Limited oi mit will,nonce,under tne Section port Kdmra 7 of PRE.Th EMPTORS'scope of this FREE Act GRANTS U enlarged ACT,to Spalding, puts your soul in harmony with the world. 4... myyij ,u lur Miniaier or run- Include all Joining and Small Musical Goods. llc Works at bis office In tbe City c-t with 111 Majesty parson Korea. Th serving time Music real music is one of life's greatest boons. TO BE PUNISHED otuws, for spproval of tbe said site snd within which th hair or devisee of a Piano Tuning. Pianos for.Rent. plans snd for leave to eoniiruct tbe Slid deceased pre-emplor may apply for Edison music is real music because the New Edison title under this Act I ei landed from Dated si Vsncouver, B.C. this twenty on year from th death of such Victory Bonds taken at par in (Special via 0. T. P. Teltgrspbs.) fourth day of October, Ills? as formerly, until on year after person,th does not merely imitate, it recreates. One never payment. Ottawa, Nov. 18, That action Won I'firtT rnWillh n. E. naticnipa WALKER., flprrlrv iinvnt. privilege conclusion Is of also the mad present retroactive.war. Thl tires of the New Kdison, the novelty never wears will be taken against defaulters .,.f. TOWNtlTE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT MINERAL off, because there is from military service is made ACT ACT. no Provision I mad for th grant to clear in an official statement person holding uncompleted Agree. novelty to wear off. It is Frederick Werkhoven I Certificate or Improvements. manU to I'urchas from th Crown of van issued here today. "The Government," uch proportion of th land. If divisible, not just another "talking of Tli Roal Aeadamy for Muaic declares the statement, aa the payment already mad will of NOTICE cover In proportion to th sals price of machine". It isdCcitiedly The Hague, Holland. "has no intention of permitting Drum Lummon. IXL Caledonia th whole parcel. Tvo or mora persona TEACHER OF PIANO those defaulters who refused to Ibis. Kitchener. Blr Thlnr tinmf.i.. their holding Interest such Agreement and apply for may a different. To appreciate STUDIO Phone Csxxn 1(7 come to the help of their country Copper,wonisive.Wharf inaex,and Msiacbite,Bunker minersl Cupprlle, Orey considered tlonat allotment advisable divide If It th I land jiot the difference you must In the hour of their country's claims, covered by an application for a propor. situate In the Skeena 'Nlnlna Diviin f ilonata allotment, an allotment ol land hear it. need, to escape all punishment or mns-e , i.otn District. Where loot led:-On of equal value selected from available Crown land In th locality be Copper may Creek, penally," DoutUi Channel. mad. The allotments are conditional Wewill gladly submit TAKE NOTICE that I. John n in.. upon payment of all taxe due th ! Cleaning, Pressing ! B. C. L. ., of Trail, B. C, acilnr as ascni Crown or to any raun.cluallly. Th the-New Edison to right of person to whom th your Full range of Fall Footwear, ur tue urum Lumrnnn Pnnu. ui..., pur. Sr S fa f y cliaaer from th Crown 'ha agreed to FAMILY 81II1IS STORE. 270 Limited, Free Miner's Certineau n . f " f.r ,", Protected. Th decision of musical judgment either ! and Repairing j 6J8-C, Intend, sixty diva imtn h. the Minister of Ijind In respect to the adjustment of home. a nronortlan-Ha hcreorinyourown hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr Hecordrr I anal. Th time for making application Oh sayl The News Print Shop iur wrmicam oi improvements, for the or theae allotment is limited to LADIES AND GENTS j does its work about as cheap a purpose of oblslnlnr Crown n..m. '. ....,"" the tlon lat mida day after of Mav,this 119.ittia Any appllca.i.. most shops and quite as well, above claims. considered. These allotment apply to Charles Teetzel,' Prince Rupe rl, Raj) And-further take notice . ..n ... ,?wn J?." and Und of th Crown sold Wesley ' gives you the work on time when der section 7, must be at DUbllO suction JackDunbar -j ever possible and hands it out tne litue of such Certifi-commenced' Its! Af ImnrAvsi.k-..-before otal Por Qovernment Information Ageni apply or to any to I'rovln. with a pleasant "Thank you." ments. . I Phon 5 10 725 St J A, j Dated this tlst day of .-.,.-,,.. . Deputy UlnUter of Land, cor Vliat do you say to giving them f " l"""":r, A, II, Vlotorta. n a flews WwriM iflflm M a. wa.J a trial on your next Job? I. D, AHDEflSON, Advertise in the Dally News, Advertise in The Daily