ah “F ¢ ? ” ; ae , } % a my » v a — wt ‘ . ; , * , a i 4M ci Bei ‘dh, i » 2 tied oF t) —_—+_ >} ia ie 3 * Li rr ss * - 2s oe . ~- = — PAGE FOU? ee AN A constant stream of Smiling Satisfied Customers poured out of Montreal Importers’ Store since last week carrying away unexampled Bargains from the Great FIRE SALE The wonderful bargains offered are keeping the store thronged. Better come quickly and get your share while the range of sizes is unbroken. Just see these prices and seize this chance to SAVE REAL MONEY! FOR MEN MEN’S PANTS rtment of tweeds and wor- terns and shades. In a great ass tede tt ase’ iain steds in various pa Great West Garment make. Sizes 29 to 42. Regular values up to $1 98 $5.00. Fire Sale Price ° MEN’S HEAVY PURE WOOL WORK PANTS to give your money's worth. Regular values ip to $7.50 Fire Sale Price Z : $3. 49 MEN’S CORDUROY PANTS Regular value up to a $2.95 Fire Sale Price MEN’S FLANNEL TROUSEES In plain grays and stripes $2.49 Fire Sale Price Men’s Shirts s WOOL WORK SHIRTS in all sizes. Regular Guaranteed t MEN’S Assorted colors and values to $3.00 Fire Sale Pri $1.49 MEN’S WOOL WORK SHIRTS All sizes and assorted colors. Regular values to $3.50 Fire Sale Price $1.95 MEN’S COTTON WORK SHIRTS e finish. Made by Great West and Western King. Fancy 98¢c Chamoisett Garment Co patterns. Regular values to $2.00. Fire Sale Price MEN’S KHAKI & GRAY FLANNEL SHIRTS Regulaf values Fire le to $2.95 Price 98c Extra Special MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS With collar attached. All sizes, White, tan, blue and green. Re- gular $1.25 value 59¢ Fire Sale Price MEN’S DRESS CAPS With unbreakable peak. ln assorted pat- terns, colors and sizes. Regular 75¢ $2.00 value. Fire Sale Pric« RUNNING SHOES Running Shoes in all sizes for men, wo- men, boys and children. Prices have been marked down 50c on the dollar Take advantage of these Fire Sale Price FOR BOYS BOYS’ JUMBO KNIT SWEATER COATS Regular value up to Fire 5 Price BOYS’ PU SWEATERS In assorted pat ) value up to $1 COMBIN Regular 95c value Fire Sale Pric« BOYS’ PURE WOOL GOLF HOSE Regular 65c Sale Pric With fancy tops value. Fire BOYS’ CHEV PANTS Regular $2.95 value Fire Sale Price Extra Special s RUBBER BOOTS MEN’S Fire Sale Price er eee Fire Sal r Len Fire Sale Price Men’s Underwear MEN’S HEAVY WOOL ATIONS COMBIN Regular value t Fire Sale Price MEN’S MERINO ATIONS : 79c |» COMBIN Regular value © $1 MEN’S HEAVY WOOL _ Fire SHIRTS & DRAWERS 3% Ans ele Regular values to $1 Fire Sale Price 2. Fire Sale rice OIC BOYS’ MERINO ATIONS $3.50 LADI $3.50 $1.49 LLOVER values Regular Silk 49c 39c 1OT SERGE yore ab Made in Sc hades and sizes LADIES’ Regular $1.50 value. Fire Sale COATS Regular up to $5.00. Fire Sal SWEATERS ac Make beaks $1.39 AGA MIE ETE ORT RT NU SORT OR a CHILDREN’S Sizes 2 to 4 only. Regular $1 value Fire Sale S PLAY Price Price In all sizes FOR LADIES WOOL SWEATER tland. In an assortn $2.49 Extra Special PULLOY ER SUITS 49c 79¢ $1.75 to $6.50 $2.95 ~ $3.25 $3.45 Jumbo Fancy pa $1.25 || ... ME N’S Pound 3 Pound MEN’S Assorted cc Fire Sale MEN’S atterns in colors. Regular Fire Sale me N’S WOOL RIBBED HOSE rular 50 Fire Sale re Sale Sale Pound Fire Sale JUMBO K lors. All sizes. Reg Price Price assorte 35c value Price value Price 5 WOOL WORK Price, per pail Price, per pail Price, per pair $ GRAY WORK Fire Sale Price with shawl colla Men’s Sweaters MEN’S SWEATER COATS NIT $2.95 PURE WOOL SWEATER COATS knit values up to $4.50 Fire Sale MEN’S FANCY DRESS SOCKS $1.95 d shades and 23¢ 29¢ SOCKS 23¢ 29¢ 35C SOCKS 15¢c MEN’S BIB OVERALLS per palt Regular $2.00 value $ Fire Sale Price 1.25 SHOES MEN’S CANVAS GLOVES We have a great vari Shoes for " — 6a See on men, women and childre uitable f Fire Sale Prics all occasions and all h en marke 2 pairs f 295¢ down 50 cents on the d BATHING SUITS MEN’S WORK BOOTS A big assortment of Bathing Suits for Here is one lot of unbeatable value. Men men, women and children Work Boots of regular men Fire Sale Price Remember the Address. =? ay up from 35¢ $3.95 value Fire Sale P Terms of Sale: Cash Only Montreal Importers, Meeker Block, 3rd Ave. $1.95 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous SMOKED “Rupert Brand” — BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. C.N.R. Trains For the East— Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- ! lays 12:30 noon! Tuesdays, and Fri- lays 3 p.m From the East— Sundays, Thursdays and Fridays | 11 p.m. | Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- days 1:30 p.m Thursdays eee eeeeees: ? the scale charges made for reaaing ‘ee + + Faia following is + + + noth ces * * Marriage and Engagement ¢ # announcement $2 + # Birth Notices 50c a * Funeral Notices $1. + + |# Cards of Thanks, $2. + |chikan. He Steamship for Vancouver — Monday—ss. Pr. } Tuesday—ss. Cat Wed.—ss. Pr. Rot Friday—ss. Prin Ss. Cardena midnight Saturday—ss. Pr. George .. 7 p.m July 9—ss. Prin. Alice p.m July 13 July 16 July 20—ss July 23 ss. Prin. I ss. Prin. ( Pri 88. Prin. I Rev. (Commands until recently sta graph Creek as A missionary, arrived the Princess Alic« noon following a b is plan soon for England t |e HS SHH SOS & @ residence. Sailings tupert 4 p.m la 1:30 p.m rt 9 a.m Adelaide 10 p.m ouise p.m harlotte . p.m Alice p.m ouise p.m T. Hodgson med at Tele wican Churc! in the city on sterday after- lef visit to Ket ning on leaving take up future|- ;up this nation /Canadians will not refuse iclosed sessions began CANADIAN PLEA FOR EXTENSION OF! PREFERENCES WITHIN’ EM-| PIRE AT CONFERENCE, -_———— (Continued from page one) j ! ! i i | j : New Zealand was prepared to go further with tariff preferences, Australia favors an Empire mone- tary policy as well as the develop- ment of intra-Empire trade, Rt.} Hon. Stanley M. Bruce told the con-| lerence Sean T. O'Kelly, for the Irish Free State, said We are proud of the place which Canada has won for herself among the nations of the world. We are particularly proud of the part which Irishmen have taken in and I think ‘that us the ight to regard Ireland as one of great motherlands from which has sprung. We most sarnestly hope that the conference will be a success whether or not the people of the Irish Free State can their race lare in the ultimate benefits to | extent as the peoples of | nations whose represen- tative are ithered here.” The Free State delegates had pre-} oined with the others in al message of loyalty to the King The first session of the confer- ence concluded at 1:30 this after- noon, adjourning until 3 p.m. when LOCAL L ITEMS William Lehkti was found guilty by G. H. Munro, J.P., in provincial police cour this morning on a harge of assault at Sunnyside can- ind was sentenced to the even days he had already spent in jail Marko Lodjevich, Dushon T. Po- tkanjak, Stevo Samardsija and | arrived in th Yure Naglich, who earlier in the week from An- yox where they have been in the mploy of the Granby Co., left on| terday afternoon’s train for| New York where they will embark German line: Jugo-Slavia beeen 953 July 28 aboard the Bremnen for Zagreb, i | Phone 953 De Jons’s Cash and a ee rriday & Saturday Specials Ikies | Dad's Co 33c per lb i Malkin's Best Baking Powder per tin 22c Seville Orange Marmalade - 29 jar Cc Purity Oats with Chinaware pkgs a . 55¢ Lynn Valley Plums abet ae I i lic North Star Larc per 5-lb. pail 69c 49c Scott's Fresh ; Malkin’s Best | | : Extras In cartons, 2 doz. for Peas, Sieve 3 Fancy 5-String 45¢ a 4 290 27c 25¢ $1.69. ye 25¢ pig 17¢ Carrots per bunch | Crestwood Butter | ver 3-lb. brick Grantham’s Orange Lemon Juice, per bottle King Oscar Sardines 2 tins for Bing Cherries 2 Ibs. for Apricots 2 Ibs. for per crate Plums = : building | 3 re) y ME o] ac A FOUR STAR PICTURE xkkkk With SYLVIA SIDNEY, WM. COLLI Thursday, July 21, 1932 PREMIER MAKES _ Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 p.m. ADMISSION — lie & 50¢ A GRAND DOUBLE BILL With TWO GREAT SHOWS “Street Scene” ER, Jr, ESTELLE TAYLOR A Simple Story of Real Life And DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS SR. in “Around the World in 80 Minutes” EXCITEMENT — FOX NEWS THURS. Matinee at 2 THRILLS — “Street Scene” :30—lie & 35c—‘“Street Scene” COMEDY Starts at 8:05 & 10:20 starts 3:35 FRIDAY & SATURDAY—Another Good Double Bill “THE BIG SHOT” and “PARTNERS” 2s Psa rea Rake eR eBoy Dr.W. (;. Alexander THE 4 Will Begin Series of Witty & Educative Lectures in the Moose Hall, Monda Forget your blues. Go and } lection will be taken to LECTURER & CHARACTER i nave WELL KNOWN ANALYSIST His y Evening Next laugh. A col- pt nses, a good defray e “'4 Quaker Corn Flakes =@=> are made better by ais the addition of Vita- min D. No other Corn Flakes contain the prec- lous sunshine vitamin. N hot summer days, do you enjoy a cool, delicious dish that tempts your appetite? Then use Quaker Corn Flakes. You will find them more enticing to your taste than any other corn flakes. In- redients in the flavour are higher in quality than those usually put into a corn flake. Special malt, pure CANEsugarand saltofcrystal purity. We are so confident you will like Quaker Corn Flakes better than any others you have ever used that we offer to remit you the cost of the package if you do not agree. This guarantee is printed onevery carton. Serve Quaker Corn Flakes at any meal, at any time of day. Econo- mical, for ‘they cost but a cent @ serving. MADE IN CANADA, QUAKER | Corn FLAKES ) he vis Ny $ not published Control Board or by the Government of LON DON DRY.GIN his advertisement 1s CLE Pi * Si Or displayed by the Liquot sritish Columbia