THE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 THE DAILY NEWS WESTERN FLOAT I Local News Notes G. H. Arnold hecthori Arivprfrcmrjr I contented.He who has no desiro Is always VlUOtflllVU 1 at f a ttwiutj A' NOTARY PUBLIO Chopped suet. Atkins, butcher Cold storage eggs in soino cases Superior Collection of Phone 98 are vnlunblo ns waij bombs. Gusty Felt House Slipper. FAM The hen is a favored bird. She We sell neal Eslatel TMa la lha Adverting- Column that ILY SlIOK STORK. , 270 nevor needs gold crowns for her paople read when lhajr want Anything teeth. We write Fire and Marino It brings reiulta Tho Whlto'Lunch lias hecu to It 1 reported thai tho kaiser VOILE Insurance. opened for business. gels his Idea of flod by looking We have Apartments, Stories, EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mail orders received now in the mirror. Houses, and Offices for OLD CAMP Cx)k" wsnts Job itstionary Fuller's Grocery, phone is. In some ports of tho Stales Itent, and Want More. cooking- Apply L'dwln Smltb, General bare-kneed women attend political Wo Deal In Mortgage Loans. Delivery. New laid eggs al Prince Rupert meetings, and l soino towns BLOUSES WANTED. Table Supply 00c. per doz. tf the halls niji being enlarged. We sell Timber Limits. Thn Detroit News soys that Wo do Conveyancing. WASTED First Ctani cooper. Address Examine our Opera . Waltlinm thoiu is c.'-ciW-meiit among the p. i. nox us. tbo thinnest reliable watch mado su'frageltes in Washington. Kx-citcnienl Our Mouse assortments are kept at the very ton WANTED Reliable woman or rlfi for HELQERSON, LTD. housework. Phone Blue til. ir John Ilulsfer, Jeweller. but no hustle. notoh of rompk lencss ly continuous receipt 0f . It. 0. It is reported that several U- press hliipmentH from eastern fashion LADY WOULD LIKE TO nETiT AT OSCE The etcctrio wiring bylaw was centres. The boal ofllrers havo recently been furnished flat, or two or three furnished NFAVEIl things come to tig at tbo same time ijeconsiilered and Anally passed as in New York saloons. No Box seen hmikckcenlnr rooms. Apply r. U. they ore shown in the cxcluslve'stores (he City Council last night. of the by 667, City. , t7 doubt sinking schooners of beer. east WAJiTED Woman Cook Arply Inlander Sub-Inspector Adams of tho Some m-m wear gas masks IN. M. STEPHENS Boarding nouse. Dominion Police, received a wire when they go home late al night from the club. This prevents Furnished with use or this morning ordering lilm lo WANTED room N0TARV PUBLIO piano. Private family. Central. Apply carry on os usual, tho inference their brymth from perfuming tho Said One Woman About io 170 Dally News ofllce. parlor, and also renders them ini being that tho force is to bo con- mune from tho deadly effect of Buy Victory Bunds WANTED Three young ladles, one as linued for, tho present. high explosive curtain lectures. Our Blouses: waitress, two for housemaid work. Ap ply la Matron. P. It, Oeneral Hospital. F. Fiddlecomb, who appeared "The Ledge." Bag a Home Wilt) VICTORY BONDS in the police court today on "1 bought two of those blouses last week WANTED Girt for bar at Shooting Gallery am You Cn Buy Any of th Following charge of uttering threatening Board of School Trustees apply on premises. 170 have already worn one of them. They wash won-derfiilly. Lots With VICTORY BONOS language, did not have the necessary WANTED Woman to take charge of housel NOTICE While they are so pretty and new I d bonds for his good behavior, Lot Blk. 3, 8c 1 fl.000.00 Lot 66,2, Blk. 12, See. 2 600.00 or and phone two children.Black 395.Apply. r. u. iiox t7t 7i and will havo to pay the other The Hoari decided at a meeting cided I might as well purchase a third, while I M Lot 15, Blk. B, See. 7. . .. 200.00 penalty. last evening l Hose Iho High and sure of one of the best styles." Lot 16, Blk. 31, 10. 7. . . . 200.00 WANTED Good woman Cook. Must be Public Schools until Monday. No Lot"10, Blk. 49, Sac 7. . . 200.00 rood baker. Good salary lo the right The Emmanuel Street paving vember 25. It Some have round collars, others in "V nr .. Lot 16, Blk. 29, Ste. 8 300.00 party. Apply Inox Hotel. If THEY ARK ALL CHOICE LOTS. bylaw which provides for Hie W. D. VANCE, Secrelary- roll effect, etc Some arc cmbrolderes, olher. are WANTED Oirl for house work Immediate construction of sixteen foot and a laco-trimmed, tucked, so on. The Also Thraa Home for Sl at Vary ly. High wages. Apply at oRlce of Peck, range u vory plank road that street between Board of School Trustees Attractive PrlCM. Moore li Co or telephone ISO. tf on complete nml the variety too extensive to describe Fifth and Sixth Avenues was here. WANTED to buy old postage sumps col finally passed last uight by the Substitute Teachers Wanted. M. M. Stephens Box lections,I6,also current Issues In quantities. City Council. Anyone wishing to have their Prices range from 3.&0, 4.00 and all the w y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE name placed, on the suuslituie lo $0.00. FINANCIAL AOENT iVAMtu Ulacksmiin al onco, The report of the delegation to list of the Prince Rupert Public 623 Third Ave. Phono 222 apply Akerberg, Thomson Co Ottawa regarding shipbuilding School teaching staff will kindly contracts was formally read to the notify the Secretary, P.O. box Wanted for rent Five or ix City Council last night and a vole 1556. 275 roomed house furnished or un of thanks passed to tho dclega Sickness and furnished. Apply P. O. Box 407 tion for their services rendered E. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. WANTED Waitress, Hotel Prince IluperL freely lo the community. YE OLDE COUNTRIE Accident Insurance FOR. SALE The Mayor and Aldermen Kirk- FISH AND CHIPS patnek and Darric were last night 717 Second Avenue. FOR SALE Dining-room suite, fumed We represent the Dominion quarter oal; Wilton carpet 9 by It; oak appointed a Court of Revision to of Canada Guarantee rocker;- " small-ppiy table,3vv quarter intra Are.oak, good receive-objections against names Will be open every day at appearing the city voters' 11 a.m. and Accident Co., on list, Fn SALE Pony Express. tfllhn oillllncr l-i. vard Lipsett, President Harry Llpselt, Minster which writes - ' a a sib WUIi a special Edward Cunningham, Vice-President policy oovering indemnity FOn 3ALE rOId newspapers In bundles, per to tako place Tuesday, December TAKE SOME HOME. hundred tsc Wew omce. !0. against allSickness FOn SALE House and lot 16, blk it, See, & Co. and Accidents. 5 7 rooms, price 11,000, Cash tt.lOO, Stan Colman and Jack Mclnncs Lipsett-Cimningham The annual cost is very balance on easy terms. J. flyman. SIS were both fined $5 and copIm in low. 7tn Ate., w. if tho police court this morning by Hotel Prince Rupert u MITED uagisiraie uarss for creating a LOST" Jislur)ance in the Iloyal Hotel FISHIKQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWiffr McCaffery, Gibbons lost- Bunch or keys between the pest early yesterday morning. The EUROPEAN PLAN Steamship Supplies,' Oas Enolnet and Accessorial omce and cor. 6 th and tnd Ave. Return scrap had been a lively one while News Ofllce. tf it lasted. $1.50 per day and up. Fish Netting, Twines, Linos, Ropes and Corrfagt & Doyle, Lid. LOST two iwenty-dollar bank notes on FIRST-CLASS CAFE .PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Insurance - Real Estate Third Arrnue. Finder please return to Chris Fotos was fined ?5 and the police ofllce. tf $2 costs in the police court today A La Carle. Registered Ofllce! Prince Rupert O&tt Prince lor assaulting Harry I.evine on 68 Walcr Street, Telephone No. 9S C. Rupert.'B. Thlsweatherpromotcfl Second Avenue. There had been Vancouver. D. C. P. O. IIox 1698 slight discussion over certain financial matters in connection Coughs with the business run by tho two Those wlio haye tremble in men, which culminated in fisti LUMBER hkifl off a cough aliould cuffs. Dig Jim Manners, however Tar note and that Muihleu'a Cod Liver Sjrup(HI not of wag standing by and rescued the Hotel There are no Smokes in only soothrs the Irritation of plaintiff, as the accused was twice Hyder thi IrouhUI tubes, and as wig as the latter. Germany. Agents for prompMy stnj t,.e cough, ' it!Huj a aii!endi J Ionic and Portland Canal, B.C. Prlnco Rupert Lumber Co. he-t'er it soon enables the Harry Lascelles, charged with and vf tern to permanently throw the theft of two slabs of bacon M. IL JAMIESON, Proprietor Get your parcel of o!T the cold and icftorrs the from Frizzell's Meat Market, did Hastlng's Saw Mills tnucuous tnettibrauc to their Tobacco for the normal Jisilthy condition. not appear in the nolico court Caliitay 19 fA othi $)atk Mint Maihiu'i Syrup of Tar and this morning. When the case COAL: Cod Liver Od has won, by was last brought up the accused Soldier Boys its Now Open for Business merit, the large: rale is Canada of was in the hospital, and it was iii'n,,v'i' iny inolicine for Agents for -.11 At ( B mm their march to Berlin coughs 30 large bottle, uujuurneu until loaay. lie was on Nanalmo Wellington Coal sold eierywhere. seen in town yesterday, but this This Sample of made up at tho and J. L, ilATniEU CO, Prop, morning was not In evidence any. Yellowhead Coal If rr Shcrbrocke,v4 U nttUH wi P.Q.IfaAmi ...i wiiere.Issued for a. his t uencn arrest., warrant was St. James Hotel Prince Rupert tjukmi ton. r. r trul m u LUX (LATK "QUEENS") Complete line of 4u I It WrJ. ' FIRST CLASS ROOMS Cigar Store & BUILDING MATERIALS nen Belf is taking over the Hot and Cold Water. Prince Rupert Lumber new fiotel al Seal Cove. The Company's build is for you. Madam ! Oo par Night, an as pr Weak. Billiard Parlor Albert 5 IMafergi Lid. ing is modern In every respect I WHAT is LUX? It is and lias THIRD AVENUE eighteen BABY'S rooms and a big a ooap of unusual Whtrf Office, Phona 664 dining-room and ofllce. It was purity mado into the Hall in Best Billiard FIRC ALARM omea Second Avtniio, Phona lie nwrcv OAF built primarily to accommodatn thinnest of flakes that SrSTIM. TUr II - 'i the workmen at tho lumber mill. readily dissolve in hot CIRCUIT NO. 1. Town. and the employees of tho com water. It makes a Ssx l2-tn 81. and Ird Arc. pany will receive the preference, creamy, foamy lather IS (Mi St. and trd Art. Black Sett but a- general hotel or hoarding that cannot injure the B 14th St. aoJ Ird Art. 507 or nouse business, will be done in daintiest fabric or the os IS Junrtlon of 1st, tod and trd Ares. addition. hands. Bar IS III Are., Let wren I ill and LUX It a wonderful life tin Sis. (Knot Hotel). PRESENTS FOB HOLIDAY CAJtSS . Un m.,Al Hr m Soi muoBfy. iormcriv on lengthener of all woollen 17llt Ave, and Tib SI .Central AND BANNER SIGNS me electrical staff of lhe citv. hna and flannel garment. Jt Hotel), SoggesUons Mas been offered and has accepted the from abaoluWIy matting,prevent thickening them CIROUIT NO. X. for Soldiers Winfry Decorations position or wire chief made va. or ahrlnking in the waah. os t2 ird Ave and trd SI. (pool cunt, uy me recent sail iia .f wai yon Li u aaod omce). Have your Tee pt e y f.a-ance of air. Morrison, He cables that ha you a aaanpU.raa? os 23 trd Ave. aul McBrtd St. Permanent Signs Baby a Own tp 4V tnada it is coming. He has been wounded Drothtn Addreu LUX Dftu Ltver Boa Bos 24 JB tod 1st Ava.Ave.and and McBrlde tnd SL SL Fountain Pens done over during the wlnter-rates Unitrital lit .r ,r )u is on one or two occasions and is LimiUd, Toronto. Boa 26 tnd Ave, and U ML Watches Wrist more reasonable now in Scotland, at Knockando, a iKn 10c. Boa 27--0. T. r. I Guarantee to Please You Albert&eralijuiled,Mntrcal. inago auout 20 miles fmin In. n CIRCUIT NO. a. Radiolite Wrist erness in Moraysh Watches re. Tim . . . nn. oa SI lib Ave. and Fulton 81. C. W. CALHOUN i",u"" win no Kept vacant until Boa 32 liordrn and Taylor Bis. Cigarette Cases 925 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert " arrives. Bi 34711) Ave. and Fulton SL C3El3JT Bos 34 Sill Ava, and Comoi At. Cigar Cutters Bos 37 lib Ave. and Dodie rise Autos Painted Chopped suet. Match Safes : Atkins, bulclier. Bos SB - tli Ave. and Tnompsoo St. Military Rings and "tiuts your Shoe rpnnlra In CIRCUIT NO. 4. "in- r-AMll.Y R iok arnnu. Bos 41 4lb Ave. and Emmersoo Leather Photograph Pioneer Boarding House t ' ------ i a ' '-rtr ,-i - I'lac. Holders oi 42 ttb Ave. and Mtlirlda St. TUJED AVE, CLOSE TO DRY DOCK - -nior, represontlng the MADE IN CANADA. si 43 lib Ave, and Orren 81. IJUY THEM FROM Nic cWan room. ij board. Hot and latfA x New York Life Insurance Co. The 44 eth Ave. and liasll 81. uuld Ur, licdi ice. up, m ine world, Bos 48- ttb Ave and tierls. BULGER The Jeweler a I IIONK RED m mutual 8UB8CRIBE FOR Bos 141 Ttb Av. and Youof SI. Cm2ny M your affairs In Correct and Dependable - 270. The Daily News I