1 TUR DAILY WKWB. Page 2 - . - WedMsday Novem. - - r. Wirt I U SUHEUULE The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For tho EaU Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays anil-Sat Third Avenne. trdays at 8:30 a.m. Printing and Publishing Co., H. F. PULLEN, .Managing Editor. From tho East. i Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs lays at 6:45 p. m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Tor Vancouver: tBy Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Sundays 10 p. m. dMTslNTKf s ukoroR 1 TuoMlays ............. .5 D.m. " To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. SOFTENING WATER FOR MAKING Thursdays . 10 p.m. Telephone 98. I DIRECTIONS WITH EACH CAN. I baturdays 7 a.iu. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. I - From Vancouver Sundays 10 p.m. Contract Rates on application. A'odnesdays 10:30 a.m. TO SUBSCRIBERS Jalurdays 10:30 a. m. DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1918. Any Way Vou Turn I Subscribers to The News For Anyox: aro asked to pay the delivery Suudays 10 p.m. Highest Honor boys each month eunesdays 10 n. m. you will find WRIGLEY'S. In the. Empire. when they call, except Saturdays 10 p. m. where payment lias been Everybody thinks of The very highest honor that can be bestowed upon a civilian WRIGLEY'S inado for the year in advance. From Anyox: has been won by LieuL-Col. C. V. Peck of Prince Rupert. It is The biys when Tuetdaja . ...a.m when chewing gum is mentioned. with pride that his fellow citizens speak of his recognition and collecting carry official receipts Thursdays a.m every Prince Rupert man must feel that he shares somewhat in which should always undays p.m This is the result of years of the reflected glory of the man who has performed gallant deeds bo preserved. For Port Simpson and Naaa RIoi effort to give mankind the of daring. . DoInU: The Victoria Cross is awarded sparingly and only for out Sundays io p.tn. benefits and enjoyment of this "'standing deeds. Only a few Canadians in all have received the AVOID PNEUMONIA coveted decoration, officers and privates competing on equal From Port Simpson and Naas low-cost sweetmeat. terms for the one mark which singles them out as men of higl: During Convalescing Period. Hlvep Points: t'uesday daring and bright intellect. When convalescing fim the WRIGLEY'S helps appetite and The News is glad to bp able to add its quota to the congratulations Flu a powerful blood - making Queen Charlotte Islands: which the gallant colonel must be receiving. Like lonio is an absolute necessity, and For Massett, Port Clements and digestion allays thirst-renews General Currie, Col. Peck seems to have been one of the big men one that is accepted by the most upper Island points: of the Canadian army, an army which is full of much splendid delicate stomach should be avail Vednesdays 6. p. m. vigour. material. We hope that the Colonel will return home very soon able. to receive in person the proper recognition from the citizens KENNEDY'S TONIC POUT is the rom Mnssct, Port Clements and HAOe IN CANADA which it is quite certain will be given such splendid work for the most edlcient general tonic and Upper Island points: -Arte Empire. When hecomes there must be no half hearted celebra builder of body tissues you.can rldays, p. m. Sealed ttcht- The evtnr tion. It must be full and complete and will be joined in just as possibly use. Kept richt near J heartily by those who happened to be opposed to him politically It is a reliable restorative and Vor Siidegate, Queen Charlotte Flavour as by those who elected him. Winning a Victoria Cross has is enjoyed when other medicines uitjr and Lower uland poJnle: , nothing to do with politics. It is heroism of the highest kind. disagree. aturdars 8 n. tn IJIG DOCTOIIS PflESCaiDE IT From BkideRate. Ouern Clinrlntlf Make Prince Rupert DIIUQ STORES SELL IT. If Uly and Lower Tsianil points-Tuesdays. Centre for Mining. D. U. Morkill-in an interview yesterday spoke from professional Advertise in the Daily Now. experience when he said that this was a natural mining Fop Skagway and the Yukon. centre. At the same time Prince Rupert people may easily help LASD ACT Form 5o. ft. Fvery len days. this along. They may give every encouragement to mining From Skagway and Yukon. visitors to get in touch with those whom they would like to meet KoUee of Intention to ApdIt to tnu f mi Vt QLEE7I CHA1ILUTTE Hvpry ln days. ISUM1S and in time it is quite possible that a mining exchange might be UI3TKIUT; HECORDI.ta DlSTIUCT LA.T OF established. Sk.EE.TA A.TD SITUATE OS SOUTH 8IIOTIE OF LAUUU.-V 13 LET, MORESBY ISLAM. Advertise In the Dally N'ews The News is always gled to publish items of news dealing ABOUT 0.E MILE FROM ITS MOUTH Avith mining matters and is glad to have the co-operation of TAKE NOTICE Ut I, Julia M. Maclllllan, vi iiuaiunr, o. u. occupation cannery prospectors and miners who have first hand experience. man, intend! to apply for prnJuMoo (o was. tue louom-inr ornla land: Entry Into Strassburg " ComrorDClnr at a poat planted cia the ouui inure oi Lnrooa wit. jsoresDj Is To Be Imposing Ceremony. una. about one mile from It mouth; The entry of Marshal Foch into Strassburg is to be an imposing thence west 10 chains; thence iwrtu to cuams: inrnce rai io cnains more vt let ceremony. It seems necessary that an impression should to low fliur mark at Um la.h: trwiwr, Keep the somberly rollowlnr low water mark up to the be made, especially in a province which has been under the poioi oi commencement, conutnlnr AM assured thrt domination of the Germans for so many years. This is to be the acre more J01IM or MeLARTY ten. MACMILLA.N. I great occasion, apparently and it will be spectacular. - DKtr. oeutT loth, im, n i my people trill it-spond Marshal Foch has not been a spectacular general. There has LAND IIEGISTIIY ACT. Food Supply io every cell been nothing with him but real scientific modern fighting, strategy (Sections 1 and til l to the success of the highest kind and result getting. That is in line with necessary modern business. Now we find him making.a change but doubtless n Application Tfo. HCi l & mi I of our cause ictih it is with the same purpose. He never does anything without TAKE JiOTICE that application bat oeen and Help the same indomitabU inane to rentier .talban Loufi Landn tod a reason. There is no childish in delight display that can turn Dora &ehclnman ai owners In fee under ardour and devotion him aside from his main purpose. two Tai Sale Died from toe CcrUrtor of Ums air of Frl&re Rupert, txartnr date thai have filled me with Asiatic Question tne to day of November. 1917. of A LI. Make Victory pride and gratitude Again to Front. " bliuulaii teat certain irecl or In the Oakanagan there is a movement against allowing tract e.f land and premises altuate. lrlns- since the war began." ana oemr in tne Municipality of I be City Asiatics to own land. The farmers ' are getting nervous. They c rrinre mipert, more particularly known Hu Majkstt Kino Cioioi were some years ago howling to have the Orientals introduced aod described ai Lot eleren (tl). Block Sure to provide coolie labor on which they could make profits. Now "niy.ijfe tz. section seen T), and the coolie labor refuses to remain coolie labor and instead be loi rection luineeo eirnt mi i). Map Block thirty-Ore Yon am re). comes proprietary. t quired to coolest toe claim of the tu The whole gamut of human selfishness is run in the doubl purchaser within It days from the date attitude of the Okanagan farmers. What they really wanted was of be U etlected serrice by cf publication una notice In(wuicn the Dally may soldiers must be fed; the people at a lot of slaves, but they could not so. At OUR say anyrate they wanted News, and your attention la called to sec u ooh,i..,h Has?, vtiucii i3 me next worsi unrig 10 a siave class tlon It of the- "Land bertstry Aer iU must be fed. And in spite of aow mey oDject because the subservient class is not subservient amendments, und to tne followlor estraet ine oriental question is going to be the one difficult one therefrom:'and In default of a rarest nr rnlrr.t. Germany's murderous campaign to louowing tne war, because the. standards of living in the Orien of lis tetideti belnr Died before th, reals-trstlon cut off the Allies' as owner of the person entitled Food by sinking are so far below those here. Efforts will undoiihterilv ! mm! sucb tti sale, all persons so unni under supply, to introduce Hindus' and Japanese and possibly Chinese, and to witb lliroiirh notice or under them,and mun those n clalralnr.r.. every ship on the High Seas an ample and iiiis mere wouia ue iiiue objection if the standard of living to rlalmhic anr intmt in ttia i.n.i h which they were accustomed were as high as the standard of of r. any J unrerlsiered lu" interest Instrumeat.in the and land all unfailing flow of food to England and living nere. w uccu, dow uue is tif.i reltered The tinder the provisions of this Aci. shall be France must be maintained. people of India have been flehti for ever estopped and debarred rrr.m i.i.i l.Aavn Empire side All!..-.by side. 1 with 4 1 our men in the. trenches: the Japanese land linr op so any said claim for Hies,to or and In respect the lierlstrir of the uuc uccji uies ana meir snips nave been a protection to this shall reruirr the person entitled under nnncf nl 1 1 m n tl. .. nHA4A.i t .. . . such tax sale as owner of ih i.i-i This is National Service-Not u mi.e wncii juuieuiiLMi was neeaeu. Willi mis in view rM Wt.m tmm.m S) me uncniai question becomes a most seriously difficult one and AD WHEREAS application has been to the Farmer ii win neeu wise Handling to prevent serious friction, injustice maae for Certificate of Indefeasible Title only v me above-mentioned lands. In tha n.m w an appearance 01 ingratitude. But to YOU to of natban LouU Undo and Doi-t Scieln-tiitn. everybody AD WHEREAS on lnvcstlaatlna- the tin This appeal is directed t appears that prior to the lfth n r October, If l (the date on which th ..m lands were sold for overdue uies), jou WE must unite aa a Nation to SERVE a garden email or large. Utiliw Warm were the reylstered owner thereof. PLANT Woollen Garments r LftTIILn TAKE NOTICE that It the to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men. back yard. Cultivate th same tune I shall effect rerlstrillon In women and children; theyoune. Uio middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food pursuance of Certificate of sucb Indefeasible applleaUon tmi and tn u....th. aged and the old all can help in the for Infants and Id lands In thn names of N.rh.n Nation's Army of Production. Babies. Undo and Don Schelnman of towns can find no better nd Troseculo tbe WOMEN wtabllsb your claim,proper if proceedlnrs to T?VERY pound of FOOD raised, helns Important outlet for their any, to I be said mu. ur to prevent sneh proDosed aetinr. ' reduce the cost of llvinf and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable on my pan. the Food for Overseas. garden. DATED at the Und Supply We have a splendid and complete variety to choose nerlsiry Offle. rlncfl nnperl. I). C tbts ttn h.- J from. Infant's Jackets. Sweaters and Overalls, Gaiters, Aurust, f. - Be in act as Bootees. Mitts, Woollen Shawls, Cashmere Hose, etc: II. f. MACLEOD. For information on any subject relating patriotic District Rerlltrir nr Tin.. We also To Robert HlMebrandt, Prince to the Farm and Garden, write: well in thought. - have the famous Turnbull's Silk and Woollen Ruirl, B. C. as Vests and Bands from size 1 to 7, and Flannelettes for Francis",u"" Calve,Brne,prince uuiie,Rtinert Montsna nr INFORMATION DUJtlAU cribs and babies. We Department of Agriculture invite you to come and see. Use every means available OTTAWA DENTISTRY Overlook nothing. JABOUR BROS., LTD. office hours: m. to 1111,30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dominion Department of Agriculture The House of Good Values DR. J. 8. DROWN 825 Third Avenue West - Prince Rupert, B. C. Omta, Snmh DENTIST Block, Thlrtf ,.nu,. TTAWA, CANADA, HON. MARTIN 9VKRSLL, Minister.