TUE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 REIURNED RUPERT WITHDRAWS TROOPS MAN DIES OF "FLU" FROM FINLAND S. S. PRINCE RUPERT on New of tho death of Hcrt (Special TU o.T.I. TtletMph. I'earsc has, reached the city. A London, Nov. 18, General von S.S. PRINCE GEORGE telegram came yesterday from Der Goltz, German commander in his brother Ernest, who left here Finland, has informed, the Finnish SAILING with Mrs. I'earsc on Thursday Government that Gerpian "jfhl, to see him In Vancouver. troops are being withdrawn from MIDNIGHT SUNDAY and THURSDAY for Swanson Bay, "here he was in the King Edward I- inland in order to avoid a con Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Vlcorla and Seattle. Hospital suffering from influenza. diet with Iiritish forces which are MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY for Qranby Bay. Hon Helf av.d Jack Ilradbury saw expected here soon. him in the hospital last week and Despaches add that General 8. S. fRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. h ;emcd U) he getting belter. Mannerhelm, commander of tho Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. The deceased, who was well r inr.it h Government fonccs. will known in town, was with the St. be governor of Finland, and that TRAIN 8ERVICE 1-101. tho returned soldiers' boat. a coalition Government will be in fsiisnger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al lli3di.m. for SaUtbers ai ran, Ashing off the Queen power. Prlnrt Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all harlolUs. He left here with- the points east and south. BHEATHEABLE REMEDY m J'ionecrs, and was gassed at "oiled edge rubbers. Extra THE lprcs. Ho has many friends in heavy for children FAMILY For information and reservations apply to keep a box of Peps lown who will rejrret his loan. SHOE STOItE. 270 Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. ALWAYS immediately His father. Sam Pearse, has City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 vou feel n tickling in your wen communicated with. lie is Good assortment of pipes throat and want to courIi, nut located at Inverness Cannery and Oil's. a Peps tabici 111 your muuiu. i one of the old timers of lha The medicinal fumes Riven uy. MINERAL ACT off by the dissolving Peps a military funeral will take minglcwiththcairyoubrcathe, place from the Certificate of Improvements. chapel of the II. C ind like the I'inc Forest air of 'weriaitcrs at 2 p.m. on Wednesday CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY reach nook NOTICE every jjwiticrland, when nil returned soldiers i'crro rrtction Mineral CUira. situate In of the throat and md corner ar; expected to be nreient t' SHten Mining bivltlon of Catdir Junes, where the danger lies. 1 DIMrlfl. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ivn bathe the breathing Where located..fear the bead of Alice via Steamer to Vancouver and the tubes with a germ-destroying COMPANIES REGISTERED Arm. Canadian Pacific vapor, which is a sure safe TAKE NOTICE that I. Lewi W. Paimore, Railway guard against infectious Among the list of companies arem for John Walford Strombeck, Vret Meals and Berth included on Steamer coughs and colds. When a Pens tablet incorporated and published in the mnei-i Certificate No. 11191-C, intend. U in the mouth every breath taken llitj da;s rrotu tne date hereof, to apply II. I.. Gazette is that of the Pro in the Mining netorder for a Certmcate of strengthens yourdcfcnccagainst throat FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE ducer Company Limited with an Improvement!, for the purpose of obtaining and chest troubles. authorized capital of 75,0OO and a Crown Oram of the aboTe claim. S.S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November 3 for $1.25. All dealers 50c box, or And further take notice that action, nn- Peps CoMToronto. FKEE trial package the registered olllce of which la der section ti matt be commenced before 23rd; December 6th, 20lu, and January 3rd. receipt of this advertisement at Jed nay. Other companies. are the Issue of sucb Certificate of lmproe- sent upon vs....1 ments. FOR KETCHIKAN. JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SKAOWAY, ALASKA and lc sump for postage. xjush Mines, Limned, non- DATED this 15th of Htj A. personal liability, public concern, Hi 8. August. ot D. S. S. Princess Mary sails from Prince Rupert November authorized capital. 91,000,000; 18th, December 2nd, idth.ind SOlh: registered office of the company, MINERAL ACT. Vancouver. CERTIFICATE Of IMPROVEMENTS. l'achena Fish Company, Limit NOTICK. W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL ed, private, authorized capital, Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, annate SI 0.000; registered office of the in the Skeena Mining Dlrislon of Casslar Co nfr Fourth Straet end Third Avenue, Prlnc Rupert. B.C District. Where located. At the bead of iiipany, Victoria. Alice Arm In the Skeena Mining Dlrislon. G..ld Creek Mining and Devel TAKE NOTICE thai I, J. E. Stark, owner tpmcnl Company, Limited, pub of the abore claim. Free Miner's Certificate i , authorized capital, $1,000,000; :. 14171, intend, slur dars from the INFLUENZA date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re GERMS CAN BE egistered oiTlce of the company, corder for a Certificate of ImproTements, SWALLOWED BY WHOLESALE Hritannia Ueach. for the purpose of obtaining a Crown The Pacific Coast Islands Im Grant of the abort claim. And further take notice that action, No Danger of on Contracting prwvemenl Company, Limited, der section SS, must be commenced be Influent. private, authorized capital, $10, fore the Issuance of such Certificate of 000; registered office of the com hnproTtmenu. CTTCr U brntr fries thai U Sale So states a well known Vancou pany, Vancouver. Dated this tin day of July. A. D. 1 9 IS Standard Flour Royal r Uaat to U M ca u laeeiy.fouru I1IM UT Ol.M UtUAtt M t.Bell. I ri-ntl(lirtl., Crt.UoCgfOI-.. ... ver doctor who offers to swallow The Silver Peak Mining Com LAND ACT FORM NO. 11 tm urn rnmm capsule ful every day for a week. pany, Limited, non-personal lia NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO nifrn Assessment hutrfrl trt vacere4 lad tut oo Um till The Doctor Is tight. bility, authorized capital, flO,-000; LEASE LAND As a war flour, ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR is in a LI QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND ef a MKt halt uihMU am. With plenty of fresh air. good registered office of the com DISTRICTS RECORDINO DISTRICT OF class by itself. Richer in gluten, it is easier, to handle; Mai Duuvi lyjurMnng food and a tahle-poonful pany, vanequyej. , j SKEENA AND SITUATE -vON SOUTH 'quicker rising"; producing uniform results; and with SnOnB OF LAGOON INLETS"MORESBY ,i w. ui Mrr. a.(j. in p of KENNEDY'S TONIC "oven-spring." 'standard ISLAND. ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS a big Royal Flour will remedy: POUT .four times dally NOTICE sits a iurr eurnicr M5TWCT oi you can MOUTIL many of your.baking troubles making the best possible vciu ounLorrc islands, keep your body strong and TAKE NOTICE that I, JOHN M. MAC thoroughly fortified against the Owing to the abatement of the MILLAN or YancouTer, B. C, occupation base for use with substitutes. tui xta list t, iba McLarty Mac ravage of influenza, asthma, nfluenza epidemic, the schools Canneryman, Intends to apply for permission to lease !he following described lands: bronchitis. colds or coughs. will be permitted to reopen on Commencing at a post planted on the wtjttia. Hindi la tor Vancouver Milling & Grain apply t ke lU following JktU3 penais-Uadi IUG DOCTOnS MIESCIUDE IT. Monday flrst. and the churches south shore or Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Is DIU'O STOHES SIXL IT. If in the city on Sunday, tho 21th of land, about one mile from Its mouth; CO., LIMITED thence west 0 thence north to chains; O UMTS Af Llm.ii It.v u t. November. The public holiday 3t MX tail rrua In nmnk chains; thence east 10 chains more or less Millers of the Famous "Royal Standard Flour" Queen Chorlotle Islander can for the local celebration will take io low water mark at the beach; thence U I (Mini. Uw&m on Wednesday, the 27th, in-.southerly following low wster msrk to the Millers License 139 Wholesale License 12-195 eu. UtK Dorih It rhilm ihMM not do better than mail their place nr slag u snore uM to poui r printing needs to The News Print lead of the 20th as at first ar poini oi cuuuuruceuiexiif cdhuuuui u Package Cereal Licenses 2040 to 2043 """" tootaiaing 40 acres more Ehop and gel the work done ranged. lJ JOHN McLARTY MACMILLAN. ton Neunrr macmillan. romptly and well. T McCLYMOXT. Mayor Dsted August If th. 1(18. NS J in ta u u. LAXD REGISTRY ACT imica at 104 m.i iiMmimimi""""""""i f1' o litis i. rue wo TiU jutni appucauott bas beer 7. r oreoioo o. moot ana "rt of prtoc Rupert, B.C st . " -mKT ta sale IHnj from i J' aT of rrtnc Rupert. VtU dlU IN. ail. ...- . . f ,u .D SINOI LAII that crnain ; J oug aw being n the Municipality or " ,taf BuP". h Km parllcu- aiZ-i, a,,c''lMJ as Ixt tlgbtccB la. "SBieen ill) section III kJra rr" taptl' M,P YM, PER PACKAGE .7" PTOsirtiioni. and jour at " ti Un amendment, and to and h .".' r"" wrtrrom; lu Drad.?. . .f ' c or rerimcau tnZ'i a?1' rK,n "tilled uo r scur, ' U person, to served rS tiatefiLi14 'Mirument. and ail WniS' inr nlrl n 11m land ft um i BR,?,i1 m1 registered r rlalmT- nJ. ltrti Irmn selling 11 " or '". P of tht land "Ww tS,Tf1 ,n4 ,h Hnirar shall J1 iiB1.r!on. "iiiid under sum im of the. land so sold for '""rorVr''''1'' ,PP'on bat been H'iH u ikA. ' Indefeasible Title ' ftttte nDT.0UOnfd lin',. ' 1 n ...i.?,00r and noy U Moore, lu II ' . . on tatuns i the 11 ! uM date on which day the NAVY CU B" rs ih, a ror ordu uiesj, ri'Tlirn "M,I owntra thereof, "" f .,; ; atti registration In pur , ,PPMion and Issue a la th ;ndtf'",b, Tllle lo the said ou of ,b0 'reiall parlies CIOARETT tMlltol.f.M,rr4,CU,a ,rol'r " Mi HS!Wbl"" '0ur """ 1' in?5 H1 ttion ' 10 Prnl such pro- 7. B c ,7. n''iry omce. Prince I Kb. n,' tth r. MACLEOD,d,, or September. BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING ' wwr t 'c n'"rr of Titles, Ad,rl,,Uu im."rt' Dally N.ws. IU LLLMU I till ' riTi III! .1111 . 1111 llll Mil .TIT